提交 83ed14d4 编写于 作者: 蔡祥熠

Merge branch 'cherry-pick-a29178a6' into 'master'

Merge branch 'fix/delete_file' into 'develop'

See merge request o2oa/o2oa!1099
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "MPopupForm", null, false);
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("cms.Module", "ExcelForm", null, false);
this.define("dipatchNumberToCity", function(){
var ids = this.getSelectedId();
if( ids.length == 0 ){
var units = this.getLevel1Unit();
var unitList = [];
units.each( function( u ){
name : u.name,
id : u.distinguishedName
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "Selector.Custom", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"selectableItems" : unitList,
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.id;
if( !unit )return;
this.saveDocList( ids, unit, "", "" );
var selector = new MWF.xApplication.Template.Selector.Custom(this.form.app.content, opt );
this.define("dipatchNumberToCounty", function( city, range ){
var ids = this.getSelectedId();
if( ids.length == 0 ){
var units = [];
if( city ){
var unit = this.org.listSubUnit( city , false );
unit.each( function( u ){
name : u.name,
id : u.distinguishedName
if( city ){
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "Selector.Custom", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"selectableItems" : units,
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.id;
this.saveDocList(ids, city, unit, "" )
var selector = new MWF.xApplication.Template.Selector.Custom(this.form.app.content, opt );
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Selector", "package", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"type" : "unit",
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.distinguishedName;
var levelName = array[0].data.levelName;
if( levelName.split("/").length != 2 ){
this.form.app.notice("请选择县级分公司", "error");
return false;
var c = this.name_dnName[levelName.split("/")[0]];
this.saveDocList(ids, c, unit, "")
if( range )opt.units = [range];
var selector = new MWF.O2Selector(this.form.app.content, opt );
this.define("dipatchNumberToBranch", function( county, range ){
var ids = this.getSelectedId();
if( ids.length == 0 ){
var units = [];
if( county ){
var unit = this.org.listSubUnit( county , false );
unit.each( function( u ){
name : u.name,
id : u.distinguishedName
if( county ){
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "Selector.Custom", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"selectableItems" : units,
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.id;
var levelName = this.dnName_levelName[unit];
if( levelName.split("/").length != 3 ){
this.form.app.notice("请选择网格", "error");
return false;
var c = this.name_dnName[levelName.split("/")[0]];
this.saveDocList(ids, c, county, unit )
var selector = new MWF.xApplication.Template.Selector.Custom(this.form.app.content, opt );
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Selector", "package", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"type" : "unit",
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.distinguishedName;
var levelName = this.dnName_levelName[unit];
if( levelName.split("/").length != 3 ){
this.form.app.notice("请选择网格", "error");
return false;
var city2 = this.name_dnName[levelName.split("/")[0]];
var county2 = this.name_dnName[levelName.split("/")[1]];
this.saveDocList(ids, city2, county2, unit );
if( range )opt.units = [range];
var selector = new MWF.O2Selector(this.form.app.content, opt );
this.define("saveDocList", function( ids, city, county, branch ){
ids.each( function(id){
var oldData = this.form.selectedItemJson[id];
var newData = { docStatus : "published", city : city, county : county , branch : branch };
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
this.form.statJson.changeData( newData, oldData, oldData.batch );
if( this.form.currentView.docStatus == "error" ){
var changeCount = 0;
ids.each( function( id ){
this.saveDoc( id, city, county, branch, function(){
if( changeCount == ids.length ){
this.setUploadedUnit( function(){
this.loadStatTable( this.statTableOptions ? this.statTableOptions.container : this.form.get("statContaienr").node );
this.form.view.selectedItems = [];
if( this.form.view_error ){
this.form.view_error.selectedItems = [];
this.saveDcc(ids, ["city","county","branch"], [city,county,branch], function(){
this.setUploadedUnit( function(){
this.loadStatTable( this.statTableOptions ? this.statTableOptions.container : this.form.get("statContaienr").node );
this.form.currentView.selectedItems = [];
this.define("saveDoc", function( id, city, county, branch, callback ){
MWF.Actions.get("x_cms_assemble_control").getDocument(id, function( json ){
var docData = json.data;
docData.data.city = city;
docData.data.county = county;
docData.data.branch = branch;
docData.data.errorText = "";
docData.data.docStatus = "published";
docData.data.status = "成功";
docData.data.title = docData.data.subject;
delete docData.data.$document;
delete docData.document.viewCount;
delete docData.document.publishTime;
delete docData.document.hasIndexPic;
delete docData.document.readPersonList;
delete docData.document.readUnitList;
delete docData.document.readGroupList;
delete docData.document.authorPersonList;
delete docData.document.authorUnitList;
delete docData.document.authorGroupList;
delete docData.document.managerList;
delete docData.document.pictureList;
delete docData.documentLogList;
delete docData.isAppAdmin;
delete docData.isCategoryAdmin;
delete docData.isManager;
delete docData.isCreator;
delete docData.isEditor;
docData.document.docData = docData.data;
delete docData.data;
docData.document.docStatus = "published";
docData.document.subject = docData.document.title;
MWF.Actions.get("x_cms_assemble_control").updateDocument( docData.document , function(){
if( callback )callback();
this.define("dipatchNumber", function(){
// var flag = (this.workContext.getControl().allowSave && this.workContext.getActivity().alias == "draft") ;
// if( !flag ){
// this.form.app.notice( "发起节点才能分配号码","error" );
// return;
// }
var ids = this.getSelectedId();
if( ids.length == 0 ){
var units = this.getSubUnit();
if( units ){
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "Selector.Custom", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"selectableItems" : units,
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.id;
this.setUnit(ids, unit )
var selector = new MWF.xApplication.Template.Selector.Custom(this.form.app.content, opt );
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Selector", "package", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"type" : "unit",
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.distinguishedName;
this.setUnit(ids, unit)
var selector = new MWF.O2Selector(this.form.app.content, opt );
this.define("getSelectedId", function(){
var ids = [];
if( !this.form.currentView ){
this.form.currentView = this.form.view;
this.form.selectedItemJson = {};
this.form.currentView.selectedItems.each( function( item ){
ids.push( item.data.bundle );
this.form.selectedItemJson[ item.data.bundle ] = {
batch : item.data.data.batch,
city : item.data.data.city,
county : item.data.data.county,
branch : item.data.data.branch,
docStatus : this.form.currentView.docStatus || "published"
return ids;
this.define("getSubUnit", function(){
var units = this.data.currentUnit;
if( units ){
var unit = this.org.listSubUnit( units , false );
}else if( !this.data.newFlag ){
var unit = this.getLevel1Unit(); //this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
return null;
//unit = unit.split("@")[0];
var array = [];
unit.each( function( u ){
name : u.name,
id : u.distinguishedName
return array;
this.define("getLevel1Unit", function( callback){
var array = [];
var action = new this.Action("x_organization_assemble_express", {
"lookup":{"uri": "/jaxrs/unit/list/level/object", "method": "POST"}
action.invoke({"name": "lookup","parameter": {}, "data": {"levelList":[ "1" ]}, "success": function(json){
array = json.data;
}.bind(this), async : false
return array;
this.define("setUnit", function(ids, unit){
if( !unit )return;
var flag = this.data.flag || this.data.newFlag;
var f;
if( !flag ){
f = "city"
}else if( flag == "city" ){
f = "county"
}else if( flag == "county" ){
f = "branch"
this.saveDcc(ids, f, unit, function(){
var value = this.data[f+"TaskPerson"];
var array = [];
( value.length ? value : [] ).each( function( v ){
array.push( typeOf( v ) == "string" ? v : v.distinguishedName )
array.push( unit );
array = array.unique();
this.data[f+"TaskPerson"] = array;
this.form.view.selectedItems = [];
this.define("saveDcc", function( ids, field, value, callback){
var action = new this.Action("x_cms_assemble_control", {
"save":{"uri": "/jaxrs/document/batch/data/modify", "method": "PUT"}
var array = [];
if( typeOf( field ) == "array" ){
for( var i=0; i<field.length; i++ ){
"dataPath": field[i],
"dataType": "String",
"dataString": value[i],
"dataInteger": null,
"dataBoolean": null,
"dataDate": null
"dataPath": field,
"dataType": "String",
"dataString": value,
"dataInteger": null,
"dataBoolean": null,
"dataDate": null
action.invoke({"name": "save", "data": {
"docIds" : ids,
"dataChanges" : array
}, "success": function(json){
var UploadExcelDialog = new Class({
Extends: MWF.xApplication.cms.Module.ImportForm,
Implements: [Options, Events],
options: {
"style": "minder",
"width": "650",
"height": "430",
"hasTop": true,
"hasIcon": false,
"draggable": true,
"maxAction" : true,
"title" : "导入号码"
_createTableContent: function () {
this.formTableContainer.setStyles({"margin":"0px auto 20px atuo"});
var html = "<table width='100%' bordr='0' cellpadding='7' cellspacing='0' styles='formTable' style='margin-top: 20px; '>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableTitle' width='20%'>说明:</td>" +
" <td styles='formTableValue' colspan='3' width='80%' style='font-size:12px;color:#666;line-height:20px;'>"+
" 您可以直接在Excel表格里填写地市分公司、区县分公司和网格的名称,系统会以您导入的分公司名称进行流转分发。<br/>"+
"请注意填写的名称需要与系统内的分公司/组织名称一致。<div item='openUnit''></div>"+ "<div item='url2'></div>"+//如果名称有重名,请使用层次名。
"</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableTitle' lable='url' width='20%'></td>" +
" <td styles='formTableValue' item='url' colspan='3' width='80%'></td></tr>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableTitle' lable='file' ></td>" +
" <td styles='formTableValue' colspan='3'><div item='filename'></div><div item='file'></div></td></tr>" +
this.formTableArea.set("html", html);
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "MForm", null, false);
this.form = new MForm(this.formTableArea, {}, {
isEdited: true,
style : "cms",
hasColon : true,
itemTemplate: {
openUnit : { type : "Innerhtml", value : "<a href='javascript:void(0)'>点击查看组织名称</a>",
event : { click : function(item, ev){
layout.desktop.openApplication(ev, "Org", {
onQueryLoad : function(){
this.status = { navi : 0 }
url2: { type : "Innerhtml", text : "下载模板", value : "<a target='_blank' href='../x_component_cms_Module/$ExcelForm/"+encodeURIComponent("Excel导入合法性说明.xls")+"'>点击查看校验说明</a>" },
url: { type : "Innerhtml", text : "下载模板", value : "<a target='_blank' href='../x_component_cms_Module/$ExcelForm/"+encodeURIComponent("Excel模板下载.xls")+"'>Excel模板下载</a>" },
file: { type : "button", value : "选择Excel文件",text : "选择文件", event :{
click : function(){
} }
}, this.app);
_setCustom : function(){
"margin":"0px auto 0px auto",
"width" : "300px"
ok: function( callback ){
if( !this.formData ){
this.app.notice( "请先选择Excel文件", "error" );
var json = {
//"title": "新建数据的文档标题(前缀)",
"title_column": "subject",
"identity": "",
"docType": "数据",
"wiParameters": [
"dataPath": "workName",
"dataType": "String",
"dataString": this.data.workName,
"dataInteger": "",
"dataBoolean": "",
"dataDate": ""
"dataPath": "workId",
"dataType": "String",
"dataString": this.data.workId,
"dataInteger": "",
"dataBoolean": "",
"dataDate": ""
"dataPath": "jobId",
"dataType": "String",
"dataString": this.data.jobId,
"dataInteger": "",
"dataBoolean": "",
"dataDate": ""
this.formData.append("json_data", JSON.stringify(json) );
var checkImportStatus = function( json ){
this.action.checkImportStatus( json.data.importBatchName, function( js ){
this.importedResultJson = js;
this.importBatchName = json.data.importBatchName;
if( js.data.dataTotal <= js.data.processTotal ){
this.progressBar.setProgress(js.data.processTotal, js.data.dataTotal, "正在导入数据");
var array = this.context.data.importBatchNames ? this.context.data.importBatchNames.split(",") : [];
array.push( json.data.importBatchName );
this.context.data.importBatchNames = array.toString();
this.allUnit = this.getAllUnit();
this.checkImportedData(true, json.data.importBatchName);
this.formData = null;
this.file = null;
setTimeout( function(){
this.progressBar.setProgress(js.data.processTotal, js.data.dataTotal, "正在导入数据");
checkImportStatus( json )
}.bind(this), 500 );
}.bind(this)), function(){
setTimeout( function(){
this.progressBar.setProgress(js.data.processTotal, js.data.dataTotal, "正在导入数据");
checkImportStatus( json )
}.bind(this), 500 );
this.action.importDocumentFormExcel(this.data.categoryId, function (json) { //导入excel
}.bind(this), null, this.formData, this.file);
checkImportedData : function( isFirst, importBatchName ){
var _form = this.context.form;
if( isFirst ){
this.checked = 0;
if( !_form.statJson ){
_form.statJson = new StatJson(this.context);
_form.statJson.addBatch(importBatchName, true);
this.action.listDocumentFilterNext( "(0)", 1000, {
"importBatchNames" : [importBatchName],
"statusList":["checking"], //,"published","error"
"needData" : true
}, function( json ){
if( !this.totalCount ){
this.totalCount = json.count;
var length = (json.data || []).length;
var loaded = 0;
( json.data || [] ).each( function( d, i ){
this.checkDocData( d , function(){
this.checked ++;
loaded ++;
if( loaded == length && this.checked < this.totalCount ){
window.setTimeout( function(){
this.checkImportedData( false, importBatchName );
}.bind(this), 1000 );
if( this.checked == this.totalCount ){
this.context.setUploadedUnit( function(){
_form.view.selectedItems = [];
if( _form.view_error ){
_form.view_error.selectedItems = [];
this.context.loadStatTable( this.context.statTableOptions ? this.context.statTableOptions.container : this.context.form.get("statContaienr").node );
}.bind(this), function(){
this.checked ++;
loaded ++;
checkDocData : function( d, callback ){
if( d.docStatus != "checking" ){
var data = d.data;
var errorTexts = [];
var cityDn, countyDn, branchDn;
if( data.branch || data.county || data.city ){
if(data.branch)data.branch = data.branch.trim();
if(data.county)data.county = data.county.trim();
if(data.city)data.city = data.city.trim();
if( data.city ){
cityDn = this.name_dnName[ data.city ];
if( !cityDn )errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.city +"");
if( errorTexts.length == 0 && data.county ){
countyDn = this.name_dnName[ data.county ];
if( !countyDn ){
errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.county+"");
if( data.city ){
if( !this.allUnit.contains( data.city + "/" +data.county ) ){
errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.city + "/" +data.county +"" );
var levelName = this.name_levelName[ data.county ];
if( !levelName ){
errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.county +"所在的市公司。" );
cityDn = this.name_dnName[ levelName.split("/")[0] ];
if( !cityDn )errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.county +"所在的市公司。" );
if( errorTexts.length == 0 && data.branch ){
branchDn = this.name_dnName[ data.branch ];
if( !branchDn ){
errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.branch+"");
if( data.city && data.county ){
if( !this.allUnit.contains( data.city + "/" +data.county + "/" +data.branch ) ){
errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.city + "/" +data.county + "/" +data.branch );
var levelName = this.name_levelName[ data.branch ];
if( !levelName ){
errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+ data.branch +"所在的县公司。" );
if( !cityDn ){
cityDn = this.name_dnName[ levelName.split("/")[0] ];
