package xiangshan.frontend import chisel3._ import chisel3.util._ import xiangshan._ import utils._ import chisel3.experimental.chiselName import scala.math.min import scala.util.matching.Regex trait HasTageParameter extends HasXSParameter with HasBPUParameter with HasIFUConst { // Sets Hist Tag val TableInfo = Seq(( 128, 2, 7), ( 128, 4, 7), ( 256, 8, 8), ( 256, 16, 8), ( 128, 32, 9), ( 128, 64, 9)) // ( 64, 64, 11), // ( 64, 101, 12), // ( 64, 160, 12), // ( 64, 254, 13), // ( 32, 403, 14), // ( 32, 640, 15)) val TageNTables = TableInfo.size val UBitPeriod = 2048 val TageBanks = PredictWidth // FetchWidth val TageCtrBits = 3 val SCHistLens = 0 ::{ case (_,h,_) => h}.toList val SCNTables = 6 val SCCtrBits = 6 val SCNRows = 1024 val SCTableInfo = Seq.fill(SCNTables)((SCNRows, SCCtrBits)) zip SCHistLens map {case ((n, cb), h) => (n, cb, h)} val TotalBits = { case (s, h, t) => { s * (1+t+TageCtrBits) * PredictWidth } }.reduce(_+_) } abstract class TageBundle extends XSBundle with HasTageParameter with PredictorUtils abstract class TageModule extends XSModule with HasTageParameter with PredictorUtils { val debug = true } class TageReq extends TageBundle { val pc = UInt(VAddrBits.W) val hist = UInt(HistoryLength.W) val mask = UInt(PredictWidth.W) } class TageResp extends TageBundle { val ctr = UInt(TageCtrBits.W) val u = UInt(2.W) } class TageUpdate extends TageBundle { val pc = UInt(VAddrBits.W) val fetchIdx = UInt(log2Up(TageBanks).W) val hist = UInt(HistoryLength.W) // update tag and ctr val mask = Vec(TageBanks, Bool()) val taken = Vec(TageBanks, Bool()) val alloc = Vec(TageBanks, Bool()) val oldCtr = Vec(TageBanks, UInt(TageCtrBits.W)) // update u val uMask = Vec(TageBanks, Bool()) val u = Vec(TageBanks, UInt(2.W)) } class FakeTageTable() extends TageModule { val io = IO(new Bundle() { val req = Input(Valid(new TageReq)) val resp = Output(Vec(TageBanks, Valid(new TageResp))) val update = Input(new TageUpdate) }) io.resp := DontCare } @chiselName class TageTable(val nRows: Int, val histLen: Int, val tagLen: Int, val uBitPeriod: Int) extends TageModule with HasIFUConst { val io = IO(new Bundle() { val req = Input(Valid(new TageReq)) val resp = Output(Vec(TageBanks, Valid(new TageResp))) val update = Input(new TageUpdate) }) // override val debug = true // bypass entries for tage update val wrBypassEntries = 4 def compute_folded_hist(hist: UInt, l: Int) = { val nChunks = (histLen + l - 1) / l val hist_chunks = (0 until nChunks) map {i => hist(min((i+1)*l, histLen)-1, i*l) } hist_chunks.reduce(_^_) } def compute_tag_and_hash(unhashed_idx: UInt, hist: UInt) = { val idx_history = compute_folded_hist(hist, log2Ceil(nRows)) val idx = (unhashed_idx ^ idx_history)(log2Ceil(nRows)-1,0) val tag_history = compute_folded_hist(hist, tagLen) // Use another part of pc to make tags val tag = ((unhashed_idx >> log2Ceil(nRows)) ^ tag_history)(tagLen-1,0) (idx, tag) } def inc_ctr(ctr: UInt, taken: Bool): UInt = satUpdate(ctr, TageCtrBits, taken) val doing_reset = RegInit(true.B) val reset_idx = RegInit(0.U(log2Ceil(nRows).W)) reset_idx := reset_idx + doing_reset when (reset_idx === (nRows-1).U) { doing_reset := false.B } class TageEntry() extends TageBundle { val valid = Bool() val tag = UInt(tagLen.W) val ctr = UInt(TageCtrBits.W) } val tageEntrySz = instOffsetBits + tagLen + TageCtrBits val if2_bankAlignedPC = bankAligned(io.req.bits.pc) // this bank means cache bank val if2_startsAtOddBank = bankInGroup(if2_bankAlignedPC)(0) // use real address to index val if2_unhashed_idx = Wire(Vec(2, UInt((log2Ceil(nRows)+tagLen).W))) // the first bank idx always correspond with pc if2_unhashed_idx(0) := io.req.bits.pc >> (instOffsetBits+log2Ceil(TageBanks)) // when pc is at odd bank, the second bank is at the next idx if2_unhashed_idx(1) := if2_unhashed_idx(0) + if2_startsAtOddBank // val idxes_and_tags = (0 until TageBanks).map(b => compute_tag_and_hash(if2_unhashed_idxes(b.U), io.req.bits.hist)) // val (idx, tag) = compute_tag_and_hash(if2_unhashed_idx, io.req.bits.hist) val if2_idxes_and_tags =, io.req.bits.hist)) // val idxes = VecInit( // val tags = VecInit( val if3_idxes = RegEnable(VecInit(, io.req.valid) val if3_tags = RegEnable(VecInit(, io.req.valid) // and_if3_tags = RegEnable(if2_idxes_and_tags, enable=io.req.valid) // val idxLatch = RegEnable(idx, enable=io.req.valid) // val tagLatch = RegEnable(tag, enable=io.req.valid) class HL_Bank (val nRows: Int = nRows) extends TageModule { val io = IO(new Bundle { val r = new Bundle { val req = Flipped(ValidIO(new Bundle { val setIdx = UInt(log2Ceil(nRows).W) })) val resp = new Bundle { val data = Output(Bool()) } } val w = new Bundle { val req = Flipped(ValidIO(new Bundle { val setIdx = UInt(log2Ceil(nRows).W) val data = Bool() })) } }) val mem = Mem(nRows, Bool()) // 1-cycle latency just as SyncReadMem := RegEnable(, enable=io.r.req.valid) when (io.w.req.valid) { mem.write(io.w.req.bits.setIdx, } } val hi_us = List.fill(TageBanks)(Module(new HL_Bank(nRows))) val lo_us = List.fill(TageBanks)(Module(new HL_Bank(nRows))) val table = List.fill(TageBanks)(Module(new SRAMTemplate(new TageEntry, set=nRows, shouldReset=false, holdRead=true, singlePort=false))) val if3_hi_us_r = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(Vec(TageBanks, Bool()))) val if3_lo_us_r = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(Vec(TageBanks, Bool()))) val if3_table_r = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(Vec(TageBanks, new TageEntry))) val if2_baseBank = io.req.bits.pc(log2Up(TageBanks), instOffsetBits) val if3_baseBank = RegEnable(if2_baseBank, enable=io.req.valid) val if2_realMask = Mux(if2_startsAtOddBank, Cat(io.req.bits.mask(bankWidth-1,0), io.req.bits.mask(PredictWidth-1, bankWidth)), io.req.bits.mask) val if3_realMask = RegEnable(if2_realMask, enable=io.req.valid) (0 until TageBanks).map( b => { val idxes = VecInit( val idx = (if (b < bankWidth) Mux(if2_startsAtOddBank, idxes(1), idxes(0)) else Mux(if2_startsAtOddBank, idxes(0), idxes(1))) hi_us(b).io.r.req.valid := io.req.valid && if2_realMask(b) hi_us(b).io.r.req.bits.setIdx := idx lo_us(b).io.r.req.valid := io.req.valid && if2_realMask(b) lo_us(b).io.r.req.bits.setIdx := idx table(b).reset := reset.asBool table(b).io.r.req.valid := io.req.valid && if2_realMask(b) table(b).io.r.req.bits.setIdx := idx if3_hi_us_r(b) := hi_us(b) if3_lo_us_r(b) := lo_us(b) if3_table_r(b) := table(b) } ) val if3_startsAtOddBank = RegEnable(if2_startsAtOddBank, io.req.valid) val if3_req_rhits = VecInit((0 until TageBanks).map(b => { val tag = (if (b < bankWidth) Mux(if3_startsAtOddBank, if3_tags(1), if3_tags(0)) else Mux(if3_startsAtOddBank, if3_tags(0), if3_tags(1))) val bank = (if (b < bankWidth) Mux(if3_startsAtOddBank, (b+bankWidth).U, b.U) else Mux(if3_startsAtOddBank, (b-bankWidth).U, b.U)) if3_table_r(bank).valid && if3_table_r(bank).tag === tag })) (0 until TageBanks).map(b => { val bank = (if (b < bankWidth) Mux(if3_startsAtOddBank, (b+bankWidth).U, b.U) else Mux(if3_startsAtOddBank, (b-bankWidth).U, b.U)) io.resp(b).valid := if3_req_rhits(b) && if3_realMask(b) io.resp(b).bits.ctr := if3_table_r(bank).ctr io.resp(b).bits.u := Cat(if3_hi_us_r(bank),if3_lo_us_r(bank)) }) val clear_u_ctr = RegInit(0.U((log2Ceil(uBitPeriod) + log2Ceil(nRows) + 1).W)) when (doing_reset) { clear_u_ctr := 1.U } .otherwise { clear_u_ctr := clear_u_ctr + 1.U } val doing_clear_u = clear_u_ctr(log2Ceil(uBitPeriod)-1,0) === 0.U val doing_clear_u_hi = doing_clear_u && clear_u_ctr(log2Ceil(uBitPeriod) + log2Ceil(nRows)) === 1.U val doing_clear_u_lo = doing_clear_u && clear_u_ctr(log2Ceil(uBitPeriod) + log2Ceil(nRows)) === 0.U val clear_u_idx = clear_u_ctr >> log2Ceil(uBitPeriod) // Use fetchpc to compute hash val (update_idx, update_tag) = compute_tag_and_hash((io.update.pc >> (instOffsetBits + log2Ceil(TageBanks))), io.update.hist) val update_wdata = Wire(Vec(TageBanks, new TageEntry)) (0 until TageBanks).map(b => { table(b).io.w.req.valid := io.update.mask(b) || doing_reset table(b).io.w.req.bits.setIdx := Mux(doing_reset, reset_idx, update_idx) table(b) := Mux(doing_reset, 0.U.asTypeOf(new TageEntry), update_wdata(b)) }) val update_hi_wdata = Wire(Vec(TageBanks, Bool())) (0 until TageBanks).map(b => { hi_us(b).io.w.req.valid := io.update.uMask(b) || doing_reset || doing_clear_u_hi hi_us(b).io.w.req.bits.setIdx := Mux(doing_reset, reset_idx, Mux(doing_clear_u_hi, clear_u_idx, update_idx)) hi_us(b) := Mux(doing_reset || doing_clear_u_hi, 0.U, update_hi_wdata(b)) }) val update_lo_wdata = Wire(Vec(TageBanks, Bool())) (0 until TageBanks).map(b => { lo_us(b).io.w.req.valid := io.update.uMask(b) || doing_reset || doing_clear_u_lo lo_us(b).io.w.req.bits.setIdx := Mux(doing_reset, reset_idx, Mux(doing_clear_u_lo, clear_u_idx, update_idx)) lo_us(b) := Mux(doing_reset || doing_clear_u_lo, 0.U, update_lo_wdata(b)) }) val wrbypass_tags = Reg(Vec(wrBypassEntries, UInt(tagLen.W))) val wrbypass_idxs = Reg(Vec(wrBypassEntries, UInt(log2Ceil(nRows).W))) val wrbypass_ctrs = Reg(Vec(wrBypassEntries, Vec(TageBanks, UInt(TageCtrBits.W)))) val wrbypass_ctr_valids = Reg(Vec(wrBypassEntries, Vec(TageBanks, Bool()))) val wrbypass_enq_idx = RegInit(0.U(log2Ceil(wrBypassEntries).W)) when (reset.asBool) { wrbypass_ctr_valids.foreach(_.foreach(_ := false.B))} val