#!/usr/bin/env python # Utility functions # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 James Troup # $Id: utils.py,v 1.70 2004-11-27 13:32:16 troup Exp $ ################################################################################ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ################################################################################ import commands, encodings.ascii, encodings.utf_8, encodings.latin_1, \ email.Header, os, pwd, re, select, socket, shutil, string, sys, \ tempfile, traceback; import apt_pkg; import db_access; ################################################################################ re_comments = re.compile(r"\#.*") re_no_epoch = re.compile(r"^\d*\:") re_no_revision = re.compile(r"\-[^-]*$") re_arch_from_filename = re.compile(r"/binary-[^/]+/") re_extract_src_version = re.compile (r"(\S+)\s*\((.*)\)") re_isadeb = re.compile (r"(.+?)_(.+?)_(.+)\.u?deb$"); re_issource = re.compile (r"(.+)_(.+?)\.(orig\.tar\.gz|diff\.gz|tar\.gz|dsc)$"); re_single_line_field = re.compile(r"^(\S*)\s*:\s*(.*)"); re_multi_line_field = re.compile(r"^\s(.*)"); re_taint_free = re.compile(r"^[-+~/\.\w]+$"); re_parse_maintainer = re.compile(r"^\s*(\S.*\S)\s*\<([^\>]+)\>"); changes_parse_error_exc = "Can't parse line in .changes file"; invalid_dsc_format_exc = "Invalid .dsc file"; nk_format_exc = "Unknown Format: in .changes file"; no_files_exc = "No Files: field in .dsc or .changes file."; cant_open_exc = "Can't read file."; unknown_hostname_exc = "Unknown hostname"; cant_overwrite_exc = "Permission denied; can't overwrite existent file." file_exists_exc = "Destination file exists"; sendmail_failed_exc = "Sendmail invocation failed"; tried_too_hard_exc = "Tried too hard to find a free filename."; default_config = "/etc/katie/katie.conf"; default_apt_config = "/etc/katie/apt.conf"; ################################################################################ class Error(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module.""" pass; class ParseMaintError(Error): """Exception raised for errors in parsing a maintainer field. Attributes: message -- explanation of the error """ def __init__(self, message): self.args = message,; self.message = message; ################################################################################ def open_file(filename, mode='r'): try: f = open(filename, mode); except IOError: raise cant_open_exc, filename; return f ################################################################################ def our_raw_input(prompt=""): if prompt: sys.stdout.write(prompt); sys.stdout.flush(); try: ret = raw_input(); return ret; except EOFError: sys.stderr.write("\nUser interrupt (^D).\n"); raise SystemExit; ################################################################################ def str_isnum (s): for c in s: if c not in string.digits: return 0; return 1; ################################################################################ def extract_component_from_section(section): component = ""; if section.find('/') != -1: component = section.split('/')[0]; if component.lower() == "non-us" and section.find('/') != -1: s = component + '/' + section.split('/')[1]; if Cnf.has_key("Component::%s" % s): # Avoid e.g. non-US/libs component = s; if section.lower() == "non-us": component = "non-US/main"; # non-US prefix is case insensitive if component.lower()[:6] == "non-us": component = "non-US"+component[6:]; # Expand default component if component == "": if Cnf.has_key("Component::%s" % section): component = section; else: component = "main"; elif component == "non-US": component = "non-US/main"; return (section, component); ################################################################################ def parse_changes(filename, signing_rules=0): """Parses a changes file and returns a dictionary where each field is a key. The mandatory first argument is the filename of the .changes file. signing_rules is an optional argument: o If signing_rules == -1, no signature is required. o If signing_rules == 0 (the default), a signature is required. o If signing_rules == 1, it turns on the same strict format checking as dpkg-source. The rules for (signing_rules == 1)-mode are: o The PGP header consists of "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----" followed by any PGP header data and must end with a blank line. o The data section must end with a blank line and must be followed by "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----". """ error = ""; changes = {}; changes_in = open_file(filename); lines = changes_in.readlines(); if not lines: raise changes_parse_error_exc, "[Empty changes file]"; # Reindex by line number so we can easily verify the format of # .dsc files... index = 0; indexed_lines = {}; for line in lines: index += 1; indexed_lines[index] = line[:-1]; inside_signature = 0; num_of_lines = len(indexed_lines.keys()); index = 0; first = -1; while index < num_of_lines: index += 