# 深度学习2:第1部分第7课 ### [第7课](http://forums.fast.ai/t/wiki-lesson-7/9405) 第1部分的主题是: * 深度学习的分类和回归 * 识别和学习最佳和既定的实践 * 重点是分类和回归,它预测“一件事”(例如一个数字,少数标签) 课程的第2部分: * 重点是生成建模,这意味着预测“很多事情” - 例如,创建一个句子,如在神经翻译,图像字幕或问题回答中创建图像,如风格转移,超分辨率,分割等。 * 不是最好的做法,而是从最近可能没有经过全面测试的论文中获得更多的推测。 #### 审查Char3Model [ [02:49](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D2m49s) ] 提醒:RNN没有任何不同或异常或神奇 - 只是一个标准的完全连接网络。 ![](../img/1_9XXQ3J7G3rD92tFkusi4bA.png)
* 箭头表示一个或多个层操作 - 一般来说是线性的,后跟非线性函数,在这种情况下,矩阵乘法后跟`relu`或`tanh` * 相同颜色的箭头表示使用的完全相同的重量矩阵。 * 与之前的一个细微差别是第二和第三层有输入。 我们尝试了两种方法 - 将这些输入连接并添加到当前激活中。 ``` **class** **Char3Model** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac): super().__init__() self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac) _# The 'green arrow' from our diagram_ self.l_in = nn.Linear(n_fac, n_hidden) _# The 'orange arrow' from our diagram_ self.l_hidden = nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden) _# The 'blue arrow' from our diagram_ self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size) **def** forward(self, c1, c2, c3): in1 = F.relu(self.l_in(self.e(c1))) in2 = F.relu(self.l_in(self.e(c2))) in3 = F.relu(self.l_in(self.e(c3))) h = V(torch.zeros(in1.size()).cuda()) h = F.tanh(self.l_hidden(h+in1)) h = F.tanh(self.l_hidden(h+in2)) h = F.tanh(self.l_hidden(h+in3)) **return** F.log_softmax(self.l_out(h)) ``` * 通过使用`nn.Linear`我们可以免费获得权重矩阵和偏置向量。 * 为了处理第一个椭圆没有橙色箭头的事实,我们发明了一个空矩阵 ``` **class** **CharLoopModel** (nn.Module): _# This is an RNN!_ **def** __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac): super().__init__() self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac) self.l_in = nn.Linear(n_fac, n_hidden) self.l_hidden = nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden) self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size) **def** forward(self, *cs): bs = cs[0].size(0) h = V(torch.zeros(bs, n_hidden).cuda()) **for** c **in** cs: inp = F.relu(self.l_in(self.e(c))) h = F.tanh(self.l_hidden(h+inp)) **return** F.log_softmax(self.l_out(h), dim=-1) ``` * 几乎相同,除了`for`循环 ``` **class** **CharRnn** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac): super().__init__() self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac) self.rnn = nn.RNN(n_fac, n_hidden) self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size) **def** forward(self, *cs): bs = cs[0].size(0) h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden)) inp = self.e(torch.stack(cs)) outp,h = self.rnn(inp, h) **return** F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp[-1]), dim=-1) ``` * PyTorch版本`nn.RNN`将创建循环并跟踪`h`跟踪。 * 我们使用白色部分来预测绿色字符 - 这看起来很浪费,因为下一部分主要与当前部分重叠。 ![](../img/1_4v68iwTS32RHplB8c-egmg.png) * 然后,我们尝试将其拆分为多输出模型中的非重叠部分: ![](../img/1_5LY1Sdql1_VLHDfdd2e8lw.png) * 在这种方法中,我们在处理每个部分后开始抛弃我们的`h`激活并开始一个新的激活。 为了使用下一节中的第一个字符预测第二个字符,它没有任何内容可以继续,而是默认激活。 我们不要扔掉。 #### 有状态的RNN [ [08:52](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D8m52s) ] ``` **class** **CharSeqStatefulRnn** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac, bs): self.vocab_size = vocab_size super().__init__() self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac) self.rnn = nn.RNN(n_fac, n_hidden) self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size) **self.init_hidden(bs)** **def** forward(self, cs): bs = cs[0].size(0) **if** self.h.size(1) != bs: self.init_hidden(bs) outp,h = self.rnn(self.e(cs), self.h) **self.h = repackage_var(h)** **return** F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp), dim=-1).view(-1, self.vocab_size) **def** init_hidden(self, bs): self.h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden)) ``` * 构造函数中的另一行。 `self.init_hidden(bs)`将`self.h`设置为一堆零。 * **Wrinkle#1** [ [10:51](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D10m51s) ] - 如果我们只是做`self.h = h` ,并且我们训练了一个长度为一百万字符的文档,那么RNN的展开版本的大小有一百万层(省略号) 。 一百万层完全连接的网络将占用大量内存,因为为了实现链规则,我们必须增加一百万个层,同时记住每批100万个梯度。 * 为避免这种情况,我们会不时地忘记它的历史。 我们仍然可以记住状态(隐藏矩阵中的值)而不记得我们如何到达那里的一切。 ``` def repackage_var(h): return Variable(h.data) if type(h) == Variable else tuple(repackage_var(v) for v in h) ``` * 从`Variable` `h`取出张量(记住,张量本身没有任何历史概念),并从中创建一个新的`Variable` 。 新变量具有相同的值但没有操作历史记录,因此当它尝试反向传播时,它将停在那里。 * `forward`将处理8个字符,然后返回传播通过8个层,跟踪隐藏状态中的值,但它将丢弃其操作历史。 这称为**反向支撑通过时间(bptt)** 。 * 换句话说,在`for`循环之后,只需丢弃操作历史并重新开始。 所以我们保持隐藏的状态,但我们没有保持隐藏的状态历史。 * 不通过太多层反向传播的另一个好理由是,如果你有任何类型的梯度不稳定性(例如梯度爆炸或梯度消失),你拥有的层数越多,网络训练越难(速度越慢,弹性越小) 。 * 另一方面,较长的`bptt`意味着您可以显式捕获更长的内存和更多的状态。 * **Wrinkle#2** [ [16:00](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D16m) ] - 如何创建迷你批次。 我们不希望一次处理一个部分,而是一次并行处理一个部分。 * 当我们第一次开始关注TorchText时,我们谈到了它如何创建这些迷你批次。 * Jeremy说我们整整一份长文件,包括Nietzsche的整个作品或所有IMDB评论连在一起,我们把它分成64个相同大小的块(不是64块大小的块)。 ![](../img/1_YOUoCz-p7semcNuDFZqp_w.png) * 对于长度为6400万个字符的文档,每个“块”将是100万个字符。 我们将它们堆叠在一起,现在用`bptt`分割它们 - 1个mini-bach由64个`bptt`矩阵组成。 * 第二个块(第1,000,001个字符)的第一个字符可能位于句子的中间。 但它没关系,因为它每百万个字符只发生一次。 #### 问题:此类数据集的数据扩充? [ [20:34](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D20m34s) ] 没有已知的好方法。 有人最近通过数据增加赢得了Kaggle比赛,随机插入了不同行的部分 - 这样的东西可能会有用。 但是,最近没有任何最新的NLP论文正在进行这种数据增强。 #### 问题:我们如何选择bptt的大小? [ [21:36](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D21m36s) ] 有几件事要考虑: * 首先,迷你批量矩阵的大小为`bptt` (块数#),因此你的GPU RAM必须能够通过嵌入矩阵拟合。 因此,如果你得到CUDA内存不足错误,你需要减少其中一个。 * 如果你的训练不稳定(例如你的`bptt`突然向NaN射击),那么你可以尝试减少你的`bptt`因为你有更少的层来渐变爆炸。 * 如果它太慢[ [22:44](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D22m44s) ],请尝试减少你的`bptt`因为它会一次执行其中一个步骤。 `for`循环无法并行化(对于当前版本)。 最近有一种称为QRNN(准递归神经网络)的东西,它将它并行化,我们希望在第2部分中介绍。 * 所以选择满足所有这些的最高数字。 #### 有状态的RNN和TorchText [ [23:23](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D23m23s) ] 当使用希望数据为特定格式的现有API时,您可以更改数据以适合该格式,也可以编写自己的数据集子类来处理数据已经存在的格式。要么很好,要么在这种情况下,我们将以TorchText格式提供我们的数据。 围绕TorchText的Fast.ai包装器已经具有可以具有训练路径和验证路径的东西,并且每个路径中的一个或多个文本文件包含为您的语言模型连接在一起的一堆文本。 ``` **from** **torchtext** **import** vocab, data ``` ``` **from** **fastai.nlp** **import** * **from** **fastai.lm_rnn** **import** * ``` ``` PATH='data/nietzsche/' ``` ``` TRN_PATH = 'trn/' VAL_PATH = 'val/' TRN = f' **{PATH}{TRN_PATH}** ' VAL = f' **{PATH}{VAL_PATH}** ' ``` ``` %ls {PATH} _models/ nietzsche.txt trn/ val/_ ``` ``` %ls {PATH}trn _trn.txt_ ``` * 制作了Nietzsche文件的副本,粘贴到培训和验证目录中。 