/*************************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Peng Cheng Laboratory * * XiangShan is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. ***************************************************************************************/ package xiangshan.backend import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.Parameters import chisel3._ import chisel3.util._ import difftest._ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp} import utils._ import xiangshan._ import xiangshan.backend.decode.{DecodeStage, ImmUnion} import xiangshan.backend.dispatch.{Dispatch, DispatchQueue} import xiangshan.backend.fu.PFEvent import xiangshan.backend.rename.{Rename, RenameTableWrapper} import xiangshan.backend.rob.{Rob, RobCSRIO, RobLsqIO} import xiangshan.frontend.FtqRead import xiangshan.mem.mdp.{LFST, SSIT, WaitTable} class CtrlToFtqIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle { val rob_commits = Vec(CommitWidth, Valid(new RobCommitInfo)) val stage2Redirect = Valid(new Redirect) val stage3Redirect = ValidIO(new Redirect) val robFlush = ValidIO(new Redirect) } class RedirectGenerator(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper { val numRedirect = exuParameters.JmpCnt + exuParameters.AluCnt val io = IO(new Bundle() { val hartId = Input(UInt(8.W)) val exuMispredict = Vec(numRedirect, Flipped(ValidIO(new ExuOutput))) val loadReplay = Flipped(ValidIO(new Redirect)) val flush = Input(Bool()) val stage1PcRead = Vec(numRedirect+1, new FtqRead(UInt(VAddrBits.W))) val stage2Redirect = ValidIO(new Redirect) val stage3Redirect = ValidIO(new Redirect) val memPredUpdate = Output(new MemPredUpdateReq) val memPredPcRead = new FtqRead(UInt(VAddrBits.W)) // read req send form stage 2 }) /* LoadQueue Jump ALU0 ALU1 ALU2 ALU3 exception Stage1 | | | | | | | |============= reg & compare =====| | ======== | | | | | | Stage2 | | redirect (flush backend) | | | === reg === | ======== | | |----- mux (exception first) -----| Stage3 | redirect (send to frontend) */ private class Wrapper(val n: Int) extends Bundle { val redirect = new Redirect val valid = Bool() val idx = UInt(log2Up(n).W) } def selectOldestRedirect(xs: Seq[Valid[Redirect]]): Vec[Bool] = { val compareVec = (0 until xs.length).map(i => (0 until i).map(j => isAfter(xs(j).bits.robIdx, xs(i).bits.robIdx))) val resultOnehot = VecInit((0 until xs.length).map(i => Cat((0 until xs.length).map(j => (if (j < i) !xs(j).valid || compareVec(i)(j) else if (j == i) xs(i).valid else !xs(j).valid || !compareVec(j)(i)) )).andR)) resultOnehot } val redirects = io.exuMispredict.map(_.bits.redirect) :+ io.loadReplay.bits val stage1FtqReadPcs = (io.stage1PcRead zip redirects).map{ case (r, redirect) => r(redirect.ftqIdx, redirect.ftqOffset) } def getRedirect(exuOut: Valid[ExuOutput]): ValidIO[Redirect] = { val redirect = Wire(Valid(new Redirect)) redirect.valid := exuOut.valid && exuOut.bits.redirect.cfiUpdate.isMisPred redirect.bits := exuOut.bits.redirect redirect } val jumpOut = io.exuMispredict.head val allRedirect = VecInit(io.exuMispredict.map(x => getRedirect(x)) :+ io.loadReplay) val oldestOneHot = selectOldestRedirect(allRedirect) val needFlushVec = VecInit(allRedirect.map(_.bits.robIdx.needFlush(io.stage2Redirect) || io.flush)) val oldestValid = VecInit(oldestOneHot.zip(needFlushVec).map{ case (v, f) => v && !f }).asUInt.orR val oldestExuOutput = Mux1H(io.exuMispredict.indices.map(oldestOneHot), io.exuMispredict) val oldestRedirect = Mux1H(oldestOneHot, allRedirect) val s1_jumpTarget = RegEnable(jumpOut.bits.redirect.cfiUpdate.target, jumpOut.valid) val