if( !cityDn )errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.branch +"所在的市公司。" );
if( !countyDn ){
countyDn = this.name_dnName[ levelName.split("/")[1] ];
if( !countyDn )errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.branch +"所在的县公司。" );
if( errorTexts.length == 0 ){
d.docStatus = "published";
data.docStatus = "published";
data.status = "成功";
if( cityDn ){
data.city_import = data.city;
data.city = cityDn;
if( countyDn ){
data.county_import = data.county;
data.county = countyDn;
if( branchDn ){
data.branch_import = data.branch;
data.branch = branchDn;
d.docStatus = "error";
data.docStatus = "error";
data.status = "错误";
data.errorText = errorTexts.join("");
d.docData = data;
delete d.data;
this.context.form.statJson.addData( data );
this.action.updateDocument( d , function(){
if( callback )callback();
//if( d.data.branch && )
// if( d.data.city ){
// }
// if( d.data.branch && )
// county
// branch
setResult : function(){
//if( this.cancelActionNode ){
// this.cancelActionNode.setStyles({
// "display":"",
// "width" : "200px"
// });
var data = this.importedResultJson.data;
new Element("div", {
styles : {
"margin-top" : "10px",
"font-size" : "14px",
"margin-left" : "10px"
text : "本批次共导入"+data.dataTotal+"条数据,成功导入"+data.successTotal+"条数据,发生错误"+data.errorTotal+""
if( !this.context.form.statJson ){
this.context.form.statJson = new StatJson(this.context);
this.context.form.statJson.loadTable(this.formTableArea, this.importBatchName )
loadProgressBar : function(){
this.progressBar = new ProgressBar( this.formTableArea );
getAllUnit : function( callback){
if( this.name_all ){
var array = this.name_all = [];
this.name_levelName = {};
this.dnName_levelName = {};
this.name_dnName = {};
var action = new this.context.Action("x_organization_assemble_express", {
"lookup":{"uri": "/jaxrs/unit/list/all/object", "method": "GET"}
action.invoke({"name": "lookup","parameter": {}, data:null, "success": function(json){
json.data.each( function(d){
this.name_levelName[ d.name ] = d.levelName;
this.dnName_levelName[ d.distinguishedName ] = d.levelName;
this.name_dnName[ d.name ] = d.distinguishedName;
array.push( d.name );
array.push( d.distinguishedName );
array.push( d.shortName );
array.push( d.levelName );
}.bind(this), async : false
return array;
if( this.data.currentUnit ){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
var count = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount( this.data.currentUnit );
if( this.data.numberCount != count ){
this.data.numberCount = count;
this.define("getErrorCount", function(){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
return this.form.statJson.getErrorCount();
// this.define("getErrorCount", function(){
// if( this.form.view_error ){
// return this.form.view_error.gridJson.length;
// }
// var workId = this.data.provinceWorkId || this.data.cityWorkId || this.data.countyWorkId;
// var filter = [{
// "logic":"and",
// "path": "workId",
// "title": "workId",
// "comparison":"equals",
// "comparisonTitle":"等于",
// "value": workId,
// "formatType":"textValue"
// }];
// var count = 0;
// MWF.Actions.get("x_query_assemble_surface").loadView("手机号码-导入失败", "渠道-手机号码设置", {"filterList": filter }, function(json){
// count = json.data.grid.length;
// }.bind(this), null, false);
// return count;
// }.bind(this))
this.define("setUploadedUnit", function( callback ){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
var unit = this.data.currentUnit;
if( unit == "" && !this.data.newFlag ){
//unit = this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
var creatorUnitLevelName = this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName;
if( creatorUnitLevelName ){
var u = creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
var unit = this.org.getUnit( u );
var flag = this.data.flag || this.data.newFlag;
var array = [];
if( !flag ){
array = this.form.statJson.getCity();
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount();
}else if( flag=="city" ){
if( unit ){
array = this.form.statJson.getCounty( unit );
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount(unit);
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount();
array = this.form.statJson.getAllCounty();
}else if( flag == "county" ){
if( unit ){
var city = this.data.city;
if( !city ){
var creatorUnitLevelName = this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName;
if( creatorUnitLevelName ){
var u = creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
city = this.org.getUnit( u );
var u = this.org.listSupUnit( unit );
city = u[0].distinguishedName;
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount( unit );
array = this.form.statJson.getBranch( city, unit );
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount();
array = this.form.statJson.getAllBranch();
var f;
if( !flag ){
f = "city";
}else if( flag=="city" ){
f = "county";
}else if( flag == "county" ){
f = "branch"
this.data[f+"TaskPerson"] = array;
this.define( "loadView", function( status, isSetCurrent ){
var workId = this.data.provinceWorkId || this.data.cityWorkId || this.data.countyWorkId;
var unit = this.data.currentUnit;
if( unit == "" && !this.data.newFlag ){
unit = this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
//unit = unit.split("@")[0];
var flag = this.data.flag || this.data.newFlag;
var control = this.workContext.getControl();
var viewName;
if( status == "published" ){
viewName = "手机号码-导入成功"
}else if( status == "error" ){
viewName = "手机号码-导入失败"
viewName = "手机号码"
var viewJson = {
"application": "渠道-手机号码设置",
"viewName": viewName,
"isTitle": "yes",
"select": control.allowSave ? "multi" : "none", //none , single, multi
//"titleStyles": this.json.titleStyles,
// "itemStyles": this.json.itemStyles,
"isExpand": "no",
"filter": [{
"path": "workId",
"title": "workId",
"value": workId,
if( flag && unit){
"path": flag,
"title": flag,
"value": unit,
var container;
if( status == "published" ){
container = this.form.get("view_container_published").node
}else if( status == "error" ){
container = this.form.get("view_container_error").node
container = this.form.get("view_container").node
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("query.Query", "Viewer", function(){
var view = new MWF.xApplication.query.Query.Viewer(container, viewJson, {
"resizeNode": true, //(this.node.getStyle("height").toString().toLowerCase()!=="auto" && this.node.getStyle("height").toInt()>0),
"onSelect": function(){
if( status == "published" ){
view.docStatus = "published";
this.form.view = view;
}else if( status == "error" ){
view.docStatus = "error";
this.form.view_error = view;
this.form.view = view;
if( isSetCurrent )this.form.currentView = view;
this.define("createImportBatchDiv", function(){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
var _self = this;
var div = this.form.get("importBatchDiv").node;
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var table = new Element( "table", {
"styles" : {"border-top" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-left" : "1px solid #ccc", "margin" : "20px auto 10px auto"}
}).inject( div );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "导入时间" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "校验通过条数" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "校验未通过条数" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "操作" }).inject( tr );
this.data.importBatchNames.split(",").each( function(d){
var timeStr = d.split("_")[1];
var year = timeStr.substring(0,4);
var month = timeStr.substring(4,6);
var date = timeStr.substring(6,8);
var hour = timeStr.substring(8,10);
var minture = timeStr.substring(10,12);
var second = timeStr.substring(12,14);
var time = year+"-"+month+"-"+date + " " + hour + ":" + minture + ":" + second;
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : time }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : this.form.statJson.getPublishedCount( d ) }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : this.form.statJson.getErrorCount( d ) }).inject( tr );
var td = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss }).inject( tr );
var button = new Element("button", { styles : {
"border-radius": "5px", "border": "1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)", "height": "26px", "color": "rgb(119, 119, 119)", "cursor" : "pointer", "margin-right" : "20px"
} , text : "只查看该批次导入的数据" }).inject(td);
button.addEvent("click", function(e){
var btn = e.target;
var data = {
"path": "$document.importBatchName",
"title": "workId",
"value": btn.retrieve("data"),
if( this.form.view ){
var view = this.form.view;
var filter = view.json.filter ? view.json.filter.clone() : [];
filter.push( data );
var filterList = {"filterList": filter };
view.createViewNode( filterList );
if( this.form.view_error ){
var view_error = this.form.view_error;
var filter = view_error.json.filter ? view_error.json.filter.clone() : [];
filter.push( data );
var filterList = {"filterList": filter };
view_error.createViewNode( filterList );
this.loadStatTable( this.statTableOptions ? this.statTableOptions.contaier : this.form.get("statContaienr").node , btn.retrieve("data") );
var button = new Element("button", { styles : {
"border-radius": "5px", "border": "1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)", "height": "26px", "color": "rgb(119, 119, 119)", "cursor" : "pointer"
} , text : "删除该批次导入的数据" }).inject(td);
button.addEvent("click", function(e){
this.form.app.confirm("infor", e, "删除确认", "删除后无法恢复,确定要删除"+e.target.retrieve("time")+"导入的数据?", 380, 150, function(){
MWF.Actions.get("x_cms_assemble_control").deleteDocumentWithBatchName( e.target.retrieve("data"), function(){
var array = _self.data.importBatchNames.split(",");
var batch = e.target.retrieve("data");
_self.form.statJson.deleteBatch( batch );
array.erase( batch );
_self.data.importBatchNames = array.toString();
_self.setUploadedUnit( function(){
_self.form.app.notice( "删除成功" );
_self.form.loadErrorView = false;
}, function(){
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : "总数" }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : this.form.statJson.getPublishedCount() }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : this.form.statJson.getErrorCount() }).inject( tr );
var td = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss }).inject( tr );
var button = new Element("button", { styles : {
"border-radius": "5px", "border": "1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)", "height": "26px", "color": "rgb(119, 119, 119)", "cursor" : "pointer", "margin-right" : "20px"
} , text : "查看全部" }).inject(td);
button.addEvent("click", function(e){
var btn = e.target;
if( this.form.view ){
var view = this.form.view;
var filter = view.json.filter ? view.json.filter.clone() : [];
var filterList = {"filterList": filter };
view.createViewNode( filterList );
if( this.form.view_error ){
var view_error = this.form.view_error;
var filter = view_error.json.filter ? view_error.json.filter.clone() : [];
var filterList = {"filterList": filter };
view_error.createViewNode( filterList );
this.loadStatTable( this.statTableOptions ? this.statTableOptions.contaier : this.form.get("statContaienr").node );
//this.define("checkImportedData", function( isFirst, importBatchName ){
// if( isFirst ){
// this.form.checked = 0;
// if( !this.form.statJson ){
// this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
// }
// this.form.statJson.addBatch(importBatchName, true);
// }
// //http://ahpp.zoneland.net:20020/x_cms_assemble_control/jaxrs/document/filter/list/(0)/next/20?v=0.4.2&jio4cwnm
// MWF.Actions.get("x_cms_assemble_control").listDocumentFilterNext( "(0)", 1000, {
// "importBatchNames" : [importBatchName],
// "categoryAliasList":["渠道-手机号码设置-手机号码"],
// "statusList":["checking"], //,"published","error"
// "orderField":null,"orderType":null,
// "documentType":"全部",
// "needData" : true
// }, function( json ){
// if( !this.form.totalCount ){
// this.form.totalCount = json.count;
// this.form.uploadExcelDialog.progressBar.gotoStep(2);
// this.form.uploadExcelDialog.progressBar.setProgress(0,this.form.totalCount,"正在校验导入数据");
// }
// var length = (json.data || []).length;
// var loaded = 0;
// ( json.data || [] ).each( function( d, i ){
// this.checkDocData( d , function(){
// this.form.checked ++;
// loaded ++;
// this.form.uploadExcelDialog.progressBar.setProgress(this.form.checked,this.form.totalCount,"正在校验导入数据");
// if( loaded == length && this.form.checked < this.form.totalCount ){
// window.setTimeout( function(){
// this.checkImportedData( false, importBatchName );
// }.bind(this), 1000 );
// }
// if( this.form.checked == this.form.totalCount ){
// this.form.uploadExcelDialog.progressBar.gotoStep(3);
// this.form.uploadExcelDialog.setResult();
// this.form.statJson.submit();
// this.setUploadedUnit( function(){
// this.form.view.reload();
// this.form.view.selectedItems = [];
// if( this.form.view_error ){
// this.form.view_error.reload();
// this.form.view_error.selectedItems = [];
// }
// this.createImportBatchDiv();
// }.bind(this));
// }
// }.bind(this), function(){
// this.form.checked ++;
// loaded ++;
// }.bind(this));
// }.bind(this));
// }.bind(this))
this.define("getAllUnit", function( callback){
if( this.name_all ){
var array = this.name_all = [];
this.name_levelName = {};
this.dnName_levelName = {};
this.name_dnName = {};
var action = new this.Action("x_organization_assemble_express", {
"lookup":{"uri": "/jaxrs/unit/list/all/object", "method": "GET"}
action.invoke({"name": "lookup","parameter": {}, data:null, "success": function(json){
json.data.each( function(d){
this.name_levelName[ d.name ] = d.levelName;
this.dnName_levelName[ d.distinguishedName ] = d.levelName;
this.name_dnName[ d.name ] = d.distinguishedName;
array.push( d.name );
array.push( d.distinguishedName );
array.push( d.shortName );
array.push( d.levelName );
}.bind(this), async : false
return array;
//this.define( "checkDocData", function( d, callback ){
// if( d.docStatus != "checking" ){
// if(callback)callback();
// return;
// }
// var data = d.data;
// var errorTexts = [];
// var cityDn, countyDn, branchDn;
// if( data.branch || data.county || data.city ){
// if(data.branch)data.branch = data.branch.trim();
// if(data.county)data.county = data.county.trim();
// if(data.city)data.city = data.city.trim();
// if( data.city ){
// cityDn = this.name_dnName[ data.city ];
// if( !cityDn )errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.city +"。");
// }
// if( errorTexts.length == 0 && data.county ){
// countyDn = this.name_dnName[ data.county ];
// if( !countyDn ){
// errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.county+"。");
// }else{
// if( data.city ){
// if( !this.allUnit.contains( data.city + "/" +data.county ) ){
// errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.city + "/" +data.county +"。" );
// }
// }else{
// var levelName = this.name_levelName[ data.county ];
// if( !levelName ){
// errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.county +"所在的市公司。" );
// }else{
// cityDn = this.name_dnName[ levelName.split("/")[0] ];
// if( !cityDn )errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.county +"所在的市公司。" );
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if( errorTexts.length == 0 && data.branch ){
// branchDn = this.name_dnName[ data.branch ];
// if( !branchDn ){
// errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.branch+"。");
// }else{
// if( data.city && data.county ){
// if( !this.allUnit.contains( data.city + "/" +data.county + "/" +data.branch ) ){
// errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.city + "/" +data.county + "/" +data.branch );
// }
// }else{
// var levelName = this.name_levelName[ data.branch ];
// if( !levelName ){
// errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+ data.branch +"所在的县公司。" );
// }else{
// if( !cityDn ){
// cityDn = this.name_dnName[ levelName.split("/")[0] ];
// if( !cityDn )errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.branch +"所在的市公司。" );
// }
// if( !countyDn ){
// countyDn = this.name_dnName[ levelName.split("/")[1] ];
// if( !countyDn )errorTexts.push( "未在系统中找到"+data.branch +"所在的县公司。" );