1; line = indexed_lines[index]; if line == "": if signing_rules == 1: index += 1; if index > num_of_lines: raise invalid_dsc_format_exc, index; line = indexed_lines[index]; if not line.startswith("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE"): raise invalid_dsc_format_exc, index; inside_signature = 0; break; else: continue; if line.startswith("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE"): break; if line.startswith("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE"): inside_signature = 1; if signing_rules == 1: while index < num_of_lines and line != "": index += 1; line = indexed_lines[index]; continue; # If we're not inside the signed data, don't process anything if signing_rules >= 0 and not inside_signature: continue; slf = re_single_line_field.match(line); if slf: field = slf.groups()[0].lower(); changes[field] = slf.groups()[1]; first = 1; continue; if line == " .": changes[field] += '\n'; continue; mlf = re_multi_line_field.match(line); if mlf: if first == -1: raise changes_parse_error_exc, "'%s'\n [Multi-line field continuing on from nothing?]" % (line); if first == 1 and changes[field] != "": changes[field] += '\n'; first = 0; changes[field] += mlf.groups()[0] + '\n'; continue; error += line; if signing_rules == 1 and inside_signature: raise invalid_dsc_format_exc, index; changes_in.close(); changes["filecontents"] = "".join(lines); if error: raise changes_parse_error_exc, error; return changes; ################################################################################ # Dropped support for 1.4 and ``buggy dchanges 3.4'' (?!) compared to di.pl def build_file_list(changes, is_a_dsc=0): files = {}; # Make sure we have a Files: field to parse... if not changes.has_key("files"): raise no_files_exc; # Make sure we recognise the format of the Files: field format = changes.get("format", ""); if format != "": format = float(format); if not is_a_dsc and (format < 1.5 or format > 2.0): raise nk_format_exc, format; # Parse each entry/line: for i in changes["files"].split('\n'): if not i: break; s = i.split(); section = priority = ""; try: if is_a_dsc: (md5, size, name) = s; else: (md5, size, section, priority, name) = s; except ValueError: raise changes_parse_error_exc, i; if section == "": section = "-"; if priority == "": priority = "-"; (section, component) = extract_component_from_section(section); files[name] = Dict(md5sum=md5, size=size, section=section, priority=priority, component=component); return files ################################################################################ def force_to_utf8(s): """Forces a string to UTF-8. If the string isn't already UTF-8, it's assumed to be ISO-8859-1.""" try: unicode(s, 'utf-8'); return s; except UnicodeError: latin1_s = unicode(s,'iso8859-1'); return latin1_s.encode('utf-8'); def rfc2047_encode(s): """Encodes a (header) string per RFC2047 if necessary. If the string is neither ASCII nor UTF-8, it's assumed to be ISO-8859-1.""" try: encodings.ascii.Codec().decode(s); return s; except UnicodeError: pass; try: encodings.utf_8.Codec().decode(s); h = email.Header.Header(s, 'utf-8', 998); return str(h); except UnicodeError: h = email.Header.Header(s, 'iso-8859-1', 998); return str(h); ################################################################################ # 'The standard sucks, but my tool is supposed to interoperate # with it. I know - I'll fix the suckage and make things # incompatible!' def fix_maintainer (maintainer): """Parses a Maintainer or Changed-By field and returns: (1) an RFC822 compatible version, (2) an RFC2047 compatible version, (3) the name (4) the email The name is forced to UTF-8 for both (1) and (3). If the name field contains '.' or ',' (as allowed by Debian policy), (1) and (2) are switched to 'email (name)' format.""" maintainer = maintainer.strip() if not maintainer: return ('', '', '', ''); if maintainer.find("<") == -1: email = maintainer; name = ""; elif (maintainer[0] == "<" and maintainer[-1:] == ">"): email = maintainer[1:-1]; name = ""; else: m = re_parse_maintainer.match(maintainer); if not m: raise ParseMaintError, "Doesn't parse as a valid Maintainer field." name = m.group(1); email = m.group(2); # Get an RFC2047 compliant version of the name rfc2047_name = rfc2047_encode(name); # Force the name to be UTF-8 name = force_to_utf8(name); if name.find(',') != -1 or name.find('.') != -1: rfc822_maint = "%s (%s)" % (email, name); rfc2047_maint = "%s (%s)" % (email, rfc2047_name); else: rfc822_maint = "%s <%s>" % (name, email); rfc2047_maint = "%s <%s>" % (rfc2047_name, email); if email.find("@") == -1 and email.find("buildd_") != 0: raise ParseMaintError, "No @ found in email address part." return (rfc822_maint, rfc2047_maint, name, email); ################################################################################ # sendmail wrapper, takes _either_ a message string or a file as arguments def send_mail (message, filename=""): # If we've been