wrbypass_hits = VecInit((0 until wrBypassEntries) map { i => !doing_reset && wrbypass_tags(i) === update_tag && wrbypass_idxs(i) === update_idx }) val wrbypass_hit = wrbypass_hits.reduce(_||_) // val wrbypass_rhit = wrbypass_rhits.reduce(_||_) val wrbypass_hit_idx = PriorityEncoder(wrbypass_hits) // val wrbypass_rhit_idx = PriorityEncoder(wrbypass_rhits) // val wrbypass_rctr_hits = VecInit((0 until TageBanks).map( b => wrbypass_ctr_valids(wrbypass_rhit_idx)(b))) // val rhit_ctrs = RegEnable(wrbypass_ctrs(wrbypass_rhit_idx), wrbypass_rhit) // when (RegNext(wrbypass_rhit)) { // for (b <- 0 until TageBanks) { // when (RegNext(wrbypass_rctr_hits(b.U + baseBank))) { // io.resp(b).bits.ctr := rhit_ctrs(if3_bankIdxInOrder(b)) // } // } // } val updateBank = PriorityEncoder(io.update.mask) for (w <- 0 until TageBanks) { update_wdata(w).ctr := Mux(io.update.alloc(w), Mux(io.update.taken(w), 4.U, 3.U ), Mux(wrbypass_hit && wrbypass_ctr_valids(wrbypass_hit_idx)(w), inc_ctr(wrbypass_ctrs(wrbypass_hit_idx)(w), io.update.taken(w)), inc_ctr(io.update.oldCtr(w), io.update.taken(w)) ) ) update_wdata(w).valid := true.B update_wdata(w).tag := update_tag update_hi_wdata(w) := io.update.u(w)(1) update_lo_wdata(w) := io.update.u(w)(0) } when (io.update.mask.reduce(_||_)) { when (wrbypass_hits.reduce(_||_)) { wrbypass_ctrs(wrbypass_hit_idx)(updateBank) := update_wdata(updateBank).ctr wrbypass_ctr_valids(wrbypass_hit_idx)(updateBank) := true.B } .otherwise { wrbypass_ctrs(wrbypass_enq_idx)(updateBank) := update_wdata(updateBank).ctr (0 until TageBanks).foreach(b => wrbypass_ctr_valids(wrbypass_enq_idx)(b) := false.B) // reset valid bits wrbypass_ctr_valids(wrbypass_enq_idx)(updateBank) := true.B wrbypass_tags(wrbypass_enq_idx) := update_tag wrbypass_idxs(wrbypass_enq_idx) := update_idx wrbypass_enq_idx := (wrbypass_enq_idx + 1.U)(log2Ceil(wrBypassEntries)-1,0) } } if (BPUDebug && debug) { val u = io.update val b = PriorityEncoder(u.mask) val ub = PriorityEncoder(u.uMask) val idx = val tag = XSDebug(io.req.valid, "tableReq: pc=0x%x, hist=%x, idx=(%d,%d), tag=(%x,%x), baseBank=%d, mask=%b, realMask=%b\n", io.req.bits.pc, io.req.bits.hist, idx(0), idx(1), tag(0), tag(1), if2_baseBank, io.req.bits.mask, if2_realMask) for (i <- 0 until TageBanks) { XSDebug(RegNext(io.req.valid) && if3_req_rhits(i), "TageTableResp[%d]: idx=(%d,%d), hit:%d, ctr:%d, u:%d\n", i.U, if3_idxes(0), if3_idxes(1), if3_req_rhits(i), io.resp(i).bits.ctr, io.resp(i).bits.u) } XSDebug(RegNext(io.req.valid), "TageTableResp: hits:%b, maskLatch is %b\n", if3_req_rhits.asUInt, if3_realMask) XSDebug(RegNext(io.req.valid) && !if3_req_rhits.reduce(_||_), "TageTableResp: no hits!