/* * File : dfs_file.c * This file is part of Device File System in RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2004-2010, RT-Thread Development Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2005-02-22 Bernard The first version. */ #include #include #define NO_WORKING_DIR "system does not support working dir\n" /** * this function will open a file which specified by path with specified flags. * * @param fd the file descriptor pointer to return the corresponding result. * @param path the spaciefied file path. * @param flags the flags for open operator. * * @return 0 on successful, -1 on failed. */ int dfs_file_open(struct dfs_fd* fd, const char *path, int flags) { struct dfs_filesystem* fs; char *fullpath; int result; /* parameter check */ if ( fd == RT_NULL ) return -DFS_STATUS_EINVAL; /* make sure we have an absolute path */ fullpath = dfs_normalize_path(RT_NULL, path); if (fullpath == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf(NO_WORKING_DIR); return -1; } dfs_log(DFS_DEBUG_INFO, ("open file:%s", fullpath)); /* find filesystem */ fs = dfs_filesystem_lookup(fullpath); if ( fs == RT_NULL ) { rt_free(fullpath); /* release path */ return -DFS_STATUS_ENOENT; } dfs_log(DFS_DEBUG_INFO, ("open in filesystem:%s", fs->ops->name)); fd->fs = fs; /* initilize the fd item */ fd->type = FT_REGULAR; fd->flags = flags; fd->size = 0; fd->pos = 0; if (dfs_subdir(fs->path, fullpath) == RT_NULL) fd->path = rt_strdup("/"); else fd->path = rt_strdup(dfs_subdir(fs->path, fullpath)); rt_free(fullpath); dfs_log(DFS_DEBUG_INFO, ("actul file path: %s\n", fd->path)); /* specific file system open routine */ if (fs->ops->open == RT_NULL) { /* clear fd */ rt_free(fd->path); rt_memset(fd, 0, sizeof(*fd)); return -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; } if ((result = fs->ops->open(fd)) < 0) { /* clear fd */ rt_free(fd->path); rt_memset(fd, 0, sizeof(*fd)); dfs_log(DFS_DEBUG_INFO, ("open failed")); return result; } fd->flags |= DFS_F_OPEN; if ( flags & DFS_O_DIRECTORY ) { fd->type = FT_DIRECTORY; fd->flags |= DFS_F_DIRECTORY; } dfs_log(DFS_DEBUG_INFO, ("open successful")); return 0; } /** * this function will close a file descriptor. * * @param fd the file descriptor to be closed. * * @return 0 on successful, -1 on failed. */ int dfs_file_close(struct dfs_fd* fd) { int result = 0; if (fd != RT_NULL && fd->fs->ops->close != RT_NULL) result = fd->fs->ops->close(fd); /* close fd error, return */ if ( result < 0 ) return result; rt_free(fd->path); rt_memset(fd, 0, sizeof(struct dfs_fd)); return result; } /** * this function will perform a io control on a file descriptor. * * @param fd the file descriptor. * @param cmd the command to send to file descriptor. * @param args the argument to send to file descriptor. * * @return 0 on successful, -1 on failed. */ int dfs_file_ioctl(struct dfs_fd* fd, int cmd, void *args) { struct dfs_filesystem* fs; if (fd == RT_NULL || fd->type != FT_REGULAR) return -DFS_STATUS_EINVAL; fs = fd->fs; if (fs->ops->ioctl != RT_NULL) return fs->ops->ioctl(fd, cmd, args); return -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; } /** * this function will read specified length data from a file descriptor to a buffer. * * @param fd the file descriptor. * @param buf the buffer to save the read data. * @param len the length of data buffer to be read. * * @return the actual read data bytes or 0 on end of file or failed. */ int dfs_file_read(struct dfs_fd* fd, void *buf, rt_size_t len) { struct dfs_filesystem* fs; int result = 0; if (fd == RT_NULL) return -DFS_STATUS_EINVAL; fs = (struct dfs_filesystem*) fd->fs; if (fs->ops->read == RT_NULL) return -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; if ( (result = fs->ops->read(fd, buf, len)) < 0 ) fd->flags |= DFS_F_EOF; return result; } /** * this function will fetch directory entries from a