passed a string dump it into a temporary file if message: filename = tempfile.mktemp(); fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0700); os.write (fd, message); os.close (fd); # Invoke sendmail (result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("%s < %s" % (Cnf["Dinstall::SendmailCommand"], filename)); if (result != 0): raise sendmail_failed_exc, output; # Clean up any temporary files if message: os.unlink (filename); ################################################################################ def poolify (source, component): if component: component += '/'; # FIXME: this is nasty component = component.lower().replace("non-us/", "non-US/"); if source[:3] == "lib": return component + source[:4] + '/' + source + '/' else: return component + source[:1] + '/' + source + '/' ################################################################################ def move (src, dest, overwrite = 0, perms = 0664): if os.path.exists(dest) and os.path.isdir(dest): dest_dir = dest; else: dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest); if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): umask = os.umask(00000); os.makedirs(dest_dir, 02775); os.umask(umask); #print "Moving %s to %s..." % (src, dest); if os.path.exists(dest) and os.path.isdir(dest): dest += '/' + os.path.basename(src); # Don't overwrite unless forced to if os.path.exists(dest): if not overwrite: fubar("Can't move %s to %s - file already exists." % (src, dest)); else: if not os.access(dest, os.W_OK): fubar("Can't move %s to %s - can't write to existing file." % (src, dest)); shutil.copy2(src, dest); os.chmod(dest, perms); os.unlink(src); def copy (src, dest, overwrite = 0, perms = 0664): if os.path.exists(dest) and os.path.isdir(dest): dest_dir = dest; else: dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest); if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): umask = os.umask(00000); os.makedirs(dest_dir, 02775); os.umask(umask); #print "Copying %s to %s..." % (src, dest); if os.path.exists(dest) and os.path.isdir(dest): dest += '/' + os.path.basename(src); # Don't overwrite unless forced to if os.path.exists(dest): if not overwrite: raise file_exists_exc else: if not os.access(dest, os.W_OK): raise cant_overwrite_exc shutil.copy2(src, dest); os.chmod(dest, perms); ################################################################################ def where_am_i (): res = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname()); database_hostname = Cnf.get("Config::" + res[0] + "::DatabaseHostname"); if database_hostname: return database_hostname; else: return res[0]; def which_conf_file (): res = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname()); if Cnf.get("Config::" + res[0] + "::KatieConfig"): return Cnf["Config::" + res[0] + "::KatieConfig"] else: return default_config; def which_apt_conf_file (): res = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname()); if Cnf.get("Config::" + res[0] + "::AptConfig"): return Cnf["Config::" + res[0] + "::AptConfig"] else: return default_apt_config; ################################################################################ # Escape characters which have meaning to SQL's regex comparison operator ('~') # (woefully incomplete) def regex_safe (s): s = s.replace('+', '\\\\+'); s = s.replace('.', '\\\\.'); return s ################################################################################ # Perform a substition of template def TemplateSubst(map, filename): file = open_file(filename); template = file.read(); for x in map.keys(): template = template.replace(x,map[x]); file.close(); return template; ################################################################################ def fubar(msg, exit_code=1): sys.stderr.write("E: %s\n" % (msg)); sys.exit(exit_code); def warn(msg): sys.stderr.write("W: %s\n" % (msg)); ################################################################################ # Returns the user name with a laughable attempt at rfc822 conformancy # (read: removing stray periods). def whoami (): return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[4].split(',')[0].replace('.', ''); ################################################################################ def size_type (c): t = " B"; if c > 10240: c = c / 1024; t = " KB"; if c > 10240: c = c / 1024; t = " MB"; return ("%d%s" % (c, t)) ################################################################################ def cc_fix_changes (changes): o = changes.get("architecture", ""); if o: del changes["architecture"]; changes["architecture"] = {}; for j in o.split(): changes["architecture"][j] = 1; # Sort by source name, source version, 'have source', and then by filename def changes_compare (a, b): try: a_changes = parse_changes(a); except: return -1; try: b_changes = parse_changes(b); except: return 1; cc_fix_changes (a_changes); cc_fix_changes (b_changes); # Sort by source name a_source = a_changes.get("source"); b_source = b_changes.get("source"); q = cmp (a_source, b_source); if q: return q; # Sort by source version a_version = a_changes.get("version"); b_version = b_changes.get("version"); q = apt_pkg.VersionCompare(a_version, b_version); if q: return q; # Sort by 'have source' a_has_source = a_changes["architecture"].get("source"); b_has_source = b_changes["architecture"].get("source"); if a_has_source and not b_has_source: return -1; elif b_has_source and not a_has_source: return 1; # Fall back to sort by filename return cmp(a, b); ################################################################################ def find_next_free (dest, too_many=100): extra = 0; orig_dest = dest; while os.path.exists(dest) and extra < too_many: dest = orig_dest + '.' + repr(extra); extra += 1; if extra >= too_many: raise tried_too_hard_exc; return dest; ################################################################################ def result_join (original, sep = '\t'): list = []; for i in xrange(len(original)): if original[i] == None: list.append(""); else: list.append(original[i]); return sep.join(list); ################################################################################ def prefix_multi_line_string(str, prefix, include_blank_lines=0): out = ""; for line in str.split('\n'): line = line.strip(); if line or include_blank_lines: out += "%s%s\n" % (prefix, line); # Strip trailing new line if out: out = out[:-1]; return out; ################################################################################ def validate_changes_file_arg(file, fatal=1): error = None; orig_filename = file if file.endswith(".katie"): file = file[:-6]+".changes"; if not file.endswith(".changes"): error = "invalid file type; not a changes file"; else: if not os.access(file,os.R_OK): if os.path.exists(file): error = "permission denied"; else: error = "file not found"; if error: if fatal: fubar("%s: %s." % (orig_filename, error)); else: warn("Skipping %s - %s" % (orig_filename, error)); return None; else: return file; ################################################################################ def real_arch(arch): return (arch != "source" and arch != "all"); ################################################################################ def join_with_commas_and(list): if len(list) == 0: return "nothing"; if len(list) == 1: return list[0]; return ", ".join(list[:-1]) + " and " + list[-1]; ################################################################################ def pp_dep (deps): pp_deps = []; for atom in deps: (pkg, version, constraint) = atom; if constraint: pp_dep = "%s (%s %s)" % (pkg, constraint, version); else: pp_dep = pkg; pp_deps.append(pp_dep); return " |".join(pp_deps); ################################################################################ def get_conf(): return Cnf; ################################################################################ # Handle -a, -c and -s arguments; returns them as SQL constraints def parse_args(Options): # Process suite if Options["Suite"]: suite_ids_list = []; for suite in split_args(Options["Suite"]): suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite); if suite_id == -1: warn("suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite)); else: suite_ids_list.append(suite_id); if suite_ids_list: con_suites = "AND su.id IN (%s)" % ", ".join(map(str, suite_ids_list)); else: fubar("No valid suite given."); else: con_suites = ""; # Process component if Options["Component"]: component_ids_list = []; for component in split_args(Options["Component"]): component_id = db_access.get_component_id(component); if component_id == -1: warn("component '%s' not recognised." % (component)); else: component_ids_list.append(component_id); if component_ids_list: con_components = "AND c.id IN (%s)" % ", ".join(map(str, component_ids_list)); else: fubar("No valid component given."); else: con_components = ""; # Process architecture con_architectures = ""; if Options["Architecture"]: arch_ids_list = []; check_source = 0; for architecture in split_args(Options["Architecture"]): if architecture == "source": check_source = 1; else: architecture_id = db_access.get_architecture_id(architecture); if architecture_id == -1: warn("architecture '%s' not recognised." % (architecture)); else: arch_ids_list.append(architecture_id); if arch_ids_list: con_architectures = "AND a.id IN (%s)" % ", ".join(map(str, arch_ids_list)); else: if not check_source: fubar("No valid architecture given."); else: check_source = 1; return (con_suites, con_architectures, con_components, check_source); ################################################################################ # Inspired(tm) by Bryn Keller's print_exc_plus (See # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52215) def print_exc(): tb = sys.exc_info()[2]; while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next; stack = []; frame = tb.tb_frame; while frame: stack.append(frame); frame = frame.f_back; stack.reverse(); traceback.print_exc(); for