/*************************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Peng Cheng Laboratory * * XiangShan is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. ***************************************************************************************/ package xiangshan.backend.rename import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.Parameters import chisel3._ import chisel3.util._ import xiangshan._ import utils._ import xiangshan.backend.roq.RoqPtr import xiangshan.backend.dispatch.PreDispatchInfo class RenameBypassInfo(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle { val lsrc1_bypass = MixedVec(List.tabulate(RenameWidth-1)(i => UInt((i+1).W))) val lsrc2_bypass = MixedVec(List.tabulate(RenameWidth-1)(i => UInt((i+1).W))) val lsrc3_bypass = MixedVec(List.tabulate(RenameWidth-1)(i => UInt((i+1).W))) val ldest_bypass = MixedVec(List.tabulate(RenameWidth-1)(i => UInt((i+1).W))) } class Rename(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule { val io = IO(new Bundle() { val redirect = Flipped(ValidIO(new Redirect)) val flush = Input(Bool()) val roqCommits = Flipped(new RoqCommitIO) // from decode buffer val in = Vec(RenameWidth, Flipped(DecoupledIO(new CfCtrl))) // to dispatch1 val out = Vec(RenameWidth, DecoupledIO(new MicroOp)) val renameBypass = Output(new RenameBypassInfo) val dispatchInfo = Output(new PreDispatchInfo) // for debug printing val debug_int_rat = Vec(32, Output(UInt(PhyRegIdxWidth.W))) val debug_fp_rat = Vec(32, Output(UInt(PhyRegIdxWidth.W))) }) // create free list and rat val intFreeList = Module(if (EnableIntMoveElim) new freelist.MEFreeList else new freelist.StdFreeList) val fpFreeList = Module(new freelist.StdFreeList) val intRat = Module(new RenameTable(float = false)) val fpRat = Module(new RenameTable(float = true)) // connect flush and redirect ports for rat Seq(intRat, fpRat) foreach { case rat => rat.io.redirect := io.redirect.valid rat.io.flush := io.flush rat.io.walkWen := io.roqCommits.isWalk } // decide if given instruction needs allocating a new physical register (CfCtrl: from decode; RoqCommitInfo: from roq) def needDestReg[T <: CfCtrl](fp: Boolean, x: T): Bool = { {if(fp) x.ctrl.fpWen else x.ctrl.rfWen && (x.ctrl.ldest =/= 0.U)} } def needDestRegCommit[T <: RoqCommitInfo](fp: Boolean, x: T): Bool = { {if(fp) x.fpWen else x.rfWen && (x.ldest =/= 0.U)} } // connect [flush + redirect + walk] ports for __float point__ & __integer__ free list Seq((fpFreeList, true), (intFreeList, false)).foreach{ case (fl, isFp) => fl.flush := io.flush fl.redirect := io.redirect.valid fl.walk := io.roqCommits.isWalk // when isWalk, use stepBack to restore head pointer of free list // (if ME enabled, stepBack of intFreeList should be useless thus optimized out) fl.stepBack := PopCount(io.roqCommits.valid.zip(io.roqCommits.info).map{case (v, i) => v && needDestRegCommit(isFp, i)}) } // walk has higher priority than allocation and thus we don't use isWalk here // only when both fp and int free list and dispatch1 has enough space can we do allocation intFreeList.doAllocate := fpFreeList.canAllocate && io.out(0).ready fpFreeList.doAllocate := intFreeList.canAllocate && io.out(0).ready // dispatch1 ready ++ float point free list ready ++ int free list ready ++ not walk val canOut = io.out(0).ready && fpFreeList.canAllocate && intFreeList.canAllocate && !io.roqCommits.isWalk // speculatively assign the instruction with an roqIdx val validCount = PopCount(io.in.map(_.valid)) // number of instructions waiting to enter roq (from decode) val roqIdxHead = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new RoqPtr)) val lastCycleMisprediction = RegNext(io.redirect.valid && !io.redirect.bits.flushItself()) val roqIdxHeadNext = Mux(io.flush, 0.U.asTypeOf(new RoqPtr), // flush: clear roq Mux(io.redirect.valid, io.redirect.bits.roqIdx, // redirect: move ptr to given roq index (flush itself) Mux(lastCycleMisprediction, roqIdxHead + 1.U, // mis-predict: not flush roqIdx itself Mux(canOut, roqIdxHead + validCount, // instructions successfully entered next stage: increase roqIdx /* default */ roqIdxHead)))) // no instructions passed by this cycle: stick to old value roqIdxHead := roqIdxHeadNext /** * Rename: allocate free physical register and update rename table */ val uops = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, new MicroOp)) uops.foreach( uop => { uop.srcState(0) := DontCare uop.srcState(1) := DontCare uop.srcState(2) := DontCare uop.roqIdx := DontCare uop.diffTestDebugLrScValid := DontCare uop.debugInfo := DontCare uop.lqIdx := DontCare uop.sqIdx := DontCare }) val needFpDest = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, Bool())) val needIntDest = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, Bool())) val hasValid = Cat(io.in.map(_.valid)).orR val isMove = io.in.map(_.bits.ctrl.isMove) val isMax = if (EnableIntMoveElim) Some(intFreeList.asInstanceOf[freelist.MEFreeList].maxVec) else None val meEnable = WireInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(RenameWidth)(false.B))) val psrc_cmp = Wire(MixedVec(List.tabulate(RenameWidth-1)(i => UInt((i+1).W)))) val intSpecWen = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, Bool())) val fpSpecWen = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, Bool())) // uop calculation for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) { uops(i).cf := io.in(i).bits.cf uops(i).ctrl := io.in(i).bits.ctrl val inValid = io.in(i).valid // alloc a new phy reg needFpDest(i) := inValid && needDestReg(fp = true, io.in(i).bits) needIntDest(i) := inValid && needDestReg(fp = false, io.in(i).bits) fpFreeList.allocateReq(i) := needFpDest(i) intFreeList.allocateReq(i) := needIntDest(i) // no valid instruction from decode stage || all resources (dispatch1 + both free lists) ready io.in(i).ready := !hasValid || canOut // do checkpoints when a branch inst come // for(fl <- Seq(fpFreeList, intFreeList)){ // fl.cpReqs(i).valid := inValid // fl.cpReqs(i).bits := io.in(i).bits.brTag // } uops(i).roqIdx := roqIdxHead + i.U io.out(i).valid := io.in(i).valid && intFreeList.canAllocate && fpFreeList.canAllocate && !io.roqCommits.isWalk io.out(i).bits := uops(i) // read rename table def readRat(lsrcList: List[UInt], ldest: UInt, fp: Boolean) = { val rat = if(fp) fpRat else intRat val srcCnt = lsrcList.size val psrcVec = Wire(Vec(srcCnt, UInt(PhyRegIdxWidth.W))) val old_pdest = Wire(UInt(PhyRegIdxWidth.W)) for(k <- 0 until srcCnt+1){ val rportIdx = i * (srcCnt+1) + k if(k != srcCnt){ rat.io.readPorts(rportIdx).addr := lsrcList(k) psrcVec(k) := rat.io.readPorts(rportIdx).rdata } else { rat.io.readPorts(rportIdx).addr := ldest old_pdest := rat.io.readPorts(rportIdx).rdata } } (psrcVec, old_pdest) } val lsrcList = List(uops(i).ctrl.lsrc(0), uops(i).ctrl.lsrc(1), uops(i).ctrl.lsrc(2)) val ldest = uops(i).ctrl.ldest val (intPhySrcVec, intOldPdest) = readRat(lsrcList.take(2), ldest, fp = false) val (fpPhySrcVec, fpOldPdest) = readRat(lsrcList, ldest, fp = true) uops(i).psrc(0) := Mux(uops(i).ctrl.srcType(0) === SrcType.reg, intPhySrcVec(0), fpPhySrcVec(0)) uops(i).psrc(1) := Mux(uops(i).ctrl.srcType(1) === SrcType.reg, intPhySrcVec(1), fpPhySrcVec(1)) uops(i).psrc(2) := fpPhySrcVec(2) uops(i).old_pdest := Mux(uops(i).ctrl.rfWen, intOldPdest, fpOldPdest) if (EnableIntMoveElim) { if (i == 0) { // calculate meEnable meEnable(i) := isMove(i) && (!isMax.get(uops(i).psrc(0)) || uops(i).ctrl.lsrc(0) === 0.U) } else { // compare psrc0 psrc_cmp(i-1) := Cat((0 until i).map(j => { uops(i).psrc(0) === uops(j).psrc(0) && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove && io.in(j).bits.ctrl.isMove }) /* reverse is not necessary here */) // calculate meEnable meEnable(i) := isMove(i) && (!(io.renameBypass.lsrc1_bypass(i-1).orR | psrc_cmp(i-1).orR | isMax.get(uops(i).psrc(0))) || uops(i).ctrl.lsrc(0) === 0.U) } uops(i).eliminatedMove := meEnable(i) || (uops(i).ctrl.isMove && uops(i).ctrl.ldest === 0.U) // send psrc of eliminated move instructions to free list and label them as eliminated when (meEnable(i)) { intFreeList.asInstanceOf[freelist.MEFreeList].psrcOfMove(i).valid := true.B intFreeList.asInstanceOf[freelist.MEFreeList].psrcOfMove(i).bits := uops(i).psrc(0) XSInfo(io.in(i).valid && io.out(i).valid, p"Move instruction ${Hexadecimal(io.in(i).bits.cf.pc)} eliminated successfully! psrc:${uops(i).psrc(0)}\n") } .otherwise { intFreeList.asInstanceOf[freelist.MEFreeList].psrcOfMove(i).valid := false.B intFreeList.asInstanceOf[freelist.MEFreeList].psrcOfMove(i).bits := DontCare XSInfo(io.in(i).valid && io.out(i).valid && isMove(i), p"Move instruction ${Hexadecimal(io.in(i).bits.cf.pc)} failed to be eliminated! psrc:${uops(i).psrc(0)}\n") } // update pdest uops(i).pdest := Mux(meEnable(i), uops(i).psrc(0), // move eliminated Mux(needIntDest(i), intFreeList.allocatePhyReg(i), // normal int inst Mux(uops(i).ctrl.ldest===0.U && uops(i).ctrl.rfWen, 0.U // int inst with dst=r0 /* default */, fpFreeList.allocatePhyReg(i)))) // normal fp inst } else { uops(i).eliminatedMove := DontCare psrc_cmp.foreach(_ := DontCare) // update pdest uops(i).pdest := Mux(needIntDest(i), intFreeList.allocatePhyReg(i), // normal int inst Mux(uops(i).ctrl.ldest===0.U && uops(i).ctrl.rfWen, 0.U // int inst with dst=r0 /* default */, fpFreeList.allocatePhyReg(i))) // normal fp inst } // write speculative rename table // we update rat later inside commit code intSpecWen(i) := intFreeList.allocateReq(i) && intFreeList.canAllocate && intFreeList.doAllocate && !io.roqCommits.isWalk fpSpecWen(i) := fpFreeList.allocateReq(i) && fpFreeList.canAllocate && fpFreeList.doAllocate && !io.roqCommits.isWalk } // We don't bypass the old_pdest from valid instructions with the same ldest currently in rename stage. // Instead, we determine whether there're some dependencies between the valid instructions. for (i <- 1 until RenameWidth) { io.renameBypass.lsrc1_bypass(i-1) := Cat((0 until i).map(j => { val fpMatch = needFpDest(j) && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.srcType(0) === SrcType.fp val intMatch = needIntDest(j) && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.srcType(0) === SrcType.reg (fpMatch || intMatch) && io.in(j).bits.ctrl.ldest === io.in(i).bits.ctrl.lsrc(0) }).reverse) io.renameBypass.lsrc2_bypass(i-1) := Cat((0 until i).map(j => { val fpMatch = needFpDest(j) && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.srcType(1) === SrcType.fp val intMatch = needIntDest(j) && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.srcType(1) === SrcType.reg (fpMatch || intMatch) && io.in(j).bits.ctrl.ldest === io.in(i).bits.ctrl.lsrc(1) }).reverse) io.renameBypass.lsrc3_bypass(i-1) := Cat((0 until i).map(j => { val fpMatch = needFpDest(j) && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.srcType(2) === SrcType.fp val intMatch = needIntDest(j) && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.srcType(2) === SrcType.reg (fpMatch || intMatch) && io.in(j).bits.ctrl.ldest === io.in(i).bits.ctrl.lsrc(2) }).reverse) io.renameBypass.ldest_bypass(i-1) := Cat((0 until i).map(j => { val fpMatch = needFpDest(j) && needFpDest(i) val intMatch = needIntDest(j) && needIntDest(i) (fpMatch || intMatch) && io.in(j).bits.ctrl.ldest === io.in(i).bits.ctrl.ldest }).reverse) } // calculate lsq space requirement val isLs = VecInit(uops.map(uop => FuType.isLoadStore(uop.ctrl.fuType))) val isStore = VecInit(uops.map(uop => FuType.isStoreExu(uop.ctrl.fuType))) val isAMO = VecInit(uops.map(uop => FuType.isAMO(uop.ctrl.fuType))) io.dispatchInfo.lsqNeedAlloc := VecInit((0 until RenameWidth).map(i => Mux(isLs(i), Mux(isStore(i) && !isAMO(i), 2.U, 1.U), 0.U))) /** * Instructions commit: update freelist and rename table */ for (i <- 0 until CommitWidth) { Seq((intRat, false), (fpRat, true)) foreach { case (rat, fp) => // is valid commit req and given instruction has destination register val commitDestValid = io.roqCommits.valid(i) && needDestRegCommit(fp, io.roqCommits.info(i)) XSDebug(p"isFp[${fp}]index[$i]-commitDestValid:$commitDestValid,isWalk:${io.roqCommits.isWalk}\n") /* I. RAT Update */ // walk back write - restore spec state : ldest => old_pdest if (fp && i < RenameWidth) { rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wen := (commitDestValid && io.roqCommits.isWalk) || fpSpecWen(i) rat.io.specWritePorts(i).addr := Mux(fpSpecWen(i), uops(i).ctrl.ldest, io.roqCommits.info(i).ldest) rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wdata := Mux(fpSpecWen(i), fpFreeList.allocatePhyReg(i), io.roqCommits.info(i).old_pdest) } else if (!fp && i < RenameWidth) { rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wen := (commitDestValid && io.roqCommits.isWalk) || intSpecWen(i) rat.io.specWritePorts(i).addr := Mux(intSpecWen(i), uops(i).ctrl.ldest, io.roqCommits.info(i).ldest) if (EnableIntMoveElim) { rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wdata := Mux(intSpecWen(i), Mux(meEnable(i), uops(i).psrc(0), intFreeList.allocatePhyReg(i)), io.roqCommits.info(i).old_pdest) } else { rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wdata := Mux(intSpecWen(i), intFreeList.allocatePhyReg(i), io.roqCommits.info(i).old_pdest) } // when i >= RenameWidth, this write must happens during WALK process } else if (i >= RenameWidth) { rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wen := commitDestValid && io.roqCommits.isWalk rat.io.specWritePorts(i).addr := io.roqCommits.info(i).ldest rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wdata := io.roqCommits.info(i).old_pdest } when (commitDestValid && io.roqCommits.isWalk) { XSInfo({if(fp) p"[fp" else p"[int"} + p" walk] " + p"ldest:${rat.io.specWritePorts(i).addr} -> old_pdest:${rat.io.specWritePorts(i).wdata}\n") } // normal write - update arch state (serve as initialization) rat.io.archWritePorts(i).wen := commitDestValid && !io.roqCommits.isWalk rat.io.archWritePorts(i).addr := io.roqCommits.info(i).ldest rat.io.archWritePorts(i).wdata := io.roqCommits.info(i).pdest XSInfo(rat.io.archWritePorts(i).wen, {if(fp) p"[fp" else p"[int"} + p" arch rat update] ldest:${rat.io.archWritePorts(i).addr} ->" + p" pdest:${rat.io.archWritePorts(i).wdata}\n" ) /* II. Free List Update */ if (fp) { // Float Point free list fpFreeList.freeReq(i) := commitDestValid && !io.roqCommits.isWalk fpFreeList.freePhyReg(i) := io.roqCommits.info(i).old_pdest } else if (EnableIntMoveElim) { // Integer free list // during walk process: // 1. for normal inst, free pdest + revert rat from ldest->pdest to ldest->old_pdest // 2. for ME inst, free pdest(commit counter++) + revert rat // conclusion: // a. rat recovery has nothing to do with ME or not // b. treat walk as normal commit except replace old_pdests with pdests and set io.walk to true // c. ignore pdests port when walking intFreeList.freeReq(i) := commitDestValid // walk or not walk intFreeList.freePhyReg(i) := Mux(io.roqCommits.isWalk, io.roqCommits.info(i).pdest, io.roqCommits.info(i).old_pdest) intFreeList.asInstanceOf[freelist.MEFreeList].eliminatedMove(i) := io.roqCommits.info(i).eliminatedMove intFreeList.asInstanceOf[freelist.MEFreeList].multiRefPhyReg(i) := io.roqCommits.info(i).pdest } else { intFreeList.freeReq(i) := commitDestValid && !io.roqCommits.isWalk intFreeList.freePhyReg(i) := io.roqCommits.info(i).old_pdest } } } /* Debug and performance counter */ def printRenameInfo(in: DecoupledIO[CfCtrl], out: DecoupledIO[MicroOp]) = { XSInfo( in.valid && in.ready, p"pc:${Hexadecimal(in.bits.cf.pc)} in v:${in.valid} in rdy:${in.ready} " + p"lsrc(0):${in.bits.ctrl.lsrc(0)} -> psrc(0):${out.bits.psrc(0)} " + p"lsrc(1):${in.bits.ctrl.lsrc(1)} -> psrc(1):${out.bits.psrc(1)} " + p"lsrc(2):${in.bits.ctrl.lsrc(2)} -> psrc(2):${out.bits.psrc(2)} " + p"ldest:${in.bits.ctrl.ldest} -> pdest:${out.bits.pdest} " + p"old_pdest:${out.bits.old_pdest} " + p"out v:${out.valid} r:${out.ready}\n" ) } for((x,y) <- io.in.zip(io.out)){ printRenameInfo(x, y) } XSDebug(io.roqCommits.isWalk, p"Walk Recovery Enabled\n") XSDebug(io.roqCommits.isWalk, p"validVec:${Binary(io.roqCommits.valid.asUInt)}\n") for (i <- 0 until CommitWidth) { val info = io.roqCommits.info(i) XSDebug(io.roqCommits.isWalk && io.roqCommits.valid(i), p"[#$i walk info] pc:${Hexadecimal(info.pc)} " + p"ldest:${info.ldest} rfWen:${info.rfWen} fpWen:${info.fpWen} " + { if (EnableIntMoveElim) p"eliminatedMove:${info.eliminatedMove} " else p"" } + p"pdest:${info.pdest} old_pdest:${info.old_pdest}\n") } XSDebug(p"inValidVec: ${Binary(Cat(io.in.map(_.valid)))}\n") XSInfo(!canOut, p"stall at rename, hasValid:${hasValid}, fpCanAlloc:${fpFreeList.canAllocate}, intCanAlloc:${intFreeList.canAllocate} dispatch1ready:${io.out(0).ready}, isWalk:${io.roqCommits.isWalk}\n") intRat.io.debug_rdata <> io.debug_int_rat fpRat.io.debug_rdata <> io.debug_fp_rat XSDebug(p"Arch Int RAT:" + io.debug_int_rat.zipWithIndex.map{ case (r, i) => p"#$i:$r " }.reduceLeft(_ + _) + p"\n") XSPerfAccumulate("in", Mux(RegNext(io.in(0).ready), PopCount(io.in.map(_.valid)), 0.U)) XSPerfAccumulate("utilization", PopCount(io.in.map(_.valid))) XSPerfAccumulate("waitInstr", PopCount((0 until RenameWidth).map(i => io.in(i).valid && !io.in(i).ready))) XSPerfAccumulate("stall_cycle_dispatch", hasValid && !io.out(0).ready && fpFreeList.canAllocate && intFreeList.canAllocate && !io.roqCommits.isWalk) XSPerfAccumulate("stall_cycle_fp", hasValid && io.out(0).ready && !fpFreeList.canAllocate && intFreeList.canAllocate && !io.roqCommits.isWalk) XSPerfAccumulate("stall_cycle_int", hasValid && io.out(0).ready && fpFreeList.canAllocate && !intFreeList.canAllocate && !io.roqCommits.isWalk) XSPerfAccumulate("stall_cycle_walk", hasValid && io.out(0).ready && fpFreeList.canAllocate && intFreeList.canAllocate && io.roqCommits.isWalk) if (!env.FPGAPlatform) { ExcitingUtils.addSource(io.roqCommits.isWalk, "TMA_backendiswalk") } if (EnableIntMoveElim) { XSPerfAccumulate("move_instr_count", PopCount(Seq.tabulate(RenameWidth)(i => io.out(i).fire() && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove))) XSPerfAccumulate("move_elim_enabled", PopCount(Seq.tabulate(RenameWidth)(i => io.out(i).fire() && meEnable(i)))) XSPerfAccumulate("move_elim_cancelled", PopCount(Seq.tabulate(RenameWidth)(i => io.out(i).fire() && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove && !meEnable(i)))) XSPerfAccumulate("move_elim_cancelled_psrc_bypass", PopCount(Seq.tabulate(RenameWidth)(i => io.out(i).fire() && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove && !meEnable(i) && { if (i == 0) false.B else io.renameBypass.lsrc1_bypass(i-1).orR }))) XSPerfAccumulate("move_elim_cancelled_cnt_limit", PopCount(Seq.tabulate(RenameWidth)(i => io.out(i).fire() && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove && !meEnable(i) && isMax.get(io.out(i).bits.psrc(0))))) XSPerfAccumulate("move_elim_cancelled_inc_more_than_one", PopCount(Seq.tabulate(RenameWidth)(i => io.out(i).fire() && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove && !meEnable(i) && { if (i == 0) false.B else psrc_cmp(i-1).orR }))) // to make sure meEnable functions as expected for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) { XSDebug(io.out(i).fire() && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove && !meEnable(i) && isMax.get(io.out(i).bits.psrc(0)), p"ME_CANCELLED: ref counter hits max value (pc:0x${Hexadecimal(io.in(i).bits.cf.pc)})\n") XSDebug(io.out(i).fire() && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove && !meEnable(i) && { if (i == 0) false.B else io.renameBypass.lsrc1_bypass(i-1).orR }, p"ME_CANCELLED: RAW dependency (pc:0x${Hexadecimal(io.in(i).bits.cf.pc)})\n") XSDebug(io.out(i).fire() && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove && !meEnable(i) && { if (i == 0) false.B else psrc_cmp(i-1).orR }, p"ME_CANCELLED: psrc duplicates with former instruction (pc:0x${Hexadecimal(io.in(i).bits.cf.pc)})\n") } XSDebug(VecInit(Seq.tabulate(RenameWidth)(i => io.out(i).fire() && io.in(i).bits.ctrl.isMove && !meEnable(i))).asUInt().orR, p"ME_CANCELLED: pc group [ " + (0 until RenameWidth).map(i => p"fire:${io.out(i).fire()},pc:0x${Hexadecimal(io.in(i).bits.cf.pc)} ").reduceLeft(_ + _) + p"]\n") XSInfo(meEnable.asUInt().orR(), p"meEnableVec:${Binary(meEnable.asUInt)}\n") } }