--- Example [Hugo] website using GitLab with [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/). --- ## Netlify Configuration In order to build this site with Netlify, simply log in or register at https://app.netlify.com/, then select "New site from Git" from the top right. Select GitLab, authenticate if needed, and then select this project from the list. Netlify will handle the rest. In the meantime, you can take advantage of all the great GitLab features like merge requests, issue tracking, epics, and everything else GitLab has to offer. ## Building locally To work locally with this project, you'll have to follow the steps below: 1. Fork, clone or download this project 1. [Install][] Hugo 1. Preview your project: `hugo server` 1. Add content 1. Generate the website: `hugo` (optional) Read more at Hugo's [documentation][]. ### Preview your site If you clone or download this project to your local computer and run `hugo server`, your site can be accessed under `localhost:1313/hugo/`. The theme used is adapted from http://themes.gohugo.io/beautifulhugo/. ## Did you fork this project? If you forked this project for your own use, please go to your project's **Settings** and remove the forking relationship, which won't be necessary unless you want to contribute back to the upstream project. ## Troubleshooting 1. CSS is missing! That means two things: Either that you have wrongly set up the CSS URL in your templates, or your static generator has a configuration option that needs to be explicitly set in order to serve static assets under a relative URL. [hugo]: https://gohugo.io [install]: https://gohugo.io/overview/installing/ [documentation]: https://gohugo.io/overview/introduction/