/*************************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Peng Cheng Laboratory * * XiangShan is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. ***************************************************************************************/ package xiangshan import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.{Field, Parameters} import chisel3._ import chisel3.util._ import huancun._ import system.SoCParamsKey import xiangshan.backend.datapath.RdConfig._ import xiangshan.backend.datapath.WbConfig._ import xiangshan.backend.dispatch.DispatchParameters import xiangshan.backend.exu.ExeUnitParams import xiangshan.backend.fu.FuConfig._ import xiangshan.backend.issue.{IntScheduler, IssueBlockParams, MemScheduler, SchdBlockParams, SchedulerType, VfScheduler} import xiangshan.backend.regfile.{IntPregParams, PregParams, VfPregParams} import xiangshan.backend.BackendParams import xiangshan.cache.DCacheParameters import xiangshan.cache.mmu.{L2TLBParameters, TLBParameters} import xiangshan.frontend._ import xiangshan.frontend.icache.ICacheParameters import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet import system.SoCParamsKey import huancun._ import huancun.debug._ import xiangshan.mem.prefetch.{PrefetcherParams, SMSParams} import scala.math.min case object XSTileKey extends Field[Seq[XSCoreParameters]] case object XSCoreParamsKey extends Field[XSCoreParameters] case class XSCoreParameters ( HasPrefetch: Boolean = false, HartId: Int = 0, XLEN: Int = 64, VLEN: Int = 128, HasMExtension: Boolean = true, HasCExtension: Boolean = true, HasDiv: Boolean = true, HasICache: Boolean = true, HasDCache: Boolean = true, AddrBits: Int = 64, VAddrBits: Int = 39, HasFPU: Boolean = true, HasVPU: Boolean = true, HasCustomCSRCacheOp: Boolean = true, FetchWidth: Int = 8, AsidLength: Int = 16, EnableBPU: Boolean = true, EnableBPD: Boolean = true, EnableRAS: Boolean = true, EnableLB: Boolean = false, EnableLoop: Boolean = true, EnableSC: Boolean = true, EnbaleTlbDebug: Boolean = false, EnableJal: Boolean = false, EnableFauFTB: Boolean = true, UbtbGHRLength: Int = 4, // HistoryLength: Int = 512, EnableGHistDiff: Boolean = true, UbtbSize: Int = 256, FtbSize: Int = 2048, RasSize: Int = 32, CacheLineSize: Int = 512, FtbWays: Int = 4, TageTableInfos: Seq[Tuple3[Int,Int,Int]] = // Sets Hist Tag // Seq(( 2048, 2, 8), // ( 2048, 9, 8), // ( 2048, 13, 8), // ( 2048, 20, 8), // ( 2048, 26, 8), // ( 2048, 44, 8), // ( 2048, 73, 8), // ( 2048, 256, 8)), Seq(( 4096, 8, 8), ( 4096, 13, 8), ( 4096, 32, 8), ( 4096, 119, 8)), ITTageTableInfos: Seq[Tuple3[Int,Int,Int]] = // Sets Hist Tag Seq(( 256, 4, 9), ( 256, 8, 9), ( 512, 13, 9), ( 512, 16, 9), ( 512, 32, 9)), SCNRows: Int = 512, SCNTables: Int = 4, SCCtrBits: Int = 6, SCHistLens: Seq[Int] = Seq(0, 4, 10, 16), numBr: Int = 2, branchPredictor: Function2[BranchPredictionResp, Parameters, Tuple2[Seq[BasePredictor], BranchPredictionResp]] = ((resp_in: BranchPredictionResp, p: Parameters) => { val ftb = Module(new FTB()(p)) val ubtb =Module(new FauFTB()(p)) // val bim = Module(new BIM()(p)) val tage = Module(new Tage_SC()(p)) val ras = Module(new RAS()(p)) val ittage = Module(new ITTage()(p)) val preds = Seq(ubtb, tage, ftb, ittage, ras) preds.map(_.io := DontCare) // ubtb.io.resp_in(0) := resp_in // bim.io.resp_in(0) := ubtb.io.resp // btb.io.resp_in(0) := bim.io.resp // tage.io.resp_in(0) := btb.io.resp // loop.io.resp_in(0) := tage.io.resp ubtb.io.in.bits.resp_in(0) := resp_in tage.io.in.bits.resp_in(0) := ubtb.io.out ftb.io.in.bits.resp_in(0) := tage.io.out ittage.io.in.bits.resp_in(0) := ftb.io.out ras.io.in.bits.resp_in(0) := ittage.io.out (preds, ras.io.out) }), IBufSize: Int = 48, DecodeWidth: Int = 6, RenameWidth: Int = 6, CommitWidth: Int = 6, MaxUopSize: Int = 37, FtqSize: Int = 64, EnableLoadFastWakeUp: Boolean = true, // NOTE: not supported now, make it false IntLogicRegs: Int = 33, FpLogicRegs: Int = 33, VecLogicRegs: Int = 40, NRPhyRegs: Int = 192, IntPhyRegs: Int = 192, VfPhyRegs: Int = 192, LoadQueueSize: Int = 80, LoadQueueNWriteBanks: Int = 8, StoreQueueSize: Int = 64, StoreQueueNWriteBanks: Int = 8, VlsQueueSize: Int = 8, RobSize: Int = 256, dpParams: DispatchParameters = DispatchParameters( IntDqSize = 16, FpDqSize = 16, LsDqSize = 16, IntDqDeqWidth = 6, FpDqDeqWidth = 6, LsDqDeqWidth = 6, ), intPreg: PregParams = IntPregParams( numEntries = 64, numRead = 14, numWrite = 8, ), vfPreg: VfPregParams = VfPregParams( numEntries = 64, numRead = 14, numWrite = 8, ), prefetcher: Option[PrefetcherParams] = Some(SMSParams()), LoadPipelineWidth: Int = 2, StorePipelineWidth: Int = 2, VecMemSrcInWidth: Int = 2, VecMemInstWbWidth: Int = 1, VecMemDispatchWidth: Int = 1, StoreBufferSize: Int = 16, StoreBufferThreshold: Int = 7, EnsbufferWidth: Int = 2, UncacheBufferSize: Int = 4, EnableLoadToLoadForward: Boolean = true, EnableFastForward: Boolean = false, EnableLdVioCheckAfterReset: Boolean = true, EnableSoftPrefetchAfterReset: Boolean = true, EnableCacheErrorAfterReset: Boolean = true, EnableDCacheWPU: Boolean = false, EnableAccurateLoadError: Boolean = true, EnableUncacheWriteOutstanding: Boolean = false, MMUAsidLen: Int = 16, // max is 16, 0 is not supported now ReSelectLen: Int = 7, // load replay queue replay select counter len itlbParameters: TLBParameters = TLBParameters( name = "itlb", fetchi = true, useDmode = false, normalNWays = 32, normalReplacer = Some("plru"), superNWays = 4, superReplacer = Some("plru") ), ldtlbParameters: TLBParameters = TLBParameters( name = "ldtlb", normalNSets = 64, normalNWays = 1, normalAssociative = "sa", normalReplacer = Some("setplru"), superNWays = 16, normalAsVictim = true, outReplace = false, partialStaticPMP = true, outsideRecvFlush = true, saveLevel = true ), sttlbParameters: TLBParameters = TLBParameters( name = "sttlb", normalNSets = 64, normalNWays = 1, normalAssociative = "sa", normalReplacer = Some("setplru"), superNWays = 16, normalAsVictim = true, outReplace = false, partialStaticPMP = true, outsideRecvFlush = true, saveLevel = true ), pftlbParameters: TLBParameters = TLBParameters( name = "pftlb", normalNSets = 64, normalNWays = 1, normalAssociative = "sa", normalReplacer = Some("setplru"), superNWays = 16, normalAsVictim = true, outReplace = false, partialStaticPMP = true, outsideRecvFlush = true, saveLevel = true ), refillBothTlb: Boolean = false, btlbParameters: TLBParameters = TLBParameters( name = "btlb", normalNSets = 1, normalNWays = 64, superNWays = 4, ), l2tlbParameters: L2TLBParameters = L2TLBParameters(), NumPerfCounters: Int = 16, icacheParameters: ICacheParameters = ICacheParameters( tagECC = Some("parity"), dataECC = Some("parity"), replacer = Some("setplru"), nMissEntries = 2, nProbeEntries = 2, nPrefetchEntries = 2, hasPrefetch = true, ), dcacheParametersOpt: Option[DCacheParameters] = Some(DCacheParameters( tagECC = Some("secded"), dataECC = Some("secded"), replacer = Some("setplru"), nMissEntries = 16, nProbeEntries = 8, nReleaseEntries = 18 )), L2CacheParamsOpt: Option[HCCacheParameters] = Some(HCCacheParameters( name = "l2", level = 2, ways = 8, sets = 1024, // default 512KB L2 prefetch = Some(huancun.prefetch.PrefetchReceiverParams()) )), L2NBanks: Int = 1, usePTWRepeater: Boolean = false, softTLB: Boolean = false, // dpi-c l1tlb debug only softPTW: Boolean = false, // dpi-c l2tlb debug only softPTWDelay: Int = 1 ){ val allHistLens = SCHistLens ++ ITTageTableInfos.map(_._2) ++ TageTableInfos.map(_._2) :+ UbtbGHRLength val HistoryLength = allHistLens.max + numBr * FtqSize + 9 // 256 for the predictor configs now def intSchdParams = { implicit val schdType: SchedulerType = IntScheduler() val pregBits = intPreg.addrWidth val numRfRead = intPreg.numRead val numRfWrite = intPreg.numWrite SchdBlockParams(Seq( IssueBlockParams(Seq( ExeUnitParams(Seq(AluCfg, MulCfg, BkuCfg), Seq(IntWB(port = 0, 0)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(0, 2)), Seq(IntRD(1, 2)))), ExeUnitParams(Seq(AluCfg, MulCfg, BkuCfg), Seq(IntWB(port = 1, 0)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(0, 1)), Seq(IntRD(1, 1)))), ), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = numRfWrite, numEnq = 2), IssueBlockParams(Seq( ExeUnitParams(Seq(DivCfg), Seq(IntWB(port = 2, 0)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(4, 0)), Seq(IntRD(5, 0)))), ExeUnitParams(Seq(DivCfg), Seq(IntWB(port = 3, 0)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(6, 0)), Seq(IntRD(7, 0)))), ), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = numRfWrite, numEnq = 2), IssueBlockParams(Seq( ExeUnitParams(Seq(BrhCfg, JmpCfg, CsrCfg, FenceCfg), Seq(IntWB(port = 4, 0)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(2, 1)), Seq(IntRD(3, 1)))), ExeUnitParams(Seq(BrhCfg), Seq(), Seq(Seq(IntRD(6, 1)), Seq(IntRD(4, 1)))), ), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = numRfWrite, numEnq = 2), IssueBlockParams(Seq( ExeUnitParams(Seq(I2fCfg, VSetIVLCfg, VSetIVConfigCfg), Seq(VecWB(port = 6, Int.MaxValue), IntWB(port = 7, 0)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(6, 0)), Seq(IntRD(7, 0)))), ), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = numRfWrite, numEnq = 2) ), numPregs = intPreg.numEntries, numRfReadWrite = Some((numRfRead, numRfWrite)), numDeqOutside = 0, schdType = schdType, rfDataWidth = intPreg.dataCfg.dataWidth, numUopIn = dpParams.IntDqDeqWidth, ) } def vfSchdParams = { implicit val schdType: SchedulerType = VfScheduler() val pregBits = vfPreg.addrWidth val numRfRead = vfPreg.numRead val numRfWrite = vfPreg.numWrite SchdBlockParams(Seq( IssueBlockParams(Seq( ExeUnitParams(Seq(FmacCfg), Seq(VecWB(port = 0, 0)), Seq(Seq(VfRD(0, 0)), Seq(VfRD(1, 0)), Seq(VfRD(2, 0)))), ExeUnitParams(Seq(FmacCfg), Seq(VecWB(port = 1, 0)), Seq(Seq(VfRD(3, 0)), Seq(VfRD(4, 0)), Seq(VfRD(5, 0)))), ), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = numRfWrite, numEnq = 4), IssueBlockParams(Seq( ExeUnitParams(Seq(F2fCfg, F2iCfg, FDivSqrtCfg, VSetFVConfigCfg), Seq(VecWB(port = 2, 0), IntWB(port = 7, 0)), Seq(Seq(VfRD(6, 0)), Seq(VfRD(7, 0)))), ), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = numRfWrite, numEnq = 4), ), numPregs = vfPreg.numEntries, numRfReadWrite = Some((numRfRead, numRfWrite)), numDeqOutside = 0, schdType = schdType, rfDataWidth = vfPreg.dataCfg.dataWidth, numUopIn = dpParams.FpDqDeqWidth, ) } def memSchdParams = { implicit val schdType: SchedulerType = MemScheduler() val pregBits = vfPreg.addrWidth max intPreg.addrWidth val rfDataWidth = 64 SchdBlockParams(Seq( IssueBlockParams(Seq( ExeUnitParams(Seq(LduCfg), Seq(IntWB(5, 0), VecWB(4, 0)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(8, 0)))), ExeUnitParams(Seq(LduCfg), Seq(IntWB(6, 0), VecWB(5, 0)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(9, 0)))), ), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = 16, numEnq = 2), IssueBlockParams(Seq( ExeUnitParams(Seq(StaCfg, MouCfg), Seq(IntWB(5, 1)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(10, 0)))), ExeUnitParams(Seq(StaCfg, MouCfg), Seq(IntWB(6, 1)), Seq(Seq(IntRD(11, 0)))), ), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = 16, numEnq = 2), IssueBlockParams(Seq( ExeUnitParams(Seq(StdCfg, MoudCfg), Seq(), Seq(Seq(IntRD(12, 0), VfRD(12, 0)))), ExeUnitParams(Seq(StdCfg, MoudCfg), Seq(), Seq(Seq(IntRD(13, 0), VfRD(13, 0)))), ), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = 16, numEnq = 2), ), numPregs = intPreg.numEntries max vfPreg.numEntries, numRfReadWrite = None, numDeqOutside = 0, schdType = schdType, rfDataWidth = rfDataWidth, numUopIn = dpParams.LsDqDeqWidth, ) } def backendParams: BackendParams = backend.BackendParams(Map( IntScheduler() -> intSchdParams, VfScheduler() -> vfSchdParams, MemScheduler() -> memSchdParams, ), Seq( intPreg, vfPreg, )) } case object DebugOptionsKey extends Field[DebugOptions] case class DebugOptions ( FPGAPlatform: Boolean = false, EnableDifftest: Boolean = false, AlwaysBasicDiff: Boolean = true, EnableDebug: Boolean = false, EnablePerfDebug: Boolean = true, UseDRAMSim: Boolean = false, EnableTopDown: Boolean = false ) trait HasXSParameter { implicit val p: Parameters val PAddrBits = p(SoCParamsKey).PAddrBits // PAddrBits is Phyical Memory addr bits val coreParams = p(XSCoreParamsKey) val env = p(DebugOptionsKey) val XLEN = coreParams.XLEN val VLEN = coreParams.VLEN val minFLen = 32 val fLen = 64 def xLen = XLEN val HasMExtension = coreParams.HasMExtension val HasCExtension = coreParams.HasCExtension val HasDiv = coreParams.HasDiv val HasIcache = coreParams.HasICache