# Architecture This section discusses Spring Security’s high level architecture within Servlet based applications. We build on this high level understanding within [Authentication](authentication/index.html#servlet-authentication), [Authorization](authorization/index.html#servlet-authorization), [Protection Against Exploits](exploits/index.html#servlet-exploits) sections of the reference. ## A Review of `Filter`s Spring Security’s Servlet support is based on Servlet `Filter`s, so it is helpful to look at the role of `Filter`s generally first. The picture below shows the typical layering of the handlers for a single HTTP request. ![filterchain](../_images/servlet/architecture/filterchain.png) Figure 1. FilterChain The client sends a request to the application, and the container creates a `FilterChain` which contains the `Filter`s and `Servlet` that should process the `HttpServletRequest` based on the path of the request URI. In a Spring MVC application the `Servlet` is an instance of [`DispatcherServlet`](https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/5.3.16/reference/html/web.html#mvc-servlet). At most one `Servlet` can handle a single `HttpServletRequest` and `HttpServletResponse`. However, more than one `Filter` can be used to: * Prevent downstream `Filter`s or the `Servlet` from being invoked. In this instance the `Filter` will typically write the `HttpServletResponse`. * Modify the `HttpServletRequest` or `HttpServletResponse` used by the downstream `Filter`s and `Servlet` The power of the `Filter` comes from the `FilterChain` that is passed into it. Example 1. `FilterChain` Usage Example Java ``` public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) { // do something before the rest of the application chain.doFilter(request, response); // invoke the rest of the application // do something after the rest of the application } ``` Kotlin ``` fun doFilter(request: ServletRequest, response: ServletResponse, chain: FilterChain) { // do something before the rest of the application chain.doFilter(request, response) // invoke the rest of the application // do something after the rest of the application } ``` Since a `Filter` only impacts downstream `Filter`s and the `Servlet`, the order each `Filter` is invoked is extremely important. ## DelegatingFilterProxy Spring provides a `Filter` implementation named [`DelegatingFilterProxy`](https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/5.3.16/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/filter/DelegatingFilterProxy.html) that allows bridging between the Servlet container’s lifecycle and Spring’s `ApplicationContext`. The Servlet container allows registering `Filter`s using its own standards, but it is not aware of Spring defined Beans.`DelegatingFilterProxy` can be registered via standard Servlet container mechanisms, but delegate all the work to a Spring Bean that implements `Filter`. Here is a picture of how `DelegatingFilterProxy` fits into the [`Filter`s and the `FilterChain`](#servlet-filters-review). ![delegatingfilterproxy](../_images/servlet/architecture/delegatingfilterproxy.png) Figure 2. DelegatingFilterProxy `DelegatingFilterProxy` looks up *Bean Filter0* from the `ApplicationContext` and then invokes *Bean Filter0*. The pseudo code of `DelegatingFilterProxy` can be seen below. Example 2. `DelegatingFilterProxy` Pseudo Code Java ``` public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) { // Lazily get Filter that was registered as a Spring Bean // For the example in DelegatingFilterProxy delegate is an instance of Bean Filter0 Filter delegate = getFilterBean(someBeanName); // delegate work to the Spring Bean delegate.doFilter(request, response); } ``` Kotlin ``` fun doFilter(request: ServletRequest, response: ServletResponse, chain: FilterChain) { // Lazily get Filter that was registered as a Spring Bean // For the example in DelegatingFilterProxy delegate is an instance of Bean Filter0 val delegate: Filter = getFilterBean(someBeanName) // delegate work to the Spring Bean delegate.doFilter(request, response) } ``` Another benefit of `DelegatingFilterProxy` is that it allows delaying looking `Filter` bean instances. This is important because the container needs to register the `Filter` instances before the container can startup. However, Spring typically uses a `ContextLoaderListener` to load the Spring Beans which will not be done until after the `Filter` instances need to be registered. ## FilterChainProxy Spring Security’s Servlet support is contained within `FilterChainProxy`.