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# 第三章 满足规则
> 译者:[renyuhuiharrison](https://github.com/renyuhuiharrison)
在第二章中,我们看了并练习了许多抽象接口(abstract interfaces),从某种意义上来说它们是抽象的,这些接口是用来描述共同功能属性、方法签名(method signatures)、以及所有类型集。我们还没有讲到这些类型内部细节,也还没有讲实现这些接口的具体对象(concrete objects)是如何创建的。
AbstractSet|Collection、 Set
AbstractList|Collection、 List
AbstractSequentialList|Collection、 List
这种调用部分实现的思路是一种叫做模板模式(Template Method)的设计模式。*设计模式*(design pattern)是用在面向对象的编程中,它是“一种在程序设计中用来解决特定问题的核心思路”。这个抽象类是给真正的实现来使用的。我们将这些形如**Abstract...**的类当做模板,用来作真正的实现。使用方法重载(method overriding),在方法中补全实现,在模板的其它每个地方将使用那些方法。
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
public class ArrayCollection<T> implements Collection<T> {
private T[] data;
/** An empty Collection */
public ArrayCollection () { data = (T[]) new Object[0]; }
/** A Collection consisting of the elements of C */
public ArrayCollection (Collection<? extends T> C) {
data = C.toArray((T[]) new Object[C.size ()]);
/** A Collection consisting of a view of the elements of A. */
public ArrayCollection (T[] A) { data = T; }
public int size () { return data.length; }
public Iterator<T> iterator () {
return new Iterator<T> () {
private int k = 0;
public boolean hasNext () { return k < size (); }
public T next () {
if (! hasNext ()) throw new NoSuchElementException ();
k += 1;
return data[k-1];
public void remove () {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ();
public boolean isEmpty () { return size () == 0; }
public boolean contains (Object x) {
for (T y : this) {
if (x == null && y == null
|| x != null && x.equals (y))
return true;
return false;
代码3.1: “从零开始”实现一种新的只读集合(Collection)
public boolean containsAll (Collection<?> c) {
for (Object x : c)
if (! contains (x))
return false;
return true;
public Object[] toArray () { return toArray (new Object[size ()]); }
public <E> E[] toArray (E[] anArray) {
if (anArray.length < size ()) {
Class<?> typeOfElement = anArray.getClass ().getComponentType ();
anArray = (E[]) Array.newInstance (typeOfElement, size ());
System.arraycopy (anArray, 0, data, 0, size ());
return anArray;
private boolean UNSUPPORTED () {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ();
public boolean add (T x) { return UNSUPPORTED (); }
public boolean addAll (Collection<? extends T> c) { return UNSUPPORTED (); }
public void clear () { UNSUPPORTED (); }
public boolean remove (Object x) { return UNSUPPORTED (); }
public boolean removeAll (Collection<?> c) { return UNSUPPORTED (); }
public boolean retainAll (Collection<?> c) { return UNSUPPORTED (); }
## 3.1 从零开始
**反射(Reflection)概览**。 第二个**toArray**方法相当有意思,这个方法里使用了Java语言中一个特别的功能:*反射*。它是一种语言特性,允许调用者借助语言本身可以操控编程语言的构造。在英语中,当我们在说诸如“单词'hit'是一个动词”的时候,我们就在使用反射。**toArray**方法产生了一个数组,这个数组是由一组相同动态类型参数组成的。我们是这样做的,首先调用**getClass**,这个方法定义了所有的**Objects**,这样我们得到了内建类型**java.lang.Class**,它用来表示**anArray**参数的动态类型。**Class**类型其中的一个操作是**getComponentType**,这是一个数组类型,可以获取反射元素类型的**Class**。最后,newInstance方法(定义在java.lang.reflect.Array类中)创建了新的对象,需要我们给定它的大小以及表示component类型的**类**
## 3.2 AbstractCollection类
## 3.3 实现List接口
### 3.3.1 AbstractList类
**Protected方法****removeRange**方法不在public接口部分。由于它是声明了**protected**,所以只能在其它**java.util**包中进行调用,并且必须得在**AbstractList**扩展体范围之内。这样的方法是给本类及其扩展部分来使用的*实现工具(implementation utilities)*。在**AbstractList**标准实现中,**removeRange**用来实现**clear**(你只要还记得**L.subList(k0,k1).clear()**是一个删除**List**中任意元素,你就会觉得这个方法很重要)。
package java.util;
public abstract class AbstractCollection<T> implements Collection<T> {
/** The empty Collection. */
protected AbstractCollection<T> () { }
/** Unimplemented methods that must be overridden in any
* non-abstract class that extends AbstractCollection */
/** The number of values in THIS. */
public abstract int size ();
/** An iterator that yields all the elements of THIS, in some
* order. If the remove operation is supported on this iterator,
* then remove, removeAll, clear, and retainAll on THIS will work. */
public abstract Iterator<T> iterator ();
/** Override this default implementation to support adding */
public boolean add (T x) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ();
Default, general-purpose implementations of
contains (Object x), containsAll (Collection c), isEmpty (),
toArray (), toArray (Object[] A),
addAll (Collection c), clear (), remove (Object x),
removeAll (Collection c), and retainAll (Collection c)
/** A String representing THIS, consisting of a comma-separated
