Note, that since [v1.14.0]( JustAuth has been integrated by default with [simple-http]( as the HTTP general interface (see the update [JustAuth 1.14.0 release! Perfect decoupling of HTTP tools]( Since most projects already integrate HTTP tools such as OkHttp3, apache HttpClient, and hutool-http), in order to reduce unnecessary dependencies,Starting from [v1.14.0](, JustAuth will not integrate hutool-http by default. If the developer's project is new or there is no integrated HTTP implementation tool in the project, please add the corresponding HTTP implementation class by yourself. Alternative dependencies are as follows:
-[justauth-spring-boot-starter]( Spring Boot 集成 JustAuth 的最佳实践 by [xkcoding](
-[justauth-spring-boot-starter]( Spring Boot 集成 JustAuth 的最佳实践 by [xkcoding](
-[justauth-spring-security-starter]( JustAuth整合Spring security的 starter依赖 by [luoqiz](
-[justauth-spring-security-starter]( JustAuth整合Spring security的 starter依赖 by [luoqiz](
-[justauth-spring-boot-starter]( Spring Boot 集成 JustAuth 的最佳实践 by [xkcoding](
-[justauth-spring-security-starter]( JustAuth整合Spring security的 starter依赖 by [luoqiz](
-[project-template]( 作为前后端分离项目的后端模板整个项目基于springboot2.1.3,集jsr303框架做参数校验,spring security 做权限管理,并实现限制同一账号登陆会话数量功能,spring mail 发送邮件,justAuth做的第三方登陆, spring session做session共享,orm框架采用jpa,集成七牛云实现图片上传,redis实现分布式锁
-[project-template]( 作为前后端分离项目的后端模板整个项目基于springboot2.1.3,集jsr303框架做参数校验,spring security 做权限管理,并实现限制同一账号登陆会话数量功能,spring mail 发送邮件,justAuth做的第三方登陆, spring session做session共享,orm框架采用jpa,集成七牛云实现图片上传,redis实现分布式锁