val HasDcache = coreParams.HasDCache val AddrBits = coreParams.AddrBits // AddrBits is used in some cases val VAddrBits = coreParams.VAddrBits // VAddrBits is Virtual Memory addr bits val AsidLength = coreParams.AsidLength val ReSelectLen = coreParams.ReSelectLen val AddrBytes = AddrBits / 8 // unused val DataBits = XLEN val DataBytes = DataBits / 8 val HasFPU = coreParams.HasFPU val HasVPU = coreParams.HasVPU val HasCustomCSRCacheOp = coreParams.HasCustomCSRCacheOp val FetchWidth = coreParams.FetchWidth val PredictWidth = FetchWidth * (if (HasCExtension) 2 else 1) val EnableBPU = coreParams.EnableBPU val EnableBPD = coreParams.EnableBPD // enable backing predictor(like Tage) in BPUStage3 val EnableRAS = coreParams.EnableRAS val EnableLB = coreParams.EnableLB val EnableLoop = coreParams.EnableLoop val EnableSC = coreParams.EnableSC val EnbaleTlbDebug = coreParams.EnbaleTlbDebug val HistoryLength = coreParams.HistoryLength val EnableGHistDiff = coreParams.EnableGHistDiff val UbtbGHRLength = coreParams.UbtbGHRLength val UbtbSize = coreParams.UbtbSize val EnableFauFTB = coreParams.EnableFauFTB val FtbSize = coreParams.FtbSize val FtbWays = coreParams.FtbWays val RasSize = coreParams.RasSize def getBPDComponents(resp_in: BranchPredictionResp, p: Parameters) = { coreParams.branchPredictor(resp_in, p) } val numBr = coreParams.numBr val TageTableInfos = coreParams.TageTableInfos val TageBanks = coreParams.numBr val SCNRows = coreParams.SCNRows val SCCtrBits = coreParams.SCCtrBits val SCHistLens = coreParams.SCHistLens val SCNTables = coreParams.SCNTables val SCTableInfos = Seq.fill(SCNTables)((SCNRows, SCCtrBits)) zip SCHistLens map { case ((n, cb), h) => (n, cb, h) } val ITTageTableInfos = coreParams.ITTageTableInfos type FoldedHistoryInfo = Tuple2[Int, Int] val foldedGHistInfos = (TageTableInfos.map{ case (nRows, h, t) => if (h > 0) Set((h, min(log2Ceil(nRows/numBr), h)), (h, min(h, t)), (h, min(h, t-1))) else Set[FoldedHistoryInfo]() }.reduce(_++_).toSet ++ SCTableInfos.map{ case (nRows, _, h) => if (h > 0) Set((h, min(log2Ceil(nRows/TageBanks), h))) else Set[FoldedHistoryInfo]() }.reduce(_++_).toSet ++ ITTageTableInfos.map{ case (nRows, h, t) => if (h > 0) Set((h, min(log2Ceil(nRows), h)), (h, min(h, t)), (h, min(h, t-1))) else Set[FoldedHistoryInfo]() }.reduce(_++_) ++ Set[FoldedHistoryInfo]((UbtbGHRLength, log2Ceil(UbtbSize))) ).toList val CacheLineSize = coreParams.CacheLineSize val CacheLineHalfWord = CacheLineSize / 16 val ExtHistoryLength = HistoryLength + 64 val IBufSize = coreParams.IBufSize val DecodeWidth = coreParams.DecodeWidth val RenameWidth = coreParams.RenameWidth val CommitWidth = coreParams.CommitWidth val MaxUopSize = coreParams.MaxUopSize val FtqSize = coreParams.FtqSize val EnableLoadFastWakeUp = coreParams.EnableLoadFastWakeUp val IntLogicRegs = coreParams.IntLogicRegs val FpLogicRegs = coreParams.FpLogicRegs val VecLogicRegs = coreParams.VecLogicRegs val NRPhyRegs = coreParams.NRPhyRegs val PhyRegIdxWidth = log2Up(NRPhyRegs) val IntPhyRegs = coreParams.IntPhyRegs val VfPhyRegs = coreParams.VfPhyRegs val IntPregIdxWidth = log2Up(IntPhyRegs) val