* list of the values in THIS, as returned by its iterator,
* surrounded by square brackets ([]). The elements are
* converted to Strings by String.valueOf (which returns "null"
* for the null pointer and otherwise calls the .toString() method). */
public String toString () { ... }
import java.util.*;
/** A read-only Collection whose elements are those of an array. */
public class ArrayCollection<T> extends AbstractCollection<T> {
private T[] data;
/** An empty Collection */
public ArrayCollection () {
data = (T[]) new Object[0];
/** A Collection consisting of the elements of C */
public ArrayCollection (Collection<? extends T> C) {
data = C.toArray(new Object[C.size ()]);
/** A Collection consisting of a view of the elements of A. */
public ArrayCollection (Object[] A) {
data = A;
public int size () { return data.length; }
public Iterator<T> iterator () {
return new Iterator<T> () {
private int k = 0;
public boolean hasNext () { return k < size (); }
public T next () {
if (! hasNext ()) throw new NoSuchElementException ();
k += 1;
return data[k-1];
public void remove () {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ();
**检查有效性**。 正如我们在2.2.3章节中讨论过的,**List**接口的**iterator****listIterator****subList**方法给我们产生了一种观点,即如果改变了list的结构那么它会**变得无效**。那些无视规则的程序员,不会知道**List**的实现做了些什么。使用一个无效的视图可能会导致不可预估的结果或异常。即便如此,**AbstractList**类在显式检查错误时候会遇到麻烦,并且会立即抛出一个特定的异常**ConcurrentModificationException****modCount**(声明为**protected**,以此代表它是用于**AbstractList**,而不是其它地方)会持续追踪**AbstractList**结构修改的数量。每次调用**add**或者**remove**(直接在List中或者通过视图)应该会增加它。个人视图可以持续记录最后一个值,它们在List的**modCount**成员变量中能**监视**这个值。如果这个值在这期间被改变了,那么会有异常抛出。我们将在代码3.5中看到这个范例。
### 3.3.2 AbstractSequentialList类
package java.util;
public abstract class AbstractList<T>
extends AbstractCollection<T> implements List<T> {
/** Construct an empty list. */
protected AbstractList () { modCount = 0; }
abstract T get (int index);
abstract int size ();
T set (int k, T x) { return UNSUPPORTED (); }
void add (int k, T x) { UNSUPPORTED (); }
T remove (int k) { return UNSUPPORTED (); }
Default, general-purpose implementations of
add (x), addAll, clear, equals, hashCode, indexOf, iterator,
lastIndexOf, listIterator, set, and subList
/** The number of times THIS has had elements added or removed. */
protected int modCount;
/** Remove from THIS all elements with indices in the
range K0 .. K1-1. */
protected void removeRange (int k0, int k1) {
ListIterator<T> i = listIterator (k0);
for (int k = k0; k < k1 && i.hasNext (); k += 1) {
i.next (); i.remove ();
private Object UNSUPPORTED ()
{ throw new UnsupportedOperationException (); }
public ListIterator<T> listIterator (int k0) {
return new ListIteratorImpl (k0);
private class ListIteratorImpl<T> implements ListIterator<T> {
ListIteratorImpl (int k0)
{ lastMod = modCount; k = k0; lastIndex = -1; }
public boolean hasNext () { return k < size (); }
public hasPrevious () { return k > 0; }
public T next () {
check (0, size ());
lastIndex = k; k += 1; return get (lastIndex);
public T previous () {
check (1, size ()+1);
k -= 1; lastIndex = k; return get (k);
public int nextIndex () { return k; }
public int previousIndex () { return k-1; }
public void add (T x) {
check (); lastIndex = -1;
k += 1; AbstractList.this.add (k-1, x);
lastMod = modCount;
public void remove () {
checkLast (); AbstractList.this.remove (lastIndex);
lastIndex = -1; lastMod = modCount;
public void set (T x) {
checkLast (); AbstractList.this.remove (lastIndex, x);
lastIndex = -1; lastMod = modCount;
// Class AbstractList.ListIteratorImpl, continued.
/* Private definitions */
/** modCount value expected for underlying list. */
private int lastMod;
/** Current position. */
private int k;
/** Index of last result returned by next or previous. */
private int lastIndex;
/** Check that there has been no concurrent modification. Throws
* appropriate exception if there has. */
private void check () {
if (modCount != lastMod) throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
/** Check that there has been no concurrent modification and that
* the current position, k, is in the range K0 <= k < K1. Throws
* appropriate exception if either test fails. */
private void check (int k0, int k1) {
check ();
if (k < k0 || k >= k1)
throw new NoSuchElementException ();
/** Check that there has been no concurrent modification and that
* there is a valid ‘‘last element returned by next or previous’’.