然后从训练集中删除了最后20%的行,并删除了验证集[ [25:15](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D25m15s) ]中除最后20%之外的所有行。 * 这样做的另一个好处是,拥有一个不是随机混乱的文本行集的验证集似乎更为现实,但它完全是语料库的一部分。 * 在进行语言模型时,实际上并不需要单独的文件。 您可以拥有多个文件,但无论如何它们只是连在一起。 ``` TEXT = data.Field(lower= **True** , tokenize=list) bs=64; bptt=8; n_fac=42; n_hidden=256 FILES = dict(train=TRN_PATH, validation=VAL_PATH, test=VAL_PATH) md = LanguageModelData.from_text_files(PATH, TEXT, **FILES, bs=bs, bptt=bptt, min_freq=3) len(md.trn_dl), md.nt, len(md.trn_ds), len(md.trn_ds[0].text) _(963, 56, 1, 493747)_ ``` * 在TorchText中,我们将这个东西称为`Field` ,最初`Field`只是描述如何预处理文本。 * `lower` - 我们告诉它要小写文本 * `tokenize` - 上次,我们使用了一个在空格上分割的函数,它给了我们一个单词模型。 这次,我们需要一个字符模型,所以使用`list`函数来标记字符串。 请记住,在Python中, `list('abc')`将返回`['a', 'b', 'c']` 。 * `bs` :批量大小, `bptt` :我们重命名为`cs` , `n_fac` :嵌入的大小, `n_hidden` :隐藏状态的大小 * 我们没有单独的测试集,所以我们只使用验证集进行测试 * TorchText每次将bptt的长度随机化一点。 它并不总能给我们准确的8个字符; 5%的时间,它会将它减少一半并加上一个小的标准偏差,使其略大于或小于8.我们无法对数据进行混洗,因为它需要连续,所以这是一种引入一些随机性的方法。 * 问题[ [31:46](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D31m46s) ]:每个小批量的尺寸是否保持不变? 是的,我们需要使用`h`权重矩阵进行矩阵乘法,因此小批量大小必须保持不变。 但序列长度可以改变没有问题。 * `len(md.trn_dl)` :数据加载器的长度(即多少`md.nt`批量), `md.nt` :令牌数量(即词汇表中有多少独特的东西) * 一旦运行`LanguageModelData.from_text_files` , `TEXT`将包含一个名为`vocab`的额外属性。 `TEXT.vocab.itos`词汇表中的唯一项目列表, `TEXT.vocab.stoi`是从每个项目到数字的反向映射。 ``` **class** **CharSeqStatefulRnn** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac, bs): self.vocab_size = vocab_size super().__init__() self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac) self.rnn = nn.RNN(n_fac, n_hidden) self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size) self.init_hidden(bs) **def** forward(self, cs): bs = cs[0].size(0) **if self.h.size(1) != bs: self.init_hidden(bs)** outp,h = self.rnn(self.e(cs), self.h) self.h = repackage_var(h) **return** **F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp), dim=-1).view(-1, self.vocab_size)** **def** init_hidden(self, bs): self.h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden)) ``` * **皱纹#3** [ [33:51](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D33m51s) ]:Jeremy说他们说小批量的尺寸保持不变。 除非数据集完全被`bptt`乘以`bs`整除,否则最后一个小批量很可能比其他小批量短。 这就是为什么我们检查`self.h`的第二个维度是否与输入的`bs`相同。 如果不相同,请使用输入的`bs`将其设置为零。 这发生在纪元的末尾和纪元的开始(设置回完整的批量大小)。 * **Wrinkle#4** [ [35:44](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D35m44s) ]:最后的皱纹对于PyTorch来说有点糟糕,也许有人可以用PR来修复它。 损失函数不满意接收秩3张量(即三维阵列)。 没有特别的原因他们应该不乐意接受等级3张量(按结果的批量大小的序列长度 - 所以你可以只计算两个初始轴中每一个的损失)。 适用于等级2或4,但不适用于3。 * `.view`将通过`vocab_size`将等级3张量重塑为`-1`等级2(无论多么大)。 TorchText会自动更改**目标**以使其变平,因此我们不需要为实际值执行此操作(当我们在第4课中查看小批量时,我们注意到它已被展平。杰里米说我们将了解为什么以后,所以后来现在。) * PyTorch(截至0.3), `log_softmax`要求我们指定我们想要在哪个轴上执行softmax(即我们想要总和为哪个轴)。 在这种情况下,我们希望在最后一个轴上进行`dim = -1` 。 ``` m = CharSeqStatefulRnn(md.nt, n_fac, 512).cuda() opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-3) ``` ``` fit(m, md, 4, opt, F.nll_loss) ``` #### 让我们通过拆包RNN获得更多洞察力[ [42:48](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D42m48s) ] 我们删除了`nn.RNN`的使用并用`nn.RNNCell`替换它。 PyTorch源代码如下所示。 你应该能够阅读和理解(注意:它们不会连接输入和隐藏状态,但是它们将它们加在一起 ​​- 这是我们的第一种方法): ``` **def** RNNCell(input, hidden, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh): **return** F.tanh(F.linear(input, w_ih, b_ih) + F.linear(hidden, w_hh, b_hh)) ``` 关于`tanh`问题[ [44:06](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D44m6s) ]:正如我们上周看到的那样, `tanh`强迫值在-1和1之间。由于我们一次又一次地乘以这个权重矩阵,我们会担心`relu` (因为它是无界)可能有更多的梯度爆炸问题。 话虽如此,您可以指定`RNNCell`使用默认为`tanh`不同`nonlineality` ,并要求它使用`relu`如果您愿意)。 ``` **class** **CharSeqStatefulRnn2** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac, bs): super().__init__() self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac) self.rnn = **nn.RNNCell** (n_fac, n_hidden) self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size) self.init_hidden(bs) **def** forward(self, cs): bs = cs[0].size(0) **if** self.h.size(1) != bs: self.init_hidden(bs) outp = [] o = self.h **for** c **in** cs: o = self.rnn(self.e(c), o) outp.append(o) outp = self.l_out(torch.stack(outp)) self.h = repackage_var(o) **return** F.log_softmax(outp, dim=-1).view(-1, self.vocab_size) **def** init_hidden(self, bs): self.h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden)) ``` * `for`循环返回并将线性函数的结果附加到列表中 - 最终将它们堆叠在一起。 * fast.ai库实际上正是为了使用PyTorch不支持的正则化方法。 #### 门控经常性单位(GRU)[ [46:44](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D46m44s) ] 在实践中,没有人真正使用`RNNCell`因为即使是`tanh` ,梯度爆炸仍然是一个问题,我们需要使用低学习率和小`bptt`来让他们训练。 所以我们要做的是用`RNNCell`替换`GRUCell` 。 ![](../img/1__29x3zNI1C0vM3fxiIpiVA.png)
* 通常,输入乘以权重矩阵以创建新的激活`h`并立即添加到现有激活中。 那不是发生在这里。 * 输入进入`h˜`并且它不仅仅被添加到先前的激活中,而是先前的激活乘以`r` (重置门),其值为0或1。 * `r`计算如下 - 一些权重矩阵的矩阵乘法和我们先前的隐藏状态和新输入的串联。 换句话说,这是一个隐藏层神经网络。 它也通过sigmoid函数。 这个迷你神经网络学会确定要记住多少隐藏状态(当它看到一个完整停止字符时可能会忘记它 - 新句子的开头)。 * `z` gate(更新门)确定使用`h˜` ~的程度(隐藏状态的新输入版本)以及隐藏状态与以前相同的程度。 ![](../img/1_qzfburCutJ3p-FYu1T6Q3Q.png)
![](../img/1_M7ujxxzjQfL5e33BjJQViw.png) * 线性插值 ``` **def** GRUCell(input, hidden, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh): gi = F.linear(input, w_ih, b_ih) gh = F.linear(hidden, w_hh, b_hh) i_r, i_i, i_n = gi.chunk(3, 1) h_r, h_i, h_n = gh.chunk(3, 1) resetgate = F.sigmoid(i_r + h_r) inputgate = F.sigmoid(i_i + h_i) newgate = F.tanh(i_n + resetgate * h_n) **return** newgate + inputgate * (hidden - newgate) ``` 以上是`GRUCell`代码的样子,我们使用它的新模型如下: ``` **class** **CharSeqStatefulGRU** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac, bs): super().__init__() self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac) self.rnn = nn.GRU(n_fac, n_hidden) self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size) self.init_hidden(bs) **def** forward(self, cs): bs = cs[0].size(0) **if** self.h.size(1) != bs: self.init_hidden(bs) outp,h = self.rnn(self.e(cs), self.h) self.h = repackage_var(h) **return** F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp), dim=-1).view(-1, self.vocab_size) **def** init_hidden(self, bs): self.h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden)) ``` 结果,我们可以将损失降低到1.36( `RNNCell`一个是1.54)。 