package xiangshan.frontend import chisel3._ import chisel3.stage.{ChiselGeneratorAnnotation, ChiselStage} import chisel3.util._ import xiangshan._ import xiangshan.backend.ALUOpType import utils._ import chisel3.experimental.chiselName import scala.math.min trait BTBParams extends HasXSParameter with HasIFUConst { val nRows = BtbSize / (PredictWidth * BtbWays) val offsetLen = 13 val lowerBitsSize = 13 val extendedNRows = nRows } class BtbDataEntry extends XSBundle with BTBParams { val lower = UInt(lowerBitsSize.W) val extended = Bool() } object BtbDataEntry { def apply(lower: UInt, extended: Bool) = { val e = Wire(new BtbDataEntry) e.lower := lower e.extended := extended e } } class BtbMetaEntry() extends XSBundle with BTBParams { val valid = Bool() // TODO: don't need full length of tag val tag = UInt((VAddrBits - log2Ceil(nRows) - log2Ceil(PredictWidth) - instOffsetBits).W) val isBr = Bool() val isRVC = Bool() } object BtbMetaEntry { def apply(tag: UInt, isBr: UInt, isRVC: Bool) = { val e = Wire(new BtbMetaEntry) e.valid := true.B e.tag := tag e.isBr := isBr e.isRVC := isRVC e } } class BTB extends BasePredictor with BTBParams{ class BTBResp extends Resp { val targets = Vec(PredictWidth, UInt(VAddrBits.W)) val hits = Vec(PredictWidth, Bool()) val isBrs = Vec(PredictWidth, Bool()) val isRVC = Vec(PredictWidth, Bool()) } class BTBMeta extends Meta { val writeWay = Vec(PredictWidth, UInt(log2Up(BtbWays).W)) } class BTBFromOthers extends FromOthers {} class BTBIO extends DefaultBasePredictorIO { val resp = Output(new BTBResp) val meta = Output(new BTBMeta) } override val debug = true override val io = IO(new BTBIO) val btbAddr = new TableAddr(log2Up(BtbSize/BtbWays), BtbBanks) val if1_packetAlignedPC = packetAligned(io.pc.bits) val if2_pc = RegEnable(if1_packetAlignedPC, io.pc.valid) // layout: way 0 bank 0, way 0 bank 1, ..., way 0 bank BtbBanks-1, way 1 bank 0, ..., way 1 bank BtbBanks-1 val data = Module(new SRAMTemplate(new BtbDataEntry, set = nRows, way=BtbWays*BtbBanks, shouldReset = true, holdRead = true)) val meta = Module(new SRAMTemplate(new BtbMetaEntry, set = nRows, way=BtbWays*BtbBanks, shouldReset = true, holdRead = true)) val edata = Module(new SRAMTemplate(UInt(VAddrBits.W), set = extendedNRows, shouldReset = true, holdRead = true)) val if1_mask = io.inMask val if2_mask = RegEnable(if1_mask, io.pc.valid) val if1_row = btbAddr.getBankIdx(if1_packetAlignedPC) val if2_row = RegEnable(if1_row, io.pc.valid) // BTB read requests := io.pc.valid := io.pc.valid := io.pc.valid := if1_row := if1_row := if1_row // Entries read from SRAM val if2_metaRead = VecInit((0 until BtbWays).map( w => VecInit((0 until BtbBanks).map( b =>*BtbBanks+b))))) val if2_dataRead = VecInit((0 until BtbWays).map( w => VecInit((0 until BtbBanks).map( b =>*BtbBanks+b))))) val if2_edataRead = val if2_tag = btbAddr.getTag(if2_pc) val if2_totalHits = VecInit((0 until BtbBanks).map( b => VecInit((0 until BtbWays).map( w => // This should correspond to the real mask from last valid cycle! if2_metaRead(w)(b).tag === if2_tag && if2_metaRead(w)(b).valid && if2_mask(b) )) )) val if2_bankHits = VecInit(||_))) val if2_bankHitWays = VecInit( def allocWay(valids: UInt, meta_tags: UInt, req_tag: UInt) = { val randomAlloc = true if (BtbWays > 1) { val w = Wire(UInt(log2Up(BtbWays).W)) val valid = WireInit(valids.andR) val tags = Cat(meta_tags, req_tag) val l = log2Up(BtbWays) val nChunks = (tags.getWidth + l - 1) / l val chunks = (0 until nChunks).map( i => tags(min((i+1)*l, tags.getWidth)-1, i*l) ) w := Mux(valid, if (randomAlloc) {LFSR64()(log2Up(BtbWays)-1,0)} else {chunks.reduce(_^_)}, PriorityEncoder(~valids)) w } else { val w = WireInit(0.U) w } } val allocWays = VecInit((0 until BtbBanks).map(b => allocWay(VecInit( => w(b).valid)).asUInt, VecInit( => w(b).tag)).asUInt, if2_tag))) val writeWay = VecInit((0 until BtbBanks).map( b => Mux(if2_bankHits(b), if2_bankHitWays(b), allocWays(b)) )) for (b <- 0 until BtbBanks) { val meta_entry = if2_metaRead(if2_bankHitWays(b))(b) val data_entry = if2_dataRead(if2_bankHitWays(b))(b) // Use real pc to calculate the target io.resp.targets(b) := Mux(data_entry.extended, if2_edataRead, Cat(if2_pc(VAddrBits-1, lowerBitsSize+instOffsetBits), data_entry.lower, 0.U(instOffsetBits.W))) io.resp.hits(b) := if2_bankHits(b) io.resp.isBrs(b) := meta_entry.isBr io.resp.isRVC(b) := meta_entry.isRVC io.meta.writeWay(b) := writeWay(b) // io.meta.hitJal(b) := if2_bankHits(b) && meta_entry.btbType === BTBtype.J } def pdInfoToBTBtype(pd: PreDecodeInfo) = { val t = WireInit(0.U(2.W)) when (pd.isJalr) { t := BTBtype.I} when (pd.isRet) { t := BTBtype.R} when (pd.isJal) { t := BTBtype.J} when (pd.isBr) { t := BTBtype.B} t } val do_update = RegNext(io.update) val u = do_update.bits val cfi_pc = packetAligned(u.ftqPC) + (u.cfiIndex.bits << instOffsetBits) val new_target = val new_lower = new_target(lowerBitsSize+instOffsetBits-1, instOffsetBits) val update_pc_higher = cfi_pc(VAddrBits-1, lowerBitsSize+instOffsetBits) val update_target_higher = new_target(VAddrBits-1, lowerBitsSize+instOffsetBits) val higher_identical = update_pc_higher === update_target_higher val new_extended = !higher_identical val updateWay = u.metas(u.cfiIndex.bits).btbWriteWay val updateBank = u.cfiIndex.bits val updateRow = btbAddr.getBankIdx(cfi_pc) val updateIsBr = u.br_mask(u.cfiIndex.bits) val updateTaken = u.cfiIndex.valid // TODO: remove isRVC val metaWrite = BtbMetaEntry(btbAddr.getTag(cfi_pc), updateIsBr, u.cfiIsRVC) val dataWrite = BtbDataEntry(new_lower, new_extended) val updateValid = do_update.valid && updateTaken // Update btb require(isPow2(BtbBanks)) // this is one hot, since each fetch bundle has at most 1 taken instruction val updateWayMask = UIntToOH(Cat(updateWay, updateBank)), metaWrite, updateRow, updateWayMask), dataWrite, updateRow, updateWayMask) && new_extended,, updateRow, "b1".U) if (BPUDebug && debug) { val debug_verbose = true val validLatch = RegNext(io.pc.valid) XSDebug(io.pc.valid, "read: pc=0x%x, mask=%b\n", if1_packetAlignedPC, if1_mask) XSDebug(validLatch, "read_resp: pc=0x%x, readIdx=%d-------------------------------\n", if2_pc, btbAddr.getIdx(if2_pc)) if (debug_verbose) { for (i <- 0 until BtbBanks){ for (j <- 0 until BtbWays) { XSDebug(validLatch, "read_resp[w=%d][b=%d][r=%d] is valid(%d) mask(%d), tag=0x%x, lower=0x%x, isBr=%d, isExtend=%d, isRVC=%d\n", j.U, i.U, if2_row, if2_metaRead(j)(i).valid, if2_mask(i), if2_metaRead(j)(i).tag, if2_dataRead(j)(i).lower, if2_metaRead(j)(i).isBr, if2_dataRead(j)(i).extended, if2_metaRead(j)(i).isRVC) } } } for (i <- 0 until BtbBanks) { XSDebug(validLatch && if2_bankHits(i), "resp(%d): bank(%d) hits, tgt=%x, isRVC=%d, isBr=%d\n", i.U, i.U, io.resp.targets(i), io.resp.isRVC(i), io.resp.isBrs(i)) } XSDebug(updateValid, "update_req: cycle=%d, pc=0x%x, target=0x%x, misPred=%d, lower=%x, extended=%d, way=%d, bank=%d, row=0x%x\n", u.metas(u.cfiIndex.bits).debug_btb_cycle, cfi_pc, new_target, u.mispred(u.cfiIndex.bits), new_lower, new_extended, updateWay, updateBank, updateRow) for (i <- 0 until BtbBanks) { // Conflict when not hit and allocating a valid entry val conflict = if2_metaRead(allocWays(i))(i).valid && !if2_bankHits(i) XSDebug(conflict, "bank(%d) is trying to allocate a valid way(%d)\n", i.U, allocWays(i)) // There is another circumstance when a branch is on its way to update while another // branch chose the same way to udpate, then after the first branch is wrote in, // the second branch will overwrite the first branch } } }