directory descriptor. * * @param fd the directory decriptor. * @param dirp the dirent buffer to save result. * @param nbytes the aviable room in the buffer. * * @return the read dirent, others on failed. */ int dfs_file_getdents(struct dfs_fd* fd, struct _dirent* dirp, rt_size_t nbytes) { struct dfs_filesystem* fs; /* parameter check */ if (fd == RT_NULL || fd->type != FT_DIRECTORY) return -DFS_STATUS_EINVAL; fs = (struct dfs_filesystem*) fd->fs; if (fs->ops->getdents != RT_NULL) return fs->ops->getdents(fd, dirp, nbytes); return -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; } /** * this function will unlink (remove) a specified path file from file system. * * @param path the specified path file to be unlinked. * * @return 0 on successful, -1 on failed. */ int dfs_file_unlink(const char *path) { int result; char *fullpath; struct dfs_filesystem* fs; result = DFS_STATUS_OK; /* Make sure we have an absolute path */ fullpath = dfs_normalize_path(RT_NULL, path); if ( fullpath == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf(NO_WORKING_DIR); return -DFS_STATUS_EINVAL; } /* get filesystem */ if ( (fs = dfs_filesystem_lookup(fullpath)) == RT_NULL) { result = -DFS_STATUS_ENOENT; goto __exit; } /* Check whether file is already open */ if (fd_is_open(fullpath) == 0) { result = -DFS_STATUS_EBUSY; goto __exit; } if (fs->ops->unlink != RT_NULL) { if (dfs_subdir(fs->path, fullpath) == RT_NULL) result = fs->ops->unlink(fs, "/"); else result = fs->ops->unlink(fs, dfs_subdir(fs->path, fullpath)); } else result = -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; __exit: rt_free(fullpath); return result; } /** * this function will write some specified length data to file system. * * @param fd the file descriptor. * @param buf the data buffer to be written. * @param len the data buffer length * * @return the actual written data length. */ int dfs_file_write(struct dfs_fd* fd, const void *buf, rt_size_t len) { struct dfs_filesystem* fs; if (fd == RT_NULL) return -DFS_STATUS_EINVAL; fs = fd->fs; if (fs->ops->write == RT_NULL) return -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; return fs->ops->write(fd, buf, len); } /** * this function will flush buffer on a file descriptor. * * @param fd the file descriptor. * * @return 0 on successful, -1 on failed. */ int dfs_file_flush(struct dfs_fd* fd) { struct dfs_filesystem* fs; if (fd == RT_NULL) return -DFS_STATUS_EINVAL; fs = fd->fs; if (fs->ops->flush == RT_NULL) return -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; return fs->ops->flush(fd); } /** * this function will seek the offset for specified file descriptor. * * @param fd the file descriptor. * @param offset the offset to be seeked. * * @return the current position after seek. */ int dfs_file_lseek(struct dfs_fd* fd, rt_off_t offset) { struct dfs_filesystem* fs = fd->fs; if (fd == RT_NULL) return -DFS_STATUS_EINVAL; if (fs->ops->lseek == RT_NULL) return -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; return fs->ops->lseek(fd, offset); } /** * this function will get file information. * * @param path the file path. * @param buf the data buffer to save stat description. * * @return 0 on successful, -1 on failed. */ int dfs_file_stat(const char *path, struct _stat *buf) { int result; char* fullpath; struct dfs_filesystem* fs; fullpath = dfs_normalize_path(RT_NULL, path); if ( fullpath == RT_NULL ) { rt_kprintf(NO_WORKING_DIR); return -1; } if ((fs = dfs_filesystem_lookup(fullpath)) == RT_NULL) { dfs_log(DFS_DEBUG_ERROR, ("can't find mounted filesystem on this path:%s", fullpath)); rt_free(fullpath); return -DFS_STATUS_ENOENT; } if (fullpath[0] == '/' && fullpath[1] == '\0') { /* it's the root directory */ buf->st_dev = 0; buf->st_mode = DFS_S_IRUSR | DFS_S_IRGRP | DFS_S_IROTH | DFS_S_IWUSR | DFS_S_IWGRP | DFS_S_IWOTH; buf->st_mode |= DFS_S_IFDIR | DFS_S_IXUSR | DFS_S_IXGRP | DFS_S_IXOTH; buf->st_size = 0; buf->st_mtime = 0; buf->st_blksize = 512; /* release full path */ rt_free(fullpath); return DFS_STATUS_OK; } /* get the real file path */ if (fs->ops->stat == RT_NULL) { rt_free(fullpath); dfs_log(DFS_DEBUG_ERROR, ("the filesystem didn't implement this function")); return -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; } result = fs->ops->stat(fs, fullpath, buf); rt_free(fullpath); return result; } /** * this funciton will rename an old path name to a new path name. * * @param oldpath the old path name. * @param newpath the new path name. * * @return 0 on successful, -1 on failed. */ int dfs_file_rename(const char* oldpath, const char* newpath) { int result; struct dfs_filesystem *oldfs, *newfs; char *oldfullpath, *newfullpath; result = DFS_STATUS_OK; oldfullpath = dfs_normalize_path(RT_NULL, oldpath); if ( oldfullpath == RT_NULL ) { rt_kprintf(NO_WORKING_DIR); result = -DFS_STATUS_ENOENT; goto __exit; } newfullpath = dfs_normalize_path(RT_NULL, newpath); if ( newfullpath == RT_NULL ) { rt_kprintf(NO_WORKING_DIR); result = -DFS_STATUS_ENOENT; goto __exit; } if ( (oldfs = dfs_filesystem_lookup(oldfullpath)) == RT_NULL ) { result = -DFS_STATUS_ENOENT; goto __exit; } if ( (newfs = dfs_filesystem_lookup(newfullpath)) == RT_NULL ) { result = -DFS_STATUS_ENOENT; goto __exit; } if ( oldfs == newfs ) { if ( oldfs->ops->rename == RT_NULL ) { result = -DFS_STATUS_ENOSYS; goto __exit; } result = oldfs->ops->rename(oldfs, oldfullpath, newfullpath); goto __exit; } result = -DFS_STATUS_EXDEV; __exit: rt_free(oldfullpath); rt_free(newfullpath); /* not at same file system, return EXDEV */ return result; } #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH #include static struct dfs_fd fd; static struct _dirent dirent; void ls(const char* pathname) { struct _stat stat; int length; char* fullpath; fullpath = rt_malloc(DFS_PATH_MAX + 1); if (fullpath == RT_NULL) return; /* out of memory */ /* list directory */ if ( dfs_file_open(&fd, pathname, DFS_O_DIRECTORY) == 0 ) { rt_kprintf("Directory %s:\n", pathname); do { rt_memset(&dirent, 0, sizeof(struct _dirent)); length = dfs_file_getdents(&fd, &dirent, sizeof(struct _dirent)); if ( length > 0 ) { rt_memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(struct _stat)); /* build full path for each file */ if (pathname[strlen(pathname) - 1] != '/') rt_snprintf(fullpath, DFS_PATH_MAX + 1, "%s%c%s", pathname, '/', dirent.d_name); else rt_snprintf(fullpath, DFS_PATH_MAX + 1, "%s%s", pathname, dirent.d_name); dfs_file_stat(fullpath, &stat); if ( stat.st_mode & DFS_S_IFDIR ) { rt_kprintf("%s\t\t\n", dirent.d_name); } else { rt_kprintf("%s\t\t%lu\n", dirent.d_name, stat.st_size); } } }while(length > 0); dfs_file_close(&fd); } else { rt_kprintf("No such directory\n"); } rt_free(fullpath); } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(ls, list directory contents) static void mkdir(const char* pathname) { /* make a new directory */ if (dfs_file_open(&fd, pathname, DFS_O_DIRECTORY | DFS_O_CREAT) == 0) { dfs_file_close(&fd); } else rt_kprintf("Can't mkdir %s\n", pathname); } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(mkdir, make a directory) void rm(const char* filename) { if (dfs_file_unlink(filename) < 0) { rt_kprintf("Delete %s failed\n", filename); } } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(rm, remove files or directories) void cat(const char* filename) { rt_uint32_t length; char buffer[81]; if (dfs_file_open(&fd, filename, DFS_O_RDONLY) < 0) { rt_kprintf("Open %s failed\n", filename); return; } do { rt_memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); length = dfs_file_read(&fd, buffer, 81); if (length > 0) { rt_kprintf("%s", buffer); } }while (length > 0); dfs_file_close(&fd); } FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(cat, print file) #endif