frame in stack: print "\nFrame %s in %s at line %s" % (frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno); for key, value in frame.f_locals.items(): print "\t%20s = " % key,; try: print value; except: print ""; ################################################################################ def try_with_debug(function): try: function(); except SystemExit: raise; except: print_exc(); ################################################################################ # Function for use in sorting lists of architectures. # Sorts normally except that 'source' dominates all others. def arch_compare_sw (a, b): if a == "source" and b == "source": return 0; elif a == "source": return -1; elif b == "source": return 1; return cmp (a, b); ################################################################################ # Split command line arguments which can be separated by either commas # or whitespace. If dwim is set, it will complain about string ending # in comma since this usually means someone did 'madison -a i386, m68k # foo' or something and the inevitable confusion resulting from 'm68k' # being treated as an argument is undesirable. def split_args (s, dwim=1): if s.find(",") == -1: return s.split(); else: if s[-1:] == "," and dwim: fubar("split_args: found trailing comma, spurious space maybe?"); return s.split(","); ################################################################################ def Dict(**dict): return dict ######################################## # Our very own version of commands.getouputstatus(), hacked to support # gpgv's status fd. def gpgv_get_status_output(cmd, status_read, status_write): cmd = ['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd]; p2cread, p2cwrite = os.pipe(); c2pread, c2pwrite = os.pipe(); errout, errin = os.pipe(); pid = os.fork(); if pid == 0: # Child os.close(0); os.close(1); os.dup(p2cread); os.dup(c2pwrite); os.close(2); os.dup(errin); for i in range(3, 256): if i != status_write: try: os.close(i); except: pass; try: os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd); finally: os._exit(1); # Parent os.close(p2cread) os.dup2(c2pread, c2pwrite); os.dup2(errout, errin); output = status = ""; while 1: i, o, e = select.select([c2pwrite, errin, status_read], [], []); more_data = []; for fd in i: r = os.read(fd, 8196); if len(r) > 0: more_data.append(fd); if fd == c2pwrite or fd == errin: output += r; elif fd == status_read: status += r; else: fubar("Unexpected file descriptor [%s] returned from select\n" % (fd)); if not more_data: pid, exit_status = os.waitpid(pid, 0) try: os.close(status_write); os.close(status_read); os.close(c2pread); os.close(c2pwrite); os.close(p2cwrite); os.close(errin); os.close(errout); except: pass; break; return output, status, exit_status; ############################################################ def check_signature (sig_filename, reject, data_filename="", keyrings=None): """Check the signature of a file and return the fingerprint if the signature is valid or 'None' if it's not. The first argument is the filename whose signature should be checked. The second argument is a reject function and is called when an error is found. The reject() function must allow for two arguments: the first is the error message, the second is an optional prefix string. It's possible for reject() to be called more than once during an invocation of check_signature(). The third argument is optional and is the name of the files the detached signature applies to. The fourth argument is optional and is a *list* of keyrings to use. """ # Ensure the filename contains no shell meta-characters or other badness if not re_taint_free.match(sig_filename): reject("!!WARNING!! tainted signature filename: '%s'." % (sig_filename)); return None; if data_filename and not re_taint_free.match(data_filename): reject("!!WARNING!! tainted data filename: '%s'." % (data_filename)); return None; if not keyrings: keyrings = (Cnf["Dinstall::PGPKeyring"], Cnf["Dinstall::GPGKeyring"]) # Build the command line status_read, status_write = os.pipe(); cmd = "gpgv --status-fd %s" % (status_write); for keyring in keyrings: cmd += " --keyring %s" % (keyring); cmd += " %s %s" % (sig_filename, data_filename); # Invoke gpgv on the file (output, status, exit_status) = gpgv_get_status_output(cmd, status_read, status_write); # Process the status-fd output keywords = {}; bad = internal_error = ""; for line in status.split('\n'): line = line.strip(); if line == "": continue; split = line.split(); if len(split) < 2: internal_error += "gpgv status line is malformed (< 2 atoms) ['%s'].\n" % (line); continue; (gnupg, keyword) = split[:2]; if gnupg != "[GNUPG:]": internal_error += "gpgv status line is malformed (incorrect prefix '%s').\n" % (gnupg); continue; args = split[2:]; if keywords.has_key(keyword) and (keyword != "NODATA" and keyword != "SIGEXPIRED"): internal_error += "found duplicate status token ('%s').