提交 50d15e87 编写于 作者: T Terry

appserver 微信h5支付

上级 976b39ec
* FecShop file.
* @link http://www.fecshop.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 FecShop Software LLC
* @license http://www.fecshop.com/license/
namespace fecshop\app\appserver\modules\Payment\controllers;
use fecshop\app\appserver\modules\Payment\PaymentController;
use Yii;
* @author Terry Zhao <2358269014@qq.com>
* @since 1.0
class Wxpayh5Controller extends PaymentController
public $enableCsrfValidation = false;
protected $_increment_id;
protected $_order_model;
* 支付开始页面.
public function actionStart()
if(Yii::$app->request->getMethod() === 'OPTIONS'){
return [];
$checkOrder = $this->checkOrder();
if($checkOrder !== true){
return $checkOrder;
$return_Url = Yii::$app->request->post('return_url');
//Yii::$service->page->theme->layoutFile = 'wxpay_jsapi.php';
$objectxml = Yii::$service->payment->wxpayH5->getScanCodeStart();
//$returnUrl = Yii::$service->payment->getStandardReturnUrl();
$return_Url = urlencode($return_Url);
$redirectUrl = $objectxml['mweb_url'] . '&redirect_url=' . $return_Url;
$data = [
'redirectUrl' => $redirectUrl,
$code = Yii::$service->helper->appserver->status_success;
$responseData = Yii::$service->helper->appserver->getResponseData($code, $data);
return $responseData;
public function actionReview()
if(Yii::$app->request->getMethod() === 'OPTIONS'){
return [];
$checkOrder = $this->checkOrder();
if($checkOrder !== true){
return $checkOrder;
$out_trade_no = Yii::$service->order->getSessionIncrementId();
$reviewStatus = Yii::$service->payment->wxpay->scanCodeCheckTradeIsSuccess($out_trade_no);
$data = [
'redirectUrl' => $redirectUrl,
$code = Yii::$service->helper->appserver->status_success;
$responseData = Yii::$service->helper->appserver->getResponseData($code, $data);
return $responseData;
$errors = Yii::$service->helper->errors->get(',');
$data = [
'errors' => $errors,
$code = Yii::$service->helper->appserver->order_wxpay_payment_fail;
$responseData = Yii::$service->helper->appserver->getResponseData($code, $data);
return $responseData;
* IPN消息推送地址
* IPN过来后,不清除session中的 increment_id ,也不清除购物车
* 仅仅是更改订单支付状态。
public function actionIpn()
/** 废弃
* 成功支付页面.
public function actionSuccess()
$data = [
'increment_id' => $this->_increment_id,
// 清理购物车中的产品。(游客用户的购物车在成功页面清空)
if (Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
// 清理session中的当前的increment_id
return $this->render('../../payment/checkmoney/success', $data);
......@@ -18,19 +18,20 @@ use Yii;
class WxpayjsapiController extends PaymentController
public $enableCsrfValidation = false;
public function init(){
* 通过微信回传的code,进而获取相关的信息
public function actionStart()
if(Yii::$app->request->getMethod() === 'OPTIONS'){
return [];
$checkOrder = $this->checkOrder();
if($checkOrder !== true){
return $checkOrder;
$code = Yii::$app->request->post('code');
// 获取相关的code
$data = Yii::$service->payment->wxpayJsApi->getScanCodeStart($code);
......@@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ class Appserver extends Service
public $order_payment_paypal_express_error = 1500020;
public $order_wxpay_payment_fail = 1500021;
* cms
......@@ -529,6 +531,10 @@ class Appserver extends Service
$this->order_alipay_payment_fail => [
'message' => 'order pay by alipay payment fail',
$this->order_wxpay_payment_fail => [
'message' => 'order pay by wxpay payment fail',
* cms
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