package xiangshan.mem import chisel3._ import chisel3.util._ import xiangshan._ import utils._ import xiangshan.cache._ trait HasSbufferCst extends HasXSParameter { def s_invalid = 0.U(2.W) def s_valid = 1.U(2.W) def s_prepare = 2.U(2.W) def s_inflight = 3.U(2.W) val evictCycle = 1 << 20 require(isPow2(evictCycle)) val countBits = log2Up(evictCycle+1) val SbufferIndexWidth: Int = log2Up(StoreBufferSize) // paddr = tag + offset val CacheLineBytes: Int = CacheLineSize / 8 val CacheLineWords: Int = CacheLineBytes / DataBytes val OffsetWidth: Int = log2Up(CacheLineBytes) val WordsWidth: Int = log2Up(CacheLineWords) val TagWidth: Int = PAddrBits - OffsetWidth } class SbufferBundle extends XSBundle with HasSbufferCst class SbufferLine extends SbufferBundle { val tag = UInt(TagWidth.W) val data = UInt(CacheLineSize.W) val mask = UInt(CacheLineBytes.W) override def toPrintable: Printable = { p"tag:${Hexadecimal(tag)} data:${Hexadecimal(data)} mask:${Binary(mask)}\n" } } class ChooseReplace(nWay: Int) extends XSModule { val io = IO(new Bundle{ val mask = Vec(nWay, Input(Bool())) val way = Output(UInt(nWay.W)) val flush = Input(Bool()) }) val wayReg = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(nWay).W)) val wayMask = ~((UIntToOH(wayReg)<<1.U)(nWay-1,0) - 1.U) val stateMask = Cat(io.mask.reverse) val loMask = (wayMask & stateMask)(nWay-1,0) val nextWay = PriorityEncoder(Cat(stateMask, loMask))(log2Up(nWay)-1, 0) XSDebug(p"nextWay[${nextWay}]\n") wayReg := nextWay io.way := wayReg when(io.flush){ wayReg := 0.U } } class SbufferLru(nWay: Int) extends XSModule { val io = IO(new Bundle{ val in = Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Input(UInt(nWay.W))) val mask = Vec(StoreBufferSize, Input(Bool())) val way = Output(UInt(nWay.W)) val flush = Input(Bool()) }) val lruRect = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(StoreBufferSize)(0.U(nWay.W)))) val count = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(StoreBufferSize)(0.U(log2Up(nWay+1).W)))) val idx = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.tabulate(StoreBufferSize)(i => i.U))) //update val updataMask = ParallelOR( val updateValue = (~updataMask).asUInt() for(i <- 0 until nWay){ val lruUpdate = Mux(updataMask(i), updateValue, lruRect(i) & updateValue) lruRect(i) := lruUpdate count(i) := PopCount(lruUpdate) } // get evictionIdx val maskCount = Wire(Vec(StoreBufferSize, UInt((log2Up(1 + nWay) + log2Up(nWay)).W))) // (popcount, Idx) val countZipIdx = until nWay).map(_.U)) for(i <- 0 until nWay){ val value = Mux(io.mask(i), count(i), nWay.U) maskCount(i) := Cat(value, idx(i)) } io.way := ParallelMin(maskCount)(log2Up(nWay)-1,0) // flush when(io.flush){ for(i <- 0 until nWay){ lruRect(i) := 0.U count(i) := nWay.U } XSDebug("drain sbuffer finish, flush lru\n") } } class NewSbuffer extends XSModule with HasSbufferCst { val io = IO(new Bundle() { val in = Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Flipped(Decoupled(new DCacheWordReq))) //Todo: store logic only support Width == 2 now val dcache = new DCacheLineIO val forward = Vec(LoadPipelineWidth, Flipped(new LoadForwardQueryIO)) val sqempty = Input(Bool()) val flush = new Bundle { val valid = Input(Bool()) val empty = Output(Bool()) } // sbuffer flush }) val buffer = Mem(StoreBufferSize, new SbufferLine) val stateVec = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(StoreBufferSize)(s_invalid))) val cohCount = Reg(Vec(StoreBufferSize, UInt(countBits.W))) /* idle --[flush]--> drian_sbuffer --[buf empty]--> idle --[buf full]--> replace --[dcache resp]--> idle */ val x_idle :: x_drain_sbuffer :: x_replace :: Nil = Enum(3) val sbuffer_state = RegInit(x_idle) // ---------------------- Store Enq Sbuffer --------------------- def getTag(pa: UInt): UInt = pa(PAddrBits - 1, PAddrBits - TagWidth) def getWord(pa: UInt): UInt = pa(PAddrBits-1, 3) def getWordOffset(pa: UInt): UInt = pa(OffsetWidth-1, 3) def getAddr(tag: UInt): UInt = Cat(tag, 0.U((PAddrBits - TagWidth).W)) def getByteOffset(offect: UInt): UInt = Cat(offect(OffsetWidth - 1, 3), 0.U(3.W)) def isOneOf(key: UInt, seq: Seq[UInt]): Bool = if(seq.isEmpty) false.B else Cat( def widthMap[T <: Data](f: Int => T) = (0 until StoreBufferSize) map f // sbuffer entry count val invalidCount = RegInit(StoreBufferSize.U((log2Up(StoreBufferSize) + 1).W)) val validCount = RegInit(0.U((log2Up(StoreBufferSize) + 1).W)) val full = invalidCount === 0.U val bufferRead = VecInit((0 until StoreBufferSize).map(i => buffer(i))) val stateRead = VecInit((0 until StoreBufferSize).map(i => stateVec(i))) val dataRead = VecInit((0 until StoreBufferSize).map(i => bufferRead(i).data.asTypeOf(Vec(CacheLineWords, Vec(DataBytes, UInt(8.W)))))) val maskRead = VecInit((0 until StoreBufferSize).map(i => bufferRead(i).mask.asTypeOf(Vec(CacheLineWords, Vec(DataBytes, Bool()))))) val tagRead = VecInit((0 until StoreBufferSize).map(i => bufferRead(i).tag)) val dataUpdate = WireInit(dataRead) val maskUpdate = WireInit(maskRead) val tagUpdate = WireInit(tagRead) val stateUpdate = WireInit(stateRead) val bufferUpdate = Wire(Vec(StoreBufferSize, new SbufferLine)) (0 until StoreBufferSize) foreach { i => bufferUpdate(i).tag := tagUpdate(i) bufferUpdate(i).data := dataUpdate(i).asUInt() bufferUpdate(i).mask := maskUpdate(i).asUInt() } val lru = Module(new ChooseReplace(StoreBufferSize)) val evictionIdx = := === s_valid) val tags = => getTag(in.bits.addr)) val sameTag = tags(0) === tags(1) val firstWord = getWord( val secondWord = getWord( val sameWord = firstWord === secondWord // merge condition val mergeMask = Wire(Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Vec(StoreBufferSize, Bool()))) val mergeIdx = val canMerge = for(i <- 0 until StorePipelineWidth){ mergeMask(i) := widthMap(j => Mux(tags(i) === tagRead(j) && stateRead(j) === s_valid, true.B, false.B)) } // insert confition // firstInsert: the first invalid entry // if first entry canMerge or second entry has the same tag with the first entry , secondInsert equal the first invalid entry, otherwise, the second invalid entry val invalidMask = => s === s_invalid) val firstInsertMask = PriorityEncoderOH(invalidMask) val secondInsertMask = Wire(Vec(StoreBufferSize, Bool())) for (i <- 0 until StoreBufferSize){ secondInsertMask(i) := Mux(canMerge(0) || sameTag, firstInsertMask(i), invalidMask(i) - firstInsertMask(i)) } val (firstInsertIdx, firstCanInsert) = PriorityEncoderWithFlag(invalidMask) val (secondInsertIdx, secondCanInsert) = PriorityEncoderWithFlag(secondInsertMask) := firstCanInsert || canMerge(0) := (secondCanInsert || canMerge(1)) && !sameWord && def wordReqToBufLine(req: DCacheWordReq, tag: UInt, insertIdx: UInt, wordOffset: UInt, flushMask: Bool): Unit = { stateUpdate(insertIdx) := s_valid tagUpdate(insertIdx) := tag cohCount(insertIdx) := 0.U when(flushMask){ for(j <- 0 until CacheLineWords){ for(i <- 0 until DataBytes){ maskUpdate(insertIdx)(j)(i) := false.B } } } for(i <- 0 until DataBytes){ when(req.mask(i)){ maskUpdate(insertIdx)(wordOffset)(i) := true.B dataUpdate(insertIdx)(wordOffset)(i) :=*8+7, i*8) } } } def mergeWordReq(req: DCacheWordReq, mergeIdx:UInt, wordOffset:UInt): Unit = { cohCount(mergeIdx) := 0.U for(i <- 0 until DataBytes){ when(req.mask(i)){ maskUpdate(mergeIdx)(wordOffset)(i) := true.B dataUpdate(mergeIdx)(wordOffset)(i) :=*8+7, i*8) } } } // first store when({ when(canMerge(0)){ mergeWordReq(, mergeIdx(0), firstWord) XSDebug(p"merge req 0 to line [${mergeIdx(0)}]\n") }.elsewhen(firstCanInsert){ wordReqToBufLine(, tags(0), firstInsertIdx, firstWord, true.B) XSDebug(p"insert req 0 to line[$firstInsertIdx]\n") } } // second store when({ when(canMerge(1)){ mergeWordReq(, mergeIdx(1), secondWord) XSDebug(p"merge req 1 to line [${mergeIdx(1)}]\n") }.elsewhen(secondCanInsert){ wordReqToBufLine(, tags(1), secondInsertIdx, secondWord, !sameTag) XSDebug(p"insert req 1 to line[$secondInsertIdx]\n") } } for(i <- 0 until StoreBufferSize){ buffer.write(i.U, bufferUpdate(i)) stateVec(i) := stateUpdate(i) } for(i <- 0 until StoreBufferSize){ XSDebug(stateVec(i)=/=s_invalid, p"[$i] timeout:${cohCount(i)(countBits-1)} state:${stateVec(i)} buf:${bufferRead(i)}\n" ) } for((req, i) <-{ XSDebug(, p"accept req [$i]: " + p"addr:${Hexadecimal(req.bits.addr)} " + p"mask:${Binary(req.bits.mask)} " + p"data:${Hexadecimal(}\n" ) XSDebug(req.valid && !req.ready, p"req [$i] blocked by sbuffer\n" ) } // ---------------------- Send Dcache Req --------------------- val do_eviction = Wire(Bool()) val empty = Cat( => s===s_invalid)).andR() && !Cat( do_eviction := validCount >= 12.U io.flush.empty := empty && io.sqempty := sbuffer_state === x_drain_sbuffer && empty switch(sbuffer_state){ is(x_idle){ when(io.flush.valid){ sbuffer_state := x_drain_sbuffer }.elsewhen(do_eviction){ sbuffer_state := x_replace } } is(x_drain_sbuffer){ when(empty){ sbuffer_state := x_idle } } is(x_replace){ when(io.flush.valid){ sbuffer_state := x_drain_sbuffer }.elsewhen(!do_eviction){ sbuffer_state := x_idle } } } XSDebug(p"sbuffer state:${sbuffer_state} do eviction:${do_eviction} empty:${empty}\n") def noSameBlockInflight(idx: UInt): Bool = { val tag = tagRead(idx) !Cat(widthMap(i => { // stateVec(idx) itself must not be s_inflight* (stateRead(i) === s_inflight || stateRead(i) === s_prepare) && tag === tagRead(i) })).orR() } /* If there is a inflight dcache req which has same tag with evictionIdx's tag, current eviction should be blocked. */ // val evictionEntry = Wire(DecoupledIO(UInt(SbufferIndexWidth.W))) // // evictionEntry.valid := // do_eviction && sbuffer_state === x_replace || sbuffer_state === x_drain_sbuffer && // stateVec(evictionIdx)===s_valid && // noSameBlockInflight(evictionIdx) // // evictionEntry.bits := evictionIdx val prepareValid = ((do_eviction && sbuffer_state === x_replace) || (sbuffer_state === x_drain_sbuffer)) && stateVec(evictionIdx)===s_valid && noSameBlockInflight(evictionIdx) when(prepareValid){ stateVec(evictionIdx) := s_prepare } val prepareMask = => s === s_prepare) val (prepareIdx, prepareEn) = PriorityEncoderWithFlag(prepareMask) io.dcache.req.valid := prepareEn io.dcache.req.bits.addr := getAddr(tagRead(prepareIdx)) := bufferRead(prepareIdx).data io.dcache.req.bits.mask := bufferRead(prepareIdx).mask io.dcache.req.bits.cmd := MemoryOpConstants.M_XWR io.dcache.req.bits.meta := DontCare := prepareIdx when({ stateVec(prepareIdx) := s_inflight } // evictionEntry.ready := io.dcache.req.ready XSDebug(, p"send buf [$prepareIdx] to Dcache, req fire\n" ) io.dcache.resp.ready := true.B // sbuffer always ready to recv dcache resp val respId = when({ stateVec(respId) := s_invalid assert(stateVec(respId) === s_inflight) XSDebug(p"recv cache resp: id=[$respId]\n") } val needSpace = ( && !canMerge(0)) +& ( && !canMerge(1) && !sameTag) invalidCount := invalidCount - needSpace + validCount := validCount + needSpace - prepareValid XSDebug(p"needSpace[$needSpace] invalidCount[$invalidCount] validCount[$validCount]\n") //-------------------------cohCount----------------------------- // insert and merge: cohCount=0 // every cycle cohCount+=1 // if cohCount(countBits-1)==1,evict for(i <- 0 until StoreBufferSize){ when(stateVec(i) === s_valid){ when(cohCount(i)(countBits-1)){ assert(stateVec(i) === s_valid) stateUpdate(i) := s_prepare } cohCount(i) := cohCount(i)+1.U } } // ---------------------- Load Data Forward --------------------- for ((forward, i) <- io.forward.zipWithIndex) { val tag_matches = widthMap(i => tagRead(i) === getTag(forward.paddr)) val valid_tag_matches = widthMap(i => tag_matches(i) && stateVec(i) === s_valid) val inflight_tag_matches = widthMap(i => tag_matches(i) && (stateVec(i) === s_inflight || stateVec(i) === s_prepare) ) val line_offset_mask = UIntToOH(getWordOffset(forward.paddr)) val valid_tag_match_reg = val inflight_tag_match_reg = val line_offset_reg = RegNext(line_offset_mask) val selectedValidLine = Mux1H(valid_tag_match_reg, bufferRead) val selectedValidMask = Mux1H(line_offset_reg, selectedValidLine.mask.asTypeOf(Vec(CacheLineWords, Vec(DataBytes, Bool())))) val selectedValidData = Mux1H(line_offset_reg,, Vec(DataBytes, UInt(8.W))))) val selectedInflightLine = Mux1H(inflight_tag_match_reg, bufferRead) val selectedInflightMask = Mux1H(line_offset_reg, selectedInflightLine.mask.asTypeOf(Vec(CacheLineWords, Vec(DataBytes, Bool())))) val selectedInflightData = Mux1H(line_offset_reg,, Vec(DataBytes, UInt(8.W))))) for (j <- 0 until DataBytes) { forward.forwardMask(j) := false.B forward.forwardData(j) := DontCare // valid entries have higher priority than inflight entries when(selectedInflightMask(j)) { forward.forwardMask(j) := true.B forward.forwardData(j) := selectedInflightData(j) } when(selectedValidMask(j)) { forward.forwardMask(j) := true.B forward.forwardData(j) := selectedValidData(j) } } } } object NewSbuffer extends App { override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { chisel3.Driver.execute(args, ()=> new NewSbuffer) } }