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if( errorTexts.length == 0 ){
// d.docStatus = "published";
// data.docStatus = "published";
// data.status = "成功";
// if( cityDn ){
// data.city_import = data.city;
// data.city = cityDn;
// }
// if( countyDn ){
// data.county_import = data.county;
// data.county = countyDn;
// }
// if( branchDn ){
// data.branch_import = data.branch;
// data.branch = branchDn;
// }
// }else{
// d.docStatus = "error";
// data.docStatus = "error";
// data.status = "错误";
// data.errorText = errorTexts.join("");
// }
// d.docData = data;
// delete d.data;
// this.form.statJson.addData( data );
// MWF.Actions.get("x_cms_assemble_control").updateDocument( d , function(){
// if( callback )callback();
// });
this.define("setWorkId", function(){
if (this.workContext.getWork().activityName=="发起"){
if (this.workContext.getWork().activityName=="市级接收单元负责人处理"){
if (this.workContext.getWork().activityName=="县级接收单元负责人处理"){
if (this.workContext.getWork().activityName=="网格接收单元负责人处理"){
this.define("getUnitLevel", function(level, isObject){
var identity = this.workContext.getWork().creatorIdentityDn;
var topUnit;
MWF.Actions.get("x_organization_assemble_express")[isObject ? "getUnitWithIdentityAndLevel" : "getUnitWithIdentityAndLevelValue" ]( {"identity":identity,"level":level}, function( json ){
topUnit = json.data.unit;
}.bind(this), null, false);
return topUnit;
this.define("openMinder", function( workId ){
layout.desktop.openApplication(null, "portal.Portal", {
pageId : "71acdde6-97cc-4c6d-abe2-817ea5afad4f",
portalId : "b66420c3-dee9-4b4c-9d52-050fd0921864",
workId : workId,
"appId": "portal_"+workId
this.define("openUploadForm", function(){
// var flag = (this.workContext.getControl().allowSave && this.workContext.getActivity().alias == "draft") ;
// if( !flag ){
// this.form.app.notice( "发起节点才能上传Excel","error" );
// return;
// }
if( !this.data.subject ){
this.form.app.notice( "请填写任务名称并保存","error" );
var dialog = this.form.uploadExcelDialog = new UploadExcelDialog( { app : this.form.app }, {
workName : this.data.subject,
workId : this.data.provinceWorkId || this.data.currentWorkId,
jobId : this.workContext.getWork().job,
}, {
dialog.contextForm = this.form;
dialog.context = this;
var ProgressBar = new Class({
initialize: function ( container ) {
this.container = container;
load : function(){
setProgress : function( processed, total, text ){
var width = Math.floor(( processed / total ) * 100 );
this.progressFront.setStyles({ width: width+"%" });
this.textNode.set("text", text + ",共"+total+"条,已处理"+ processed + "条,进度" + width + "%" );
loadProgressBar : function(){
this.progressNode = new Element("div", { styles : this.css.progressNode }).inject( this.container );
this.progressBack = new Element("div.progressBack", { styles: this.css.progressBack }).inject(this.progressNode);
this.progressBack.setStyle("width", "100%");
this.progressFront = new Element("div.progressFront", { styles: this.css.progressFront, text : " " }).inject(this.progressBack);
this.progressFront.setStyle("width", "0px");
this.textNode = new Element("div", { styles : this.css.textNode }).inject( this.container );
loadSteps: function() {
var stepsContainer = new Element("div", { styles : this.css.stepsContainer }).inject( this.container );
this.step_1 = new Element( "div", {
styles : this.css.step_1_active,
text : "导入数据"
this.stepLink_1 = new Element( "div", { styles : this.css.stepLink_1 }).inject(this.step_1);
this.step_2 = new Element( "div", {
styles : this.css.step_2,
text : "校验数据"
this.stepLink_2 = new Element( "div", { styles : this.css.stepLink_2 }).inject(this.step_2);
this.step_3 = new Element( "div", {
styles : this.css.step_3,
text : "完成"
gotoStep: function( step ){
var i;
for( i = 1; i<=step; i++ ){
this["step_"+i].setStyles( this.css["step_"+i+"_active"] );
if( i!==step && this["stepLink_"+i]){
this["stepLink_"+i].setStyles( this.css["stepLink_"+i+"_active"] );
for( i = step+1; i<=3; i++ ){
this["step_"+i].setStyles( this.css["step_"+i] );
if( i!==3 ){
this["stepLink_"+i].setStyles( this.css["stepLink_"+i] );
getCss : function(){
this.css = {
"loadingNode" : {
"textNode" : {
"margin-top" : "10px",
"font-size" : "12px",
"margin-left" : "10px"
"progressNode" : {
"margin" : "10px 0px",
"overflow" : "hidden"
"progressBack" : {
"border-radius" : "10px",
"background-color" : "#f4f4f4",
"height" : "16px"
"progressFront" : {
"height" : "16px",
"background-color" : "#4a9adb"
"stepsContainer" : {
"margin-top" : "30px",
"margin-bottom" : "30px",
"margin-left" : "70px",
"overflow" : "hidden"
"stepLink_1" : {
"position" : "absolute",
"top" : "11px",
"left" : "42px",
"border-top" : "2px solid #b3b3b3",
"height" : "2px",
"width" : "150px"
"stepLink_1_active" : {
"position" : "absolute",
"top" : "11px",
"left" : "42px",
"border-top" : "2px solid #3c75b7",
"height" : "2px",
"width" : "150px"
"stepLink_2" : {
"position" : "absolute",
"top" : "11px",
"left" : "47px",
"border-top" : "2px solid #b3b3b3",
"height" : "2px",
"width" : "150px"
"stepLink_2_active" : {
"position" : "absolute",
"top" : "11px",
"left" : "47px",
"border-top" : "2px solid #3c75b7",
"height" : "2px",
"width" : "150px"
"step_1" : {
"float" : "left",
"position" : "relative",
"color" : "#b3b3b3",
"font-size" : "15px",
"width" : "165px",
"height" : "25px",
"padding-top" : "30px",
"background" : "url("+MWF.defaultPath+"/xDesktop/$Authentication/default/icon/pic_1_pre.png) 20px 1px no-repeat"
"step_1_active" : {
"float" : "left",
"position" : "relative",
"color" : "#3c75b7",
"font-size" : "15px",
"width" : "165px",
"height" : "25px",
"padding-top" : "30px",
"background" : "url("+MWF.defaultPath+"/xDesktop/$Authentication/default/icon/pic_1_nor.png ) 20px 1px no-repeat"
"step_2" : {
"float" : "left",
"position" : "relative",
"color" : "#b3b3b3",
"font-size" : "15px",
"width" : "175px",
"height" : "25px",
"padding-top" : "30px",
"background" : "url("+MWF.defaultPath+"/xDesktop/$Authentication/default/icon/pic_2_pre.png) 25px 1px no-repeat"
"step_2_active" : {
"float" : "left",
"position" : "relative",
"color" : "#3c75b7",
"font-size" : "15px",
"width" : "175px",
"height" : "25px",
"padding-top" : "30px",
"background" : "url("+MWF.defaultPath+"/xDesktop/$Authentication/default/icon/pic_2_nor.png ) 25px 1px no-repeat"
"step_3" : {
"float" : "left",
"position" : "relative",
"color" : "#b3b3b3",
"font-size" : "15px",
"width" : "50px",
"height" : "25px",
"padding-top" : "30px",
"background" : "url("+MWF.defaultPath+"/xDesktop/$Authentication/default/icon/pic_3_pre.png) 5px 1px no-repeat"
"step_3_active" : {
"float" : "left",
"position" : "relative",
"color" : "#3c75b7",
"font-size" : "15px",
"width" : "50px",
"height" : "25px",
"padding-top" : "30px",
"background" : "url("+MWF.defaultPath+"/xDesktop/$Authentication/default/icon/pic_3_nor.png ) 5px 1px no-repeat"
this.define("loadStatTable", function( container , batchName, unitLevel, unitName ){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
if( !unitLevel && this.statTableOptions ){
unitLevel = this.statTableOptions.unitLevel
if( !unitName && this.statTableOptions ){
unitName = this.statTableOptions.unitName
this.form.statJson.loadTable( container, batchName, unitLevel, unitName );
var StatJson = new Class({
initialize: function ( context ) {
this.context = context;
if( this.context.data.statJson ){
this.json = JSON.parse(this.context.data.statJson);
this.json = {
total : {
publishedCount : 0,
errorCount : 0
batch: {}
submit : function(){
for( var key in this.json.batch ){
this.context.data.statJson = JSON.stringify(this.json);
addBatch : function( batchName, isSetCurrent ){
if( !this.json.batch[batchName] ){
this.json.batch[batchName] = {
publishedCount : 0,
errorCount : 0
if( isSetCurrent )this.currentBatch = this.json.batch[batchName];
deleteBatch : function( batchName ){
var json = this.json;
var batchData = json.batch[batchName];
if( batchData ){
if( batchData.publishedCount ){
json.total.publishedCount = json.total.publishedCount - batchData.publishedCount;
if( batchData.errorCount ){
json.total.errorCount = json.total.errorCount - batchData.errorCount;
this.reduceByBatchData( batchData );
delete this.json.batch[batchName];
reduceByBatchData : function( batchData ){
var totalData = this.json.total;
for( var key in batchData ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" ){
var totalD = totalData[key];
var batchD = batchData[key];
if( batchData.publishedCount )totalD.publishedCount = totalD.publishedCount - batchD.publishedCount;
if( batchData.errorCount )totalD.errorCount = totalD.errorCount - batchD.errorCount;
for( var key_2 in batchD ){
if( key_2 != "publishedCount" && key_2 != "errorCount" ){
var totalD_2 = totalD[key_2];
var batchD_2 = batchD[key_2];
if( batchD_2.publishedCount )totalD_2.publishedCount = totalD_2.publishedCount - batchD_2.publishedCount;
if( batchD_2.errorCount )totalD_2.errorCount = totalD_2.errorCount - batchD_2.errorCount;
for(var key_3 in batchD_2 ){
if( key_3 != "publishedCount" && key_3 != "errorCount" ) {
var totalD_3 = totalD_2[key_3];
var batchD_3 = batchD_2[key_3];
if( batchD_3.publishedCount )totalD_3.publishedCount = totalD_3.publishedCount - batchD_3.publishedCount;
if( batchD_3.errorCount )totalD_3.errorCount = totalD_3.errorCount - batchD_3.errorCount;
addData: function( cmsDocData ){
var d = cmsDocData;
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var batchJson = this.currentBatch;
if( d.docStatus == "published" ){
this.addCount( totalJson, d );
this.addCount( batchJson, d );
}else if( d.docStatus == "error" ){
addCount : function( json, d ){
if( d.city ){
var cityJson = json[ d.city ];
if( !cityJson ){
cityJson = json[ d.city ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
cityJson.publishedCount ++;
if( d.county ){
var countyJson = cityJson[ d.county ];
if( !countyJson ){
countyJson = cityJson[ d.county ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
countyJson.publishedCount ++;
if( d.branch ) {
var branchJson = countyJson[d.branch];
if (!branchJson) {
branchJson = countyJson[d.branch] = {publishedCount: 0};
var city = "未设置组织";
var cityJson = json[ city ];
if( !cityJson ){
cityJson = json[ city ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
cityJson.publishedCount ++;
reduceCount : function( json, d ){
if( d.city ){
var cityJson = json[ d.city ];
if( !cityJson ){
cityJson = json[ d.city ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
cityJson.publishedCount --;
if( d.county ){
var countyJson = cityJson[ d.county ];
if( !countyJson ){
countyJson = cityJson[ d.county ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
countyJson.publishedCount --;
if( d.branch ) {
var branchJson = countyJson[d.branch];
if (!branchJson) {
branchJson = countyJson[d.branch] = {publishedCount: 0};
var city = "未设置组织";
var cityJson = json[ city ];
if( !cityJson ){
cityJson = json[ city ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
getCity : function(){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var city = [];
for( var key in totalJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
if( totalJson[key].publishedCount > 0 ){
return city;
getCounty : function( city ){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var county = [];
if( totalJson[city] ){
var cityJson = totalJson[city];
for( var key in cityJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
if( cityJson[key].publishedCount > 0 ){
return county;
getBranch : function( city, county ){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var branch = [];
if( totalJson[city] ){
var cityJson = totalJson[city];
if( cityJson[county] ){
var countyJson = cityJson[county];
for( var key in countyJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
if( countyJson[key].publishedCount > 0 ){
return branch;
getAllCounty : function(){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var county = [];
for(var key in totalJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
for( var key_2 in totalJson[key] ){
if( key_2 != "publishedCount" && key_2 != "errorCount" && key_2 != "未设置组织"){
if( totalJson[key][key_2].publishedCount > 0 ){
return county;
getAllBranch : function(){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var branch = [];
for(var key in totalJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
for( var key_2 in totalJson[key] ){
if( key_2 != "publishedCount" && key_2 != "errorCount" && key_2 != "未设置组织"){
for( var key_3 in totalJson[key][key_2] ){
if( key_3 != "publishedCount" && key_3 != "errorCount" && key_3 != "未设置组织"){
if( totalJson[key][key_2][key_3].publishedCount > 0 ){
return branch;
getUnitCount : function( unit, importBatchName ){
var data;
if( importBatchName && this.json.batch[importBatchName]) {
data = this.json.batch[importBatchName];
data = this.json.total;
if( !unit )return data.publishedCount;
for( var city in data ){
var cityData = data[city];
if( city == unit )return cityData.publishedCount;
for( var county in cityData ){
var countyData = cityData[county];
if( county == unit )return countyData.publishedCount;
for( var branch in countyData ){
var branchData = countyData[branch];
if( branch == unit )return branchData.publishedCount;
return 0;
changeData : function( newData, oldData, importBatchName ){
//var oldData = {
// status : "error",
// city : "",
// county : "",
// branch : ""
var batchJson;
if( importBatchName && this.json.batch[importBatchName]) {
batchJson = this.json.batch[importBatchName];
var totalJson = this.json.total;
if( oldData.docStatus == "error" ){
if( batchJson )batchJson.errorCount--;
if( oldData.docStatus == "published" ){
this.reduceCount( totalJson, oldData );
if( batchJson ){
this.reduceCount( batchJson, oldData );
if( newData.docStatus == "error"){
if( batchJson )batchJson.errorCount++;
if( newData.docStatus == "published"){
this.addCount( totalJson, newData );
if( batchJson ){
this.addCount( batchJson, newData );
getPublishedCount : function( importBatchName ){
if( !importBatchName ){
return this.json.total.publishedCount;
if( this.json.batch[importBatchName]) {
var batchJson = this.json.batch[importBatchName];
return batchJson.publishedCount;
getErrorCount : function( importBatchName ){
if( !importBatchName ){
return this.json.total.errorCount;
if( this.json.batch[importBatchName]) {
var batchJson = this.json.batch[importBatchName];
return batchJson.errorCount;
deleteEmptyUnit : function( batchName ){
if( batchName ){
var data = this.json.batch[batchName];
var data = this.json.total;
for( var key in data ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" ){
var cityData = data[key];
if( !cityData.publishedCount && !cityData.errorCount ){
delete data[key]
for( var key_2 in cityData ){
if( key_2 != "publishedCount" && key_2 != "errorCount" ){
var countyData = cityData[key_2];
if( !countyData.publishedCount && !countyData.errorCount ){
delete data[key][key_2]
for(var key_3 in countyData ){
if( key_3 != "publishedCount" && key_3 != "errorCount" ) {
var branchData = countyData[key_3];
if( !branchData.publishedCount && !branchData.errorCount ) {
delete data[key][key_2][key_3]
getNoUnitJson : function( d ){
var data = Object.clone(d);
for( var key in data ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" ){
var cityData = data[key];
var cityCount = cityData.publishedCount;
var countyCount = 0;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( county != "publishedCount" && county != "errorCount" ){
var countyData = cityData[county];
countyCount = countyCount + countyData.publishedCount;
var branchCount = 0;
for( var branch in countyData ) {
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch != "errorCount" ) {
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchCount = branchCount + branchData.publishedCount
if( countyData.publishedCount > branchCount ){
countyData["未设置"] = { publishedCount : countyData.publishedCount - branchCount };
if( cityData.publishedCount > countyCount ){
cityData["未设置"] = { publishedCount : cityData.publishedCount - countyCount };
return data;
loadTable : function( container, batchName, unitLevel, unitName ){
if( !unitLevel ){
this._loadTable(container, batchName);
this._loadTableByUnit( container, batchName, unitLevel, unitName )
_loadTableByUnit : function(container, batchName, unitLevel, unitName ){
if (batchName) {
var d = this.json.batch[batchName];
} else {
var d = this.json.total;
var data = this.getNoUnitJson( d );
var table = this.table = new Element( "table", {
"styles" : {"border-top" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-left" : "1px solid #ccc", "margin" : "20px auto 10px auto", "font-size":"14px"}
}).inject( container );
if( batchName ){
var timeStr = batchName.split("_")[1];
var year = timeStr.substring(0,4);
var month = timeStr.substring(4,6);
var date = timeStr.substring(6,8);
var hour = timeStr.substring(8,10);
var minture = timeStr.substring(10,12);
var second = timeStr.substring(12,14);
var title = year+"-"+month+"-"+date + " " + hour + ":" + minture + ":" + second + "批次数据统计"
var title = "数据统计";
if( unitLevel == "city" )this._loadTableByCity(title, data, table, unitName );
if( unitLevel == "county" )this._loadTableByCounty(title, data, table, unitName );
if( unitLevel == "branch" )this._loadTableByBranch(title, data, table, unitName );
_loadTableByCity : function(title, data, table, unitName){
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var tdTitleCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" , "font-size":"16px", "font-weight" : "bold"};
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdTitleCss, text : title, colspan:3 }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "市分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "县分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "网格" }).inject( tr );
for( var city in data ){
if( city != unitName )continue;
if( city != "publishedCount" && city!="errorCount" ){
var cityTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var cityData = data[city];
var cityShow = city == "未设置组织" ? "未设置" : city.split("@")[0];
var cityTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : cityShow + "(" + cityData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( cityTr );
var citySpan = 1;
var countyIndex = 0;
var countyTr = null;
var countyTd = null;
var branchTd = null;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( county != "publishedCount" && county!="errorCount" ){
if( countyIndex != 0 ){
countyTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
countyIndex ++;
var countySpan = 1;
var countyData = cityData[county];
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : county.split("@")[0] + "(" + countyData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
var branchIndex = 0;
var branchTr = null;
for( var branch in countyData ){
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch!="errorCount" ) {
if( branchIndex != 0 ){
branchTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchTd = new Element("td", {"styles": tdCss, text: branch.split("@")[0]+ "(" + branchData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr || cityTr );
if( branchIndex == 0 ){
branchTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr || cityTr );
if( countyIndex == 0 ){
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
if( !branchTd ){
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
_loadTableByCounty : function(title, data, table, unitName){
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var tdTitleCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" , "font-size":"16px", "font-weight" : "bold"};
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdTitleCss, text : title, colspan:2 }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "县分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "网格" }).inject( tr );
for( var city in data ){
if( city != "publishedCount" && city!="errorCount" ){
var cityData = data[city];
var countyIndex = 0;
var countyTr = null;
var countyTd = null;
var branchTd = null;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( unitName != county )continue;
if( county != "publishedCount" && county!="errorCount" ){
countyTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
countyIndex ++;
var countySpan = 1;
var countyData = cityData[county];
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : county.split("@")[0] + "(" + countyData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( countyTr );
var branchIndex = 0;
var branchTr = null;
for( var branch in countyData ){
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch!="errorCount" ) {
if( branchIndex != 0 ){
branchTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchTd = new Element("td", {"styles": tdCss, text: branch.split("@")[0]+ "(" + branchData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr );
if( branchIndex == 0 ){
branchTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr );
if( !branchTd && countyTr ){
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr );
_loadTableByBranch : function(title, data, table, unitName){
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var tdTitleCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" , "font-size":"16px", "font-weight" : "bold"};
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdTitleCss, text : title }).inject( tr );
for( var city in data ){
if( city != "publishedCount" && city!="errorCount" ){
var cityData = data[city];
var branchTd = null;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( county != "publishedCount" && county!="errorCount" ){
var countyData = cityData[county];
for( var branch in countyData ){
if( branch != unitName )continue;
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch!="errorCount" ) {
var branchTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchTd = new Element("td", {"styles": tdCss, text: branch.split("@")[0]+ "(" + branchData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( branchTr );
_loadTable : function( container, batchName ) {
if (batchName) {
var d = this.json.batch[batchName];
} else {
var d = this.json.total;
var data = this.getNoUnitJson( d );
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var tdTitleCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" , "font-size":"16px", "font-weight" : "bold"};
var table = this.table = new Element( "table", {
"styles" : {"border-top" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-left" : "1px solid #ccc", "margin" : "20px auto 10px auto", "font-size":"14px"}
}).inject( container );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
if( batchName ){
var timeStr = batchName.split("_")[1];
var year = timeStr.substring(0,4);
var month = timeStr.substring(4,6);
var date = timeStr.substring(6,8);
var hour = timeStr.substring(8,10);
var minture = timeStr.substring(10,12);
var second = timeStr.substring(12,14);
var title = year+"-"+month+"-"+date + " " + hour + ":" + minture + ":" + second + "批次数据统计"
var title = "数据统计";
new Element("td", { "styles": tdTitleCss, text : title, colspan:3 }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : "校验未通过(条)" }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, colspan:2, text : data.errorCount || "" }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : "校验通过(条)" }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, colspan:2, text : data.publishedCount || "" }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "市分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "县分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "网格" }).inject( tr );
for( var city in data ){
if( city != "publishedCount" && city!="errorCount" ){
var cityTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var cityData = data[city];
var cityShow = city == "未设置组织" ? "未设置" : city.split("@")[0];
var cityTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : cityShow + "(" + cityData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( cityTr );
var citySpan = 1;
var countyIndex = 0;
var countyTr = null;
var countyTd = null;
var branchTd = null;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( county != "publishedCount" && county!="errorCount" ){
if( countyIndex != 0 ){
countyTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
countyIndex ++;
var countySpan = 1;
var countyData = cityData[county];
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : county.split("@")[0] + "(" + countyData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
var branchIndex = 0;
var branchTr = null;
for( var branch in countyData ){
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch!="errorCount" ) {
if( branchIndex != 0 ){
branchTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchTd = new Element("td", {"styles": tdCss, text: branch.split("@")[0]+ "(" + branchData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr || cityTr );
if( branchIndex == 0 ){
branchTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr || cityTr );
if( countyIndex == 0 ){
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
if( !branchTd ){
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
// this.define("setUploadedUnit", function( callback ){
// var workId = this.data.provinceWorkId || this.data.cityWorkId || this.data.countyWorkId;
// var unit = this.data.currentUnit;
// if( unit == "" && !this.data.newFlag ){
// unit = this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
// }
// var flag = this.data.flag || this.data.newFlag;
// var viewName;
// if( !flag ){
// viewName = "byCity";
// }else if( flag=="city" ){
// viewName = "byCounty";
// }else if( flag == "county" ){
// viewName = "byBranch"
// }
// var filter = [{
// "logic":"and",
// "path": "workId",
// "title": "workId",
// "comparison":"equals",
// "comparisonTitle":"等于",
// "value": workId,
// "formatType":"textValue"
// }];
// if( flag && unit){
// filter.push({
// "logic":"and",
// "path": flag,
// "title": flag,
// "comparison":"equals",
// "comparisonTitle":"等于",
// "value": unit,
// "formatType":"textValue"
// })
// }
// MWF.Actions.get("x_query_assemble_surface").loadView(viewName, "渠道-手机号码设置", {"filterList": filter }, function(json){
// //;
// var f;
// if( !flag ){
// f = "city";
// }else if( flag=="city" ){
// f = "county";
// }else if( flag == "county" ){
// f = "branch"
// }
// var array = []
// json.data.groupGrid.each( function(d){
// if( d.group.split("@").getLast().toLowerCase() == "u" ){
// array.push( d.group );
// }
// }.bind(this))
// this.data[f+"TaskPerson"] = array;
// this.form.save(function(){
// if(callback)callback()
// });
// }.bind(this));
// })
\ No newline at end of file
//window.Current_Portal_Config = {
// "name": "考勤管理",
// "process_app": [ //流程应用id, 必填,可以是数组或者 字符串。
// "d96ca69a-446d-4d12-929f-f985aa0a9c85", //请假应用id
// "1d5f9c01-11e6-4e68-bb79-72d12f27ebee" //出差应用id
// ],
// "process_id" : [ //流程id,非必填,可以不存在或为空,如果不同门户对应不同流程id,在这里进行设置。需要注意的是,如果该值一旦存在,那么本门户下所有对应的流程id都需要列式
// "362a2b16-5047-4aaa-b1c4-19bb46e7e448", //请假流程id
// "4fb993c2-eca7-45d8-a023-d34e9c811291" //出差流程id
// ]
//var container = this.target.node.getParent("#appContent");
//if( container ){
// var scrollNode = container.getFirst();
// scrollNode.setStyle("overflow","visible");
// scrollNode.setStyle("height","100%");
//由于上面例子的 process_app 的 process_id 都已列式出,其实等同于
//window.Current_Portal_Config = {
// "name": "考勤管理",
// "process_app": [ //流程应用id, 必填,可以是数组或者 字符串。
// "d96ca69a-446d-4d12-929f-f985aa0a9c85", //请假应用id
// "1d5f9c01-11e6-4e68-bb79-72d12f27ebee" //出差应用id
// ]
//window.Current_Portal_Config = {
// "name": "用车申请",
// "process_app": "9bed0d41-a4e9-40bc-9e0e-21a33c03475c"
//var container = this.target.node.getParent("#appContent");
//if( container ){
// var scrollNode = container.getFirst();
// scrollNode.setStyle("overflow","visible");
// scrollNode.setStyle("height","100%");
//var uri = new URI(window.location.href);
//var appid = uri.getData("appid");
//var processId = uri.getData("processId");
//this.include("common_secondly", function () {
// this.loadSelectProcessLayout(appid,processId);
//var uri = new URI(window.location.href);
//var appid = uri.getData("appid");
//var processId = uri.getData("processId");
//this.include("common_secondly", function () {
// this.loadSelectIdentityLayout(appid,processId);
//if( Current_Portal_Config.process_id ){
// var processId = Current_Portal_Config.process_id;
// var list = typeOf( processId ) == "array" ? processId : [processId];
// return {"processList":list,"creatorPersonList":[( layout.desktop.session.user || layout.user ).distinguishedName]}
// var appId = Current_Portal_Config.process_app;
// var list = typeOf( appId ) == "array" ? appId : [appId];
// return {"applicationList":list,"creatorPersonList":[( layout.desktop.session.user || layout.user ).distinguishedName]}
//if( Current_Portal_Config.process_id ){
// var processId = Current_Portal_Config.process_id;
// var list = typeOf( processId ) == "array" ? processId : [processId];
// return {"processList":list}
// var appId = Current_Portal_Config.process_app;
// var list = typeOf( appId ) == "array" ? appId : [appId];
// return {"applicationList":list}
this.define("openWork", function (data) {
var options = {
"onQueryClose": function () {
var source = this.page.get("Source_todo");
if (data.completed) {
options.workCompletedId = data.workCompleted
} else {
options.workId = data.work
layout.desktop.openApplication(this.event, "process.Work", options);
this.define("startWork", function () {
//var alias = this.page.currentPageName;
var applactionId = Current_Portal_Config["process_app"];
var processId = Current_Portal_Config["process_id"];
var starter = new MobileProcessStarter( this.page.app , this);
starter.load( applactionId, processId );
this.define("loadSelectProcessLayout", function ( applactionId , processId ) {
document.title = "选择流程";
if( applactionId.indexOf(",") > 0 ){
applactionId = applactionId.split(",");
if( processId && processId.indexOf(",") > 0 ){
processId = processId.split(",");
var starter = new MobileProcessStarter( this.page.app, this );
starter.loadSelectProcessLayout( applactionId, processId );
this.define("loadSelectIdentityLayout", function (applactionId, processId) {
document.title = "选择身份";
var starter = new MobileProcessStarter( this.page.app, this );
starter.loadSelectIdentityLayout( applactionId, processId );
var MobileProcessStarter = new Class({
Extends: MWF.widget.Common,
Implements: [Options, Events],
options: {
"style": "default"
initialize: function ( app, environment, options) {
this.app = app;
this.environment = environment;
this.orgAction = MWF.Actions.get("x_organization_assemble_control");
this.workAction = MWF.Actions.get("x_processplatform_assemble_surface");
this.userName = ( layout.desktop.session.user || layout.user ).distinguishedName;
load: function ( applactionId , processId) {
this.applactionId = applactionId;
this.processId = processId;
this.checkProcess(applactionId , processId);
checkProcess : function(applactionId, processId){
this.getProcessByAppId(applactionId, function (processList) {
if( processId ){
processId = typeOf( processId ) == "string" ? [processId] : processId;
this.processList = [];
for( var i=0; i<processList.length; i++ ){
if( processId.contains( processList[i].id ) ){
this.processList.push( processList[i] );
this.processList = processList;
if (this.processList.length == 0) {
} else if( this.processList.length == 1 ){
this.process = this.processList[0];
} else {
checkIdentity : function(){
this.orgAction.getPerson(function (json) {
this.identityList = json.data.woIdentityList || [];
if (this.identityList.length == 0) {
}else if (this.identityList.length == 1) {
this.identity = this.identityList[0];
} else{
}.bind(this), null, this.userName)
gotoSelectProcessPage : function(){
var option = {
'portalId': '77ef21c3-14a2-4e0b-9449-4c9936aed40f',
'pageId': '82a5192c-6244-4d52-a8c8-6497d33c6d7c'
var uri = new URI(window.location.href);
var redirectlink = uri.getData("redirectlink");
if( !redirectlink ){
var locate = window.location;
var redirectlink = encodeURIComponent(locate.pathname + locate.search);
redirectlink = encodeURIComponent(redirectlink);
var href = "../x_desktop/appMobile.html?app=portal.Portal&appid=" + this.applactionId;
if( this.processId ){
href = href + "&processId=" + this.processId
window.location = o2.filterUrl(href + "&option=" + JSON.stringify(option) + "&redirectlink=" + redirectlink);
gotoSelectIdentityPage : function(){
var option = {
'portalId': '77ef21c3-14a2-4e0b-9449-4c9936aed40f',
'pageId': 'f3644ba3-ecef-4863-ae61-002cf38468e1'
var uri = new URI(window.location.href);
var redirectlink = uri.getData("redirectlink");
if( !redirectlink ){
var locate = window.location;
var redirectlink = encodeURIComponent(locate.pathname + locate.search);
redirectlink = encodeURIComponent(redirectlink);
window.location = o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/appMobile.html?app=portal.Portal&appid=" + this.process.application + "&processId=" + this.process.id + "&option=" + JSON.stringify(option) + "&redirectlink=" + redirectlink);
loadSelectProcessLayout : function( applactionId, processId ){
this.applactionId = applactionId;
this.getProcessByAppId(applactionId, function (processList) {
if( processId ){
processId = typeOf( processId ) == "string" ? [processId] : processId;
this.processList = [];
for( var i=0; i<processList.length; i++ ){
if( processId.contains( processList[i].id ) ){
this.processList.push( processList[i] );
this.processList = processList;
this.areaNode.inject(this.markNode, "after");
loadSelectIdentityLayout : function(applactionId, processId){
this.applactionId = applactionId;
this.processId = processId;
this.getProcessByAppId(applactionId, function (processList) {
this.processList = processList;
for( var i=0 ; i<processList.length; i++ ){
var process = processList[i];
if( process.id == processId ){
this.orgAction.getPerson(function (json) {
this.identityList = json.data.woIdentityList || [];
this.process = process;
this.areaNode.inject(this.markNode, "after");
}.bind(this), null, this.userName);
getProcessByAppId : function (applactionId, callback) {
var list = applactionId;
if( typeOf( list ) == "string" )list = [list];
var processList = [];
for( var i=0 ; i<list.length; i++ ){
var action = new this.environment.Action("x_processplatform_assemble_surface", {
"lookup": {"uri": "/jaxrs/process/list/application/" + list[i], "method": "GET"}
"name": "lookup", "parameter": {}, "data": null, "success": function (json) {
processList = processList.concat( json.data );
}.bind(this), async: false
if (callback)callback(processList);
createMarkNode: function () {
this.markNode = new Element("div#mark", {
"styles": this.css.markNode,
"events": {
"mouseover": function (e) {
"mouseout": function (e) {
createAreaNode: function () {
this.areaNode = new Element("div#area", {
"styles": this.css.areaNode
createSelectProcessNode : function(){
this.createNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.css.createNode
this.formNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.css.formNode
var html = "<table width=\"100%\" height=\"90%\" border=\"0\" cellPadding=\"0\" cellSpacing=\"0\">" +
// "<tr><td colSpan=\"2\" style=\"height: 60px; color: #333; line-height: 60px; text-align: center; font-size: 18px; background-color:#fff;\">" +
// this.lp.selectStartIdentity+"</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td colSpan=\"2\" id=\"form_startProcess\"></td></tr>" +
this.formNode.set("html", html);
this.processArea = this.formNode.getElementById("form_startProcess");
var _self = this;
this.processList.each(function (item) {
//if (item.woUnit){
var p = new MobileProcessStarter.Process(this.processArea, item, this, this.css);
p.node.store("process", p);
"click": function () {
var p = this.retrieve("process");
if (p) {
_self.process = p.data;
createSelectIdentityNode: function () {
this.createNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.css.createNode
// this.createNewNode = new Element("div", {
// "styles": this.css.createNewNode
// }).inject(this.createNode);
// this.createCloseNode = new Element("div", {
// "styles": this.css.createCloseNode
// }).inject(this.createNode);
// this.createCloseNode.addEvent("click", function(e){
// this.cancelStartProcess(e);
// }.bind(this));
this.formNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.css.formNode
var html = "<table width=\"100%\" height=\"90%\" border=\"0\" cellPadding=\"0\" cellSpacing=\"0\">" +
// "<tr><td colSpan=\"2\" style=\"height: 60px; color: #333; line-height: 60px; text-align: center; font-size: 18px; background-color:#fff;\">" +
// this.lp.selectStartIdentity+"</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td colSpan=\"2\" id=\"form_startIdentity\"></td></tr>" +
this.formNode.set("html", html);
this.identityArea = this.formNode.getElementById("form_startIdentity");
var _self = this;
this.identityList.each(function (item) {
//if (item.woUnit){
var id = new MobileProcessStarter.Identity(this.identityArea, item, this, this.css);
id.node.store("identity", id);
// "mouseover": function(){
// this.setStyles(_self.css.identityNode_over);
// this.getFirst().getLast().setStyles(_self.css.identityInforNameTextNode_over);
// this.getFirst().getNext().getFirst().setStyles(_self.css.identityTitleNode_over);
// this.getFirst().getNext().getNext().getFirst().setStyles(_self.css.identityTitleNode_over);
// },
// "mouseout": function(){
// this.setStyles(_self.css.identityNode);
// this.getFirst().getLast().setStyles(_self.css.identityInforNameTextNode);
// this.getFirst().getNext().getFirst().setStyles(_self.css.identityTitleNode);
// this.getFirst().getNext().getNext().getFirst().setStyles(_self.css.identityTitleNode);
// },
"click": function () {
var identity = this.retrieve("identity");
if (identity) {
setStartNodeSize: function () {
var size = this.app.content.getSize();
var allSize = this.app.content.getSize();
"width": "" + allSize.x + "px",
"height": "" + allSize.y + "px"
"width": "" + size.x + "px",
"height": "" + size.y + "px"
var hY = size.y * 0.7;
var mY = size.y * 0.3 / 2;
// this.createNode.setStyles({
// "height": ""+hY+"px",
// "margin-top": ""+mY+"px"
// });
// var count = this.identityList.length;
// if (count>2) count=2;
// var w = count*294;
// this.formNode.setStyles({
// "width": ""+w+"px"
// });
// w = w + 60;
// this.createNode.setStyles({
// "width": ""+w+"px"
// });
cancelStartProcess: function (e) {
startImmedintely : function(){
var data = {
"title": this.process.name + "-" + "未命名",
"identity": this.identity.distinguishedName
this.workAction.startWork(function (json) {
this.afterStartProcess(json.data, data.title, this.process.name);
}.bind(this), null, this.process.id, data);
okStartProcess: function (identity) {
var data = {
"title": this.process.name + "-" + this.lp.unnamed,
//"identity": this.identityArea.get("value")
"identity": identity
if (!data.identity) {
this.departmentSelArea.setStyle("border-color", "red");
this.app.notice(this.lp.selectStartId, "error");
} else {
this.mask = new MWF.widget.Mask({"style": "desktop"});
this.workAction.startWork(function (json) {
this.afterStartProcess(json.data, data.title, this.process.name);
//this.fireEvent("started", [json.data, data.title, this.process.name]);
// this.app.refreshAll();
// this.app.notice(this.lp.processStarted, "success");
// this.app.processConfig();
}.bind(this), null, this.process.id, data);
afterStartProcess: function (data, title, processName) {
// this.recordProcessData();
var workInfors = [];
var currentTask = [];
data.each(function (work) {
if (work.currentTaskIndex !== -1) currentTask.push(work.taskList[work.currentTaskIndex].work);
if (currentTask.length === 1) {
var options = {"workId": currentTask[0], "appId": currentTask[0]};
layout.desktop.openApplication(null, "process.Work", options);
getStartWorkInforObj: function (work) {
var users = [];
var currentTask = "";
work.taskList.each(function (task, idx) {
users.push(task.person + "(" + task.department + ")");
if (work.currentTaskIndex === idx) currentTask = task.id;
return {"activity": work.fromActivityName, "users": users, "currentTask": currentTask};
recordProcessData: function () {
MWF.UD.getDataJson("taskCenter_startTop", function (json) {
if (!json || !json.length) json = [];
var recordProcess = null;
this.process.lastStartTime = new Date();
var earlyProcessIdx = 0;
var flag = true;
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var process = json[i];
if (process.id === this.process.id) recordProcess = process;
if (flag) {
if (!process.lastStartTime) {
earlyProcessIdx = i;
flag = false;
} else {
if (new Date(process.lastStartTime) < new Date(json[earlyProcessIdx].lastStartTime)) {
earlyProcessIdx = i;
if (recordProcess) {
recordProcess.lastStartTime = new Date();
recordProcess.count = (recordProcess.count || 0) + 1;
recordProcess.applicationName = this.applicationData.name;
} else {
if (json.length < 10) {
this.process.count = 1;
this.process.applicationName = this.applicationData.name;
} else {
json.splice(earlyProcessIdx, 1);
this.process.count = 1;
this.process.applicationName = this.applicationData.name;
MWF.UD.putData("taskCenter_startTop", json);
getLp: function () {
this.lp = {
"name": "姓名",
"unit": "部门",
"start": "启动流程",
"department": "部门",
"company": "公司",
"duty": "职务",
"identity": "身份",
"date": "时间",
"subject": "文件标题",
"process": "流程",
"cancel": "取消",
"ok": "确定",
"startProcess_cancel_title": "取消启动流程确认",
"startProcess_cancel": "您确定要取消启动流程吗?",
"inputProcessSubject": "请输入文件标题",
"selectStartId": "请选择启动部门,以确定启动者身份",
"processStarted": "流程已启动",
"unnamed": "无标题",
"selectStartIdentity": "请选择您的身份"
getCss: function () {
this.css = {
"markNode": {
"opacity": 1,
"position": "absolute",
"background-color": "#f5f5f5",
"top": "0px",
"left": "0px"
"areaNode": {
"position": "absolute",
"opacity": 0,
"top": "0px"
"createNode": {
"background-color": "#f5f5f5",
"width": "100%",
//"max-width": "1000px",
// "box-shadow": "0px 0px 20px #999",
"overflow": "auto"
"createNewNode": {
// "width": "47px",
// "height": "47px",
// "float": "left",
// "background": "url("+"../x_component_process_TaskCenter/$ProcessStarter/default/new.png) no-repeat"
"createCloseNode": {
"width": "47px",
"height": "47px",
"float": "right",
"cursor": "pointer",
"background": "url(" + "../x_component_process_TaskCenter/$ProcessStarter/default/close.png) center center no-repeat"
"formNode": {
"border-radius": "8px",
"border": "0px solid #666",
"width": "100%",
"margin": "0px auto",
"font-size": "16px",
"color": "#666",
"overflow": "hidden",
"font-family": "Microsoft YaHei"
"actionNode": {
"width": "280px",
"margin": "auto",
"overflow": "hidden"
"startOkActionNode": {
"height": "30px",
"width": "85px",
"cursor": "pointer",
"float": "right",
"line-height": "30px",
"padding-left": "65px",
"font-size": "16px",
"font-family": "Microsoft YaHei",
"border-radius": "3px",
"border": "1px solid #354f67",
"color": "#FFF",
"margin-right": "20px",
"margin-top": "20px",
"margin-bottom": "20px",
"box-shadow": "0px 0px 0px #666",
"background": "url(" + "../x_component_process_TaskCenter/$ProcessStarter/default/editOk_bg.png) no-repeat"
"cancelActionNode": {
"height": "30px",
"width": "60px",
"cursor": "pointer",
"float": "right",
"line-height": "30px",
"padding-left": "40px",
"font-size": "16px",
"font-family": "Microsoft YaHei",
"border-radius": "3px",
"color": "#FFF",
"margin-top": "20px",
"margin-bottom": "20px",
"box-shadow": "0px 0px 0px #666",
"border": "1px solid #999",
"background": "url(" + "../x_component_process_TaskCenter/$ProcessStarter/default/editCancel_bg.png) no-repeat"
"departSelNode": {
"padding": "5px",
"margin-right": "10px",
"float": "left",
"background-color": "#DDD",
"border-radius": "3px",
"color": "#000",
"cursor": "pointer"
"departSelNode_over": {
"background-color": "#fecfb7"
"departSelNode_out": {
"background-color": "#EEE"
"departSelNode_selected": {
"background-color": "#ea621f",
"color": "#FFF"
"identityNode": {
"overflow": "hidden",
"width": "80%",
//"height": "120px",
"border": "1px solid #eee",
"border-radius": "8px",
"background-color": "#FFF",
"cursor": "pointer",
"font-size": "14px",
"padding": "10px",
"margin": "20px auto",
"box-shadow": "0px 0px 10px #ddd"
"identityNode_over": {
"border": "1px solid #da7429"
// "box-shadow": "0px 0px 20px #999",
"identityInforNameNode": {
"height": "50px",
"margin-bottom": "5px"
"identityInforPicNode": {
"height": "50px",
"width": "50px",
"border-radius": "25px",
"overflow": "hidden",
"float": "left"
"identityInforNameTextNode": {
"height": "40px",
"line-height": "40px",
"overflow": "hidden",
"float": "left",
"margin-left": "10px",
"margin-right": "30px",
"width": "150px",
"color": "#666",
"font-size": "14px",
"font-weight": "bold",
"text-align": "center"
"identityInforNameTextNode_over": {
"color": "#da7429"
"identityDepartmentNode": {
"height": "26px",
"line-height": "26px",
"overflow": "hidden"
"identityCompanyNode": {
"height": "26px",
"line-height": "26px",
"overflow": "hidden"
"identityDutyNode": {
"height": "22px",
"line-height": "22px",
"overflow": "hidden"
"identityTitleNode": {
"color": "#666",
"width": "50px",
"padding-left": "10px",
"float": "left"
"identityTitleNode_over": {
"color": "#da7429"
"identityTextNode": {
"color": "#333",
"margin-left": "50px",
"text-align": "left"
"processNode": {
"overflow": "hidden",
"width": "80%",
//"height": "120px",
"border": "1px solid #eee",
"border-radius": "8px",
"background-color": "#FFF",
"cursor": "pointer",
"font-size": "14px",
"padding": "10px",
"margin": "30px auto",
"box-shadow": "0px 0px 10px #ddd"
"processItemNode": {
"height": "50px",
"line-height": "50px",
"overflow": "hidden"
"processTitleNode": {
"color": "#666",
"width": "50px",
"padding-left": "10px",
"float": "left"
"processTextNode": {
"color": "#333",
"margin-left": "50px",
"text-align": "left"
MobileProcessStarter.Process = new Class({
initialize: function (container, data, starter, style) {
this.container = $(container);
this.data = data;
this.starter = starter;
this.action = this.starter.orgAction;
this.lp = starter.lp;
this.style = style;
//this.item = item;
load: function () {
this.node = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.style.processNode
var nameNode = new Element("div", {"styles": this.style.processItemNode}).inject(this.node);
var nameTitleNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.style.processTitleNode,
"text": "流程"
this.textNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.style.processTextNode,
"text": this.data.name
MobileProcessStarter.Identity = new Class({
initialize: function (container, data, starter, style) {
this.container = $(container);
this.data = data;
this.starter = starter;
this.action = this.starter.orgAction;
this.lp = starter.lp;
this.style = style;
//this.item = item;
load: function () {
this.node = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.style.identityNode
// var nameNode = new Element("div", {
// "styles": this.style.identityInforNameNode
// }).inject(this.node);
// var url = this.action.getPersonIcon(this.starter.app.desktop.session.user.id);
// var img = "<img width='50' height='50' border='0' src='"+url+"'></img>";
// var picNode = new Element("div", {
// "styles": this.style.identityInforPicNode,
// "html": img
// }).inject(nameNode);
// var nameTextNode = new Element("div", {
// "styles": this.style.identityInforNameTextNode,
// "text": this.data.name
// }).inject(nameNode);
var nameNode = new Element("div", {"styles": this.style.identityDutyNode}).inject(this.node);
var nameTitleNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.style.identityTitleNode,
"text": this.lp.name
this.unitTextNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.style.identityTextNode,
"text": this.data.name
var unitNode = new Element("div", {"styles": this.style.identityDepartmentNode}).inject(this.node);
var unitTitleNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.style.identityTitleNode,
"text": this.lp.unit
this.unitTextNode = new Element("div", {"styles": this.style.identityTextNode}).inject(unitNode);
if (this.data.woUnit) this.unitTextNode.set({
"text": this.data.woUnit.levelName,
"title": this.data.woUnit.levelName
// var companyNode = new Element("div", {"styles": this.style.identityCompanyNode}).inject(this.node);
// var companyTitleNode = new Element("div", {
// "styles": this.style.identityTitleNode,
// "text": this.item.explorer.app.lp.company
// }).inject(companyNode);
// this.companyTextNode = new Element("div", {"styles": this.style.identityTextNode}).inject(companyNode);
var dutyNode = new Element("div", {"styles": this.style.identityDutyNode}).inject(this.node);
var dutyTitleNode = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.style.identityTitleNode,
"text": this.lp.duty
this.dutyTextNode = new Element("div", {"styles": this.style.identityTextNode}).inject(dutyNode);
var dutyTextList = [];
var dutyTitleList = [];
this.data.woUnitDutyList.each(function (duty) {
if (duty.woUnit) dutyTitleList.push(duty.name + "(" + duty.woUnit.levelName + ")");
this.dutyTextNode.set({"text": dutyTextList.join(", "), "title": dutyTitleList.join(", ")});
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "MPopupForm", null, false);
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("cms.Module", "ExcelForm", null, false);
this.define("dipatchNumberToCity", function(){
var ids = this.getSelectedId();
if( ids.length == 0 ){
var units = this.getLevel1Unit();
var unitList = [];
units.each( function( u ){
name : u.name,
id : u.distinguishedName
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "Selector.Custom", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"selectableItems" : unitList,
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.id;
if( !unit )return;
this.saveDocList( ids, unit, "", "" );
var selector = new MWF.xApplication.Template.Selector.Custom(this.form.app.content, opt );
this.define("dipatchNumberToCounty", function( city, range ){
var ids = this.getSelectedId();
if( ids.length == 0 ){
var units = [];
if( city ){
var unit = this.org.listSubUnit( city , false );
unit.each( function( u ){
name : u.name,
id : u.distinguishedName
if( city ){
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "Selector.Custom", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"selectableItems" : units,
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.id;
this.saveDocList(ids, city, unit, "" )
var selector = new MWF.xApplication.Template.Selector.Custom(this.form.app.content, opt );
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Selector", "package", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"type" : "unit",
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.distinguishedName;
var levelName = array[0].data.levelName;
if( levelName.split("/").length != 2 ){
this.form.app.notice("请选择县级分公司", "error");
return false;
var c = this.name_dnName[levelName.split("/")[0]];
this.saveDocList(ids, c, unit, "")
if( range )opt.units = [range];
var selector = new MWF.O2Selector(this.form.app.content, opt );
this.define("dipatchNumberToBranch", function( county, range ){
var ids = this.getSelectedId();
if( ids.length == 0 ){
var units = [];
if( county ){
var unit = this.org.listSubUnit( county , false );
unit.each( function( u ){
name : u.name,
id : u.distinguishedName
if( county ){
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "Selector.Custom", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"selectableItems" : units,
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.id;
var levelName = this.dnName_levelName[unit];
if( levelName.split("/").length != 3 ){
this.form.app.notice("请选择网格", "error");
return false;
var c = this.name_dnName[levelName.split("/")[0]];
this.saveDocList(ids, c, county, unit )
var selector = new MWF.xApplication.Template.Selector.Custom(this.form.app.content, opt );
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Selector", "package", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"type" : "unit",
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.distinguishedName;
var levelName = this.dnName_levelName[unit];
if( levelName.split("/").length != 3 ){
this.form.app.notice("请选择网格", "error");
return false;
var city2 = this.name_dnName[levelName.split("/")[0]];
var county2 = this.name_dnName[levelName.split("/")[1]];
this.saveDocList(ids, city2, county2, unit );
if( range )opt.units = [range];
var selector = new MWF.O2Selector(this.form.app.content, opt );
this.define("saveDocList", function( ids, city, county, branch ){
ids.each( function(id){
var oldData = this.form.selectedItemJson[id];
var newData = { docStatus : "published", city : city, county : county , branch : branch };
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
this.form.statJson.changeData( newData, oldData, oldData.batch );
if( this.form.currentView.docStatus == "error" ){
var changeCount = 0;
ids.each( function( id ){
this.saveDoc( id, city, county, branch, function(){
if( changeCount == ids.length ){
this.setUploadedUnit( function(){
this.loadStatTable( this.statTableOptions ? this.statTableOptions.container : this.form.get("statContaienr").node );
this.form.view.selectedItems = [];
if( this.form.view_error ){
this.form.view_error.selectedItems = [];
this.saveDcc(ids, ["city","county","branch"], [city,county,branch], function(){
this.setUploadedUnit( function(){
this.loadStatTable( this.statTableOptions ? this.statTableOptions.container : this.form.get("statContaienr").node );
this.form.currentView.selectedItems = [];
this.define("saveDoc", function( id, city, county, branch, callback ){
MWF.Actions.get("x_cms_assemble_control").getDocument(id, function( json ){
var docData = json.data;
docData.data.city = city;
docData.data.county = county;
docData.data.branch = branch;
docData.data.errorText = "";
docData.data.docStatus = "published";
docData.data.status = "成功";
docData.data.title = docData.data.subject;
delete docData.data.$document;
delete docData.document.viewCount;
delete docData.document.publishTime;
delete docData.document.hasIndexPic;
delete docData.document.readPersonList;
delete docData.document.readUnitList;
delete docData.document.readGroupList;
delete docData.document.authorPersonList;
delete docData.document.authorUnitList;
delete docData.document.authorGroupList;
delete docData.document.managerList;
delete docData.document.pictureList;
delete docData.documentLogList;
delete docData.isAppAdmin;
delete docData.isCategoryAdmin;
delete docData.isManager;
delete docData.isCreator;
delete docData.isEditor;
docData.document.docData = docData.data;
delete docData.data;
docData.document.docStatus = "published";
docData.document.subject = docData.document.title;
MWF.Actions.get("x_cms_assemble_control").updateDocument( docData.document , function(){
if( callback )callback();
this.define("dipatchNumber", function(){
// var flag = (this.workContext.getControl().allowSave && this.workContext.getActivity().alias == "draft") ;
// if( !flag ){
// this.form.app.notice( "发起节点才能分配号码","error" );
// return;
// }
var ids = this.getSelectedId();
if( ids.length == 0 ){
var units = this.getSubUnit();
if( units ){
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "Selector.Custom", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"selectableItems" : units,
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.id;
this.setUnit(ids, unit )
var selector = new MWF.xApplication.Template.Selector.Custom(this.form.app.content, opt );
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Selector", "package", null, false);
var opt = {
"count": 1,
"title": "选择分配的组织",
"type" : "unit",
"values": [],
"onComplete": function( array ){
if( !array || array.length == 0 )return;
var unit = array[0].data.distinguishedName;
this.setUnit(ids, unit)
var selector = new MWF.O2Selector(this.form.app.content, opt );
this.define("getSelectedId", function(){
var ids = [];
if( !this.form.currentView ){
this.form.currentView = this.form.view;
this.form.selectedItemJson = {};
this.form.currentView.selectedItems.each( function( item ){
ids.push( item.data.bundle );
this.form.selectedItemJson[ item.data.bundle ] = {
batch : item.data.data.batch,
city : item.data.data.city,
county : item.data.data.county,
branch : item.data.data.branch,
docStatus : this.form.currentView.docStatus || "published"
return ids;
this.define("getSubUnit", function(){
var units = this.data.currentUnit;
if( units ){
var unit = this.org.listSubUnit( units , false );
}else if( !this.data.newFlag ){
var unit = this.getLevel1Unit(); //this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
return null;
//unit = unit.split("@")[0];
var array = [];
unit.each( function( u ){
name : u.name,
id : u.distinguishedName
return array;
this.define("getLevel1Unit", function( callback){
var array = [];
var action = new this.Action("x_organization_assemble_express", {
"lookup":{"uri": "/jaxrs/unit/list/level/object", "method": "POST"}
action.invoke({"name": "lookup","parameter": {}, "data": {"levelList":[ "1" ]}, "success": function(json){
array = json.data;
}.bind(this), async : false
return array;
this.define("setUnit", function(ids, unit){
if( !unit )return;
var flag = this.data.flag || this.data.newFlag;
var f;
if( !flag ){
f = "city"
}else if( flag == "city" ){
f = "county"
}else if( flag == "county" ){
f = "branch"
this.saveDcc(ids, f, unit, function(){
var value = this.data[f+"TaskPerson"];
var array = [];
( value.length ? value : [] ).each( function( v ){
array.push( typeOf( v ) == "string" ? v : v.distinguishedName )
array.push( unit );
array = array.unique();
this.data[f+"TaskPerson"] = array;
this.form.view.selectedItems = [];
this.define("saveDcc", function( ids, field, value, callback){
var action = new this.Action("x_cms_assemble_control", {
"save":{"uri": "/jaxrs/document/batch/data/modify", "method": "PUT"}
var array = [];
if( typeOf( field ) == "array" ){
for( var i=0; i<field.length; i++ ){
"dataPath": field[i],
"dataType": "String",
"dataString": value[i],
"dataInteger": null,
"dataBoolean": null,
"dataDate": null
"dataPath": field,
"dataType": "String",
"dataString": value,
"dataInteger": null,
"dataBoolean": null,
"dataDate": null
action.invoke({"name": "save", "data": {
"docIds" : ids,
"dataChanges" : array
}, "success": function(json){
MWF.require("MWF.xDesktop.Actions.RestActions", null, false);
var ChannelTaskPhoneService = new Class({
Extends: MWF.xDesktop.Actions.RestActions,
initialize: function ( context, workId ) {
this.context = context;
this.serviceUrl = "http://localhost:8080/channeltask/";
this.importUrl = this.serviceUrl + "import";
this.phoneUrl = this.serviceUrl + "phone";
this.importcheckUrl = this.serviceUrl + "importcheck";
import : function( formData, file, callback_success, callback_progress, async ){
this.invoke( {
method : "POST",
uri: this.importUrl,
async: async,
enctype: "formdata", //formdata
data: formData, // {}
file: file,
withCredentials : true,
success: function( data ){ if(callback_success)callback_success(data) },
failure: function(){}
window.setTimeout( function(){
this.importcheck( callback_progress )
}.bind(this), 1000 )
importcheck : function( callback ){
this.invoke( {
method : "GET",
uri: this.importUrl + "?workId" + this.workId ,
async: true,
withCredentials : true,
success: function( data ){ if(callback)callback(data) },
failure: function(){}
listByImportbatchName : function(importbatchName ,start, end, docStatus, callback){
this.phoneAction( "list", {
importbatchName : importbatchName, start : start, end : end, docStatus: docStatus
}, callback)
listByWork : function(start, end, docStatus, callback){
this.phoneAction( "list", {
workId : this.workId, start : start, end : end, docStatus : docStatus
}, callback)
listByWorkAndCity : function(city, start, end, docStatus, callback){
this.phoneAction( "list", {
workId : this.workId, city : city, start : start, end : end, docStatus : docStatus
}, callback)
listByWorkAndCounty : function(county, start, end, docStatus, callback){
this.phoneAction( "list", {
workId : this.workId, county : county, start : start, end : end, docStatus : docStatus
}, callback)
listByWorkAndBranch : function(branch, start, end, docStatus, callback){
this.phoneAction( "list", {
workId : this.workId, branch : branch, start : start, end : end, docStatus : docStatus
}, callback)
deleteByImportbatchName : function(importbatchName, callback){
this.phoneAction( "delete", {
importbatchName : importbatchName
}, callback)
deleteByWorkId : function(callback){
this.phoneAction( "delete", {
workId : this.workId
}, callback)
dispatch : function(branch, start, end, docStatus, callback){
this.phoneAction( "dispatch", {
workId : this.workId, branch : branch, start : start, end : end, docStatus : docStatus
}, callback)
phoneAction : function( action, json, callback ){
var param = "";
for( var key in json ){
if( json[key] )param = param + "&" + key + "=" + json[key];
this.invoke( {
method : "GET",
uri: this.phoneUrl + "?action=" + action + param,
async: true,
withCredentials : true,
success: function( data ){ if(callback)callback(data) },
failure: function(){}
invoke: function(option){
option = {
method : "POST",
uri: "",
async: true,
enctype: "", //formdata
data: null, // {}
file: null,
withCredentials : true,
success: function(){},
failure: function(){}
var method = option.method || "GET";
var uri = option.uri;
var async = (option.async===false) ? false : true;
var callback = new MWF.xDesktop.Actions.RestActions.Callback(option.success, option.failure);
if (option.enctype && (option.enctype.toLowerCase()=="formdata")){
this.invokeFormData(method, uri, option.data, option.file, callback, async);
var data = (option.data) ? JSON.encode(option.data) : "";
var credentials = true;
if (option.withCredentials===false){
credentials = false;
return MWF.restful(method, uri, data, callback, async, credentials);
var UploadExcelDialog = new Class({
Extends: MWF.xApplication.cms.Module.ImportForm,
Implements: [Options, Events],
options: {
"style": "minder",
"width": "650",
"height": "430",
"hasTop": true,
"hasIcon": false,
"draggable": true,
"maxAction" : true,
"title" : "导入号码"
_createTableContent: function () {
this.formTableContainer.setStyles({"margin":"0px auto 20px atuo"});
var html = "<table width='100%' bordr='0' cellpadding='7' cellspacing='0' styles='formTable' style='margin-top: 20px; '>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableTitle' width='20%'>说明:</td>" +
" <td styles='formTableValue' colspan='3' width='80%' style='font-size:12px;color:#666;line-height:20px;'>"+
" 您可以直接在Excel表格里填写地市分公司、区县分公司和网格的名称,系统会以您导入的分公司名称进行流转分发。<br/>"+
"请注意填写的名称需要与系统内的分公司/组织名称一致。<div item='openUnit''></div>"+ "<div item='url2'></div>"+//如果名称有重名,请使用层次名。
"</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableTitle' lable='url' width='20%'></td>" +
" <td styles='formTableValue' item='url' colspan='3' width='80%'></td></tr>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableTitle' lable='file' ></td>" +
" <td styles='formTableValue' colspan='3'><div item='filename'></div><div item='file'></div></td></tr>" +
this.formTableArea.set("html", html);
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Template", "MForm", null, false);
this.form = new MForm(this.formTableArea, {}, {
isEdited: true,
style : "cms",
hasColon : true,
itemTemplate: {
openUnit : { type : "Innerhtml", value : "<a href='javascript:void(0)'>点击查看组织名称</a>",
event : { click : function(item, ev){
layout.desktop.openApplication(ev, "Org", {
onQueryLoad : function(){
this.status = { navi : 0 }
url2: { type : "Innerhtml", text : "下载模板", value : "<a target='_blank' href='../x_component_cms_Module/$ExcelForm/"+encodeURIComponent("Excel导入合法性说明.xls")+"'>点击查看校验说明</a>" },
url: { type : "Innerhtml", text : "下载模板", value : "<a target='_blank' href='../x_component_cms_Module/$ExcelForm/"+encodeURIComponent("Excel模板下载.xls")+"'>Excel模板下载</a>" },
file: { type : "button", value : "选择Excel文件",text : "选择文件", event :{
click : function(){
} }
}, this.app);
_setCustom : function(){
"margin":"0px auto 0px auto",
"width" : "300px"
ok: function( callback ){
if( !this.formData ){
this.app.notice( "请先选择Excel文件", "error" );
var user = layout.desktop.session.user;
var identity = ( user.identityList && user.identityList.length > 0 ) ? user.identityList[0] : {};
var json = {
workName : this.data.workName,
workId : this.data.workId,
jobId : this.data.jobId,
creatorPerson : user.distinguishedName,
creatorIdentity : identity.distinguishedName,
creatorUnitName : identity.unitLevelName.replace(/[\/]/,"^^")
if( !this.isSetData ){
for( var key in json ){
this.formData.append( key, json[key] );
this.isSetData = true;
var import_success = function( data ){
var _form = this.context.form;
this.progressBar.setProgress(js.data.processTotal, js.data.dataTotal, "正在导入数据");
var array = this.context.data.importBatchNames ? this.context.data.importBatchNames.split(",") : [];
array.push( json.data.importBatchName );
this.context.data.importBatchNames = array.toString();
if( !_form.statJson ){
_form.statJson = new StatJson(this.context);
_form.statJson.addBatch(importBatchName, true);
this.context.setUploadedUnit( function(){
_form.view.selectedItems = [];
if( _form.view_error ){
_form.view_error.selectedItems = [];
this.context.loadStatTable( this.context.statTableOptions ? this.context.statTableOptions.container : this.context.form.get("statContaienr").node );
this.formData = null;
this.file = null;
var importcheck_fun = function( data ){
this.progressBar.setProgress(js.data.processTotal, js.data.dataTotal, "正在导入数据");
var service = new ChannelTaskPhoneService( this.context, this.data.workId );
service.import(this.formData, this.file, import_success, importcheck_fun, true);
//this.action.importDocumentFormExcel(this.data.categoryId, function (json) { //导入excel
// checkImportStatus(json);
//}.bind(this), null, this.formData, this.file);
setResult : function(){
var data = this.importedResultJson.data;
new Element("div", {
styles : {
"margin-top" : "10px",
"font-size" : "14px",
"margin-left" : "10px"
text : "本批次共导入"+data.dataTotal+"条数据,成功导入"+data.successTotal+"条数据,发生错误"+data.errorTotal+""
if( !this.context.form.statJson ){
this.context.form.statJson = new StatJson(this.context);
this.context.form.statJson.loadTable(this.formTableArea, this.importBatchName );
loadProgressBar : function(){
this.progressBar = new ProgressBar( this.formTableArea );
if( this.data.currentUnit ){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
var count = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount( this.data.currentUnit );
if( this.data.numberCount != count ){
this.data.numberCount = count;
this.define("getErrorCount", function(){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
return this.form.statJson.getErrorCount();
this.define("setUploadedUnit", function( callback ){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
var unit = this.data.currentUnit;
if( unit == "" && !this.data.newFlag ){
//unit = this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
var creatorUnitLevelName = this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName;
if( creatorUnitLevelName ){
var u = creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
var unit = this.org.getUnit( u );
var flag = this.data.flag || this.data.newFlag;
var array = [];
if( !flag ){
array = this.form.statJson.getCity();
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount();
}else if( flag=="city" ){
if( unit ){
array = this.form.statJson.getCounty( unit );
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount(unit);
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount();
array = this.form.statJson.getAllCounty();
}else if( flag == "county" ){
if( unit ){
var city = this.data.city;
if( !city ){
var creatorUnitLevelName = this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName;
if( creatorUnitLevelName ){
var u = creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
city = this.org.getUnit( u );
var u = this.org.listSupUnit( unit );
city = u[0].distinguishedName;
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount( unit );
array = this.form.statJson.getBranch( city, unit );
this.data.numberCount = this.form.statJson.getUnitCount();
array = this.form.statJson.getAllBranch();
var f;
if( !flag ){
f = "city";
}else if( flag=="city" ){
f = "county";
}else if( flag == "county" ){
f = "branch"
this.data[f+"TaskPerson"] = array;
this.define( "loadView", function( status, isSetCurrent ){
var workId = this.data.provinceWorkId || this.data.cityWorkId || this.data.countyWorkId;
var unit = this.data.currentUnit;
if( unit == "" && !this.data.newFlag ){
unit = this.workContext.getWork().creatorUnitLevelName.split("/")[0];
//unit = unit.split("@")[0];
var flag = this.data.flag || this.data.newFlag;
var control = this.workContext.getControl();
var viewName;
if( status == "published" ){
viewName = "手机号码-导入成功"
}else if( status == "error" ){
viewName = "手机号码-导入失败"
viewName = "手机号码"
var viewJson = {
"application": "渠道-手机号码设置",
"viewName": viewName,
"isTitle": "yes",
"select": control.allowSave ? "multi" : "none", //none , single, multi
//"titleStyles": this.json.titleStyles,
// "itemStyles": this.json.itemStyles,
"isExpand": "no",
"filter": [{
"path": "workId",
"title": "workId",
"value": workId,
if( flag && unit){
"path": flag,
"title": flag,
"value": unit,
var container;
if( status == "published" ){
container = this.form.get("view_container_published").node
}else if( status == "error" ){
container = this.form.get("view_container_error").node
container = this.form.get("view_container").node
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("query.Query", "Viewer", function(){
var view = new MWF.xApplication.query.Query.Viewer(container, viewJson, {
"resizeNode": true, //(this.node.getStyle("height").toString().toLowerCase()!=="auto" && this.node.getStyle("height").toInt()>0),
"onSelect": function(){
if( status == "published" ){
view.docStatus = "published";
this.form.view = view;
}else if( status == "error" ){
view.docStatus = "error";
this.form.view_error = view;
this.form.view = view;
if( isSetCurrent )this.form.currentView = view;
this.define("createImportBatchDiv", function(){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
var _self = this;
var div = this.form.get("importBatchDiv").node;
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var table = new Element( "table", {
"styles" : {"border-top" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-left" : "1px solid #ccc", "margin" : "20px auto 10px auto"}
}).inject( div );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "导入时间" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "校验通过条数" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "校验未通过条数" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "操作" }).inject( tr );
this.data.importBatchNames.split(",").each( function(d){
var timeStr = d.split("_")[1];
var year = timeStr.substring(0,4);
var month = timeStr.substring(4,6);
var date = timeStr.substring(6,8);
var hour = timeStr.substring(8,10);
var minture = timeStr.substring(10,12);
var second = timeStr.substring(12,14);
var time = year+"-"+month+"-"+date + " " + hour + ":" + minture + ":" + second;
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : time }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : this.form.statJson.getPublishedCount( d ) }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : this.form.statJson.getErrorCount( d ) }).inject( tr );
var td = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss }).inject( tr );
var button = new Element("button", { styles : {
"border-radius": "5px", "border": "1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)", "height": "26px", "color": "rgb(119, 119, 119)", "cursor" : "pointer", "margin-right" : "20px"
} , text : "只查看该批次导入的数据" }).inject(td);
button.addEvent("click", function(e){
var btn = e.target;
var data = {
"path": "$document.importBatchName",
"title": "workId",
"value": btn.retrieve("data"),
if( this.form.view ){
var view = this.form.view;
var filter = view.json.filter ? view.json.filter.clone() : [];
filter.push( data );
var filterList = {"filterList": filter };
view.createViewNode( filterList );
if( this.form.view_error ){
var view_error = this.form.view_error;
var filter = view_error.json.filter ? view_error.json.filter.clone() : [];
filter.push( data );
var filterList = {"filterList": filter };
view_error.createViewNode( filterList );
this.loadStatTable( this.statTableOptions ? this.statTableOptions.contaier : this.form.get("statContaienr").node , btn.retrieve("data") );
var button = new Element("button", { styles : {
"border-radius": "5px", "border": "1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)", "height": "26px", "color": "rgb(119, 119, 119)", "cursor" : "pointer"
} , text : "删除该批次导入的数据" }).inject(td);
button.addEvent("click", function(e){
this.form.app.confirm("infor", e, "删除确认", "删除后无法恢复,确定要删除"+e.target.retrieve("time")+"导入的数据?", 380, 150, function(){
MWF.Actions.get("x_cms_assemble_control").deleteDocumentWithBatchName( e.target.retrieve("data"), function(){
var array = _self.data.importBatchNames.split(",");
var batch = e.target.retrieve("data");
_self.form.statJson.deleteBatch( batch );
array.erase( batch );
_self.data.importBatchNames = array.toString();
_self.setUploadedUnit( function(){
_self.form.app.notice( "删除成功" );
_self.form.loadErrorView = false;
}, function(){
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : "总数" }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : this.form.statJson.getPublishedCount() }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : this.form.statJson.getErrorCount() }).inject( tr );
var td = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss }).inject( tr );
var button = new Element("button", { styles : {
"border-radius": "5px", "border": "1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204)", "height": "26px", "color": "rgb(119, 119, 119)", "cursor" : "pointer", "margin-right" : "20px"
} , text : "查看全部" }).inject(td);
button.addEvent("click", function(e){
var btn = e.target;
if( this.form.view ){
var view = this.form.view;
var filter = view.json.filter ? view.json.filter.clone() : [];
var filterList = {"filterList": filter };
view.createViewNode( filterList );
if( this.form.view_error ){
var view_error = this.form.view_error;
var filter = view_error.json.filter ? view_error.json.filter.clone() : [];
var filterList = {"filterList": filter };
view_error.createViewNode( filterList );
this.loadStatTable( this.statTableOptions ? this.statTableOptions.contaier : this.form.get("statContaienr").node );
this.define("getAllUnit", function( callback){
if( this.name_all ){
var array = this.name_all = [];
this.name_levelName = {};
this.dnName_levelName = {};
this.name_dnName = {};
var action = new this.Action("x_organization_assemble_express", {
"lookup":{"uri": "/jaxrs/unit/list/all/object", "method": "GET"}
action.invoke({"name": "lookup","parameter": {}, data:null, "success": function(json){
json.data.each( function(d){
this.name_levelName[ d.name ] = d.levelName;
this.dnName_levelName[ d.distinguishedName ] = d.levelName;
this.name_dnName[ d.name ] = d.distinguishedName;
array.push( d.name );
array.push( d.distinguishedName );
array.push( d.shortName );
array.push( d.levelName );
}.bind(this), async : false
return array;
this.define("setWorkId", function(){
if (this.workContext.getWork().activityName=="发起"){
if (this.workContext.getWork().activityName=="市级接收单元负责人处理"){
if (this.workContext.getWork().activityName=="县级接收单元负责人处理"){
if (this.workContext.getWork().activityName=="网格接收单元负责人处理"){
this.define("getUnitLevel", function(level, isObject){
var identity = this.workContext.getWork().creatorIdentityDn;
var topUnit;
MWF.Actions.get("x_organization_assemble_express")[isObject ? "getUnitWithIdentityAndLevel" : "getUnitWithIdentityAndLevelValue" ]( {"identity":identity,"level":level}, function( json ){
topUnit = json.data.unit;
}.bind(this), null, false);
return topUnit;
this.define("openMinder", function( workId ){
var options = {
pageId : "71acdde6-97cc-4c6d-abe2-817ea5afad4f",
portalId : "b66420c3-dee9-4b4c-9d52-050fd0921864",
workId : workId,
"appId": "portal_"+workId
if( layout.desktop.openApplication ){
layout.desktop.openApplication(null, "portal.Portal", options)
window.open( o2.filterUrl("../x_desktop/app.html?app=portal.Portal&option="+ JSON.stringify(options)) );
this.define("openUploadForm", function(){
// var flag = (this.workContext.getControl().allowSave && this.workContext.getActivity().alias == "draft") ;
// if( !flag ){
// this.form.app.notice( "发起节点才能上传Excel","error" );
// return;
// }
if( !this.data.subject ){
this.form.app.notice( "请填写任务名称并保存","error" );
var dialog = this.form.uploadExcelDialog = new UploadExcelDialog( { app : this.form.app }, {
workName : this.data.subject,
workId : this.data.provinceWorkId || this.data.currentWorkId,
jobId : this.workContext.getWork().job,
}, {
dialog.contextForm = this.form;
dialog.context = this;
var ProgressBar = new Class({
initialize: function ( container ) {
this.container = container;
load : function(){
setProgress : function( processed, total, text ){
var width = Math.floor(( processed / total ) * 100 );
this.progressFront.setStyles({ width: width+"%" });
this.textNode.set("text", text + ",共"+total+"条,已处理"+ processed + "条,进度" + width + "%" );
loadProgressBar : function(){
this.progressNode = new Element("div", { styles : this.css.progressNode }).inject( this.container );
this.progressBack = new Element("div.progressBack", { styles: this.css.progressBack }).inject(this.progressNode);
this.progressBack.setStyle("width", "100%");
this.progressFront = new Element("div.progressFront", { styles: this.css.progressFront, text : " " }).inject(this.progressBack);
this.progressFront.setStyle("width", "0px");
this.textNode = new Element("div", { styles : this.css.textNode }).inject( this.container );
getCss : function(){
this.css = {
"loadingNode" : {
"textNode" : {
"margin-top" : "10px",
"font-size" : "12px",
"margin-left" : "10px"
"progressNode" : {
"margin" : "10px 0px",
"overflow" : "hidden"
"progressBack" : {
"border-radius" : "10px",
"background-color" : "#f4f4f4",
"height" : "16px"
"progressFront" : {
"height" : "16px",
"background-color" : "#4a9adb"
this.define("loadStatTable", function( container , batchName, unitLevel, unitName ){
if( !this.form.statJson ){
this.form.statJson = new StatJson(this);
if( !unitLevel && this.statTableOptions ){
unitLevel = this.statTableOptions.unitLevel
if( !unitName && this.statTableOptions ){
unitName = this.statTableOptions.unitName
this.form.statJson.loadTable( container, batchName, unitLevel, unitName );
var StatJson = new Class({
initialize: function ( context ) {
this.context = context;
if( this.context.data.statJson ){
this.json = JSON.parse(this.context.data.statJson);
this.json = {
total : {
publishedCount : 0,
errorCount : 0
batch: {}
submit : function(){
for( var key in this.json.batch ){
this.context.data.statJson = JSON.stringify(this.json);
addBatch : function( batchName, isSetCurrent ){
if( !this.json.batch[batchName] ){
this.json.batch[batchName] = {
publishedCount : 0,
errorCount : 0
if( isSetCurrent )this.currentBatch = this.json.batch[batchName];
deleteBatch : function( batchName ){
var json = this.json;
var batchData = json.batch[batchName];
if( batchData ){
if( batchData.publishedCount ){
json.total.publishedCount = json.total.publishedCount - batchData.publishedCount;
if( batchData.errorCount ){
json.total.errorCount = json.total.errorCount - batchData.errorCount;
this.reduceByBatchData( batchData );
delete this.json.batch[batchName];
reduceByBatchData : function( batchData ){
var totalData = this.json.total;
for( var key in batchData ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" ){
var totalD = totalData[key];
var batchD = batchData[key];
if( batchData.publishedCount )totalD.publishedCount = totalD.publishedCount - batchD.publishedCount;
if( batchData.errorCount )totalD.errorCount = totalD.errorCount - batchD.errorCount;
for( var key_2 in batchD ){
if( key_2 != "publishedCount" && key_2 != "errorCount" ){
var totalD_2 = totalD[key_2];
var batchD_2 = batchD[key_2];
if( batchD_2.publishedCount )totalD_2.publishedCount = totalD_2.publishedCount - batchD_2.publishedCount;
if( batchD_2.errorCount )totalD_2.errorCount = totalD_2.errorCount - batchD_2.errorCount;
for(var key_3 in batchD_2 ){
if( key_3 != "publishedCount" && key_3 != "errorCount" ) {
var totalD_3 = totalD_2[key_3];
var batchD_3 = batchD_2[key_3];
if( batchD_3.publishedCount )totalD_3.publishedCount = totalD_3.publishedCount - batchD_3.publishedCount;
if( batchD_3.errorCount )totalD_3.errorCount = totalD_3.errorCount - batchD_3.errorCount;
addData: function( cmsDocData ){
var d = cmsDocData;
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var batchJson = this.currentBatch;
if( d.docStatus == "published" ){
this.addCount( totalJson, d );
this.addCount( batchJson, d );
}else if( d.docStatus == "error" ){
addCount : function( json, d ){
if( d.city ){
var cityJson = json[ d.city ];
if( !cityJson ){
cityJson = json[ d.city ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
cityJson.publishedCount ++;
if( d.county ){
var countyJson = cityJson[ d.county ];
if( !countyJson ){
countyJson = cityJson[ d.county ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
countyJson.publishedCount ++;
if( d.branch ) {
var branchJson = countyJson[d.branch];
if (!branchJson) {
branchJson = countyJson[d.branch] = {publishedCount: 0};
var city = "未设置组织";
var cityJson = json[ city ];
if( !cityJson ){
cityJson = json[ city ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
cityJson.publishedCount ++;
reduceCount : function( json, d ){
if( d.city ){
var cityJson = json[ d.city ];
if( !cityJson ){
cityJson = json[ d.city ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
cityJson.publishedCount --;
if( d.county ){
var countyJson = cityJson[ d.county ];
if( !countyJson ){
countyJson = cityJson[ d.county ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
countyJson.publishedCount --;
if( d.branch ) {
var branchJson = countyJson[d.branch];
if (!branchJson) {
branchJson = countyJson[d.branch] = {publishedCount: 0};
var city = "未设置组织";
var cityJson = json[ city ];
if( !cityJson ){
cityJson = json[ city ] = { publishedCount : 0 };
getCity : function(){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var city = [];
for( var key in totalJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
if( totalJson[key].publishedCount > 0 ){
return city;
getCounty : function( city ){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var county = [];
if( totalJson[city] ){
var cityJson = totalJson[city];
for( var key in cityJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
if( cityJson[key].publishedCount > 0 ){
return county;
getBranch : function( city, county ){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var branch = [];
if( totalJson[city] ){
var cityJson = totalJson[city];
if( cityJson[county] ){
var countyJson = cityJson[county];
for( var key in countyJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
if( countyJson[key].publishedCount > 0 ){
return branch;
getAllCounty : function(){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var county = [];
for(var key in totalJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
for( var key_2 in totalJson[key] ){
if( key_2 != "publishedCount" && key_2 != "errorCount" && key_2 != "未设置组织"){
if( totalJson[key][key_2].publishedCount > 0 ){
return county;
getAllBranch : function(){
var totalJson = this.json.total;
var branch = [];
for(var key in totalJson ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" && key != "未设置组织"){
for( var key_2 in totalJson[key] ){
if( key_2 != "publishedCount" && key_2 != "errorCount" && key_2 != "未设置组织"){
for( var key_3 in totalJson[key][key_2] ){
if( key_3 != "publishedCount" && key_3 != "errorCount" && key_3 != "未设置组织"){
if( totalJson[key][key_2][key_3].publishedCount > 0 ){
return branch;
getUnitCount : function( unit, importBatchName ){
var data;
if( importBatchName && this.json.batch[importBatchName]) {
data = this.json.batch[importBatchName];
data = this.json.total;
if( !unit )return data.publishedCount;
for( var city in data ){
var cityData = data[city];
if( city == unit )return cityData.publishedCount;
for( var county in cityData ){
var countyData = cityData[county];
if( county == unit )return countyData.publishedCount;
for( var branch in countyData ){
var branchData = countyData[branch];
if( branch == unit )return branchData.publishedCount;
return 0;
changeData : function( newData, oldData, importBatchName ){
//var oldData = {
// status : "error",
// city : "",
// county : "",
// branch : ""
var batchJson;
if( importBatchName && this.json.batch[importBatchName]) {
batchJson = this.json.batch[importBatchName];
var totalJson = this.json.total;
if( oldData.docStatus == "error" ){
if( batchJson )batchJson.errorCount--;
if( oldData.docStatus == "published" ){
this.reduceCount( totalJson, oldData );
if( batchJson ){
this.reduceCount( batchJson, oldData );
if( newData.docStatus == "error"){
if( batchJson )batchJson.errorCount++;
if( newData.docStatus == "published"){
this.addCount( totalJson, newData );
if( batchJson ){
this.addCount( batchJson, newData );
getPublishedCount : function( importBatchName ){
if( !importBatchName ){
return this.json.total.publishedCount;
if( this.json.batch[importBatchName]) {
var batchJson = this.json.batch[importBatchName];
return batchJson.publishedCount;
getErrorCount : function( importBatchName ){
if( !importBatchName ){
return this.json.total.errorCount;
if( this.json.batch[importBatchName]) {
var batchJson = this.json.batch[importBatchName];
return batchJson.errorCount;
deleteEmptyUnit : function( batchName ){
if( batchName ){
var data = this.json.batch[batchName];
var data = this.json.total;
for( var key in data ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" ){
var cityData = data[key];
if( !cityData.publishedCount && !cityData.errorCount ){
delete data[key]
for( var key_2 in cityData ){
if( key_2 != "publishedCount" && key_2 != "errorCount" ){
var countyData = cityData[key_2];
if( !countyData.publishedCount && !countyData.errorCount ){
delete data[key][key_2]
for(var key_3 in countyData ){
if( key_3 != "publishedCount" && key_3 != "errorCount" ) {
var branchData = countyData[key_3];
if( !branchData.publishedCount && !branchData.errorCount ) {
delete data[key][key_2][key_3]
getNoUnitJson : function( d ){
var data = Object.clone(d);
for( var key in data ){
if( key != "publishedCount" && key != "errorCount" ){
var cityData = data[key];
var cityCount = cityData.publishedCount;
var countyCount = 0;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( county != "publishedCount" && county != "errorCount" ){
var countyData = cityData[county];
countyCount = countyCount + countyData.publishedCount;
var branchCount = 0;
for( var branch in countyData ) {
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch != "errorCount" ) {
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchCount = branchCount + branchData.publishedCount
if( countyData.publishedCount > branchCount ){
countyData["未设置"] = { publishedCount : countyData.publishedCount - branchCount };
if( cityData.publishedCount > countyCount ){
cityData["未设置"] = { publishedCount : cityData.publishedCount - countyCount };
return data;
loadTable : function( container, batchName, unitLevel, unitName ){
if( !unitLevel ){
this._loadTable(container, batchName);
this._loadTableByUnit( container, batchName, unitLevel, unitName )
_loadTableByUnit : function(container, batchName, unitLevel, unitName ){
if (batchName) {
var d = this.json.batch[batchName];
} else {
var d = this.json.total;
var data = this.getNoUnitJson( d );
var table = this.table = new Element( "table", {
"styles" : {"border-top" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-left" : "1px solid #ccc", "margin" : "20px auto 10px auto", "font-size":"14px"}
}).inject( container );
if( batchName ){
var timeStr = batchName.split("_")[1];
var year = timeStr.substring(0,4);
var month = timeStr.substring(4,6);
var date = timeStr.substring(6,8);
var hour = timeStr.substring(8,10);
var minture = timeStr.substring(10,12);
var second = timeStr.substring(12,14);
var title = year+"-"+month+"-"+date + " " + hour + ":" + minture + ":" + second + "批次数据统计"
var title = "数据统计";
if( unitLevel == "city" )this._loadTableByCity(title, data, table, unitName );
if( unitLevel == "county" )this._loadTableByCounty(title, data, table, unitName );
if( unitLevel == "branch" )this._loadTableByBranch(title, data, table, unitName );
_loadTableByCity : function(title, data, table, unitName){
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var tdTitleCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" , "font-size":"16px", "font-weight" : "bold"};
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdTitleCss, text : title, colspan:3 }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "市分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "县分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "网格" }).inject( tr );
for( var city in data ){
if( city != unitName )continue;
if( city != "publishedCount" && city!="errorCount" ){
var cityTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var cityData = data[city];
var cityShow = city == "未设置组织" ? "未设置" : city.split("@")[0];
var cityTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : cityShow + "(" + cityData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( cityTr );
var citySpan = 1;
var countyIndex = 0;
var countyTr = null;
var countyTd = null;
var branchTd = null;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( county != "publishedCount" && county!="errorCount" ){
if( countyIndex != 0 ){
countyTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
countyIndex ++;
var countySpan = 1;
var countyData = cityData[county];
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : county.split("@")[0] + "(" + countyData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
var branchIndex = 0;
var branchTr = null;
for( var branch in countyData ){
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch!="errorCount" ) {
if( branchIndex != 0 ){
branchTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchTd = new Element("td", {"styles": tdCss, text: branch.split("@")[0]+ "(" + branchData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr || cityTr );
if( branchIndex == 0 ){
branchTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr || cityTr );
if( countyIndex == 0 ){
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
if( !branchTd ){
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
_loadTableByCounty : function(title, data, table, unitName){
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var tdTitleCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" , "font-size":"16px", "font-weight" : "bold"};
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdTitleCss, text : title, colspan:2 }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "县分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "网格" }).inject( tr );
for( var city in data ){
if( city != "publishedCount" && city!="errorCount" ){
var cityData = data[city];
var countyIndex = 0;
var countyTr = null;
var countyTd = null;
var branchTd = null;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( unitName != county )continue;
if( county != "publishedCount" && county!="errorCount" ){
countyTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
countyIndex ++;
var countySpan = 1;
var countyData = cityData[county];
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : county.split("@")[0] + "(" + countyData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( countyTr );
var branchIndex = 0;
var branchTr = null;
for( var branch in countyData ){
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch!="errorCount" ) {
if( branchIndex != 0 ){
branchTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchTd = new Element("td", {"styles": tdCss, text: branch.split("@")[0]+ "(" + branchData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr );
if( branchIndex == 0 ){
branchTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr );
if( !branchTd && countyTr ){
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr );
_loadTableByBranch : function(title, data, table, unitName){
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var tdTitleCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" , "font-size":"16px", "font-weight" : "bold"};
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdTitleCss, text : title }).inject( tr );
for( var city in data ){
if( city != "publishedCount" && city!="errorCount" ){
var cityData = data[city];
var branchTd = null;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( county != "publishedCount" && county!="errorCount" ){
var countyData = cityData[county];
for( var branch in countyData ){
if( branch != unitName )continue;
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch!="errorCount" ) {
var branchTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchTd = new Element("td", {"styles": tdCss, text: branch.split("@")[0]+ "(" + branchData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( branchTr );
_loadTable : function( container, batchName ) {
if (batchName) {
var d = this.json.batch[batchName];
} else {
var d = this.json.total;
var data = this.getNoUnitJson( d );
var tdCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" };
var tdTitleCss = { "border-right" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-bottom" : "1px solid #ccc", "text-align" : "center" , "font-size":"16px", "font-weight" : "bold"};
var table = this.table = new Element( "table", {
"styles" : {"border-top" : "1px solid #ccc", "border-left" : "1px solid #ccc", "margin" : "20px auto 10px auto", "font-size":"14px"}
}).inject( container );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
if( batchName ){
var timeStr = batchName.split("_")[1];
var year = timeStr.substring(0,4);
var month = timeStr.substring(4,6);
var date = timeStr.substring(6,8);
var hour = timeStr.substring(8,10);
var minture = timeStr.substring(10,12);
var second = timeStr.substring(12,14);
var title = year+"-"+month+"-"+date + " " + hour + ":" + minture + ":" + second + "批次数据统计"
var title = "数据统计";
new Element("td", { "styles": tdTitleCss, text : title, colspan:3 }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : "校验未通过(条)" }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, colspan:2, text : data.errorCount || "" }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : "校验通过(条)" }).inject( tr );
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, colspan:2, text : data.publishedCount || "" }).inject( tr );
var tr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "市分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "县分" }).inject( tr );
new Element("th", { "styles": tdCss, text : "网格" }).inject( tr );
for( var city in data ){
if( city != "publishedCount" && city!="errorCount" ){
var cityTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var cityData = data[city];
var cityShow = city == "未设置组织" ? "未设置" : city.split("@")[0];
var cityTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : cityShow + "(" + cityData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( cityTr );
var citySpan = 1;
var countyIndex = 0;
var countyTr = null;
var countyTd = null;
var branchTd = null;
for( var county in cityData ){
if( county != "publishedCount" && county!="errorCount" ){
if( countyIndex != 0 ){
countyTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
countyIndex ++;
var countySpan = 1;
var countyData = cityData[county];
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text : county.split("@")[0] + "(" + countyData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
var branchIndex = 0;
var branchTr = null;
for( var branch in countyData ){
if( branch != "publishedCount" && branch!="errorCount" ) {
if( branchIndex != 0 ){
branchTr = new Element("tr").inject( table );
var branchData = countyData[branch];
branchTd = new Element("td", {"styles": tdCss, text: branch.split("@")[0]+ "(" + branchData.publishedCount + ")" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr || cityTr );
if( branchIndex == 0 ){
branchTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( branchTr || countyTr || cityTr );
if( countyIndex == 0 ){
countyTd = new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
if( !branchTd ){
new Element("td", { "styles": tdCss, text :"" }).inject( countyTr || cityTr );
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