* Throws appropriate exception if either test fails. */
private checkLast () {
check ();
if (lastIndex == -1) throw new IllegalStateException ();
public abstract class AbstractSequentialList<T> extends AbstractList<T> {
/** An empty list */
protected AbstractSequentialList () { }
abstract int size ();
abstract ListIterator<T> listIterator (int k);
Default implementations of
add(k,x), addAll(k,c), get, iterator, remove(k), set
From AbstractList, inherited implementations of
add(x), clear, equals, hashCode, indexOf, lastIndexOf,
listIterator(), removeRange, subList
From AbstractCollection, inherited implementations of
addAll(), contains, containsAll, isEmpty, remove(), removeAll,
retainAll, toArray, toString
## 3.4 AbstractMap类
## 3.5 性能预测
package java.util;
public abstract class AbstractMap<Key,Val> implements Map<Key,Val> {
/** An empty map. */
protected AbstractMap () { }
/** A view of THIS as the set of all its (key,value) pairs.
* If the resulting Set’s iterator supports remove, then THIS
* map will support the remove and clear operations. */
public abstract Set<Entry<Key,Val>> entrySet ();
/** Cause get(KEY) to yield VAL, without disturbing other values. */
public Val put (Key key, Val val) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ();
Default implementations of
clear, containsKey, containsValue, equals, get, hashCode,
isEmpty, keySet, putAll, remove, size, values
/** Print a String representation of THIS, in the form
* {KEY0=VALUE0, KEY1=VALUE1, ...}
* where keys and values are converted using String.valueOf(...). */
public String toString () { ... }
**AbstractList**。 在AbstractList背后的策略是使用了**size****get(k)****add(k,x)****set(k,x)**以及**remove(k)**这些方法,它们是由扩展类型提供的,这些扩展类型还用来实现了其它部分。**listIterator**方法返回了一个**listIterator**,这个**listIterator**使用了**get**来实现**next****previous**,使用**add**(在AbstractList中的)实现了迭代器的**add**,使用**remove**(在AbstractList中的)实现了迭代器的**remove**。由增加或减少的整型变量构成迭代器实现了记账簿(bookkeeping)的功能,因此它的花费是一个较小的常数时间。这样看来,我们可以轻松地将迭代函数的耗费直接和那些方法(下表中所展示的)关联上。为了简化问题复杂度,对于个体而言的**size****equals**操作,我们将它们所耗费的时间看做是个常数。我们将"plugged-in"方法的数值以C<sub>α</sub>的形式给出;**this**(这里的**List**)的大小是N,其它收集器参数(表示为c,这里我们假设是相同类型的**List**,只是为了可以讲更多的内容)的大小是M。
**AbstractSequentialList**。 现在让我们比较一下AbstractList和AbstractSequentialList的实现,后者未使用低效的**get**操作,但它仍然使用了低效的迭代器。在这个例子中,**get(k)**操作是由新创建的**AbstractSequentialList**,同时由一个耗费**k**倍的时间性能**next**操作一起来实现的。让我们看下这张表格:
3.1. 为**AbstractCollection**写出一个**addAll**的实现。在它做**增加**操作时,如果新增了收集器不支持的元素,则会抛出**AbstractCollectio**,如果支持的话,就新增一个元素。
3.2. 为**AbstractCollection**写出一个**removeAll**的实现。如果支持当前移除操作,使用**iterator**来进行**remove**的操作。
3.3. 为**java.util.SubList**写出一个实现。这个工具类实现了**List**,并且有这样的一个构造函数:
/** A view of items K0 throught K1-1 of THELIST. Subsequent
* modifications to THIS also modify THELIST. Any structural
* modification to THELIST other than through THIS and any
* iterators or sublists derived from it renders THIS invalid.
* Operations on an invalid SubList throw
* ConcurrentModificationException */
SubList (AbstractList theList, int k0, int k1) { ... }
3.4. 为一个**AbstractSequentialList**类写出**add(k,x)****get**的实现。它在列表的任何一端或附近,都可以很快地获取一个元素。
3.5. 扩展**AbstractMap**类,编写更多**Map**的实现。试着尽可能地不要依赖**AbstractMap**,仅仅实现需要的部分。比如说要写一个成员,写出**Map.Entry**的实现,要使用到Java库提供的现有的**Set**,即**HashSet**。把最终实现的类叫做**SimpleMap**
3.6. 在3.5章节,我们没有谈论到**subList**方法返回**Lists**操作的性能。请估算出**AbstractMap****AbstractSequentialList**的性能。对于**AbstractSequentialList****get**方法所需要的时间必须依赖**subList**(起点位置)取决于第一个参数。为什么是这样呢?在**ListIterator**定义中的哪些更改,不会让子列表上的**get**(和其他操作)的性能受到子列表的原始列表中的位置的影响?
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