未验证 提交 ae409b75 编写于 作者: S Steve Gou 提交者: GitHub

ftq: should use jmpOffset instead of cfiIndex when assigning (#1561)

last_may_be_rvi_call in case that a call comes after a taken branch
上级 e5597226
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ class FTBEntryGen(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBackendRedire
init_entry.isCall := new_jmp_is_call
init_entry.isRet := new_jmp_is_ret
// that means fall thru points to the middle of an inst
init_entry.last_may_be_rvi_call := io.cfiIndex.bits === (PredictWidth-1).U && !pd.rvcMask(pd.jmpOffset)
init_entry.last_may_be_rvi_call := pd.jmpOffset === (PredictWidth-1).U && !pd.rvcMask(pd.jmpOffset)
// if hit, check whether a new cfi(only br is possible) is detected
val oe = io.old_entry
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