/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *****************************************************************************/ package com.taosdata.jdbc; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * The Java SQL framework allows for multiple database drivers. Each driver * should supply a class that implements the Driver interface * *

* The DriverManager will try to load as many drivers as it can find and then * for any given connection request, it will ask each driver in turn to try to * connect to the target URL. * *

* It is strongly recommended that each Driver class should be small and stand * alone so that the Driver class can be loaded and queried without bringing in * vast quantities of supporting code. * *

* When a Driver class is loaded, it should create an instance of itself and * register it with the DriverManager. This means that a user can load and * register a driver by doing Class.forName("foo.bah.Driver") */ public class TSDBDriver implements java.sql.Driver { @Deprecated private static final String URL_PREFIX1 = "jdbc:TSDB://"; private static final String URL_PREFIX = "jdbc:TAOS://"; /** * Key used to retrieve the database value from the properties instance passed * to the driver. */ public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_DBNAME = "dbname"; /** * Key used to retrieve the host value from the properties instance passed to * the driver. */ public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_HOST = "host"; /** * Key used to retrieve the password value from the properties instance passed * to the driver. */ public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD = "password"; /** * Key used to retrieve the port number value from the properties instance * passed to the driver. */ public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_PORT = "port"; /** * Key used to retrieve the user value from the properties instance passed to * the driver. */ public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_USER = "user"; /** * Key for the configuration file directory of TSDB client in properties instance */ public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR = "cfgdir"; /** * Key for the timezone used by the TSDB client in properties instance */ public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE = "timezone"; /** * Key for the locale used by the TSDB client in properties instance */ public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE = "locale"; /** * Key for the char encoding used by the TSDB client in properties instance */ public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET = "charset"; public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_PROTOCOL = "protocol"; /** * Index for port coming out of parseHostPortPair(). */ public final static int PORT_NUMBER_INDEX = 1; /** * Index for host coming out of parseHostPortPair(). */ public final static int HOST_NAME_INDEX = 0; private TSDBDatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = null; static { try { java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver(new TSDBDriver()); } catch (SQLException E) { throw new RuntimeException(TSDBConstants.WrapErrMsg("can't register tdengine jdbc driver!")); } } public Connection connect(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException { if (url == null) { throw new SQLException(TSDBConstants.WrapErrMsg("url is not set!")); } Properties props = null; if ((props = parseURL(url, info)) == null) { return null; } try { TSDBJNIConnector.init((String) props.get(PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR), (String) props.get(PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE), (String) props.get(PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET), (String) props.get(PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE)); Connection newConn = new TSDBConnection(props, this.dbMetaData); return newConn; } catch (SQLWarning sqlWarning) { sqlWarning.printStackTrace(); Connection newConn = new TSDBConnection(props, this.dbMetaData); return newConn; } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { throw sqlEx; } catch (Exception ex) { SQLException sqlEx = new SQLException("SQLException:" + ex.toString()); sqlEx.initCause(ex); throw sqlEx; } } /** * Parses hostPortPair in the form of [host][:port] into an array, with the * element of index HOST_NAME_INDEX being the host (or null if not specified), * and the element of index PORT_NUMBER_INDEX being the port (or null if not * specified). * * @param hostPortPair * host and port in form of of [host][:port] * * @return array containing host and port as Strings * * @throws SQLException * if a parse error occurs */ protected static String[] parseHostPortPair(String hostPortPair) throws SQLException { String[] splitValues = new String[2]; int portIndex = hostPortPair.indexOf(":"); String hostname = null; if (portIndex != -1) { if ((portIndex + 1) < hostPortPair.length()) { String portAsString = hostPortPair.substring(portIndex + 1); hostname = hostPortPair.substring(0, portIndex); splitValues[HOST_NAME_INDEX] = hostname; splitValues[PORT_NUMBER_INDEX] = portAsString; } else { throw new SQLException(TSDBConstants.WrapErrMsg("port is not proper!")); } } else { splitValues[HOST_NAME_INDEX] = hostPortPair; splitValues[PORT_NUMBER_INDEX] = null; } return splitValues; } public boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException { return true; } public DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException { if (info == null) { info = new Properties(); } if ((url != null) && (url.startsWith(URL_PREFIX) || url.startsWith(URL_PREFIX1))) { info = parseURL(url, info); } DriverPropertyInfo hostProp = new DriverPropertyInfo(PROPERTY_KEY_HOST, info.getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_HOST)); hostProp.required = true; DriverPropertyInfo portProp = new DriverPropertyInfo(PROPERTY_KEY_PORT, info.getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_PORT, TSDBConstants.DEFAULT_PORT)); portProp.required = false; DriverPropertyInfo dbProp = new DriverPropertyInfo(PROPERTY_KEY_DBNAME, info.getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_DBNAME)); dbProp.required = false; dbProp.description = "Database name"; DriverPropertyInfo userProp = new DriverPropertyInfo(PROPERTY_KEY_USER, info.getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_USER)); userProp.required = true; DriverPropertyInfo passwordProp = new DriverPropertyInfo(PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD, info.getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD)); passwordProp.required = true; DriverPropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = new DriverPropertyInfo[5]; propertyInfo[0] = hostProp; propertyInfo[1] = portProp; propertyInfo[2] = dbProp; propertyInfo[3] = userProp; propertyInfo[4] = passwordProp; return propertyInfo; } /** * example: jdbc:TSDB:// */ public Properties parseURL(String url, Properties defaults) throws java.sql.SQLException { Properties urlProps = (defaults != null) ? defaults : new Properties(); if (url == null) { return null; } if (!StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, URL_PREFIX) && !StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, URL_PREFIX1)) { return null; } String urlForMeta = url; String dbProductName = url.substring(url.indexOf(":") + 1); dbProductName = dbProductName.substring(0, dbProductName.indexOf(":")); int beginningOfSlashes = url.indexOf("//"); url = url.substring(beginningOfSlashes + 2); String host = url.substring(0, url.indexOf(":")); url = url.substring(url.indexOf(":") + 1); urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_HOST, host); String port = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("/")); urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_PORT, port); url = url.substring(url.indexOf("/") + 1); if (url.indexOf("?") != -1) { String dbName = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")); urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_DBNAME, dbName); url = url.trim().substring(1); } else { // without user & password so return String dbName = url.trim(); urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_DBNAME, dbName); this.dbMetaData = new TSDBDatabaseMetaData(dbProductName, urlForMeta, urlProps.getProperty("user")); return urlProps; } String[] queryStrings = url.trim().split("&"); String user = ""; for (String queryStr : queryStrings) { String[] kvPair = queryStr.trim().split("="); switch (kvPair[0].toLowerCase()) { case PROPERTY_KEY_USER: urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_USER, kvPair[1]); user = kvPair[1]; break; case PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD: urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD, kvPair[1]); break; case PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE: urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE, kvPair[1]); break; case PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE: urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE, kvPair[1]); break; case PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET: urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET, kvPair[1]); break; case PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR: urlProps.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR, kvPair[1]); break; } } this.dbMetaData = new TSDBDatabaseMetaData(dbProductName, urlForMeta, user); return urlProps; } public int getMajorVersion() { return 1; } public int getMinorVersion() { return 1; } public boolean jdbcCompliant() { return false; } public Logger getParentLogger() throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException { return null; } /** * Returns the host property * * @param props * the java.util.Properties instance to retrieve the hostname from. * * @return the host */ public String host(Properties props) { return props.getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_HOST, "localhost"); } /** * Returns the port number property * * @param props * the properties to get the port number from * * @return the port number */ public int port(Properties props) { return Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_PORT, TSDBConstants.DEFAULT_PORT)); } /** * Returns the database property from props * * @param props * the Properties to look for the database property. * * @return the database name. */ public String database(Properties props) { return props.getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_DBNAME); } }