1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,889 hi folks so it's time to start into a 大家好,现在是时候开始 2 00:00:03,089 --> 00:00:06,129 new topic and a very interesting one at 新话题,一个非常有趣的话题 3 00:00:06,330 --> 00:00:07,750 that what we can talk about now is 我们现在可以谈论的是 4 00:00:07,950 --> 00:00:11,470 repeated games and so this will use some 重复的游戏,所以这将使用一些 5 00:00:11,669 --> 00:00:12,910 of the reasoning we've had in terms of 关于我们的推理 6 00:00:13,109 --> 00:00:15,550 sub game perfect and extensive forms but 子游戏完美且广泛的形式,但 7 00:00:15,750 --> 00:00:17,530 now think of situations where players 现在想到玩家 8 00:00:17,730 --> 00:00:19,329 are playing a game but they're playing 在玩游戏,但他们在玩 9 00:00:19,528 --> 00:00:22,179 it repeatedly over time so you know when 随着时间的推移反复出现,所以你知道什么时候 10 00:00:22,379 --> 00:00:24,519 we think of most interactions in the 我们想到了大多数互动 11 00:00:24,719 --> 00:00:27,068 world there's a lot of them which occur 世界上有很多发生 12 00:00:27,268 --> 00:00:29,560 more than once so you know when we think 不止一次,所以您知道我们何时思考 13 00:00:29,760 --> 00:00:31,239 about different kinds of things you know 关于你知道的各种事情 14 00:00:31,439 --> 00:00:34,089 firms in a market place they're 他们在市场中的公司 15 00:00:34,289 --> 00:00:35,169 interacting with their competitors 与竞争对手互动 16 00:00:35,369 --> 00:00:37,409 they're doing it day after day after day 他们日复一日地在做 17 00:00:37,609 --> 00:00:39,869 we think about political alliances 我们考虑政治联盟 18 00:00:40,070 --> 00:00:43,000 countries deciding how they should 决定如何做的国家 19 00:00:43,200 --> 00:00:44,619 negotiate with other ones whether they 与其他人协商是否 20 00:00:44,820 --> 00:00:47,439 should should have conflicts and so 应该有冲突等等 21 00:00:47,640 --> 00:00:49,659 forth those are things where you know 那些都是你所知道的 22 00:00:49,859 --> 00:00:51,549 this happens repeatedly over time so 随着时间的推移反复发生 23 00:00:51,750 --> 00:00:53,858 there's a long history and a long future 历史悠久,前途无限 24 00:00:54,058 --> 00:00:54,659 ahead of them 在他们前面 25 00:00:54,859 --> 00:00:56,799 friends you know do you exchange you 你认识的朋友你交换你 26 00:00:57,000 --> 00:00:58,059 help your friends out when they need 在需要时帮助您的朋友 27 00:00:58,259 --> 00:01:00,428 help do they help you back when you when 他们在你何时帮助你 28 00:01:00,628 --> 00:01:03,698 you need it so you know you're going 你需要它,所以你知道你要去 29 00:01:03,899 --> 00:01:06,039 through repeated interactions and how 通过反复的互动以及如何 30 00:01:06,239 --> 00:01:07,509 you've performed in the past of your 你过去的表现 31 00:01:07,709 --> 00:01:09,009 friends that have done very well for you 为您做得很好的朋友 32 00:01:09,209 --> 00:01:11,709 you're more likely to reciprocate some 你更有可能回报一些 33 00:01:11,909 --> 00:01:13,060 of these kinds of things can involve 这些事情可能涉及 34 00:01:13,260 --> 00:01:16,058 repeated interactions workers team 反复互动的工人团队 35 00:01:16,259 --> 00:01:18,609 production you've got a you know day 生产,你有一个你知道的一天 36 00:01:18,810 --> 00:01:20,109 after day you need to help some of your 一天之后,您需要帮助一些 37 00:01:20,310 --> 00:01:21,969 co-workers sometimes you have to do 同事有时您必须做 38 00:01:22,170 --> 00:01:24,159 tasks that don't go noticed and 不会被注意到的任务 39 00:01:24,359 --> 00:01:25,988 sometimes they do help you out and so 有时他们确实可以帮助您,所以 40 00:01:26,188 --> 00:01:27,759 forth so these are situations where 第四,这些情况是 41 00:01:27,959 --> 00:01:30,179 repetition can