s1_imm12_reg = RegNext(oldestExuOutput.bits.uop.ctrl.imm(11, 0)) val s1_pd = RegNext(oldestExuOutput.bits.uop.cf.pd) val s1_redirect_bits_reg = RegNext(oldestRedirect.bits) val s1_redirect_valid_reg = RegNext(oldestValid) val s1_redirect_onehot = RegNext(oldestOneHot) // stage1 -> stage2 io.stage2Redirect.valid := s1_redirect_valid_reg && !io.flush io.stage2Redirect.bits := s1_redirect_bits_reg io.stage2Redirect.bits.cfiUpdate := DontCare val s1_isReplay = s1_redirect_onehot.last val s1_isJump = s1_redirect_onehot.head val real_pc = Mux1H(s1_redirect_onehot, stage1FtqReadPcs) val brTarget = real_pc + SignExt(ImmUnion.B.toImm32(s1_imm12_reg), XLEN) val snpc = real_pc + Mux(s1_pd.isRVC, 2.U, 4.U) val target = Mux(s1_isReplay, real_pc, // replay from itself Mux(s1_redirect_bits_reg.cfiUpdate.taken, Mux(s1_isJump, s1_jumpTarget, brTarget), snpc ) ) // get pc from ftq // valid only if redirect is caused by load violation // store_pc is used to update store set val store_pc = io.memPredPcRead(s1_redirect_bits_reg.stFtqIdx, s1_redirect_bits_reg.stFtqOffset) // update load violation predictor if load violation redirect triggered io.memPredUpdate.valid := RegNext(s1_isReplay && s1_redirect_valid_reg, init = false.B) // update wait table io.memPredUpdate.waddr := RegNext(XORFold(real_pc(VAddrBits-1, 1), MemPredPCWidth)) io.memPredUpdate.wdata := true.B // update store set io.memPredUpdate.ldpc := RegNext(XORFold(real_pc(VAddrBits-1, 1), MemPredPCWidth)) // store pc is ready 1 cycle after s1_isReplay is judged io.memPredUpdate.stpc := XORFold(store_pc(VAddrBits-1, 1), MemPredPCWidth) val s2_target = RegEnable(target, enable = s1_redirect_valid_reg) val s2_pd = RegEnable(s1_pd, enable = s1_redirect_valid_reg) val s2_pc = RegEnable(real_pc, enable = s1_redirect_valid_reg) val s2_redirect_bits_reg = RegEnable(s1_redirect_bits_reg, enable = s1_redirect_valid_reg) val s2_redirect_valid_reg = RegNext(s1_redirect_valid_reg && !io.flush, init = false.B) io.stage3Redirect.valid := s2_redirect_valid_reg io.stage3Redirect.bits := s2_redirect_bits_reg val stage3CfiUpdate = io.stage3Redirect.bits.cfiUpdate stage3CfiUpdate.pc := s2_pc stage3CfiUpdate.pd := s2_pd stage3CfiUpdate.predTaken := s2_redirect_bits_reg.cfiUpdate.predTaken stage3CfiUpdate.target := s2_target stage3CfiUpdate.taken := s2_redirect_bits_reg.cfiUpdate.taken stage3CfiUpdate.isMisPred := s2_redirect_bits_reg.cfiUpdate.isMisPred // recover runahead checkpoint if redirect if (!env.FPGAPlatform) { val runahead_redirect = Module(new DifftestRunaheadRedirectEvent) runahead_redirect.io.clock := clock runahead_redirect.io.coreid := io.hartId runahead_redirect.io.valid := io.stage3Redirect.valid runahead_redirect.io.pc := s2_pc // for debug only runahead_redirect.io.target_pc := s2_target // for debug only runahead_redirect.io.checkpoint_id := io.stage3Redirect.bits.debug_runahead_checkpoint_id // make sure it is right } } class CtrlBlock(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasWritebackSink with HasWritebackSource { val rob = LazyModule(new Rob) override def addWritebackSink(source: Seq[HasWritebackSource], index: Option[Seq[Int]]): HasWritebackSink = { rob.addWritebackSink(Seq(this), Some(Seq(writebackSinks.length))) super.addWritebackSink(source, index) } lazy val module = new CtrlBlockImp(this) override lazy val writebackSourceParams: Seq[WritebackSourceParams] = { writebackSinksParams } override lazy val writebackSourceImp: HasWritebackSourceImp = module override def generateWritebackIO( thisMod: Option[HasWritebackSource] = None, thisModImp: