* @since 1.0 */ class QuoteItem extends Service { public $itemDefaultActiveStatus = 1; public $activeStatus = 1; public $noActiveStatus = 2; protected $_my_cart_item; // 购物车cart item 对象 protected $_cart_product_info; protected $_itemModelName = '\fecshop\models\mysqldb\cart\Item'; /** * @var \fecshop\models\mysqldb\cart\Item */ protected $_itemModel; public function init() { parent::init(); list($this->_itemModelName, $this->_itemModel) = Yii::mapGet($this->_itemModelName); } /** * 将某个产品加入到购物车中。 * 在添加到 cart_item 表后,更新购物车中产品的总数。 * @param array $item * @return mixed * example: * $item = [ * 'product_id' => 22222, * 'custom_option_sku' => red-xxl, * 'qty' => 22, * 'sku' => 'xxxx', * ]; */ public function addItem($item) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); if (!$cart_id) { Yii::$service->cart->quote->createCart(); $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); } // 查看是否存在此产品,如果存在,则相加个数 if (!isset($item['product_id']) || empty($item['product_id'])) { Yii::$service->helper->errors->add('add to cart error, product id is empty'); return false; } $where = [ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, 'product_id' => $item['product_id'], ]; if (isset($item['custom_option_sku']) && !empty($item['custom_option_sku'])) { $where['custom_option_sku'] = $item['custom_option_sku']; } /** @var \fecshop\models\mysqldb\cart\Item $item_one */ $item_one = $this->_itemModel->find()->where($where)->one(); if ($item_one['cart_id']) { $item_one->active = $this->itemDefaultActiveStatus; $item_one->qty = $item['qty'] + $item_one['qty']; $item_one->save(); // 重新计算购物车的数量 Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); } else { $item_one = new $this->_itemModelName; $item_one->store = Yii::$service->store->currentStore; $item_one->cart_id = $cart_id; $item_one->created_at = time(); $item_one->updated_at = time(); $item_one->product_id = $item['product_id']; $item_one->qty = $item['qty']; $item_one->active = $this->itemDefaultActiveStatus; $item_one->custom_option_sku = ($item['custom_option_sku'] ? $item['custom_option_sku'] : ''); $item_one->save(); // 重新计算购物车的数量,并写入 sales_flat_cart 表存储 Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); } $item['afterAddQty'] = $item_one->qty; $this->sendTraceAddToCartInfoByApi($item); return true; } /** * @property $item | Array, example: * $item = [ * 'product_id' => 22222, * 'custom_option_sku' => red-xxl, * 'qty' => 22, // 添加购物车的产品个数 * 'sku' => 'xxxx', * 'afterAddQty' => 33, // 添加后,该产品在sku中的个数,这个个数是为了计算购物车中产品的价格 * ]; * 将加入购物车的操作,加入trace */ public function sendTraceAddToCartInfoByApi($item) { if (Yii::$service->page->trace->traceJsEnable) { $product_price_arr = Yii::$service->product->price->getCartPriceByProductId($item['product_id'], $item['afterAddQty'], $item['custom_option_sku'], 2); $base_product_price = isset($product_price_arr['base_price']) ? $product_price_arr['base_price'] : 0; // $price = $base_product_price * $item['qty']; $trace_cart_info = [ [ 'sku' => $item['sku'], 'price' => $base_product_price, 'qty' => $item['qty'], ] ]; Yii::$service->page->trace->sendTraceAddToCartInfoByApi($trace_cart_info); } } /** * @property $item | Array, example: * $item = [ * 'product_id' => 22222, * 'custom_option_sku' => red-xxl, * 'qty' => 22, * ]; * @return boolean; * 将购物车中的某个产品更改个数,更改后的个数就是上面qty的值。 * @deprecated 该函数已经被遗弃 */ /* public function changeItemQty($item) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); // 查看是否存在此产品,如果存在,则更改 $item_one = $this->_itemModel->find()->where([ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, 'product_id' => $item['product_id'], 'custom_option_sku' => $item['custom_option_sku'], ])->one(); if ($item_one['cart_id']) { $item_one->qty = $item['qty']; $item_one->save(); // 重新计算购物车的数量 Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); return true; } else { Yii::$service->helper->errors->add('This product is not available in the shopping cart'); return false; } } */ /** * 通过quoteItem表,计算得到所有产品的总数 * 得到购物车中产品的总数,不要使用这个函数,这个函数的作用: * 在购物车中产品有变动后,使用这个函数得到产品总数,更新购物车中 * 的产品总数。 */ public function getItemQty() { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); $item_qty = 0; if ($cart_id) { $data = $this->_itemModel->find()->asArray()->where([ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, ])->all(); if (is_array($data) && !empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $one) { $item_qty += $one['qty']; } } } return $item_qty; } /** * @property $activeProduct | boolean , 是否只要active的产品 * @return array , foramt: * [ * 'products' => $products, # 产品详细信息,详情参看代码中的$products。 * 'product_total' => $product_total, # 产品的当前货币总额 * 'base_product_total' => $base_product_total,# 产品的基础货币总额 * 'product_weight'=> $product_weight, # 蟾皮的总重量、 * ] * 得到当前购物车的产品信息,具体参看上面的example array。 */ public function getCartProductInfo($activeProduct = true) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); $products = []; $product_total = 0; $product_weight = 0; $product_volume_weight = 0; if ($cart_id) { if (!isset($this->_cart_product_info[$cart_id])) { $data = $this->_itemModel->find()->where([ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, ])->all(); if (is_array($data) && !empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $one) { $active = $one['active']; if ($activeProduct && ($active != $this->activeStatus)) { continue; } $product_id = $one['product_id']; $product_one = Yii::$service->product->getByPrimaryKey($product_id); if ($product_one['_id']) { $qty = $one['qty']; $custom_option_sku = $one['custom_option_sku']; $product_price_arr = Yii::$service->product->price->getCartPriceByProductId($product_id, $qty, $custom_option_sku, 2); $curr_product_price = isset($product_price_arr['curr_price']) ? $product_price_arr['curr_price'] : 0; $base_product_price = isset($product_price_arr['base_price']) ? $product_price_arr['base_price'] : 0; $product_price = isset($curr_product_price['value']) ? $curr_product_price['value'] : 0; $product_row_price = $product_price * $qty; $base_product_row_price = $base_product_price * $qty; $volume = Yii::$service->shipping->getVolume($product_one['long'], $product_one['width'], $product_one['high']); $p_pv = $volume * $qty; $p_wt = $product_one['weight'] * $qty; $p_vwt = $product_one['volume_weight'] * $qty; if ($active == $this->activeStatus) { $product_total += $product_row_price; $base_product_total += $base_product_row_price; $product_weight += $p_wt; $product_volume_weight += $p_vwt; $product_volume += $p_pv; } $productSpuOptions = $this->getProductSpuOptions($product_one); $products[] = [ 'item_id' => $one['item_id'], 'active' => $active, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'sku' => $product_one['sku'], 'name' => Yii::$service->store->getStoreAttrVal($product_one['name'], 'name'), 'qty' => $qty, 'custom_option_sku' => $custom_option_sku, 'product_price' => $product_price, 'product_row_price' => $product_row_price, 'base_product_price' => $base_product_price, 'base_product_row_price'=> $base_product_row_price, 'product_name' => $product_one['name'], 'product_weight' => $product_one['weight'], 'product_row_weight'=> $p_wt, 'product_volume_weight' => $product_one['volume_weight'], 'product_row_volume_weight' => $p_vwt, 'product_volume' => $volume, 'product_row_volume' => $p_pv, 'product_url' => $product_one['url_key'], 'product_image' => $product_one['image'], 'custom_option' => $product_one['custom_option'], 'spu_options' => $productSpuOptions, ]; } } $this->_cart_product_info[$cart_id] = [ 'products' => $products, 'product_total' => $product_total, 'base_product_total'=> $base_product_total, 'product_weight' => $product_weight, 'product_volume_weight' => $product_volume_weight, 'product_volume' => $product_volume, ]; } } return $this->_cart_product_info[$cart_id]; } } /** * @property $productOb | Object,类型:\fecshop\models\mongodb\Product * 得到产品的spu对应的属性以及值。 * 概念 - spu options:当多个产品是同一个spu,但是不同的sku的时候,他们的产品表里面的 * spu attr 的值是不同的,譬如对应鞋子,size 和 color 就是spu attr,对于同一款鞋子,他们 * 是同一个spu,对于尺码,颜色不同的鞋子,是不同的sku,他们的spu attr 就是 color 和 size。 */ protected function getProductSpuOptions($productOb) { $custom_option_info_arr = []; if (isset($productOb['attr_group']) && !empty($productOb['attr_group'])) { $productAttrGroup = $productOb['attr_group']; Yii::$service->product->addGroupAttrs($productAttrGroup); $productOb = Yii::$service->product->getByPrimaryKey((string) $productOb['_id']); $spuArr = Yii::$service->product->getSpuAttr($productAttrGroup); if (is_array($spuArr) && !empty($spuArr)) { foreach ($spuArr as $spu_attr) { if (isset($productOb[$spu_attr]) && !empty($productOb[$spu_attr])) { $custom_option_info_arr[$spu_attr] = $productOb[$spu_attr]; } } } } return $custom_option_info_arr; } /** * @property $item_id | Int , quoteItem表的id * @return bool * 将这个item_id对应的产品个数+1. */ public function addOneItem($item_id) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); if ($cart_id) { $one = $this->_itemModel->find()->where([ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, 'item_id' => $item_id, ])->one(); $product_id = $one['product_id']; if ($one['item_id'] && $product_id) { $product = Yii::$service->product->getByPrimaryKey($product_id); $changeQty = Yii::$service->cart->getCartQty($product['package_number'], 