title: zendata config syntax desc: # File composition # zendata defines the format for each field in YAML file. # YAML file is composed of file description and field definition. # File description # title: A short text to summarize the data type defined by this file. # desc: Detailed text to describe the data type defined in this file, optional. # author: Optional. # version: Version number, optional. # Field list # Field is defined in fields. # A YAML file contains one or more fields. # Field list starts from -field. # A child field can be defined by fields. # Field definition # field: Field name; letters, digits, underlines and dots only. # range: List range; the most important definition. # loop: The number of loops; define how many times a field can loop. # loopfix: The connector for each loop. # format: Support formatted output. # prefix: Prefix of this field. # postfix: Postfix of this field. # length: The length of this field. If separators are not used, specify the field length in bytes. # leftpad: Left-padded characters. If the length is not enough, specify a character. The default is space. # rightpad: Right-padded characters. If the length is not enough, specify a character. # config: Refer to the definition in other file. # from: Refer to a definition file. # use: Use instances defined in the referred file. # select: If refer to an excel table, you can query a field in it. # where: If refer to an excel table, you can use query conditions. # range definition # Use commas to connect elements. e.g. range: 1,2,3. # Elements can be a range, e.g. range:1-10, A-Z. # Use colons to define steps, e.g. range:1-10:2. # Steps can be decimals, e.g. range: 1-10:0.1. # Intervals can be set as random by R, e.g. range: 1-10:R. Set either random or a specified step. # Use a file to specify a list, e.g. range: list.txt. If the file name is a relative path, it is based on the config file. # Use {n} to repeat a element, e.g. range: user1{100},user2{100}. # Use [], if intervals and elements are repeated, e.g. range: [user1,user2,user3]{100}. author: zentao version: 1.0 fields: - field: field_common # The list type by default. Separated by commas. range: 1-10, 20-25, 27, 29, 30 # 1,2,3...,10,20,21,22...,25,27,29.30 prefix: int_ # Prefix postfix: \t # Postfix - field: field_step # Interval steps can be specified. range: 1-10:2, 1-2:0.1 # 1,3,5,7,9,1, 1.1,1.2...,2 - field: field_random # Use R to specify randomly. Set either R or a specified step. range: 1-10:R # 1,5,8... - field: field_file # Read a list from a file and set it as random. range: _users.txt:R # Using the lines of users.txt as range and set it as random. - field: field_loop # Self-loop field. range: a-z # a_b_c | d_e_f | g_h_i loop: 3 # Loop three times. loopfix: _ # The connector for each loop. postfix: | - field: field_repeat # Use {} to define repeated elements. range: user-1{3},[user2,user3]{2} # user-1,user-1,user-1,user2,user3,user2,user3 - field: field_format # Output as formatted strings. range: 1-10 # passwd 1,passwd 2,passwd 3 ... passwd10。 format: "passwd%02d" - field: field_use_another_file # Other definition file can be referred. config: _numb_field.yaml # Refer to the definition in nubmer.yaml of the current directory. - field: field_use_ranges_file # Other definition file can be referred, in which more than one ranges are defined. from: _numb_ranges.yaml # Refer to the definition in _numb_ranges.yaml of the current directory. use: medium # use medium range. - field: field_use_instance # Refer to other definition file which defines multiple instances. from: system.ip.v1.yaml # Refer to data/system/ip/v1.yaml. use: privateB,privateC # Use the two instances of privateC and privateB defined in this file. - field: field_use_excel # Read the data from the data source of excel. from: system.address.v1.china # Read the book named china in data/system/address/v1.xlsx. select: city # Query the field city. where: cityCode = 852 # Query condition. - field: field_with_children # Embeded field. fields: - field: child1 range: a-z prefix: part1_ postfix: '|' - field: child2 range: A-Z prefix: part2_ postfix: '|' - field: child_with_child prefix: part3_ postfix: fields: - field: field_grandson prefix: int_ range: 10-20 postfix: