/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * License); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2021, Open AI Lab * Author: hhchen@openailab.com */ #pragma once extern "C" { #include "operator/op.h" } const int timvx_supported_ops[] = { // OP_GENERIC, // OP_ABSVAL, // OP_ADD_N, // OP_ARGMAX, // OP_ARGMIN, OP_BATCHNORM, // OP_BATCHTOSPACEND, // OP_BIAS, // OP_BROADMUL, // OP_CAST, // OP_CEIL, OP_CLIP, // OP_COMPARISON, OP_CONCAT, OP_CONST, OP_CONV, OP_CROP, OP_DECONV, OP_DEPTHTOSPACE, // OP_DETECTION_OUTPUT, // OP_DETECTION_POSTPROCESS, OP_DROPOUT, OP_ELTWISE, OP_ELU, // OP_EMBEDDING, // OP_EXPANDDIMS, OP_FC, OP_FLATTEN, OP_GATHER, // OP_GEMM, // OP_GRU, // OP_HARDSIGMOID, OP_HARDSWISH, OP_INPUT, OP_INSTANCENORM, OP_INTERP, // OP_LOGICAL, // OP_LOGISTIC, // OP_LRN, // OP_LSTM, // OP_MATMUL, // OP_MAXIMUM, // OP_MEAN, // OP_MINIMUM, // OP_MVN, // OP_NOOP, // OP_NORMALIZE, OP_PAD, OP_PERMUTE, OP_POOL, OP_PRELU, // OP_PRIORBOX, // OP_PSROIPOOLING, // OP_REDUCEL2, OP_REDUCTION, // OP_REGION, OP_RELU, OP_RELU6, // OP_REORG, OP_RESHAPE, OP_RESIZE, // OP_REVERSE, // OP_RNN, // OP_ROIALIGN, // OP_ROIPOOLING, // OP_ROUND, // OP_RPN, OP_SCALE, // OP_SELU, // OP_SHUFFLECHANNEL, OP_SIGMOID, OP_SLICE, OP_SOFTMAX, // OP_SPACETOBATCHND, OP_SPACETODEPTH, // OP_SPARSETODENSE, OP_SPLIT, // OP_SQUAREDDIFFERENCE, // OP_SQUEEZE, // OP_STRIDED_SLICE, // OP_SWAP_AXIS, OP_TANH, // OP_THRESHOLD, // OP_TOPKV2, OP_TRANSPOSE, // OP_UNARY, // OP_UNSQUEEZE, OP_UPSAMPLE, // OP_ZEROSLIKE, OP_MISH, // OP_LOGSOFTMAX, // OP_RELU1, OP_L2NORMALIZATION, OP_SPATIALTRANSFORMER, //ffh // OP_L2POOL, // OP_TILE, // OP_SHAPE, // OP_SCATTER, // OP_WHERE, // OP_SOFTPLUS, // OP_RECIPROCAL, OP_GELU, OP_LAYERNORM, // OP_BUILTIN_LAST };