#!/usr/bin/env python3.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from urllib.parse import urljoin import sys import json from pyquery import PyQuery as pq import time from os import path import re from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import hashlib from readability import Document from GenEpub import gen_epub from . import * from .util import * from .img import * from .config import config from .sele_crawler import crawl_sele from .common import * def get_toc_from_cfg(): if config['list'] and len(config['list']) > 0: return config['list'] if not config['url']: print('URL not specified') sys.exit() html = request_retry( 'GET', config['url'], retry=config['retry'], check_status=config['checkStatus'], headers=config['headers'], timeout=config['timeout'], proxies=config['proxy'], ).content.decode(config['encoding'], 'ignore') return get_toc(html, config['url']) def get_toc(html, base): root = pq(html) if config['remove']: root(config['remove']).remove() el_links = root(config['link']) vis = set() res = [] for i in range(len(el_links)): el_link = el_links.eq(i) url = el_link.attr('href') if not url: text = el_link.text().strip() res.append(text) continue url = re.sub(r'#.*$', '', url) if base: url = urljoin(base, url) if not url.startswith('http'): continue if url in vis: continue vis.add(url) res.append(url) return res def tr_download_page_safe(url, art, imgs): try: tr_download_page(url, art, imgs) except Exception as ex: print(f'{url} 下载失败:{ex}') def tr_download_page(url, art, imgs): hash = hashlib.md5(url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() cache = load_article(hash) if cache is not None and config['cache']: print(f'{url} 已存在于本地缓存中') art.update(cache) art['content'] = process_img( art['content'], imgs, page_url=url, img_prefix='../Images/', ) return html = request_retry( 'GET', url, retry=config['retry'], check_status=config['checkStatus'], headers=config['headers'], timeout=config['timeout'], proxies=config['proxy'], ).content.decode(config['encoding'], 'ignore') print(f'{url} 下载成功') art.update(get_article(html, url)) save_article(hash, art) art['content'] = process_img( art['content'], imgs, page_url=url, img_prefix='../Images/', ) time.sleep(config['wait']) def update_config(user_cfg): global get_toc global get_article config.update(user_cfg) if not config['title']: config['title'] = 'title' if config['proxy']: proxies = { 'http': config['proxy'], 'https': config['proxy'], } config['proxy'] = proxies set_img_pool(ThreadPoolExecutor(config['imgThreads'])) if config['external']: mod = load_module(config['external']) get_toc = getattr(mod, 'get_toc', get_toc) get_article = getattr(mod, 'get_article', get_article) if not config['timeout']: config['timeout'] = ( config['connTimeout'], config['readTimeout'], ) def main(): cfg_fname = sys.argv[1] \ if len(sys.argv) > 1 \ else 'config.json' if not path.exists(cfg_fname): print('please provide config file') return user_cfg = json.loads(open(cfg_fname, encoding='utf-8').read()) update_config(user_cfg) if config['selenium']: crawl_sele() return toc = get_toc_from_cfg() articles = [] imgs = {} if config['name']: articles.append({ 'title': config['name'], 'content': f"


", }) text_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(config['textThreads']) hdls = [] for url in toc: print(f'page: {url}') if not re.search(r'^https?://', url): articles.append({'title': url, 'content': ''}) continue art = {} articles.append(art) hdl = text_pool.submit(tr_download_page_safe, url, art, imgs) hdls.append(hdl) for h in hdls: h.result() articles = [art for art in articles if art] gen_epub(articles, imgs) print('done...') if __name__ == '__main__': main()