\n") XSDebug(io.update.mask.reduce(_||_), "update Table: pc:%x, fetchIdx:%d, hist:%x, bank:%d, taken:%d, alloc:%d, oldCtr:%d\n", u.pc, u.fetchIdx, u.hist, b, u.taken(b), u.alloc(b), u.oldCtr(b)) XSDebug(io.update.mask.reduce(_||_), "update Table: writing tag:%b, ctr%d in idx:%d\n", update_wdata(b).tag, update_wdata(b).ctr, update_idx) XSDebug(io.update.mask.reduce(_||_), "update u: pc:%x, fetchIdx:%d, hist:%x, bank:%d, writing in u:%b\n", u.pc, u.fetchIdx, u.hist, ub, io.update.u(ub)) val updateBank = PriorityEncoder(io.update.mask) XSDebug(wrbypass_hit && wrbypass_ctr_valids(wrbypass_hit_idx)(updateBank), "wrbypass hits, wridx:%d, tag:%x, idx:%d, hitctr:%d, bank:%d\n", wrbypass_hit_idx, update_tag, update_idx, wrbypass_ctrs(wrbypass_hit_idx)(updateBank), updateBank) // when (wrbypass_rhit && wrbypass_ctr_valids(wrbypass_rhit_idx).reduce(_||_)) { // for (b <- 0 until TageBanks) { // XSDebug(wrbypass_ctr_valids(wrbypass_rhit_idx)(b), // "wrbypass rhits, wridx:%d, tag:%x, idx:%d, hitctr:%d, bank:%d\n", // wrbypass_rhit_idx, tag, idx, wrbypass_ctrs(wrbypass_rhit_idx)(b), b.U) // } // } // ------------------------------Debug------------------------------------- val valids = Reg(Vec(TageBanks, Vec(nRows, Bool()))) when (reset.asBool) { valids.foreach(b => b.foreach(r => r := false.B)) } (0 until TageBanks).map( b => { when (io.update.mask(b)) { valids(b)(update_idx) := true.B }}) XSDebug("Table usage:------------------------\n") (0 until TageBanks).map( b => { XSDebug("Bank(%d): %d out of %d rows are valid\n", b.U, PopCount(valids(b)), nRows.U)}) } } abstract class BaseTage extends BasePredictor with HasTageParameter { class TAGEResp extends Resp { val takens = Vec(PredictWidth, Bool()) val hits = Vec(PredictWidth, Bool()) } class TAGEMeta extends Meta{ } class FromBIM extends FromOthers { val ctrs = Vec(PredictWidth, UInt(2.W)) } class TageIO extends DefaultBasePredictorIO { val resp = Output(new TAGEResp) val meta = Output(Vec(PredictWidth, new TageMeta)) val bim = Input(new FromBIM) val s3Fire = Input(Bool()) } override val io = IO(new TageIO) } class FakeTage extends BaseTage { io.resp <> DontCare io.meta <> DontCare } @chiselName class Tage extends BaseTage { val tables = { case (nRows, histLen, tagLen) => { val t = if(EnableBPD) Module(new TageTable(nRows, histLen, tagLen, UBitPeriod)) else Module(new FakeTageTable) := io.pc.valid := io.pc.bits := io.hist := io.inMask t } } val scTables = { case (nRows, ctrBits, histLen) => { val t = if (EnableSC) Module(new SCTable(nRows/TageBanks, ctrBits, histLen)) else Module(new FakeSCTable) val req = req.valid := io.pc.valid req.bits.pc := io.pc.bits req.bits.hist := io.hist req.bits.mask := io.inMask t } } val scThreshold = RegInit(SCThreshold(5)) val useThreshold = WireInit(scThreshold.thres) val updateThreshold = WireInit((useThreshold << 3) + 21.U) override val debug = true // Keep the table responses to process in s3 // val if4_resps = RegEnable(VecInit( =>, enable=io.s3Fire) // val if4_scResps = RegEnable(VecInit( =>, enable=io.s3Fire) val if3_resps = VecInit( => val if3_scResps = VecInit( => // val flushLatch = RegNext(io.flush) val if3_bim = RegEnable(io.bim, enable=io.pc.valid) // actually it is s2Fire val if4_bim = RegEnable(if3_bim, enable=io.s3Fire) val debug_pc_s2 = RegEnable(io.pc.bits, enable=io.pc.valid) val debug_pc_s3 = RegEnable(debug_pc_s2, enable=io.s3Fire) val debug_hist_s2 = RegEnable(io.hist, enable=io.pc.valid) val debug_hist_s3 = RegEnable(debug_hist_s2, enable=io.s3Fire) val u = io.update.bits