在实践中,GRU和LSTM是人们使用的。 #### 把它们放在一起:长期短期记忆[ [54:09](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D54m9s) ] LSTM还有一个状态称为“单元状态”(不仅仅是隐藏状态),所以如果你使用LSTM,你必须在`init_hidden`返回一个矩阵元组(与隐藏状态完全相同): ``` **from** **fastai** **import** sgdr n_hidden=512 ``` ``` **class** **CharSeqStatefulLSTM** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac, bs, nl): super().__init__() self.vocab_size,self.nl = vocab_size,nl self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac) self.rnn = nn.LSTM(n_fac, n_hidden, nl, **dropout** =0.5) self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size) self.init_hidden(bs) **def** forward(self, cs): bs = cs[0].size(0) **if** self.h[0].size(1) != bs: self.init_hidden(bs) outp,h = self.rnn(self.e(cs), self.h) self.h = repackage_var(h) **return** F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp), dim=-1).view(-1, self.vocab_size) **def** init_hidden(self, bs): **self.h = (V(torch.zeros(self.nl, bs, n_hidden)),** **V(torch.zeros(self.nl, bs, n_hidden)))** ``` 代码与GRU代码相同。 添加的一件事是`dropout` ,它在每个时间步骤后都会辍学并将隐藏层加倍 - 希望它能够学到更多并且能够保持弹性。 #### 没有学习者课程的回调(特别是SGDR)[ [55:23](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D55m23s) ] ``` m = CharSeqStatefulLSTM(md.nt, n_fac, 512, 2).cuda() lo = LayerOptimizer(optim.Adam, m, 1e-2, 1e-5) ``` * 在创建标准PyTorch模型之后,我们通常会执行类似`opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-3)` 。 相反,我们将使用fast.ai `LayerOptimizer` ,它采用优化器`optim.Adam` ,我们的模型`m` ,学习率`1e-2` ,以及可选的权重衰减`1e-5` 。 * `LayerOptimizer`存在的一个关键原因是差异学习率和差`LayerOptimizer`重衰减。 我们需要使用它的原因是fast.ai中的所有机制假设你有其中一个。 如果您想在代码中使用回调或SGDR而不使用Learner类,则需要使用它。 * `lo.opt`返回优化器。 ``` on_end = **lambda** sched, cycle: save_model(m, f' **{PATH}** models/cyc_ **{cycle}** ') ``` ``` cb = [CosAnneal(lo, len(md.trn_dl), cycle_mult=2, on_cycle_end=on_end)] ``` ``` fit(m, md, 2**4-1, lo.opt, F.nll_loss, callbacks=cb) ``` * 当我们调用`fit` ,我们现在可以传递`LayerOptimizer`以及`callbacks` 。 * 在这里,我们使用余弦退火回调 - 这需要一个`LayerOptimizer`对象。 它通过改变`lo`对象的学习率来进行余弦退火。 * 概念:创建一个余弦退火回调,它将更新层优化器中的学习速率。 一个纪元的长度等于`len(md.trn_dl)` - 一个纪元中有多少`len(md.trn_dl)`批量是数据加载器的长度。 由于它正在进行余弦退火,因此需要知道复位的频率。 你可以用通常的方式传递`cycle_mult` 。 我们甚至可以像在`Learner.fit`使用`cycle_save_name`一样自动保存模型。 * 我们可以在训练,纪元或批次开始时,或在训练,纪元或批次结束时进行回调。 * 它已被用于`CosAnneal` (SGDR),去耦重量衰减(AdamW),时间损失图等。 #### 测试[ [59:55](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D59m55s) ] ``` **def** get_next(inp): idxs = TEXT.numericalize(inp) p = m(VV(idxs.transpose(0,1))) r = **torch.multinomial(p[-1].exp(), 1)** **return** TEXT.vocab.itos[to_np(r)[0]] ``` ``` **def** get_next_n(inp, n): res = inp **for** i **in** range(n): c = get_next(inp) res += c inp = inp[1:]+c **return** res ``` ``` print(get_next_n('for thos', 400)) ``` ``` _for those the skemps), or imaginates, though they deceives._ _it should so each ourselvess and new present, step absolutely for the science." the contradity and measuring, the whole!_ ``` ``` _293\. perhaps, that every life a values of blood of intercourse when it senses there is unscrupulus, his very rights, and still impulse, love?_ _just after that thereby how made with the way anything, and set for harmless philos_ ``` * 在第6课中,当我们测试`CharRnn`模型时,我们注意到它一遍又一遍地重复。 在这个新版本中使用的`torch.multinomial`处理这个问题。 `p[-1]`得到最终输出(三角形), `exp`将log概率转换为概率。 然后我们使用`torch.multinomial`函数,它将使用给定的概率给我们一个样本。 如果概率是[0,1,0,0]并要求它给我们一个样本,它将始终返回第二个项目。 如果是[0.5,0,0.5],它将给出第一项50%的时间,第二项。 50%的时间( [多项分布审查](http://onlinestatbook.com/2/probability/multinomial.html) ) * 要使用像这样训练基于角色的语言模型,尝试在不同的损失级别运行`get_next_n` ,以了解它的外观。 上面的例子是在1.25,但在1.3,它看起来像一个完全垃圾。 * 当你在玩NLP时,特别是这样的生成模型,结果有点好但不是很好,不要灰心,因为这意味着你实际上非常非常接近! ### [回到计算机视觉:CIFAR 10](https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/master/courses/dl1/lesson7-cifar10.ipynb) [ [1:01:58](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h1m58s) ] CIFAR 10是学术界一个古老且众所周知的数据集 - 在ImageNet之前,有CIFAR 10.它在图像数量和图像大小方面都很小,这使它变得有趣和具有挑战性。 您可能会使用数千张图片而不是一百五十万张图片。 我们在医学成像中看到的很多东西,我们正在寻找有肺结节的特定区域,你可能最多看32×32像素。 它也运行得很快,所以测试我们的算法要好得多。 正如Ali Rahini在2017年NIPS中所提到的,Jeremy担心许多人没有仔细调整和深入学习实验,而是他们抛出大量的GPU和TPU或大量数据并考虑一天。 在CIFAR 10等数据集上测试算法的许多版本非常重要,而不是需要数周的ImageNet。 即使人们倾向于抱怨,MNIST也有利于研究和实验。 [此处](http://pjreddie.com/media/files/cifar.tgz)提供图像格式的CIFAR 10数据 ``` **from** **fastai.conv_learner** **import** * PATH = "data/cifar10/" os.makedirs(PATH,exist_ok= **True** ) ``` ``` classes = ('plane', 'car', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck') stats = (np.array([ 0.4914 , 0.48216, 0.44653]), np.array([ 0.24703, 0.24349, 0.26159])) ``` ``` **def** get_data(sz,bs): tfms = **tfms_from_stats** (stats, sz, aug_tfms=[RandomFlipXY()], pad=sz//8) **return** ImageClassifierData.from_paths(PATH, val_name='test', tfms=tfms, bs=bs) ``` ``` bs=256 ``` * `classes` - 图像标签 * `stats` - 当我们使用预先训练的模型时,您可以调用`tfms_from_model`来创建必要的变换,以根据训练过的原始模型中每个通道的均值和标准偏差将我们的数据集转换为标准化数据集。由于我们是从头开始训练模型,我们需要告诉它我们的数据的均值和标准偏差来规范它。 确保您可以计算每个通道的平均值和标准偏差。 * `tfms` - 对于CIFAR 10数据增强,人们通常在边缘周围进行水平翻转和黑色填充,并在填充图像中随机选择32×32区域。 ``` data = get_data(32,bs) lr=1e-2 ``` 来自我们的学生Kerem Turgutlu的[这本笔记本](https://github.com/KeremTurgutlu/deeplearning/blob/master/Exploring%2520Optimizers.ipynb) : ``` **class** **SimpleNet** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, layers): super().__init__() self.layers = **nn.ModuleList** ([ nn.Linear(layers[i], layers[i + 1]) **for** i **in** range(len(layers) - 1)]) **def** forward(self, x): x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) **for** l **in** self.layers: l_x = l(x) x = F.relu(l_x) **return** F.log_softmax(l_x, dim=-1) ``` * `nn.ModuleList` - 每当你在PyTorch中创建一个层列表时,你必须将它包装在`ModuleList`以将这些作为属性注册。 ``` learn = ConvLearner.from_model_data(SimpleNet([32*32*3, 40,10]), data) ``` * 现在我们提高了一级API - 而不是调用`fit`函数,我们_从自定义模型_创建一个`learn`对象。 `ConfLearner.from_model_data`采用标准的PyTorch模型和模型数据对象。 ``` learn, [o.numel() **for** o **in** learn.model.parameters()] ``` ``` _(SimpleNet(_ _(layers): ModuleList(_ _(0): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=40)_ _(1): Linear(in_features=40, out_features=10)_ _)_ _), [122880, 40, 400, 10])_ ``` ``` learn.summary() ``` ``` _OrderedDict([('Linear-1',_ _OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 3072]),_ _('output_shape', [-1, 40]),_ _('trainable', True),_ _('nb_params', 122920)])),_ _('Linear-2',_ _OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 40]),_ _('output_shape', [-1, 10]),_ _('trainable', True),_ _('nb_params', 410)]))])_ ``` ``` learn.lr_find() ``` ``` learn.sched.plot() ``` ![](../img/1__5sTAdoWHTBQUzbaVrc4HA.png) ``` %time learn.fit(lr, 2) ``` ``` A Jupyter Widget ``` ``` [ 0\. 1.7658 1.64148 0.42129] [ 1\. 1.68074 1.57897 0.44131] CPU times: user 1min 11s, sys: 32.3 s, total: 1min 44s Wall time: 55.1 s ``` ``` %time learn.fit(lr, 2, cycle_len=1) ``` ``` A Jupyter Widget ``` ``` [ 0\. 1.60857 1.51711 0.46631] [ 1\. 1.59361 1.50341 0.46924] CPU times: user 1min 12s, sys: 31.8 s, total: 1min 44s Wall time: 55.3 s ``` 通过一个简单的隐藏层模型,122,880个参数,我们达到了46.9%的准确率。 让我们改进这一点,逐步建立一个基本的ResNet架构。 #### CNN [ [01:12:30](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h12m30s) ] * 让我们用卷积模型替换完全连接的模型。 完全连接的层只是做一个点积。 这就是权重矩阵很大的原因(3072输入* 40 = 122880)。 我们没有非常有效地使用这些参数,因为输入中的每个像素都具有不同的权重。 我们想要做的是一组3乘3像素,它们具有特定的模式(即卷积)。 * 我们将使用具有三乘三内核的过滤器。 如果有多个过滤器,则输出将具有其他维度。 ``` **class** **ConvNet** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, layers, c): super().__init__() self.layers = nn.ModuleList([ **nn.Conv2d(layers[i], layers[i + 1], kernel_size=3, stride=2)** **for** i **in** range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.pool = nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d(1) self.out = nn.Linear(layers[-1], c) **def** forward(self, x): **for** l **in** self.layers: x = F.relu(l(x)) x = self.pool(x) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) **return** F.log_softmax(self.out(x), dim=-1) ``` * 用`nn.Linear`替换`nn.Conv2d` * 前两个参数与`nn.Linear` - 进入的`nn.Linear`数量以及出现的`nn.Linear`数量 * `kernel_size=3` ,过滤器的大小 * `stride=2`将使用每隔3乘3的区域,这将使每个维度的输出分辨率减半(即它具有与2乘2最大池相同的效果) ``` learn = ConvLearner.from_model_data(ConvNet([3, 20, 40, 80], 10), data) ``` ``` learn.summary() ``` ``` _OrderedDict([('Conv2d-1',_ _OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 3, 32, 32]),_ _('output_shape', [-1, 20, 15, 15]),_ _('trainable', True),_ _('nb_params', 560)])),_ _('Conv2d-2',_ _OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 20, 15, 15]),_ _('output_shape', [-1, 40, 7, 7]),_ _('trainable', True),_ _('nb_params', 7240)])),_ _('Conv2d-3',_ _OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 40, 7, 7]),_ _('output_shape', [-1, 80, 3, 3]),_ _('trainable', True),_ _('nb_params', 28880)])),_ _('AdaptiveMaxPool2d-4',_ _OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 80, 3, 3]),_ _('output_shape', [-1, 80, 1, 1]),_ _('nb_params', 0)])),_ _('Linear-5',_ _OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 80]),_ _('output_shape', [-1, 10]),_ _('trainable', True),_ _('nb_params', 810)]))])_ ``` * `ConvNet([3, 20, 40, 80], 10)` - 它以3个RGB通道, `ConvNet([3, 20, 40, 80], 10)`个特征开始,然后是10个类来预测。 * `AdaptiveMaxPool2d` - 接下来是一个线性层,是从3乘3到预测10个类中的一个的方法,现在是最先进算法的标准。 最后一层,我们执行一种特殊的max-pooling,您可以为其指定输出激活分辨率,而不是要调查的区域大小。 换句话说,这里我们做3乘3 max-pool,相当于1乘1 _自适应_ max-pool。 * `x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)` - `x`的特征形状为1乘1,因此它将删除最后两层。 * 这个模型被称为“完全卷积网络” - 每个层都是卷积的,除了最后一层。 ``` learn.lr_find( **end_lr=100** ) learn.sched.plot() ``` ![](../img/1_YuNvyUac9HvAv0XZn08-3g.png) * `lr_find`尝试的默认最终学习速率为10.如果此时丢失仍然越来越好,则可以通过指定`end_lr`来覆盖。 ``` %time learn.fit(1e-1, 2) ``` ``` _A Jupyter Widget_ ``` ``` _[ 0\. 1.72594 1.63399 0.41338]_ _[ 1\. 1.51599 1.49687 0.45723]_ _CPU times: user 1min 14s, sys: 32.3 s, total: 1min 46s_ _Wall time: 56.5 s_ ``` ``` %time learn.fit(1e-1, 4, cycle_len=1) ``` ``` _A Jupyter Widget_ ``` ``` _[ 0\. 1.36734 1.28901 0.53418]_ _[ 1\. 1.28854 1.21991 0.56143]_ _[ 2\. 1.22854 1.15514 0.58398]_ _[ 3\. 1.17904 1.12523 0.59922]_ _CPU times: user 2min 21s, sys: 1min 3s, total: 3min 24s_ _Wall time: 1min 46s_ ``` * 它平衡了约60%的准确度。 考虑到它使用了大约30,000个参数(相比之下,参数为122k,为47%) * 每个时期的时间大致相同,因为它们的架构既简单又大部分时间花在进行内存传输上。 #### 重构[ [01:21:57](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h21m57s) ] 通过创建`ConvLayer` (我们的第一个自定义层!)简化`forward`功能。 在PyTorch中,层定义和神经网络定义是相同的。 任何时候你有一个图层,你可以将它用作神经网络,当你有神经网络时,你可以将它用作图层。 ``` **class** **ConvLayer** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, ni, nf): super().__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(ni, nf, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) **def** forward(self, x): **return** F.relu(self.conv(x)) ``` * `padding=1` - 当你进行卷积时,图像每边缩小1个像素。 因此它不会从32乘32到16乘16但实际上是15乘15\. `padding`将添加边框,以便我们可以保留边缘像素信息。 对于一个大图像来说,这并不是什么大不了的事情,但是当它降到4比4时,你真的不想丢掉一整块。 ``` **class** **ConvNet2** (nn.Module): **def** __init__(self, layers, c): super().__init__() self.layers = nn.ModuleList([ConvLayer(layers[i], layers[i + 1]) **for** i **in** range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.out = nn.Linear(layers[-1], c) **def** forward(self, x): **for** l **in** self.layers: x = l(x) x = **F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, 1)** x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) **return** F.log_softmax(self.out(x), dim=-1) ``` * 与上一个模型的另一个区别是`nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d`没有任何状态(即没有权重)。 所以我们可以将它称为函数`F.adaptive_max_pool2d` 。 #### BatchNorm [ [1:25:10](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h25m10s) ] * 最后一个模型,当我们尝试添加更多图层时,我们在训练时遇到了麻烦。 我们训练有困难的原因是,如果我们使用较大的学习率,那么它将用于NaN,如果我们使用较小的学习率,则需要永远并且没有机会正确探索 - 因此它没有弹性。 * 为了使其具有弹性,我们将使用称为批量规范化的东西。 BatchNorm大约两年前推出,它具有很大的变革性,因为它突然使得培养更深层的网络变得非常容易。 * 我们可以简单地使用`nn.BatchNorm`但要了解它,我们将从头开始编写它。 * It is unlikely that the weight matrices on average are not going to cause your activations to keep getting smaller and smaller or keep getting bigger and bigger. It is important to keep them at reasonable scale. So we start things off with zero-mean standard deviation one by normalizing the input. What we really want to do is to do this for all layers, not just the inputs. ``` class BnLayer (nn.Module): def __init__(self, ni, nf, stride=2, kernel_size=3): super().__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(ni, nf, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, bias= False , padding=1) self.a = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(nf,1,1)) self.m = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(nf,1,1)) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv(x)) x_chan = x.transpose(0,1).contiguous().view(x.size(1), -1) if self.training: self.means = x_chan.mean(1)[:,None,None] self.stds = x_chan.std (1)[:,None,None] return (x-self.means) / self.stds *self.m + self.a ``` * Calculate the mean of each channel or each filter and standard deviation of each channel or each filter. Then subtract the means and divide by the standard deviations. * We no longer need to normalize our input because it is normalizing it per channel or for later layers it is normalizing per filter. * Turns out this is not enough since SGD is bloody-minded [ [01:29:20](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h29m20s) ]. If SGD decided that it wants matrix to be bigger/smaller overall, doing `(x=self.means) / self.stds` is not enough because SGD will undo it and try to do it again in the next mini-batch. So we will add two parameters: `a` — adder (initial value zeros) and `m` — multiplier (initial value ones) for each channel. * `Parameter` tells PyTorch that it is allowed to learn these as weights. * 为什么这样做? If it wants to scale the layer up, it does not have to scale up every single value in the matrix. It can just scale up this single trio of numbers `self.m` , if it wants to shift it all up or down a bit, it does not have to shift the entire weight matrix, they can just shift this trio of numbers `self.a` . Intuition: We are normalizing the data and then we are saying you can then shift it and scale it using far fewer parameters than would have been necessary if it were to actually shift and scale the entire set of convolutional filters. In practice, it allows us to increase our learning rates, it increase the resilience of training, and it allows us to add more layers and still train effectively. * The other thing batch norm does is that it regularizes, in other words, you can often decrease or remove dropout or weight decay. The reason why is each mini-batch is going to have a different mean and a different standard deviation to the previous mini-batch. So they keep changing and it is changing the meaning of the filters in a subtle way acting as a noise (ie regularization). * In real version, it does not use this batch's mean and standard deviation but takes an exponentially weighted moving average standard deviation and mean. * `**if** self.training` — this is important because when you are going through the validation set, you do not want to be changing the meaning of the model. There are some types of layer that are actually sensitive to what the mode of the network is whether it is in training mode or evaluation/test mode. There was a bug when we implemented mini net for MovieLens that dropout was applied during the validation — which was fixed. In PyTorch, there are two such layer: dropout and batch norm. `nn.Dropout` already does the check. * [ [01:37:01](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h37m1s) ] The key difference in fast.ai which no other library does is that these means and standard deviations get updated in training mode in every other library as soon as you basically say I am training, regardless of whether that layer is set to trainable or not. With a pre-trained network, that is a terrible idea. If you have a pre-trained network for specific values of those means and standard deviations in batch norm, if you change them, it changes the meaning of those pre-trained layers. In fast.ai, always by default, it will not touch those means and standard deviations if your layer is frozen. As soon as you un-freeze it, it will start updating them unless you set `learn.bn_freeze=True` . In practice, this often seems to work a lot better for pre-trained models particularly if you are working with data that is quite similar to what the pre-trained model was trained with. * Where do you put batch-norm layer? We will talk more in a moment, but for now, after `relu` #### Ablation Study [ [01:39:41](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h39m41s) ] It is something where you try turning on and off different pieces of your model to see which bits make which impacts, and one of the things that wasn't done in the original batch norm paper was any kind of effective ablation. And one of the things therefore that was missing was this question which was just asked — where to put the batch norm. That oversight caused a lot of problems because it turned out the original paper did not actually put it in the best spot. Other people since then have now figured that out and when Jeremy show people code where it is actually in the spot that is better, people say his batch norm is in the wrong spot. * Try and always use batch norm on every layer if you can * Don't stop normalizing your data so that people using your data will know how you normalized your data. Other libraries might not deal with batch norm for pre-trained models correctly, so when people start re-training, it might cause problems. ``` class ConvBnNet (nn.Module): def __init__(self, layers, c): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 10, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2) self.layers = nn.ModuleList([ BnLayer (layers[i], layers[i + 1]) for i in range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.out = nn.Linear(layers[-1], c) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) for l in self.layers: x = l(x) x = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, 1) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) return F.log_softmax(self.out(x), dim=-1) ``` * Rest of the code is similar — Using `BnLayer` instead of `ConvLayer` * A single convolutional layer was added at the start trying to get closer to the modern approaches. It has a bigger kernel size and a stride of 1\. The basic idea is that we want the first layer to have a richer input. It does convolution using the 5 by 5 area which allows it to try and find more interesting richer features in that 5 by 5 area, then spit out bigger output (in this case, it's 10 by 5 by 5 filters). Typically it is 5 by 5 or 7 by 7, or even 11 by 11 convolution with quite a few filters coming out (eg 32 filters). * Since `padding = kernel_size — 1 / 2` and `stride=1` , the input size is the same as the output size — just more filters. * It is a good way of trying to create a richer starting point. #### Deep BatchNorm [ [01:50:52](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h50m52s) ] Let's increase the depth of the model. We cannot just add more of stride 2 layers since it halves the size of the image each time. Instead, after each stride 2 layer, we insert a stride 1 layer. ``` class ConvBnNet2 (nn.Module): def __init__(self, layers, c): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 10, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2) self.layers = nn.ModuleList([BnLayer(layers[i], layers[i+1]) for i in range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.layers2 = nn.ModuleList([BnLayer(layers[i+1], layers[i + 1], 1) for i in range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.out = nn.Linear(layers[-1], c) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) for l,l2 in zip(self.layers, self.layers2): x = l(x) x = l2(x) x = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, 1) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) return F.log_softmax(self.out(x), dim=-1) ``` ``` learn = ConvLearner.from_model_data((ConvBnNet2([10, 20, 40, 80, 160], 10), data) ``` ``` %time learn.fit(1e-2, 2) ``` ``` A Jupyter Widget ``` ``` [ 0\. 1.53499 1.43782 0.47588] [ 1\. 1.28867 1.22616 0.55537] CPU times: user 1min 22s, sys: 34.5 s, total: 1min 56s Wall time: 58.2 s ``` ``` %time learn.fit(1e-2, 2, cycle_len=1) ``` ``` A Jupyter Widget ``` ``` [ 0\. 1.10933 1.06439 0.61582] [ 1\. 1.04663 0.98608 0.64609] CPU times: user 1min 21s, sys: 32.9 s, total: 1min 54s Wall time: 57.6 s ``` The accuracy remained the same as before. This is now 12 layers deep, and it is too deep even for batch norm to handle. It is possible to train 12 layer deep conv net but it starts to get difficult. And it does not seem to be helping much if at all. #### ResNet [ [01:52:43](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h52m43s) ] ``` class ResnetLayer (BnLayer): def forward(self, x): return x + super().forward(x) ``` ``` class Resnet (nn.Module): def __init__(self, layers, c): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 10, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2) self.layers = nn.ModuleList([BnLayer(layers[i], layers[i+1]) for i in range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.layers2 = nn.ModuleList([ResnetLayer(layers[i+1], layers[i + 1], 1) for i in range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.layers3 = nn.ModuleList([ResnetLayer(layers[i+1], layers[i + 1], 1) for i in range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.out = nn.Linear(layers[-1], c) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) for l,l2,l3 in zip(self.layers, self.layers2, self.layers3): x = l3(l2(l(x))) x = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, 1) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) return F.log_softmax(self.out(x), dim=-1) ``` * `ResnetLayer` inherit from `BnLayer` and override `forward` . * Then add bunch of layers and make it 3 times deeper, ad it still trains beautifully just because of `x + super().forward(x)` . ``` learn = ConvLearner.from_model_data(Resnet([10, 20, 40, 80, 160], 10), data) ``` ``` wd=1e-5 ``` ``` %time learn.fit(1e-2, 2, wds=wd) ``` ``` A Jupyter Widget ``` ``` [ 0\. 1.58191 1.40258 0.49131] [ 1\. 1.33134 1.21739 0.55625] CPU times: user 1min 27s, sys: 34.3 s, total: 2min 1s Wall time: 1min 3s ``` ``` %time learn.fit(1e-2, 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2, wds=wd) ``` ``` A Jupyter Widget ``` ``` [ 0\. 1.11534 1.05117 0.62549] [ 1\. 1.06272 0.97874 0.65185] [ 2\. 0.92913 0.90472 0.68154] [ 3\. 0.97932 0.94404 0.67227] [ 4\. 0.88057 0.84372 0.70654] [ 5\. 0.77817 0.77815 0.73018] [ 6\. 0.73235 0.76302 0.73633] CPU times: user 5min 2s, sys: 1min 59s, total: 7min 1s Wall time: 3min 39s ``` ``` %time learn.fit(1e-2, 8, cycle_len=4, wds=wd) ``` ``` A Jupyter Widget ``` ``` [ 0\. 0.8307 0.83635 0.7126 ] [ 1\. 0.74295 0.73682 0.74189] [ 2\. 0.66492 0.69554 0.75996] [ 3\. 0.62392 0.67166 0.7625 ] [ 4\. 0.73479 0.80425 0.72861] [ 5\. 0.65423 0.68876 0.76318] [ 6\. 0.58608 0.64105 0.77783] [ 7\. 0.55738 0.62641 0.78721] [ 8\. 0.66163 0.74154 0.7501 ] [ 9\. 0.59444 0.64253 0.78106] [ 10\. 0.53 0.61772 0.79385] [ 11\. 0.49747 0.65968 0.77832] [ 12\. 0.59463 0.67915 0.77422] [ 13\. 0.55023 0.65815 0.78106] [ 14\. 0.48959 0.59035 0.80273] [ 15\. 0.4459 0.61823 0.79336] [ 16\. 0.55848 0.64115 0.78018] [ 17\. 0.50268 0.61795 0.79541] [ 18\. 0.45084 0.57577 0.80654] [ 19\. 0.40726 0.5708 0.80947] [ 20\. 0.51177 0.66771 0.78232] [ 21\. 0.46516 0.6116 0.79932] [ 22\. 0.40966 0.56865 0.81172] [ 23\. 0.3852 0.58161 0.80967] [ 24\. 0.48268 0.59944 0.79551] [ 25\. 0.43282 0.56429 0.81182] [ 26\. 0.37634 0.54724 0.81797] [ 27\. 0.34953 0.54169 0.82129] [ 28\. 0.46053 0.58128 0.80342] [ 29\. 0.4041 0.55185 0.82295] [ 30\. 0.3599 0.53953 0.82861] [ 31\. 