from setuptools import setup, Distribution, Extension import subprocess import os import re import shutil class BinaryDistribution(Distribution): def has_ext_modules(foo): return True RC = 0 def git_commit(): try: cmd = ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'] git_commit = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except: git_commit = 'Unknown' return git_commit def _get_version_detail(idx): assert idx < 3, "vesion info consists of %(major)d.%(minor)d.%(patch)d, \ so detail index must less than 3" version_details = '@PADDLE_VERSION@'.split('.') if len(version_details) == 3: detail = version_details[idx] if re.match('[0-9]+', detail): return int(detail) return None def get_major(): major = _get_version_detail(0) if major is not None: return major return 'UNKNOWN' def get_minor(): minor = _get_version_detail(1) if minor is not None: return minor return 'UNKNOWN' def get_patch(): patch = _get_version_detail(2) if patch is not None: return patch return 'UNKNOWN' def is_taged(): try: cmd = ['git', 'describe', '--exact-match', '--tags'] git_tag = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except: return False if git_tag.replace('v', '') == '@PADDLE_VERSION@': return True else: return False def write_version_py(filename='paddle/'): cnt = ''' # THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM PADDLEPADDLE SETUP.PY # full_version = '%(major)d.%(minor)d.%(patch)d' major = '%(major)d' minor = '%(minor)d' patch = '%(patch)d' rc = '%(rc)d' istaged = %(istaged)s commit = '%(commit)s' with_mkl = '%(with_mkl)s' def show(): if istaged: print 'full_version:', full_version print 'major:', major print 'minor:', minor print 'patch:', patch print 'rc:', rc else: print 'commit:', commit def mkl(): return with_mkl ''' commit = git_commit() with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(cnt % { 'major': get_major(), 'minor': get_minor(), 'patch': get_patch(), 'rc': RC, 'version': '${PADDLE_VERSION}', 'commit': commit, 'istaged': is_taged(), 'with_mkl': '@WITH_MKL@'}) write_version_py(filename='@PADDLE_BINARY_DIR@/python/paddle/') packages=['paddle', 'paddle.libs', 'paddle.utils', 'paddle.dataset', 'paddle.reader', 'paddle.fluid', 'paddle.fluid.proto', 'paddle.fluid.proto.profiler', 'paddle.fluid.layers', 'paddle.fluid.transpiler', 'paddle.fluid.transpiler.details'] if '${WITH_FLUID_ONLY}'== 'OFF': packages+=['paddle.proto', 'paddle.trainer', 'paddle.trainer_config_helpers', 'paddle.v2', 'paddle.v2.master', 'paddle.v2.plot', 'paddle.v2.reader', 'paddle.v2.dataset', 'py_paddle'] with open('@PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR@/python/requirements.txt') as f: setup_requires = if '${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}' not in ['arm', 'armv7-a', 'aarch64']: setup_requires+=['opencv-python'] # the prefix is sys.prefix which should always be usr paddle_bins = '' if '${WITH_FLUID_ONLY}'== 'OFF': paddle_bin_dir = 'opt/paddle/bin' paddle_bins = ['${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/legacy/trainer/paddle_trainer', '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/legacy/trainer/paddle_merge_model', '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/legacy/pserver/paddle_pserver_main', '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/scripts/paddle'] package_data={'paddle.fluid': ['']} if '${WITH_FLUID_ONLY}'== 'OFF': package_data['paddle.v2.master']=[''] package_data['py_paddle']=['*.py',''] package_dir={ '': '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python', # The paddle.fluid.proto will be generated while compiling. # So that package points to other directory. 'paddle.fluid.proto.profiler': '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/platform', 'paddle.fluid.proto': '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/framework', 'paddle.fluid': '${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/fluid', } if '${WITH_FLUID_ONLY}'== 'OFF': package_dir['py_paddle']='${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/py_paddle' # put all thirdparty libraries in paddle.libs package_data['paddle.libs']=[''] libs_path='${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/libs' shutil.copy('${WARPCTC_LIBRARIES}', libs_path) if '${WITH_MKL}' == 'ON': shutil.copy('${MKLML_LIB}', libs_path) shutil.copy('${MKLML_IOMP_LIB}', libs_path) package_data['paddle.libs']+=['',''] if '${WITH_MKLDNN}' == 'ON': # change rpath of, add $ORIGIN/ to it. # The reason is that all thirdparty libraries in the same directory, # thus, will find and command = "patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/' ${MKLDNN_SHARED_LIB}" os.system(command) package_data['paddle.libs']+=[''] shutil.copy('${MKLDNN_SHARED_LIB}', libs_path) # remove unused paddle/libs/ os.remove(libs_path+'/') package_dir['paddle.libs']=libs_path # change rpath of, add $ORIGIN/../libs/ to it. # The reason is that, etc are in paddle.libs, and # is in paddle.fluid, thus paddle/fluid/../libs will pointer to above libraries. # This operation will fix command = "patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../libs/' ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/python/paddle/fluid/" os.system(command) setup(name='${PACKAGE_NAME}', version='${PADDLE_VERSION}', description='Parallel Distributed Deep Learning', install_requires=setup_requires, packages=packages, ext_modules=[Extension('_foo', [''])], package_data=package_data, package_dir=package_dir, scripts=paddle_bins )