make a difference and 重复可以有所作为, 42 00:01:30,379 --> 00:01:32,289 understanding it will be an important 了解这将是重要的 43 00:01:32,489 --> 00:01:34,689 aspect of understanding how the 理解方面 44 00:01:34,890 --> 00:01:38,738 repetition affects the play involves a 重复影响戏剧涉及 45 00:01:38,938 --> 00:01:40,119 whole series of different kinds of 全系列的不同种类的 46 00:01:40,319 --> 00:01:42,668 things I'm just to fix ideas let's talk 我只是为了解决问题而已 47 00:01:42,868 --> 00:01:45,579 a little bit about OPEC which was a 关于欧佩克的一点点 48 00:01:45,780 --> 00:01:48,278 cartel which was formed in the early 卡特尔成立于早期 49 00:01:48,478 --> 00:01:50,619 1970s and and just in terms of 1970年代 50 00:01:50,819 --> 00:01:54,340 background if you go back to you know 回到你知道的背景 51 00:01:54,540 --> 00:01:58,509 the period between 1930 and up to 1973 从1930年到1973年 52 00:01:58,709 --> 00:02:02,140 when OPEC started being put together the 当欧佩克开始放在一起时, 53 00:02:02,340 --> 00:02:04,090 price of oil so these are all adjusted 石油价格,因此都进行了调整 54 00:02:04,290 --> 00:02:06,369 numbers to reflect say two thousand and 要反映的数字说2000 55 00:02:06,569 --> 00:02:08,140 eight dollars so we adjust for inflation 八美元,所以我们根据通货膨胀进行调整 56 00:02:08,340 --> 00:02:10,118 and other kinds of things but if you 和其他种类的东西,但是如果你 57 00:02:10,318 --> 00:02:13,260 just everything to the to the same 一切都一样 58 00:02:13,460 --> 00:02:16,320 to adjust for inflation you get a price 调整通货膨胀,你会得到一个价格 59 00:02:16,520 --> 00:02:19,050 of roughly $20 per barrel or less from 大约每桶20美元或更少 60 00:02:19,250 --> 00:02:21,780 the period of 1930 through about 1973 从1930年到大约1973年 61 00:02:21,979 --> 00:02:25,110 OPEC starts to form what happens they 欧佩克开始形成他们所发生的事情 62 00:02:25,310 --> 00:02:27,060 decide that you know they've just been 决定你知道他们刚刚去过 63 00:02:27,259 --> 00:02:29,280 acting it's a bunch of players a bunch 表演是一群玩家 64 00:02:29,479 --> 00:02:30,390 of different producers they've been 他们曾经去过的不同制片人 65 00:02:30,590 --> 00:02:32,870 acting on their own for many years and 独自行动多年 66 00:02:33,069 --> 00:02:36,240 just pumping lots of oil and they pump 只是抽很多油,他们抽 67 00:02:36,439 --> 00:02:38,760 so much oil that the prices is fairly 这么多的石油,价格合理 68 00:02:38,960 --> 00:02:41,160 low it's very easy to buy oil so they're 低,买油很容易,所以他们 69 00:02:41,360 --> 00:02:43,110 going to start by restricting production 首先要限制生产 70 00:02:43,310 --> 00:02:45,570 cut production back down and that'll 减少生产,这将 71 00:02:45,770 --> 00:02:47,760 drive the price up ok what's the 推动价格上涨,这是什么 72 00:02:47,960 --> 00:02:49,260 difficulty is if all the other ones are 困难是所有其他的 73 00:02:49,460 --> 00:02:52,020 producing very little and driving the 产生很少并驱动 74 00:02:52,219 --> 00:02:52,620 price up 价格上涨 75 00:02:52,819 --> 00:02:54,689 I'd like to cheat on the agreement and 我想在协议上作弊, 76 00:02:54,889 --> 00:02:56,939 pump more oil so you can think of this 泵更多的油,所以你可以想到这个 77 00:02:57,139 --> 00:02:58,710 as looking somewhat like a giant 看起来有点像巨人 78 00:02:58,909 --> 00:03:00,719 prisoner's dilemma game where we'd all 我们都将在囚徒困境游戏中 79 00:03:00,919 --> 00:03:03,480 like to pump less oil if we're OPEC or 如果我们是石油输出国组织(OPEC),则希望少抽油 80 00:03:03,680 --> 00:03:05,310 oil producing countries drive the price 产油国拉动价格 81 00:03:05,509 --> 00:03:07,590 up but we all have an incentive to cheat 起来,但我们都有诱骗的动机 82 00:03:07,789 --> 00:03:11,640 a little bit and pump more oil and the 并抽更多的油 83 00:03:11,840 --> 00:03:14,280 repetition can help us police that if 重复可以帮助我们报警,如果 84 00:03:14,479 --> 00:03:17,730 for OPEC so what happens by 1976 the 对欧佩克而言,1976年发生了什么 85 00:03:17,930 --> 00:03:20,250 price goes up to about $50 a barrel by 油价到了每桶约50美元 86 00:03:20,449 --> 00:03:23,160 the time you get to 1982 these are also 你到1982年的时候 87 00:03:23,360 --> 00:03:25,680 in real terms so that these are adjusted 实质性地调整这些 88 00:03:25,879 --> 00:03:27,390 for inflation they've pumped up the 为了通货膨胀,他们加大了 89 00:03:27,590 --> 00:03:31,590 price up to $90 a barrel and you know so 价格高达每桶90美元,你知道吗 90 00:03:31,789 --> 00:03:33,660 it's in the early 1980s it does quite 在1980年代初期 91 00:03:33,860 --> 00:03:35,939 well in terms of Oh packin lots of money 哦,哦,包装很多钱 92 00:03:36,139 --> 00:03:39,450 coming in and then it collapses for a 进来然后崩溃了一个 93 00:03:39,650 --> 00:03:41,280 while so when you look but the period 虽然如此,当你看,但时期 94 00:03:41,479 --> 00:03:44,490 say between about 1986 to 2002 so 19 比如说在1986年到2002年之间,所以19 95 00:03:44,689 --> 00:03:47,219 between 82 and 86 it starts to a road it 在82到86之间开始 96 00:03:47,419 --> 00:03:51,300 kind of falls apart between 86 and 2002 在86和2002之间分崩离析 97 00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:53,520 the price is basically $40 a barrel or 价格基本上是每桶40美元或 98 00:03:53,719 --> 00:03:55,620 less and then they get back together 少然后他们重新聚在一起 99 00:03:55,819 --> 00:03:58,020 again so actually during this period 再次如此实际上在此期间 100 00:03:58,219 --> 00:04:01,680 there is a Iran Iraq war a whole series 有一场伊战全系列 101 00:04:01,879 --> 00:04:03,330 of things go on in the Middle East that 在中东发生的事情 102 00:04:03,530 --> 00:04:05,370 make it much more difficult to sustain 使维持变得更加困难 103 00:04:05,569 --> 00:04:08,670 cooperation things deteriorate and then 合作的事情恶化然后 104 00:04:08,870 --> 00:04:10,710 after a while you know things are 过了一会儿,你知道事情是 105 00:04:10,909 --> 00:04:13,350 getting back in terms of higher prices 重新获得更高的价格 106 00:04:13,550 --> 00:04:15,660 by late 2008 the price is pushed back up 到2008年底价格回升 107 00:04:15,860 --> 00:04:18,629 to over $100 a barrel okay so what we 超过每桶100美元,那么我们 108 00:04:18,829 --> 00:04:20,180 need to begin to understand this 需要开始了解这一点 109 00:04:20,379 --> 00:04:22,199 understanding the repeated interaction 了解重复的互动 110 00:04:22,399 --> 00:04:23,699 and understanding the motivations of the 并了解 111 00:04:23,899 --> 00:04:25,379 players and so forth can help us quite 玩家等可以帮助我们 112 00:04:25,579 --> 00:04:27,718 but so when we think about this a cartel 但是当我们考虑这个卡特尔时 113 00:04:27,918 --> 00:04:28,800 is much like a repeated prisoner's 就像是一个反复犯人的 114 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:32,429 dilemma and in order to make sure that 困境,并确保 115 00:04:32,629 --> 00:04:34,079 other people behave if you want to get 如果你想得到别人的行为 116 00:04:34,279 --> 00:04:36,179 people abiding by this you need to be 遵守这一点的人,你需要 117 00:04:36,379 --> 00:04:38,069 able to observe other people's play and 能够观察其他人的游戏 118 00:04:38,269 --> 00:04:39,660 react quickly to that and punish them 对此迅速做出反应并惩罚他们 119 00:04:39,860 --> 00:04:41,879 desired behavior so if you form a cartel 期望的行为,所以如果您形成卡特尔 120 00:04:42,079 --> 00:04:43,649 and so everybody here's our quotas don't 