/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include // NOLINT #include #include "paddle/fluid/operators/listen_and_serv_op.h" namespace paddle { namespace operators { void RunServer(std::shared_ptr service) { service->RunSyncUpdate(); VLOG(4) << "RunServer thread end"; } static void split(const std::string &str, char sep, std::vector *pieces) { pieces->clear(); if (str.empty()) { return; } size_t pos = 0; size_t next = str.find(sep, pos); while (next != std::string::npos) { pieces->push_back(str.substr(pos, next - pos)); pos = next + 1; next = str.find(sep, pos); } if (!str.substr(pos).empty()) { pieces->push_back(str.substr(pos)); } } static void AsyncExecuteBlock(framework::Executor *executor, framework::ExecutorPrepareContext *prepared, framework::Scope *scope) { std::future future = framework::Async([&executor, &prepared, &scope]() { try { executor->RunPreparedContext(prepared, scope, false, false); } catch (std::exception &e) { LOG(ERROR) << "run sub program error " << e.what(); } }); // TODO(qiao) maybe we can remove this future.wait(); } static void ParallelExecuteBlocks( const std::vector ¶llel_blkids, framework::Executor *executor, const std::vector> &prepared, framework::ProgramDesc *program, framework::Scope *scope) { std::vector> fs; for (size_t idx : parallel_blkids) { fs.push_back( framework::Async([&executor, &prepared, &program, &scope, idx]() { int run_block = idx; // thread local try { executor->RunPreparedContext(prepared[run_block].get(), scope, false, false); } catch (std::exception &e) { LOG(ERROR) << "run sub program error " << e.what(); } })); } for (size_t i = 0; i < fs.size(); ++i) fs[i].wait(); } static void SavePort(std::shared_ptr rpc_service) { std::ofstream port_file; port_file.open("/tmp/paddle.selected_port"); port_file << rpc_service->GetSelectedPort(); port_file.close(); } ListenAndServOp::ListenAndServOp(const std::string &type, const framework::VariableNameMap &inputs, const framework::VariableNameMap &outputs, const framework::AttributeMap &attrs) : OperatorBase(type, inputs, outputs, attrs) {} int ListenAndServOp::GetSelectedPort() const { return rpc_service_->GetSelectedPort(); } void ListenAndServOp::Stop() { rpc_service_->Push(LISTEN_TERMINATE_MESSAGE); server_thread_->join(); } void ListenAndServOp::RunSyncLoop(framework::Executor *executor, framework::ProgramDesc *program, framework::Scope *recv_scope, framework::BlockDesc *prefetch_block) const { auto fan_in = Attr("Fanin"); size_t num_blocks = program->Size(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(num_blocks, 2, "server program should have at least 2 blocks"); std::vector block_list; for (size_t blkid = 1; blkid < num_blocks; ++blkid) { block_list.push_back(blkid); } auto optimize_prepared = executor->Prepare(*program, block_list); // Insert placeholder for block0 which holds current op itself. optimize_prepared.insert( optimize_prepared.begin(), std::shared_ptr(nullptr)); bool exit_flag = false; // Record received sparse variables, so that // we could reset those after execute optimize program std::vector sparse_vars; while (!exit_flag) { // Get from multiple trainers, we don't care about the order in which // the gradients arrives, just add suffix 0~n and merge the gradient. rpc_service_->SetCond(0); size_t recv_var_cnt = 0; int batch_barrier = 0; while (batch_barrier != fan_in) { const detail::ReceivedMessage v = rpc_service_->Get(); auto recv_var_name = v.first; if (recv_var_name == LISTEN_TERMINATE_MESSAGE) { LOG(INFO) << "received terminate message and exit"; exit_flag = true; break; } else if (recv_var_name == BATCH_BARRIER_MESSAGE) { VLOG(3) << "recv batch barrier message"; batch_barrier++; continue; } else { VLOG(3) << "received grad: " << recv_var_name; recv_var_cnt++; auto var = v.second->GetVar(); if (var == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can not find server side var: " << recv_var_name; PADDLE_THROW("Can not find server side var"); } if (var->IsType()) { sparse_vars.push_back(var); } } } if (exit_flag) { rpc_service_->SetCond(1); rpc_service_->ShutDown(); break; } // NOTE: if is_gpu_place, CUDA kernels are launched by multiple threads // and this will still work. // The optimize blocks which have the same parent ID would run parallel // TODO(Yancey1989): need to use ParallelExecutor for future int32_t last_parent_blkid = program->Block(1).Parent(); std::vector parallel_blkids; parallel_blkids.push_back(1); double ts = detail::GetTimestamp(); for (size_t blkid = 2; blkid < num_blocks; ++blkid) { if (blkid != static_cast(prefetch_block->ID())) { if (program->Block(blkid).Parent() != last_parent_blkid) { ParallelExecuteBlocks(parallel_blkids, executor, optimize_prepared, program, recv_scope); parallel_blkids.clear(); last_parent_blkid = program->Block(blkid).Parent(); } parallel_blkids.push_back(blkid); } } ParallelExecuteBlocks(parallel_blkids, executor, optimize_prepared, program, recv_scope); VLOG(2) << "run all blocks spent " << detail::GetTimestamp() - ts << "(ms)"; // Reset the received sparse variables, the sum operator would not // sum the input sparse variables which rows is empty at the next // mini-batch. // TODO(Yancey1989): move the reset action into an operator, we couldn't // have any hide logic in the operator. for (auto &var : sparse_vars) { var->GetMutable()->mutable_rows()->clear(); } rpc_service_->SetCond(1); // FIXME(typhoonzero): use another condition to sync wait clients get. rpc_service_->WaitClientGet(fan_in); sparse_vars.clear(); } // while(true) } void ListenAndServOp::RunAsyncLoop(framework::Executor *executor, framework::ProgramDesc *program, framework::Scope *recv_scope, framework::BlockDesc *prefetch_block) const { VLOG(3) << "RunAsyncLoop in"; // grad name to block id std::unordered_map grad_to_block_id; std::unordered_map id_to_grad; auto grad_to_block_id_str = Attr>("grad_to_block_id"); for (auto &grad_and_id : grad_to_block_id_str) { std::vector pieces; split(grad_and_id, ':', &pieces); VLOG(3) << "after split, grad = " << pieces[0] << ", id=" << pieces[1]; PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(pieces.size(), 2); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(grad_to_block_id.count(pieces[0]), 0); int block_id = std::stoi(pieces[1]); grad_to_block_id[pieces[0]] = block_id; id_to_grad[block_id] = pieces[0]; } size_t num_blocks = program->Size(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(num_blocks, 2, "server program should have at least 2 blocks"); std::vector block_list; for (size_t blkid = 1; blkid < num_blocks; ++blkid) { block_list.push_back(blkid); } auto optimize_prepared = executor->Prepare(*program, block_list); std::unordered_map> grad_to_prepared_ctx; for (size_t i = 0; i < block_list.size(); ++i) { grad_to_prepared_ctx[id_to_grad[block_list[i]]] = optimize_prepared[i]; } VLOG(3) << "RunAsyncLoop into while"; bool exit_flag = false; while (!exit_flag) { const detail::ReceivedMessage v = rpc_service_->Get(); auto recv_var_name = v.first; if (recv_var_name == LISTEN_TERMINATE_MESSAGE) { LOG(INFO) << "received terminate message and exit"; exit_flag = true; break; } else { VLOG(3) << "received grad: " << recv_var_name; auto var = v.second->GetVar(); if (var == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can not find server side var: " << recv_var_name; PADDLE_THROW("Can not find server side var"); } AsyncExecuteBlock(executor, grad_to_prepared_ctx[recv_var_name].get(), v.second->GetMutableLocalScope()); } if (exit_flag) { rpc_service_->ShutDown(); break; } } // while(true) } void ListenAndServOp::StartServerThread() { server_thread_.reset(new std::thread( std::bind(&ListenAndServOp::ServerThreadEntry, this, rpc_service_))); } void ListenAndServOp::ServerThreadEntry( std::shared_ptr service) { service->RunSyncUpdate(); VLOG(4) << "RunServer thread end"; { std::lock_guard lock(this->barrier_mutex_); barrier_cond_step_ = cond; } barrier_condition_.notify_all(); } void ListenAndServOp::RunImpl(const framework::Scope &scope, const platform::Place &dev_place) const { platform::DeviceContextPool &pool = platform::DeviceContextPool::Instance(); auto &dev_ctx = *pool.Get(dev_place); framework::Scope &recv_scope = scope.NewScope(); bool sync_mode = Attr("sync_mode"); PADDLE_ENFORCE(!rpc_service_); std::string endpoint = Attr("endpoint"); rpc_service_.reset(new detail::AsyncGRPCServer(endpoint, sync_mode)); auto *optimize_block = Attr(kOptimizeBlock); auto *prefetch_block = Attr(kPrefetchBlock); auto *program = optimize_block->Program(); framework::Executor executor(dev_place); // prepare rpc_service rpc_service_->SetScope(&recv_scope); rpc_service_->SetDevCtx(&dev_ctx); rpc_service_->SetProgram(program); rpc_service_->SetExecutor(&executor); // prepare for prefetch VLOG(3) << "prefetch block id is " << prefetch_block->ID(); auto prefetch_prepared = executor.Prepare(*program, prefetch_block->ID()); rpc_service_->SetPrefetchPreparedCtx(prefetch_prepared.get()); prefetch_prepared.release(); // start the server listening after all member initialized. server_thread_.reset(new std::thread(RunServer, rpc_service_)); VLOG(3) << "wait server thread to become ready..."; // Write to a file of server selected port for python use. SavePort(rpc_service_); if (sync_mode) { RunSyncLoop(&executor, program, &recv_scope, prefetch_block); } else { RunAsyncLoop(&executor, program, &recv_scope, prefetch_block); } } class ListenAndServOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker { public: ListenAndServOpMaker(OpProto *proto, OpAttrChecker *op_checker) : OpProtoAndCheckerMaker(proto, op_checker) { AddInput("X", "(Tensor) Variables that server recv.").AsDuplicable(); AddComment(R"DOC( ListenAndServ operator This operator will start a RPC server which can receive variables from send_op and send back variables to recv_op. )DOC"); AddAttr("endpoint", "(string, default" "IP address to listen on.") .SetDefault("") .AddCustomChecker([](const std::string &ip) { return !ip.empty(); }); AddAttr>( "grad_to_block_id", "['param1@GRAD.block0:1', 'param2@GRAD.blockn:2'] " "a map from grad name to it's optimize block id") .SetDefault({}); AddAttr("sync_mode", "if works at sync_mode or not").SetDefault(true); AddAttr(kOptimizeBlock, "BlockID to run on server side."); AddAttr(kPrefetchBlock, "prefetch block to run on server side."); AddAttr("Fanin", "How many clients send to this server.") .SetDefault(1); } }; } // namespace operators } // namespace paddle namespace ops = paddle::operators; REGISTER_OPERATOR(listen_and_serv, ops::ListenAndServOp, ops::ListenAndServOpMaker);