0.32937 0.55605 0.82227] CPU times: user 22min 52s, sys: 8min 58s, total: 31min 51s Wall time: 16min 38s ``` **ResNet block** [ [01:53:18](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h53m18s) ] `**return** **x + super().forward(x)**` _y = x + f(x)_ Where _x_ is prediction from the previous layer, _y_ is prediction from the current layer.Shuffle around the formula and we get:formula shuffle _f(x) = y − x_ The difference _y − x_ is **residual** . The residual is the error in terms of what we have calculated so far. What this is saying is that try to find a set of convolutional weights that attempts to fill in the amount we were off by. So in other words, we have an input, and we have a function which tries to predict the error (ie how much we are off by). Then we add a prediction of how much we were wrong by to the input, then add another prediction of how much we were wrong by that time, and repeat that layer after layer — zooming into the correct answer. This is based on a theory called **boosting** . * The full ResNet does two convolutions before it gets added back to the original input (we did just one here). * In every block `x = l3(l2(l(x)))` , one of the layers is not a `ResnetLayer` but a standard convolution with `stride=2` — this is called a “bottleneck layer”. ResNet does not convolutional layer but a different form of bottleneck block which we will cover in Part 2\. ![](../img/1_0_0J8BFYOTK4Mupk94Izrw.png) #### ResNet 2 [ [01:59:33](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D1h59m33s) ] Here, we increased the size of features and added dropout. ``` class Resnet2 (nn.Module): def __init__(self, layers, c, p=0.5): super().__init__() self.conv1 = BnLayer(3, 16, stride=1, kernel_size=7) self.layers = nn.ModuleList([BnLayer(layers[i], layers[i+1]) for i in range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.layers2 = nn.ModuleList([ResnetLayer(layers[i+1], layers[i + 1], 1) for i in range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.layers3 = nn.ModuleList([ResnetLayer(layers[i+1], layers[i + 1], 1) for i in range(len(layers) - 1)]) self.out = nn.Linear(layers[-1], c) self.drop = nn.Dropout(p) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) for l,l2,l3 in zip(self.layers, self.layers2, self.layers3): x = l3(l2(l(x))) x = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, 1) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = self.drop(x) return F.log_softmax(self.out(x), dim=-1) ``` ``` learn = ConvLearner.from_model_data(Resnet2([ 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 ], 10, 0.2), data) ``` ``` wd=1e-6 ``` ``` %time learn.fit(1e-2, 2, wds=wd) %time learn.fit(1e-2, 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2, wds=wd) %time learn.fit(1e-2, 8, cycle_len=4, wds=wd) ``` ``` log_preds,y = learn.TTA() preds = np.mean(np.exp(log_preds),0) ``` ``` metrics.log_loss(y,preds), accuracy(preds,y) (0.44507397166057938, 0.84909999999999997) ``` 85% was a state-of-the-art back in 2012 or 2013 for CIFAR 10\. Nowadays, it is up to 97% so there is a room for improvement but all based on these tecniques: * Better approaches to data augmentation * Better approaches to regularization * Some tweaks on ResNet Question [ [02:01:07](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D2h1m7s) ]: Can we apply “training on the residual” approach for non-image problem? 是! But it has been ignored everywhere else. In NLP, “transformer architecture” recently appeared and was shown to be the state of the art for translation, and it has a simple ResNet structure in it. This general approach is called “skip connection” (ie the idea of skipping over a layer) and appears a lot in computer vision, but nobody else much seems to be using it even through there is nothing computer vision specific about it. Good opportunity! ### [Dogs vs. Cats](https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/master/courses/dl1/lesson7-CAM.ipynb) [ [02:02:03](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D2h2m3s) ] Going back dogs and cats. We will create resnet34 (if you are interested in what the trailing number means, [see here](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/master/torchvision/models/resnet.py) — just different parameters). ``` PATH = "data/dogscats/" sz = 224 arch = resnet34 # <-- Name of the function bs = 64 ``` ``` m = arch(pretrained=True) # Get a model w/ pre-trained weight loaded m ``` ``` ResNet( (conv1): Conv2d (3, 64, _kernel_size=(7, 7)_ , stride=(2, 2), padding=(3, 3), bias=False) (bn1): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) (relu): ReLU(inplace) (maxpool): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), dilation=(1, 1)) ( _layer1_ ): Sequential( (0): BasicBlock( (conv1): Conv2d (64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn1): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) (relu): ReLU(inplace) (conv2): Conv2d (64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn2): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) _)_ (1): BasicBlock( (conv1): Conv2d (64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn1): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) (relu): ReLU(inplace) (conv2): Conv2d (64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn2): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) _)_ (2): BasicBlock( (conv1): Conv2d (64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn1): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) (relu): ReLU(inplace) (conv2): Conv2d (64, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn2): BatchNorm2d(64, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) _)_ _)_ ( _layer2_ ): Sequential( (0): BasicBlock( (conv1): Conv2d (64, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), _stride=(2, 2)_ , padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) (relu): ReLU(inplace) (conv2): Conv2d (128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn2): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) (downsample): Sequential( (0): Conv2d (64, 128, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(2, 2), bias=False) (1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) _)_ _)_ (1): BasicBlock( (conv1): Conv2d (128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) (relu): ReLU(inplace) (conv2): Conv2d (128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn2): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) _)_ (2): BasicBlock( (conv1): Conv2d (128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) (relu): ReLU(inplace) (conv2): Conv2d (128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn2): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) _)_ (3): BasicBlock( (conv1): Conv2d (128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn1): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) (relu): ReLU(inplace) (conv2): Conv2d (128, 128, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) (bn2): BatchNorm2d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True) _)_ _)_ ``` ``` _..._ ``` ``` (avgpool): AvgPool2d(kernel_size=7, stride=7, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True) (fc): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=1000) _)_ ``` Our ResNet model had Relu → BatchNorm. TorchVision does BatchNorm →Relu. There are three different versions of ResNet floating around, and the best one is PreAct ( [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.05027.pdf](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.05027.pdf) ). * Currently, the final layer has a thousands features because ImageNet has 1000 features, so we need to get rid of it. * When you use fast.ai's `ConvLearner` , it deletes the last two layers for you. fast.ai replaces `AvgPool2d` with Adaptive Average Pooling and Adaptive Max Pooling and concatenate the two together. * For this exercise, we will do a simple version. ``` m = nn.Sequential(*children(m)[:-2], nn.Conv2d(512, 2, 3, padding=1), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1), Flatten(), nn.LogSoftmax()) ``` * Remove the last two layers * Add a convolution which just has 2 outputs. * Do average pooling then softmax * There is no linear layer at the end. This is a different way of producing just two numbers — which allows us to do CAM! ``` tfms = tfms_from_model(arch, sz, aug_tfms=transforms_side_on, max_zoom=1.1) data = ImageClassifierData.from_paths(PATH, tfms=tfms, bs=bs) ``` ``` learn = ConvLearner.from_model_data (m, data) ``` ``` learn.freeze_to(-4) ``` ``` learn.fit(0.01, 1) learn.fit(0.01, 1, cycle_len=1) ``` * `ConvLearner.from_model` is what we learned about earlier — allows us to create a Learner object with custom model. * Then freeze the layer except the ones we just added. #### Class Activation Maps (CAM) [ [02:08:55](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D2h8m55s) ] We pick a specific image, and use a technique called CAM where we take a model and we ask it which parts of the image turned out to be important. ![](../img/1_BrMBBupbny4CFsqBVjgcfA.png) ![](../img/1_zayLvr0jvnUXe-G27odldQ.png) How did it do this? Let's work backwards. The way it did it was by producing this matrix: ![](../img/1_DPIlEiNjJOeAbiIQUubNLg.png) Big numbers correspond to the cat. So what is this matrix? This matrix simply equals to the value of feature matrix `feat` times `py` vector: ``` f2=np.dot(np.rollaxis( feat ,0,3), py ) f2-=f2.min() f2/=f2.max() f2 ``` `py` vector is the predictions that says “I am 100% confident it's a cat.” `feat` is the values (2×7×7) coming out of the final convolutional layer (the `Conv2d` layer we added). If we multiply `feat` by `py` , we get all of the first channel and none of the second channel. Therefore, it is going to return the value of the last convolutional layers for the section which lines up with being a cat. In other words, if we multiply `feat` by `[0, 1]` , it will line up with being a dog. ``` sf = SaveFeatures(m[-4]) py = m(Variable(x.cuda())) sf.remove() py = np.exp(to_np(py)[0]); py ``` ``` array([ 1., 0.], dtype=float32) ``` ``` feat = np.maximum(0, sf.features[0]) feat.shape ``` Put it in another way, in the model, the only thing that happened after the convolutional layer was an average pooling layer. The average pooling layer took took the 7 by 7 grid and averaged out how much each part is “cat-like”. We then took the “cattyness” matrix, resized it to be the same size as the original cat image, and overlaid it on top, then you get the heat map. The way you can use this technique at home is 1. when you have a large image, you can calculate this matrix on a quick small little convolutional net 2. zoom into the area that has the highest value 3. re-run it just on that part We skipped this over quickly as we ran out of time, but we will learn more about these kind of approaches in Part 2\. “Hook” is the mechanism that lets us ask the model to return the matrix. `register_forward_hook` asks PyTorch that every time it calculates a layer it runs the function given — sort of like a callback that happens every time it calculates a layer. In the following case, it saves the value of the particular layer we were interested in: ``` class SaveFeatures (): features= None def __init__(self, m): self.hook = m.register_forward_hook(self.hook_fn) def hook_fn(self, module, input, output): self.features = to_np(output) def remove(self): self.hook.remove() ``` #### Questions to Jeremy [ [02:14:27](https://youtu.be/H3g26EVADgY%3Ft%3D2h14m27s) ]: “Your journey into Deep Learning” and “How to keep up with important research for practitioners” “If you intend to come to Part 2, you are expected to master all the techniques er have learned in Part 1”. Here are something you can do: 1. Watch each of the video at least 3 times. 2. Make sure you can re-create the notebooks without watching the videos — maybe do so with different datasets to make it more interesting. 3. Keep an eye on the forum for recent papers, recent advances. 4. Be tenacious and keep working at it!