TOP = XSTop FPGATOP = top.TopMain BUILD_DIR = ./build TOP_V = $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TOP).v SCALA_FILE = $(shell find ./src/main/scala -name '*.scala') TEST_FILE = $(shell find ./src/test/scala -name '*.scala') MEM_GEN = ./scripts/vlsi_mem_gen SIMTOP = top.SimTop IMAGE ?= temp # co-simulation with DRAMsim3 ifeq ($(WITH_DRAMSIM3),1) ifndef DRAMSIM3_HOME $(error DRAMSIM3_HOME is not set) endif override SIM_ARGS += --with-dramsim3 endif TIMELOG = $(BUILD_DIR)/time.log TIME_CMD = time -a -o $(TIMELOG) # remote machine with more cores to speedup c++ build REMOTE ?= localhost .DEFAULT_GOAL = verilog help: mill XiangShan.test.runMain $(SIMTOP) --help $(TOP_V): $(SCALA_FILE) mkdir -p $(@D) mill XiangShan.test.runMain $(FPGATOP) -td $(@D) --full-stacktrace --output-file $(@F) --disable-all --remove-assert --infer-rw --repl-seq-mem -c:$(FPGATOP):-o:$(@D)/$(@F).conf $(SIM_ARGS) $(MEM_GEN) $(@D)/$(@F).conf --tsmc28 --output_file $(@D)/tsmc28_sram.v > $(@D)/tsmc28_sram.v.conf $(MEM_GEN) $(@D)/$(@F).conf --output_file $(@D)/sim_sram.v # sed -i -e 's/_\(aw\|ar\|w\|r\|b\)_\(\|bits_\)/_\1/g' $@ @git log -n 1 >> .__head__ @git diff >> .__diff__ @sed -i 's/^/\/\// ' .__head__ @sed -i 's/^/\/\//' .__diff__ @cat .__head__ .__diff__ $@ > .__out__ @mv .__out__ $@ @rm .__head__ .__diff__ deploy: build/ build/ $(TOP_V) @zip -r $@ $< $<.conf build/*.anno.json .PHONY: deploy build/ verilog: $(TOP_V) SIM_TOP = SimTop SIM_TOP_V = $(BUILD_DIR)/$(SIM_TOP).v $(SIM_TOP_V): $(SCALA_FILE) $(TEST_FILE) mkdir -p $(@D) @echo "\n[mill] Generating Verilog files..." > $(TIMELOG) @date -R | tee -a $(TIMELOG) $(TIME_CMD) mill XiangShan.test.runMain $(SIMTOP) -td $(@D) --full-stacktrace --output-file $(@F) --infer-rw --repl-seq-mem -c:$(SIMTOP):-o:$(@D)/$(@F).conf $(SIM_ARGS) $(MEM_GEN) $(@D)/$(@F).conf --output_file $(@D)/$(@F).sram.v @git log -n 1 >> .__head__ @git diff >> .__diff__ @sed -i 's/^/\/\// ' .__head__ @sed -i 's/^/\/\//' .__diff__ @cat .__head__ .__diff__ $@ $(@D)/$(@F).sram.v > .__out__ @mv .__out__ $@ @rm .__head__ .__diff__ sed -i -e 's/$$fatal/xs_assert(`__LINE__)/g' $(SIM_TOP_V) sim-verilog: $(SIM_TOP_V) SIM_CSRC_DIR = $(abspath ./src/test/csrc/common) SIM_CXXFILES = $(shell find $(SIM_CSRC_DIR) -name "*.cpp") DIFFTEST_CSRC_DIR = $(abspath ./src/test/csrc/difftest) DIFFTEST_CXXFILES = $(shell find $(DIFFTEST_CSRC_DIR) -name "*.cpp") SIM_VSRC = $(shell find ./src/test/vsrc/common -name "*.v" -or -name "*.sv") include include ifndef NEMU_HOME $(error NEMU_HOME is not set) endif REF_SO := $(NEMU_HOME)/build/riscv64-nemu-interpreter-so $(REF_SO): $(MAKE) -C $(NEMU_HOME) ISA=riscv64 SHARE=1 SEED ?= $(shell shuf -i 1-10000 -n 1) VME_SOURCE ?= $(shell pwd)/build/$(TOP).v VME_MODULES ?= #-----------------------timing scripts------------------------- # run "make vme/tap help=1" to get help info # extract verilog module from TopMain.v # usage: make vme VME_MODULES=Roq TIMING_SCRIPT_PATH = ./timingScripts vme: $(TOP_V) make -C $(TIMING_SCRIPT_PATH) vme # get and sort timing analysis with total delay(start+end) and max delay(start or end) # and print it out tap: make -C $(TIMING_SCRIPT_PATH) tap # usage: make phy_evaluate VME_MODULE=Roq REMOTE=100 phy_evaluate: vme scp -r ./build/extracted/* $(REMOTE):~/phy_evaluation/remote_run/rtl ssh -tt $(REMOTE) 'cd ~/phy_evaluation/remote_run && $(MAKE) evaluate DESIGN_NAME=$(VME_MODULE)' scp -r $(REMOTE):~/phy_evaluation/remote_run/rpts ./build # usage: make phy_evaluate_atc VME_MODULE=Roq REMOTE=100 phy_evaluate_atc: vme scp -r ./build/extracted/* $(REMOTE):~/phy_evaluation/remote_run/rtl ssh -tt $(REMOTE) 'cd ~/phy_evaluation/remote_run && $(MAKE) evaluate_atc DESIGN_NAME=$(VME_MODULE)' scp -r $(REMOTE):~/phy_evaluation/remote_run/rpts ./build cache: $(MAKE) emu IMAGE=Makefile release-lock: ssh -tt $(REMOTE) 'rm -f $(LOCK)' clean: vcs-clean rm -rf ./build init: git submodule update --init bump: git submodule foreach "git fetch origin&&git checkout master&&git reset --hard origin/master" bsp: mill -i mill.contrib.BSP/install .PHONY: verilog sim-verilog emu clean help init bump bsp $(REF_SO)