VfPregIdxWidth = log2Up(VfPhyRegs) val RobSize = coreParams.RobSize val IntRefCounterWidth = log2Ceil(RobSize) val LoadQueueSize = coreParams.LoadQueueSize val LoadQueueNWriteBanks = coreParams.LoadQueueNWriteBanks val StoreQueueSize = coreParams.StoreQueueSize val StoreQueueNWriteBanks = coreParams.StoreQueueNWriteBanks val VlsQueueSize = coreParams.VlsQueueSize val dpParams = coreParams.dpParams def backendParams: BackendParams = coreParams.backendParams def MemIQSizeMax = backendParams.memSchdParams.get.issueBlockParams.map(_.numEntries).max def IQSizeMax = backendParams.allSchdParams.map(_.issueBlockParams.map(_.numEntries).max).max val LoadPipelineWidth = coreParams.LoadPipelineWidth val StorePipelineWidth = coreParams.StorePipelineWidth val VecMemSrcInWidth = coreParams.VecMemSrcInWidth val VecMemInstWbWidth = coreParams.VecMemInstWbWidth val VecMemDispatchWidth = coreParams.VecMemDispatchWidth val StoreBufferSize = coreParams.StoreBufferSize val StoreBufferThreshold = coreParams.StoreBufferThreshold val EnsbufferWidth = coreParams.EnsbufferWidth val UncacheBufferSize = coreParams.UncacheBufferSize val EnableLoadToLoadForward = coreParams.EnableLoadToLoadForward val EnableFastForward = coreParams.EnableFastForward val EnableLdVioCheckAfterReset = coreParams.EnableLdVioCheckAfterReset val EnableSoftPrefetchAfterReset = coreParams.EnableSoftPrefetchAfterReset val EnableCacheErrorAfterReset = coreParams.EnableCacheErrorAfterReset val EnableDCacheWPU = coreParams.EnableDCacheWPU val EnableAccurateLoadError = coreParams.EnableAccurateLoadError val EnableUncacheWriteOutstanding = coreParams.EnableUncacheWriteOutstanding val asidLen = coreParams.MMUAsidLen val BTLBWidth = coreParams.LoadPipelineWidth + coreParams.StorePipelineWidth val refillBothTlb = coreParams.refillBothTlb val itlbParams = coreParams.itlbParameters val ldtlbParams = coreParams.ldtlbParameters val sttlbParams = coreParams.sttlbParameters val pftlbParams = coreParams.pftlbParameters val btlbParams = coreParams.btlbParameters val l2tlbParams = coreParams.l2tlbParameters val NumPerfCounters = coreParams.NumPerfCounters val instBytes = if (HasCExtension) 2 else 4 val instOffsetBits = log2Ceil(instBytes) val icacheParameters = coreParams.icacheParameters val dcacheParameters = coreParams.dcacheParametersOpt.getOrElse(DCacheParameters()) // dcache block cacheline when lr for LRSCCycles - LRSCBackOff cycles // for constrained LR/SC loop val LRSCCycles = 64 // for lr storm val LRSCBackOff = 8 // cache hierarchy configurations val l1BusDataWidth = 256 // load violation predict val ResetTimeMax2Pow = 20 //1078576 val ResetTimeMin2Pow = 10 //1024 // wait table parameters val WaitTableSize = 1024 val MemPredPCWidth = log2Up(WaitTableSize) val LWTUse2BitCounter = true // store set parameters val SSITSize = WaitTableSize val LFSTSize = 32 val SSIDWidth = log2Up(LFSTSize) val LFSTWidth = 4 val StoreSetEnable = true // LWT will be disabled if SS is enabled val PCntIncrStep: Int = 6 val numPCntHc: Int = 25 val numPCntPtw: Int = 19 val numCSRPCntFrontend = 8 val numCSRPCntCtrl = 8 val numCSRPCntLsu = 8 val numCSRPCntHc = 5 }