\n" % (keyword); continue; else: keywords[keyword] = args; # If we failed to parse the status-fd output, let's just whine and bail now if internal_error: reject("internal error while performing signature check on %s." % (sig_filename)); reject(internal_error, ""); reject("Please report the above errors to the Archive maintainers by replying to this mail.", ""); return None; # Now check for obviously bad things in the processed output if keywords.has_key("SIGEXPIRED"): reject("The key used to sign %s has expired." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; if keywords.has_key("KEYREVOKED"): reject("The key used to sign %s has been revoked." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; if keywords.has_key("BADSIG"): reject("bad signature on %s." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; if keywords.has_key("ERRSIG") and not keywords.has_key("NO_PUBKEY"): reject("failed to check signature on %s." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; if keywords.has_key("NO_PUBKEY"): args = keywords["NO_PUBKEY"]; if len(args) >= 1: key = args[0]; reject("The key (0x%s) used to sign %s wasn't found in the keyring(s)." % (key, sig_filename)); bad = 1; if keywords.has_key("BADARMOR"): reject("ASCII armour of signature was corrupt in %s." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; if keywords.has_key("NODATA"): reject("no signature found in %s." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; if bad: return None; # Next check gpgv exited with a zero return code if exit_status: reject("gpgv failed while checking %s." % (sig_filename)); if status.strip(): reject(prefix_multi_line_string(status, " [GPG status-fd output:] "), ""); else: reject(prefix_multi_line_string(output, " [GPG output:] "), ""); return None; # Sanity check the good stuff we expect if not keywords.has_key("VALIDSIG"): reject("signature on %s does not appear to be valid [No VALIDSIG]." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; else: args = keywords["VALIDSIG"]; if len(args) < 1: reject("internal error while checking signature on %s." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; else: fingerprint = args[0]; if not keywords.has_key("GOODSIG"): reject("signature on %s does not appear to be valid [No GOODSIG]." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; if not keywords.has_key("SIG_ID"): reject("signature on %s does not appear to be valid [No SIG_ID]." % (sig_filename)); bad = 1; # Finally ensure there's not something we don't recognise known_keywords = Dict(VALIDSIG="",SIG_ID="",GOODSIG="",BADSIG="",ERRSIG="", SIGEXPIRED="",KEYREVOKED="",NO_PUBKEY="",BADARMOR="", NODATA=""); for keyword in keywords.keys(): if not known_keywords.has_key(keyword): reject("found unknown status token '%s' from gpgv with args '%r' in %s." % (keyword, keywords[keyword], sig_filename)); bad = 1; if bad: return None; else: return fingerprint; ################################################################################ # Inspired(tm) by http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/1022242603 def wrap(paragraph, max_length, prefix=""): line = ""; s = ""; have_started = 0; words = paragraph.split(); for word in words: word_size = len(word); if word_size > max_length: if have_started: s += line + '\n' + prefix; s += word + '\n' + prefix; else: if have_started: new_length = len(line) + word_size + 1; if new_length > max_length: s += line + '\n' + prefix; line = word; else: line += ' ' + word; else: line = word; have_started = 1; if have_started: s += line; return s; ################################################################################ # Relativize an absolute symlink from 'src' -> 'dest' relative to 'root'. # Returns fixed 'src' def clean_symlink (src, dest, root): src = src.replace(root, '', 1); dest = dest.replace(root, '', 1); dest = os.path.dirname(dest); new_src = '../' * len(dest.split('/')); return new_src + src; ################################################################################ def temp_filename(directory=None, dotprefix=None, perms=0700): """Return a secure and unique filename by pre-creating it. If 'directory' is non-null, it will be the directory the file is pre-created in. If 'dotprefix' is non-null, the filename will be prefixed with a '.'.""" if directory: old_tempdir = tempfile.tempdir; tempfile.tempdir = directory; filename = tempfile.mktemp(); if dotprefix: filename = "%s/.%s" % (os.path.dirname(filename), os.path.basename(filename)); fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, perms); os.close(fd); if directory: tempfile.tempdir = old_tempdir; return filename; ################################################################################ apt_pkg.init(); Cnf = apt_pkg.newConfiguration(); apt_pkg.ReadConfigFileISC(Cnf,default_config); if which_conf_file() != default_config: apt_pkg.ReadConfigFileISC(Cnf,which_conf_file()); ################################################################################