所以每个人都是我们的配额 121 00:04:43,848 --> 00:04:45,718 pump more than this you be able to need 泵出更多您需要的 122 00:04:45,918 --> 00:04:47,730 to be able to respond to somebody who 能够回应某人 123 00:04:47,930 --> 00:04:49,559 ends up breaking their agreement and 最终违反了他们的协议, 124 00:04:49,759 --> 00:04:51,809 pumping too much so you need to be able 抽太多,所以你需要能够 125 00:04:52,009 --> 00:04:54,749 to observe what's going on you also need 观察正在发生的事情,您还需要 126 00:04:54,949 --> 00:04:58,829 to care about the future right so if you 关心未来的权利,如果你 127 00:04:59,029 --> 00:05:00,300 stop caring about the future and only 不要只关心未来 128 00:05:00,500 --> 00:05:02,550 care about today then it's very tempting 在乎今天,这很诱人 129 00:05:02,750 --> 00:05:03,929 from one of these countries just to say 来自这些国家之一 130 00:05:04,129 --> 00:05:05,218 okay forget the agreement I'm just 好吧,忘了我只是达成的协议 131 00:05:05,418 --> 00:05:06,778 pumping as much as I can today the price 我今天能抽得最多 132 00:05:06,978 --> 00:05:08,550 is very high I'm going to grab what I 很高我要抓住我的东西 133 00:05:08,750 --> 00:05:11,490 can and war certainly didn't help this 可以,战争当然没有帮助 134 00:05:11,689 --> 00:05:13,259 right so if you have a war you need cash 对,所以如果你有战争需要现金 135 00:05:13,459 --> 00:05:15,929 upfront you're going to want to pump 前期,你要抽水 136 00:05:16,129 --> 00:05:17,968 much more oil and that makes it much 更多的石油,这使它变得更多 137 00:05:18,168 --> 00:05:20,670 more difficult to abide by the cartel 更难以遵守卡特尔 138 00:05:20,870 --> 00:05:23,819 agreement you also need a stable set of 同意你还需要一套稳定的 139 00:05:24,019 --> 00:05:27,420 players and and stationarity so the more 玩家和平稳性 140 00:05:27,620 --> 00:05:29,189 complicated the setting becomes and the 设置变得复杂,并且 141 00:05:29,389 --> 00:05:30,718 more sources of oil there are in the 有更多的石油来源 142 00:05:30,918 --> 00:05:32,999 world and so forth so constantly 世界等等不断 143 00:05:33,199 --> 00:05:35,639 changing sources of production can hurt 改变生产来源可能会伤害 144 00:05:35,839 --> 00:05:38,040 growing demand can help actually right 需求的增长可以帮助实际上正确 145 00:05:38,240 --> 00:05:40,649 so if the world is getting more and more 所以如果世界越来越多 146 00:05:40,848 --> 00:05:44,129 oil dependent and countries come online 石油依赖国家上线 147 00:05:44,329 --> 00:05:46,139 that have more and more demand for oil 对石油的需求越来越大 148 00:05:46,338 --> 00:05:49,079 that can help drive the price up so in 可以帮助推动价格上涨 149 00:05:49,278 --> 00:05:50,610 understanding repeated games we'll have 了解我们将要玩的重复游戏 150 00:05:50,810 --> 00:05:54,319 to account for a lot of things over time 随着时间的流逝要占很多东西 151 00:05:54,519 --> 00:05:56,939 but we can begin to analyze this using 但是我们可以开始使用 152 00:05:57,139 --> 00:05:59,759 the tools of game theory and looking at 博弈论和观察工具 153 00:05:59,959 --> 00:06:01,559 situations where people are playing 人们在玩的情况 154 00:06:01,759 --> 00:06:03,269 games but they're playing them over and 游戏,但他们正在玩这些游戏, 155 00:06:03,468 --> 00:06:04,860 over and over again and trying to 一遍又一遍,试图 156 00:06:05,060 --> 00:06:06,389 understand the consequences of that 了解其后果 157 00:06:06,588 --> 00:06:10,160 how does threats of future play impact 未来的威胁如何产生影响 158 00:06:10,360 --> 00:06:13,588 play today so that's the basic idea and 今天玩,这是基本思路, 159 00:06:13,788 --> 00:06:15,389 let's get into that in a little bit more 让我们多谈一点 160 00:06:15,588 --> 00:06:20,588 detail 详情