未验证 提交 fa9f9690 编写于 作者: L Lemover 提交者: GitHub

l2tlb: add counter to ptw-filter to avoid l2tlb deadlock & sync sfence to mmu (#1599)

fix some bugs.

1. fix l2tlb dead-lock bug
l2tlb won't merge requests at same addr. It will be blocked when having too many requests.
PtwFilter has a bug that will send too many requests. Add a counter to avoid that.

2. fix sfence sync at mmu
different modules in mmu may get sfence at different latency, which will lost requests or some requests have no receiver.
Sync the sfence latency manually to avoid the bug.

* mmu.filter: add counter not to send to many req to l2tlb

* mmu.filter: fix bug that forget counter signal when block issue and deq

* mmu: set sfence/csr delay to 2 cycle, must sync in mmu
上级 6c4dcc2d
......@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ class MemBlockImp(outer: MemBlock) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
atomicsUnit.io.hartId := io.hartId
// dtlb
val sfence = RegNext(io.sfence)
val tlbcsr = RegNext(io.tlbCsr)
val sfence = RegNext(RegNext(io.sfence))
val tlbcsr = RegNext(RegNext(io.tlbCsr))
val dtlb_ld = VecInit(Seq.fill(exuParameters.LduCnt){
val tlb_ld = Module(new TLB(1, ldtlbParams))
tlb_ld.io // let the module have name in waveform
......@@ -164,6 +164,12 @@ class PTWFilter(Width: Int, Size: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule
val tlb_req = WireInit(io.tlb.req)
val inflight_counter = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(Size + 1).W))
val inflight_full = inflight_counter === Size.U
when (io.ptw.req(0).fire() =/= io.ptw.resp.fire()) {
inflight_counter := Mux(io.ptw.req(0).fire(), inflight_counter + 1.U, inflight_counter - 1.U)
val ptwResp = RegEnable(io.ptw.resp.bits, io.ptw.resp.fire())
val ptwResp_OldMatchVec = vpn.zip(v).map{ case (pi, vi) =>
vi && io.ptw.resp.bits.entry.hit(pi, io.csr.satp.asid, true, true)}
......@@ -225,7 +231,7 @@ class PTWFilter(Width: Int, Size: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule
io.tlb.resp.bits.data := ptwResp
io.tlb.resp.bits.vector := resp_vector
val issue_valid = v(issPtr) && !isEmptyIss
val issue_valid = v(issPtr) && !isEmptyIss && !inflight_full
val issue_filtered = ptwResp_valid && ptwResp.entry.hit(io.ptw.req(0).bits.vpn, io.csr.satp.asid, allType=true, ignoreAsid=true)
val issue_fire_fake = issue_valid && (io.ptw.req(0).ready || (issue_filtered && false.B /*timing-opt*/))
io.ptw.req(0).valid := issue_valid && !issue_filtered
......@@ -273,7 +279,8 @@ class PTWFilter(Width: Int, Size: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule
counter := counter - do_deq + Mux(do_enq, enqNum, 0.U)
assert(counter <= Size.U, "counter should be less than Size")
assert(counter <= Size.U, "counter should be no more than Size")
assert(inflight_counter <= Size.U, "inflight should be no more than Size")
when (counter === 0.U) {
assert(!io.ptw.req(0).fire(), "when counter is 0, should not req")
assert(isEmptyDeq && isEmptyIss, "when counter is 0, should be empty")
......@@ -291,16 +298,10 @@ class PTWFilter(Width: Int, Size: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule
mayFullDeq := false.B
mayFullIss := false.B
counter := 0.U
inflight_counter := 0.U
// perf
val inflight_counter = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(Size + 1).W))
when (io.ptw.req(0).fire() =/= io.ptw.resp.fire()) {
inflight_counter := Mux(io.ptw.req(0).fire(), inflight_counter + 1.U, inflight_counter - 1.U)
when (flush) {
inflight_counter := 0.U
XSPerfAccumulate("tlb_req_count", PopCount(Cat(io.tlb.req.map(_.valid))))
XSPerfAccumulate("tlb_req_count_filtered", Mux(do_enq, accumEnqNum(Width - 1), 0.U))
XSPerfAccumulate("ptw_req_count", io.ptw.req(0).fire())
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ class FrontendImp (outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
val tlbCsr = DelayN(io.tlbCsr, 2)
val csrCtrl = DelayN(io.csrCtrl, 2)
val sfence = RegNext(RegNext(io.sfence))
// trigger
ifu.io.frontendTrigger := csrCtrl.frontend_trigger
......@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ class FrontendImp (outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
io.ptw <> TLB(
//in = Seq(icache.io.itlb(0), icache.io.itlb(1)),
in = Seq(itlb_requestors(0),itlb_requestors(1),itlb_requestors(2),itlb_requestors(3),itlb_requestors(4),itlb_requestors(5)),
sfence = io.sfence,
sfence = sfence,
csr = tlbCsr,
width = 6,
shouldBlock = true,
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