Option[HasWritebackSourceImp] = None ): Unit = { module.io.writeback.zip(writebackSinksImp(thisMod, thisModImp)).foreach(x => x._1 := x._2) } } class CtrlBlockImp(outer: CtrlBlock)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) with HasXSParameter with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper with HasWritebackSourceImp { val writebackLengths = outer.writebackSinksParams.map(_.length) val io = IO(new Bundle { val hartId = Input(UInt(8.W)) val frontend = Flipped(new FrontendToCtrlIO) val allocPregs = Vec(RenameWidth, Output(new ResetPregStateReq)) val dispatch = Vec(3*dpParams.IntDqDeqWidth, DecoupledIO(new MicroOp)) // from int block val exuRedirect = Vec(exuParameters.AluCnt + exuParameters.JmpCnt, Flipped(ValidIO(new ExuOutput))) val stIn = Vec(exuParameters.StuCnt, Flipped(ValidIO(new ExuInput))) val memoryViolation = Flipped(ValidIO(new Redirect)) val jumpPc = Output(UInt(VAddrBits.W)) val jalr_target = Output(UInt(VAddrBits.W)) val robio = new Bundle { // to int block val toCSR = new RobCSRIO val exception = ValidIO(new ExceptionInfo) // to mem block val lsq = new RobLsqIO } val csrCtrl = Input(new CustomCSRCtrlIO) val perfInfo = Output(new Bundle{ val ctrlInfo = new Bundle { val robFull = Input(Bool()) val intdqFull = Input(Bool()) val fpdqFull = Input(Bool()) val lsdqFull = Input(Bool()) } }) val writeback = MixedVec(writebackLengths.map(num => Vec(num, Flipped(ValidIO(new ExuOutput))))) // redirect out val redirect = ValidIO(new Redirect) val debug_int_rat = Vec(32, Output(UInt(PhyRegIdxWidth.W))) val debug_fp_rat = Vec(32, Output(UInt(PhyRegIdxWidth.W))) }) override def writebackSource: Option[Seq[Seq[Valid[ExuOutput]]]] = { Some(io.writeback.map(writeback => { val exuOutput = WireInit(writeback) val timer = GTimer() for ((wb_next, wb) <- exuOutput.zip(writeback)) { wb_next.valid := RegNext(wb.valid && !wb.bits.uop.robIdx.needFlush(stage2Redirect)) wb_next.bits := RegNext(wb.bits) wb_next.bits.uop.debugInfo.writebackTime := timer } exuOutput })) } val decode = Module(new DecodeStage) val rat = Module(new RenameTableWrapper) val ssit = Module(new SSIT) val waittable = Module(new WaitTable) val rename = Module(new Rename) val dispatch = Module(new Dispatch) val intDq = Module(new DispatchQueue(dpParams.IntDqSize, RenameWidth, dpParams.IntDqDeqWidth, "int")) val fpDq = Module(new DispatchQueue(dpParams.FpDqSize, RenameWidth, dpParams.FpDqDeqWidth, "fp")) val lsDq = Module(new DispatchQueue(dpParams.LsDqSize, RenameWidth, dpParams.LsDqDeqWidth, "ls")) val redirectGen = Module(new RedirectGenerator) val rob = outer.rob.module val robPcRead = io.frontend.fromFtq.getRobFlushPcRead val flushPC = robPcRead(rob.io.flushOut.bits.ftqIdx, rob.io.flushOut.bits.ftqOffset) val flushRedirect = Wire(Valid(new Redirect)) flushRedirect.valid := RegNext(rob.io.flushOut.valid) flushRedirect.bits := RegEnable(rob.io.flushOut.bits, rob.io.flushOut.valid) flushRedirect.bits.cfiUpdate.target := Mux(io.robio.toCSR.isXRet || rob.io.exception.valid, io.robio.toCSR.trapTarget, Mux(flushRedirect.bits.flushItself(), flushPC, // replay inst flushPC + 4.U // flush pipe ) ) val flushRedirectReg = Wire(Valid(new Redirect)) flushRedirectReg.valid := RegNext(flushRedirect.valid, init = false.B) flushRedirectReg.bits := RegEnable(flushRedirect.bits, enable = flushRedirect.valid) val stage2Redirect = Mux(flushRedirect.valid, flushRedirect, redirectGen.io.stage2Redirect) val stage3Redirect = Mux(flushRedirectReg.valid, flushRedirectReg, redirectGen.io.stage3Redirect) val exuRedirect = io.exuRedirect.map(x => { val valid = x.valid && x.bits.redirectValid val killedByOlder = x.bits.uop.robIdx.needFlush(stage2Redirect) val delayed = Wire(Valid(new ExuOutput)) delayed.valid := RegNext(valid && !killedByOlder, init = false.B) delayed.bits := RegEnable(x.bits, x.valid) delayed }) val loadReplay = Wire(Valid(new Redirect)) loadReplay.valid := RegNext(io.memoryViolation.valid && !io.memoryViolation.bits.robIdx.needFlush(stage2Redirect), init = false.B ) loadReplay.bits := RegEnable(io.memoryViolation.bits, io.memoryViolation.valid) io.frontend.fromFtq.getRedirectPcRead <> redirectGen.io.stage1PcRead io.frontend.fromFtq.getMemPredPcRead <> redirectGen.io.memPredPcRead redirectGen.io.hartId := io.hartId redirectGen.io.exuMispredict <> exuRedirect redirectGen.io.loadReplay <> loadReplay redirectGen.io.flush := RegNext(rob.io.flushOut.valid) for(i <- 0 until CommitWidth){ io.frontend.toFtq.rob_commits(i).valid := rob.io.commits.valid(i) && !rob.io.commits.isWalk io.frontend.toFtq.rob_commits(i).bits := rob.io.commits.info(i) } io.frontend.toFtq.stage2Redirect <> stage2Redirect io.frontend.toFtq.robFlush <> RegNext(rob.io.flushOut) io.frontend.toFtq.stage3Redirect := stage3Redirect decode.io.in <> io.frontend.cfVec decode.io.csrCtrl := io.csrCtrl // memory dependency predict // when decode, send fold pc to mdp for (i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) { val mdp_foldpc = Mux( decode.io.out(i).fire(), decode.io.in(i).bits.foldpc, rename.io.in(i).bits.cf.foldpc ) ssit.io.raddr(i) := mdp_foldpc waittable.io.raddr(i) := mdp_foldpc } // currently, we only update mdp info when isReplay ssit.io.update <> RegNext(redirectGen.io.memPredUpdate) ssit.io.csrCtrl := RegNext(io.csrCtrl) waittable.io.update <> RegNext(redirectGen.io.memPredUpdate) waittable.io.csrCtrl := RegNext(io.csrCtrl) // LFST lookup and update val lfst = Module(new LFST) lfst.io.redirect <> RegNext(io.redirect) lfst.io.storeIssue <> RegNext(io.stIn) lfst.io.csrCtrl <> RegNext(io.csrCtrl) lfst.io.dispatch <> dispatch.io.lfst rat.io.robCommits := rob.io.commits for ((r, i) <- rat.io.intReadPorts.zipWithIndex) { val raddr = decode.io.out(i).bits.ctrl.lsrc.take(2) :+ decode.io.out(i).bits.ctrl.ldest r.map(_.addr).zip(raddr).foreach(x => x._1 := x._2) rename.io.intReadPorts(i) := r.map(_.data) r.foreach(_.hold := !rename.io.in(i).ready) } rat.io.intRenamePorts := rename.io.intRenamePorts for ((r, i) <- rat.io.fpReadPorts.zipWithIndex) { val raddr = decode.io.out(i).bits.ctrl.lsrc.take(3) :+ decode.io.out(i).bits.ctrl.ldest r.map(_.addr).zip(raddr).foreach(x => x._1 := x._2) rename.io.fpReadPorts(i) := r.map(_.data) r.foreach(_.hold := !rename.io.in(i).ready) } rat.io.fpRenamePorts := rename.io.fpRenamePorts rat.io.debug_int_rat <> io.debug_int_rat rat.io.debug_fp_rat <> io.debug_fp_rat // pipeline between decode and rename for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) { PipelineConnect(decode.io.out(i), rename.io.in(i), rename.io.in(i).ready, stage2Redirect.valid || stage3Redirect.valid) } rename.io.redirect <> stage2Redirect rename.io.robCommits <> rob.io.commits rename.io.ssit <> ssit.io.rdata rename.io.waittable <> RegNext(waittable.io.rdata) // pipeline between rename and dispatch for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) { PipelineConnect(rename.io.out(i), dispatch.io.fromRename(i), dispatch.io.recv(i), stage2Redirect.valid) } dispatch.io.hartId := io.hartId dispatch.io.redirect <> stage2Redirect dispatch.io.enqRob <> rob.io.enq dispatch.io.toIntDq <> intDq.io.enq dispatch.io.toFpDq <> fpDq.io.enq dispatch.io.toLsDq <> lsDq.io.enq dispatch.io.allocPregs <> io.allocPregs dispatch.io.singleStep := false.B intDq.io.redirect <> stage2Redirect fpDq.io.redirect <> stage2Redirect lsDq.io.redirect <> stage2Redirect io.dispatch <> intDq.io.deq ++ lsDq.io.deq ++ fpDq.io.deq val pingpong = RegInit(false.B) pingpong := !pingpong val jumpInst = Mux(pingpong && (exuParameters.AluCnt > 2).B, io.dispatch(2).bits, io.dispatch(0).bits) val jumpPcRead = io.frontend.fromFtq.getJumpPcRead io.jumpPc := jumpPcRead(jumpInst.cf.ftqPtr, jumpInst.cf.ftqOffset) val jumpTargetRead = io.frontend.fromFtq.target_read io.jalr_target := jumpTargetRead(jumpInst.cf.ftqPtr, jumpInst.cf.ftqOffset) rob.io.hartId := io.hartId rob.io.redirect <> stage2Redirect outer.rob.generateWritebackIO(Some(outer), Some(this)) io.redirect <> stage2Redirect // rob to int block io.robio.toCSR <> rob.io.csr io.robio.toCSR.perfinfo.retiredInstr <> RegNext(rob.io.csr.perfinfo.retiredInstr) io.robio.exception := rob.io.exception io.robio.exception.bits.uop.cf.pc := flushPC // rob to mem block io.robio.lsq <> rob.io.lsq io.perfInfo.ctrlInfo.robFull := RegNext(rob.io.robFull) io.perfInfo.ctrlInfo.intdqFull := RegNext(intDq.io.dqFull) io.perfInfo.ctrlInfo.fpdqFull := RegNext(fpDq.io.dqFull) io.perfInfo.ctrlInfo.lsdqFull := RegNext(lsDq.io.dqFull) val pfevent = Module(new PFEvent) val csrevents = pfevent.io.hpmevent.slice(8,16) val perfinfo = IO(new Bundle(){ val perfEvents = Output(new PerfEventsBundle(csrevents.length)) val perfEventsRs = Input(new PerfEventsBundle(NumRs)) val perfEventsEu0 = Input(new PerfEventsBundle(10)) val perfEventsEu1 = Input(new PerfEventsBundle(10)) }) if(print_perfcounter){ val decode_perf = decode.perfEvents.map(_._1).zip(decode.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events) val rename_perf = rename.perfEvents.map(_._1).zip(rename.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events) val dispat_perf = dispatch.perfEvents.map(_._1).zip(dispatch.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events) val intdq_perf = intDq.perfEvents.map(_._1).zip(intDq.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events) val fpdq_perf = fpDq.perfEvents.map(_._1).zip(fpDq.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events) val lsdq_perf = lsDq.perfEvents.map(_._1).zip(lsDq.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events) val rob_perf = rob.perfEvents.map(_._1).zip(rob.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events) val perfEvents = decode_perf ++ rename_perf ++ dispat_perf ++ intdq_perf ++ fpdq_perf ++ lsdq_perf ++ rob_perf for (((perf_name,perf),i) <- perfEvents.zipWithIndex) { println(s"ctrl perf $i: $perf_name") } } val hpmEvents = decode.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events ++ rename.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events ++ dispatch.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events ++ intDq.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events ++ fpDq.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events ++ lsDq.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events ++ rob.perfinfo.perfEvents.perf_events ++ perfinfo.perfEventsEu0.perf_events ++ perfinfo.perfEventsEu1.perf_events ++ perfinfo.perfEventsRs.perf_events val perf_length = hpmEvents.length val hpm_ctrl = Module(new HPerfmonitor(perf_length,csrevents.length)) hpm_ctrl.io.hpm_event := csrevents hpm_ctrl.io.events_sets.perf_events := hpmEvents perfinfo.perfEvents := RegNext(hpm_ctrl.io.events_selected) pfevent.io.distribute_csr := RegNext(io.csrCtrl.distribute_csr) }