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name: 🐛 报BUG Bug Report
description: 报告一个可复现的BUG帮助我们修复框架。 Report a bug to help us reproduce and fix it.
labels: [type/bug-report, status/new-issue]

- type: markdown
    value: >
      #### 在向Paddle报bug之前,请先查询[历史issue](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues)是否报过同样的bug。
      #### Before submitting a bug, please make sure the issue hasn't been already addressed by searching through [the existing and past issues](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues).

- type: textarea
  id: code
    label: bug描述 Describe the Bug 
    description:  | 
      # 导入所有必要的库。 All necessary imports at the beginning.
      # paddlepaddle <= 2.1.2
      import paddle

      # 一个简洁的片段,能够定位到bug。 A succinct reproducing example trimmed down to the essential parts.
      a = paddle.rand(shape=[1,4])
      b = paddle.rand(shape=[1,4])
      a.stop_gradient = False
      b.stop_gradient = False
      c = paddle.zeros((4, 4))
      c[0, :] = a/b
      print('Is c requires grad: ', not c.stop_gradient) # 注意:这里出现了bug,期望requires_grad=True
      如果代码太长,请将可执行代码放到[AIStudio](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/index)中并将项目设置为公开(或者放到github gist上),请在项目中描述清楚bug复现步骤,在issue中描述期望结果与实际结果。
      如果你报告的是一个报错信息,请将完整回溯的报错贴在这里,并使用 ` ```三引号块``` `展示错误信息。
    placeholder: |
      请清晰简洁的描述这个bug。A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

      # 最小可复现代码。 Sample code to reproduce the problem.

      带有完整回溯的报错信息。 The error message you got, with the full traceback.
    required: true 
- type: textarea
  id: others
    label: 其他补充信息 Additional Supplementary Information
    description: |
      If you have anything else to add, please write it here.
    required: false
- type: markdown
    value: >
      感谢你的贡献 🎉!Thanks for your contribution 🎉!