val updateValid = io.update.valid && !io.update.bits.isReplay val updateHist = u.bpuMeta.predHist.asUInt val updateIsBr = u.pd.isBr val updateMeta = u.bpuMeta.tageMeta val updateMisPred = u.isMisPred && updateIsBr val updateMask = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(Vec(TageNTables, Vec(TageBanks, Bool())))) val updateUMask = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(Vec(TageNTables, Vec(TageBanks, Bool())))) val updateTaken = Wire(Vec(TageNTables, Vec(TageBanks, Bool()))) val updateAlloc = Wire(Vec(TageNTables, Vec(TageBanks, Bool()))) val updateOldCtr = Wire(Vec(TageNTables, Vec(TageBanks, UInt(TageCtrBits.W)))) val updateU = Wire(Vec(TageNTables, Vec(TageBanks, UInt(2.W)))) updateTaken := DontCare updateAlloc := DontCare updateOldCtr := DontCare updateU := DontCare val scUpdateMask = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(Vec(SCNTables, Vec(TageBanks, Bool())))) val scUpdateTagePred = Wire(Bool()) val scUpdateTaken = Wire(Bool()) val scUpdateOldCtrs = Wire(Vec(SCNTables, SInt(SCCtrBits.W))) scUpdateTagePred := DontCare scUpdateTaken := DontCare scUpdateOldCtrs := DontCare val updateSCMeta = u.bpuMeta.tageMeta.scMeta val updateTageMisPred = updateMeta.taken =/= u.taken && updateIsBr val updateBank = u.pc(log2Ceil(TageBanks), instOffsetBits) // access tag tables and output meta info for (w <- 0 until TageBanks) { val if3_tageTaken = WireInit(if3_bim.ctrs(w)(1).asBool) var if3_altPred = if3_bim.ctrs(w)(1) val if3_finalAltPred = WireInit(if3_bim.ctrs(w)(1)) var if3_provided = false.B var if3_provider = 0.U for (i <- 0 until TageNTables) { val hit = if3_resps(i)(w).valid val ctr = if3_resps(i)(w).bits.ctr when (hit) { if3_tageTaken := Mux(ctr === 3.U || ctr === 4.U, if3_altPred, ctr(2)) // Use altpred on weak taken if3_finalAltPred := if3_altPred } if3_provided = if3_provided || hit // Once hit then provide if3_provider = Mux(hit, i.U, if3_provider) // Use the last hit as provider if3_altPred = Mux(hit, ctr(2), if3_altPred) // Save current pred as potential altpred } val if4_provided = RegEnable(if3_provided, io.s3Fire) val if4_provider = RegEnable(if3_provider, io.s3Fire) val if4_finalAltPred = RegEnable(if3_finalAltPred, io.s3Fire) val if4_tageTaken = RegEnable(if3_tageTaken, io.s3Fire) val if4_providerU = RegEnable(if3_resps(if3_provider)(w).bits.u, io.s3Fire) val if4_providerCtr = RegEnable(if3_resps(if3_provider)(w).bits.ctr, io.s3Fire) io.resp.hits(w) := if4_provided io.resp.takens(w) := if4_tageTaken io.meta(w).provider.valid := if4_provided io.meta(w).provider.bits := if4_provider io.meta(w).altDiffers := if4_finalAltPred =/= io.resp.takens(w) io.meta(w).providerU := if4_providerU io.meta(w).providerCtr := if4_providerCtr io.meta(w).taken := if4_tageTaken // Create a mask fo tables which did not hit our query, and also contain useless entries // and also uses a longer history than the provider val allocatableSlots = RegEnable(VecInit( => !r(w).valid && r(w).bits.u === 0.U)).asUInt & ~(LowerMask(UIntToOH(if3_provider), TageNTables) & Fill(TageNTables, if3_provided.asUInt)), io.s3Fire ) val allocLFSR = LFSR64()(TageNTables - 1, 0) val firstEntry = PriorityEncoder(allocatableSlots) val maskedEntry = PriorityEncoder(allocatableSlots & allocLFSR) val allocEntry = Mux(allocatableSlots(maskedEntry), maskedEntry, firstEntry) io.meta(w).allocate.valid := allocatableSlots =/= 0.U io.meta(w).allocate.bits := allocEntry val scMeta = io.meta(w).scMeta scMeta := DontCare val scTableSums = VecInit( (0 to 1) map { i => { // val providerCtr = if4_resps(if4_provider)(w).bits.ctr.zext() // val pvdrCtrCentered = (((providerCtr - 4.S) << 1) + 1.S) << 3 // sum += pvdrCtrCentered if (EnableSC) { (0 until SCNTables) map { j => scTables(j).getCenteredValue(RegEnable(if3_scResps(j)(w).ctr(i), io.s3Fire)) } reduce (_+_) // TODO: rewrite with adder tree } else 0.S } } ) if (EnableSC) { scMeta.tageTaken := if4_tageTaken scMeta.scUsed := if4_provided scMeta.scPred := if4_tageTaken scMeta.sumAbs := 0.U when (if4_provided) { val providerCtr = if4_providerCtr.zext() val pvdrCtrCentered = ((((providerCtr - 4.S) << 1).asSInt + 1.S) << 3).asSInt val totalSum = scTableSums(if4_tageTaken.asUInt) + pvdrCtrCentered val sumAbs = totalSum.abs().asUInt val sumBelowThreshold = totalSum.abs.asUInt < useThreshold val scPred = totalSum >= 0.S scMeta.sumAbs := sumAbs scMeta.ctrs := RegEnable(VecInit( => r(w).ctr(if3_tageTaken.asUInt))), io.s3Fire) for (i <- 0 until SCNTables) { val if4_scResps = RegEnable(if3_scResps, io.s3Fire) XSDebug(RegNext(io.s3Fire), p"SCTable(${i.U})(${w.U}): ctr:(${if4_scResps(i)(w).ctr(0)},${if4_scResps(i)(w).ctr(1)})\n") } XSDebug(RegNext(io.s3Fire), p"SC(${w.U}): pvdCtr(${providerCtr}), pvdCentred(${pvdrCtrCentered}), totalSum(${totalSum}), abs(${sumAbs}) useThres(${useThreshold}), scPred(${scPred})\n") // Use prediction from Statistical Corrector when (!sumBelowThreshold) { XSDebug(RegNext(io.s3Fire), p"SC(${w.U}) overriden pred to ${scPred}\n") scMeta.scPred := scPred io.resp.takens(w) := scPred } } } val isUpdateTaken = updateValid && updateBank === w.U && u.taken && updateIsBr when (updateIsBr && updateValid && updateBank === w.U) { when (updateMeta.provider.valid) { val provider = updateMeta.provider.bits updateMask(provider)(w) := true.B updateUMask(provider)(w) := true.B updateU(provider)(w) := Mux(!updateMeta.altDiffers, updateMeta.providerU, Mux(updateMisPred, Mux(updateMeta.providerU === 0.U, 0.U, updateMeta.providerU - 1.U), Mux(updateMeta.providerU === 3.U, 3.U, updateMeta.providerU + 1.U)) ) updateTaken(provider)(w) := isUpdateTaken updateOldCtr(provider)(w) := updateMeta.providerCtr updateAlloc(provider)(w) := false.B } } } when (updateValid && updateTageMisPred) { val idx = updateBank val allocate = updateMeta.allocate when (allocate.valid) { updateMask(allocate.bits)(idx) := true.B updateTaken(allocate.bits)(idx) := u.taken updateAlloc(allocate.bits)(idx) := true.B updateUMask(allocate.bits)(idx) := true.B updateU(allocate.bits)(idx) := 0.U }.otherwise { val provider = updateMeta.provider val decrMask = Mux(provider.valid, ~LowerMask(UIntToOH(provider.bits), TageNTables), 0.U(TageNTables.W)) for (i <- 0 until