`FilterChainProxy` is a special `Filter` provided by Spring Security that allows delegating to many `Filter` instances through [`SecurityFilterChain`](#servlet-securityfilterchain). Since `FilterChainProxy` is a Bean, it is typically wrapped in a [DelegatingFilterProxy](#servlet-delegatingfilterproxy). ![filterchainproxy](../_images/servlet/architecture/filterchainproxy.png) Figure 3. FilterChainProxy ## SecurityFilterChain [`SecurityFilterChain`](https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/5.6.2/api/org/springframework/security/web/SecurityFilterChain.html) is used by [FilterChainProxy](#servlet-filterchainproxy) to determine which Spring Security `Filter`s should be invoked for this request. ![securityfilterchain](../_images/servlet/architecture/securityfilterchain.png) Figure 4. SecurityFilterChain The [Security Filters](#servlet-security-filters) in `SecurityFilterChain` are typically Beans, but they are registered with `FilterChainProxy` instead of [DelegatingFilterProxy](#servlet-delegatingfilterproxy).`FilterChainProxy` provides a number of advantages to registering directly with the Servlet container or [DelegatingFilterProxy](#servlet-delegatingfilterproxy). First, it provides a starting point for all of Spring Security’s Servlet support. For that reason, if you are attempting to troubleshoot Spring Security’s Servlet support, adding a debug point in `FilterChainProxy` is a great place to start. Second, since `FilterChainProxy` is central to Spring Security usage it can perform tasks that are not viewed as optional. For example, it clears out the `SecurityContext` to avoid memory leaks. It also applies Spring Security’s [`HttpFirewall`](exploits/firewall.html#servlet-httpfirewall) to protect applications against certain types of attacks. In addition, it provides more flexibility in determining when a `SecurityFilterChain` should be invoked. In a Servlet container, `Filter`s are invoked based upon the URL alone. However, `FilterChainProxy` can determine invocation based upon anything in the `HttpServletRequest` by leveraging the `RequestMatcher` interface. In fact, `FilterChainProxy` can be used to determine which `SecurityFilterChain` should be used. This allows providing a totally separate configuration for different *slices* of your application. ![multi securityfilterchain](../_images/servlet/architecture/multi-securityfilterchain.png) Figure 5. Multiple SecurityFilterChain In the [Multiple SecurityFilterChain](#servlet-multi-securityfilterchain-figure) Figure `FilterChainProxy` decides which `SecurityFilterChain` should be used. Only the first `SecurityFilterChain` that matches will be invoked. If a URL of `/api/messages/` is requested, it will first match on `SecurityFilterChain0`'s pattern of `/api/**`, so only `SecurityFilterChain0` will be invoked even though it also matches on `SecurityFilterChainn`. If a URL of `/messages/` is requested, it will not match on `SecurityFilterChain0`'s pattern of `/api/**`, so `FilterChainProxy` will continue trying each `SecurityFilterChain`. Assuming that no other, `SecurityFilterChain` instances match `SecurityFilterChainn` will be invoked. Notice that `SecurityFilterChain0` has only three security `Filter`s instances configured. However, `SecurityFilterChainn` has four security `Filter`s configured. It is important to note that each `SecurityFilterChain` can be unique and configured in isolation. In fact, a `SecurityFilterChain` might have zero security `Filter`s if the application wants Spring Security to ignore certain requests. ## Security Filters The Security Filters are inserted into the [FilterChainProxy](#servlet-filterchainproxy) with the [SecurityFilterChain](#servlet-securityfilterchain) API. The [order of `Filter`](#servlet-filters-review)s matters. It is typically not necessary to know the ordering of Spring Security’s `Filter`s. However, there are times that it is beneficial to know the ordering Below is a comprehensive list of Spring Security Filter ordering: * ChannelProcessingFilter * WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter * SecurityContextPersistenceFilter * HeaderWriterFilter * CorsFilter * CsrfFilter * LogoutFilter * OAuth2AuthorizationRequestRedirectFilter * Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationRequestFilter * X509AuthenticationFilter * AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter * CasAuthenticationFilter * OAuth2LoginAuthenticationFilter * Saml2WebSsoAuthenticationFilter * [`UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter`](authentication/passwords/form.html#servlet-authentication-usernamepasswordauthenticationfilter) * OpenIDAuthenticationFilter * DefaultLoginPageGeneratingFilter * DefaultLogoutPageGeneratingFilter * ConcurrentSessionFilter * [`DigestAuthenticationFilter`](authentication/passwords/digest.html#servlet-authentication-digest) * BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter * [`BasicAuthenticationFilter`](authentication/passwords/basic.html#servlet-authentication-basic) * RequestCacheAwareFilter * SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter * JaasApiIntegrationFilter * RememberMeAuthenticationFilter * AnonymousAuthenticationFilter * OAuth2AuthorizationCodeGrantFilter * SessionManagementFilter * [`ExceptionTranslationFilter`](#servlet-exceptiontranslationfilter) * [`FilterSecurityInterceptor`](authorization/authorize-requests.html#servlet-authorization-filtersecurityinterceptor) * SwitchUserFilter ## Handling Security Exceptions The [`ExceptionTranslationFilter`](https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/5.6.2/api/org/springframework/security/web/access/ExceptionTranslationFilter.html) allows translation of [`AccessDeniedException`](https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/5.6.2/api/org/springframework/security/access/AccessDeniedException.html) and [`AuthenticationException`](https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/5.6.2/api//org/springframework/security/core/AuthenticationException.html) into HTTP responses. `ExceptionTranslationFilter` is inserted into the [FilterChainProxy](#servlet-filterchainproxy) as one of the [Security Filters](#servlet-security-filters). ![exceptiontranslationfilter](../_images/servlet/architecture/exceptiontranslationfilter.png) * ![number 1](../_images/icons/number_1.png) First, the `ExceptionTranslationFilter` invokes `FilterChain.doFilter(request, response)` to invoke the rest of the application. * ![number 2](../_images/icons/number_2.png) If the user is not authenticated or it is an `AuthenticationException`, then *Start Authentication*. * The [SecurityContextHolder](authentication/architecture.html#servlet-authentication-securitycontextholder) is cleared out * The `HttpServletRequest` is saved in the [`RequestCache`](https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/5.6.2/api/org/springframework/security/web/savedrequest/RequestCache.html). When the user successfully authenticates, the `RequestCache` is used to replay the original request. * The `AuthenticationEntryPoint` is used to request credentials from the client. For example, it might redirect to a log in page or send a `WWW-Authenticate` header. * ![number 3](../_images/icons/number_3.png) Otherwise if it is an `AccessDeniedException`, then *Access Denied*. The `AccessDeniedHandler` is invoked to handle access denied. | |If the application does not throw an `AccessDeniedException` or an `AuthenticationException`, then `ExceptionTranslationFilter` does not do anything.| |---|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| The pseudocode for `ExceptionTranslationFilter` looks something like this: ExceptionTranslationFilter pseudocode ``` try { filterChain.doFilter(request, response); (1) } catch (AccessDeniedException | AuthenticationException ex) { if (!authenticated || ex instanceof AuthenticationException) { startAuthentication(); (2) } else { accessDenied(); (3) } } ``` |**1**|You will recall from [A Review of `Filter`s](#servlet-filters-review) that invoking `FilterChain.doFilter(request, response)` is the equivalent of invoking the rest of the application.
This means that if another part of the application, (i.e. [`FilterSecurityInterceptor`](authorization/authorize-requests.html#servlet-authorization-filtersecurityinterceptor) or method security) throws an `AuthenticationException` or `AccessDeniedException` it will be caught and handled here.| |-----|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |**2**| If the user is not authenticated or it is an `AuthenticationException`, then *Start Authentication*. | |**3**| Otherwise, *Access Denied* | [Getting Started](getting-started.html)[Authentication](authentication/index.html)