1); $one['qty'] = $one['qty'] + $changeQty; $one->save(); // 重新计算购物车的数量 Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); $item = [ 'product_id' => $product_id, 'custom_option_sku' => $one['custom_option_sku'], 'qty' => $changeQty, 'sku' => $product['sku'], 'afterAddQty' => $one['qty'], ]; // 购物车数据加1 $this->sendTraceAddToCartInfoByApi($item); return true; } } return false; } /** * @property $item_id | Int , quoteItem表的id * @return bool * 将这个item_id对应的产品个数-1. */ public function lessOneItem($item_id) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); if ($cart_id) { $one = $this->_itemModel->find()->where([ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, 'item_id' => $item_id, ])->one(); $product_id = $one['product_id']; $product = Yii::$service->product->getByPrimaryKey($one['product_id']); $changeQty = Yii::$service->cart->getCartQty($product['package_number'], 1); $lessedQty = $one['qty'] - $changeQty; $min_sales_qty = 1; if ($product['min_sales_qty'] && $product['min_sales_qty'] >= 2) { $min_sales_qty = $product['min_sales_qty']; } if ($lessedQty < $min_sales_qty) { Yii::$service->helper->errors->add('product less buy qty is '.$product['min_sales_qty']); return false; } if ($one['item_id']) { if ($one['qty'] > 1) { $one['qty'] = $lessedQty; $one->save(); // 重新计算购物车的数量 Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); return true; } } } return false; } /** * @property $item_id | Int , quoteItem表的id * @return bool * 将这个item_id对应的产品删除 */ public function removeItem($item_id) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); if ($cart_id) { $one = $this->_itemModel->find()->where([ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, 'item_id' => $item_id, ])->one(); if ($one['item_id']) { $one->delete(); // 重新计算购物车的数量 Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); return true; } } return false; } /** * @property $item_id | Int , quoteItem表的id * @return bool * 将这个item_id对应的产品个数+1. */ public function selectOneItem($item_id, $checked) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); if ($cart_id) { $one = $this->_itemModel->find()->where([ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, 'item_id' => $item_id, ])->one(); $product_id = $one['product_id']; if ($one['item_id'] && $product_id) { //$product = Yii::$service->product->getByPrimaryKey($product_id); //$changeQty = Yii::$service->cart->getCartQty($product['package_number'], 1); //$one['qty'] = $one['qty'] + $changeQty; if ($checked == true) { $one->active = $this->activeStatus; } else { $one->active = $this->noActiveStatus; } $one->save(); // 重新计算购物车的数量 Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); return true; } } return false; } /** * @property $item_id | Int , quoteItem表的id * @return bool * 将这个item_id对应的产品个数+1. */ public function selectAllItem($checked) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); if ($cart_id) { $active = $this->noActiveStatus; if ($checked == true) { $active = $this->activeStatus; } $updateCount = $this->_itemModel->updateAll( ['active' => $active], ['cart_id' => $cart_id] ); if ($updateCount > 0) { Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); } return true; } return false; } /** * @property $cart_id | int 购物车id * 删除购物车中的所有的active产品。对于noActive产品保留 * 注意:清空购物车并不是清空所有信息,仅仅是清空用户购物车中的产品。 * 另外,购物车的数目更改后,需要更新cart中产品个数的信息。 */ public function removeNoActiveItemsByCartId($cart_id = '') { if (!$cart_id) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); } if ($cart_id) { $columns = $this->_itemModel->deleteAll([ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, 'active' => $this->activeStatus, ]); if ($columns > 0) { // 重新计算购物车的数量 Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); return true; } } } /** 废弃,改为 removeNoActiveItemsByCartId(),因为购物车改为勾选下单方式。 * @property $cart_id | int 购物车id * 删除购物车中的所有产品。 * 注意:清空购物车并不是清空所有信息,仅仅是清空用户购物车中的产品。 * 另外,购物车的数目更改后,需要更新cart中产品个数的信息。 */ public function removeItemByCartId($cart_id = '') { if (!$cart_id) { $cart_id = Yii::$service->cart->quote->getCartId(); } if ($cart_id) { $items = $this->_itemModel->deleteAll([ 'cart_id' => $cart_id, //'item_id' => $item_id, ]); // 重新计算购物车的数量 Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(0); } return true; } /** * @property $new_cart_id | int 更新后的cart_id * @property $cart_id | int 更新前的cart_id * 删除购物车中的所有产品。 * 这里仅仅更改cart表的cart_id, 而不会做其他任何事情。 */ public function updateCartId($new_cart_id, $cart_id) { if ($cart_id && $new_cart_id) { $this->_itemModel->updateAll( ['cart_id' => $new_cart_id], // $attributes ['cart_id' => $cart_id] // $condition ); // 重新计算购物车的数量 //Yii::$service->cart->quote->computeCartInfo(); return true; } return false; } }