TageNTables) { when (decrMask(i)) { updateUMask(i)(idx) := true.B updateU(i)(idx) := 0.U } } } } if (EnableSC) { when (updateValid && updateSCMeta.scUsed.asBool && updateIsBr) { val scPred = updateSCMeta.scPred val tageTaken = updateSCMeta.tageTaken val sumAbs = updateSCMeta.sumAbs.asUInt val scOldCtrs = updateSCMeta.ctrs when (scPred =/= tageTaken && sumAbs < useThreshold - 2.U) { val newThres = scThreshold.update(scPred =/= u.taken) scThreshold := newThres XSDebug(p"scThres update: old d${useThreshold} --> new ${newThres.thres}\n") } when (scPred =/= u.taken || sumAbs < updateThreshold) { scUpdateMask.foreach(t => t(updateBank) := true.B) scUpdateTagePred := tageTaken scUpdateTaken := u.taken (scUpdateOldCtrs zip scOldCtrs).foreach{case (t, c) => t := c} XSDebug(p"scUpdate: bank(${updateBank}), scPred(${scPred}), tageTaken(${tageTaken}), scSumAbs(${sumAbs}), mispred: sc(${updateMisPred}), tage(${updateTageMisPred})\n") XSDebug(p"update: sc: ${updateSCMeta}\n") } } } for (i <- 0 until TageNTables) { for (w <- 0 until TageBanks) { tables(i).io.update.mask(w) := updateMask(i)(w) tables(i).io.update.taken(w) := updateTaken(i)(w) tables(i).io.update.alloc(w) := updateAlloc(i)(w) tables(i).io.update.oldCtr(w) := updateOldCtr(i)(w) tables(i).io.update.uMask(w) := updateUMask(i)(w) tables(i).io.update.u(w) := updateU(i)(w) } // use fetch pc instead of instruction pc tables(i).io.update.pc := u.pc tables(i).io.update.hist := updateHist tables(i).io.update.fetchIdx := u.bpuMeta.fetchIdx } for (i <- 0 until SCNTables) { scTables(i).io.update.mask := scUpdateMask(i) scTables(i).io.update.tagePred := scUpdateTagePred scTables(i).io.update.taken := scUpdateTaken scTables(i).io.update.oldCtr := scUpdateOldCtrs(i) scTables(i).io.update.pc := u.pc scTables(i).io.update.hist := updateHist scTables(i).io.update.fetchIdx := u.bpuMeta.fetchIdx } if (BPUDebug && debug) { val m = updateMeta val bri = u.bpuMeta val if4_resps = RegEnable(if3_resps, io.s3Fire) XSDebug(io.pc.valid, "req: pc=0x%x, hist=%x\n", io.pc.bits, io.hist) XSDebug(io.s3Fire, "s3Fire:%d, resp: pc=%x, hist=%x\n", io.s3Fire, debug_pc_s2, debug_hist_s2) XSDebug(RegNext(io.s3Fire), "s3FireOnLastCycle: resp: pc=%x, hist=%x, hits=%b, takens=%b\n", debug_pc_s3, debug_hist_s3, io.resp.hits.asUInt, io.resp.takens.asUInt) for (i <- 0 until TageNTables) { XSDebug(RegNext(io.s3Fire), "TageTable(%d): valids:%b, resp_ctrs:%b, resp_us:%b\n", i.U, VecInit(if4_resps(i).map(_.valid)).asUInt, Cat(if4_resps(i).map(_.bits.ctr)), Cat(if4_resps(i).map(_.bits.u))) } XSDebug(io.update.valid, "update: pc=%x, fetchpc=%x, cycle=%d, hist=%x, taken:%d, misPred:%d, bimctr:%d, pvdr(%d):%d, altDiff:%d, pvdrU:%d, pvdrCtr:%d, alloc(%d):%d\n", u.pc, u.pc - (bri.fetchIdx << instOffsetBits.U), bri.debug_tage_cycle, updateHist, u.taken, u.isMisPred, bri.bimCtr, m.provider.valid, m.provider.bits, m.altDiffers, m.providerU, m.providerCtr, m.allocate.valid, m.allocate.bits) XSDebug(io.update.valid && updateIsBr, p"update: sc: ${updateSCMeta}\n") XSDebug(true.B, p"scThres: use(${useThreshold}), update(${updateThreshold})\n") } }