未验证 提交 bccc5520 编写于 作者: J Jenius 提交者: GitHub

<bug-fix>: fix f3 mmio write back override bug (#1567)

上级 88ca983f
......@@ -666,11 +666,10 @@ class NewIFU(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule
checkFlushWb.bits.jalTarget := wb_check_result.fixedTarget(ParallelPriorityEncoder(VecInit(wb_pd.zip(wb_instr_valid).map{case (pd, v) => v && pd.isJal })))
checkFlushWb.bits.instrRange := wb_instr_range.asTypeOf(Vec(PredictWidth, Bool()))
toFtq.pdWb := Mux(f3_req_is_mmio, mmioFlushWb, checkFlushWb)
toFtq.pdWb := Mux(wb_valid, checkFlushWb, mmioFlushWb)
wb_redirect := checkFlushWb.bits.misOffset.valid && wb_valid
/*write back flush type*/
val checkFaultType = wb_check_result.faultType
val checkJalFault = wb_valid && checkFaultType.map(_.isjalFault).reduce(_||_)
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