提交 3e9f3bcd 编写于 作者: aaronchen2k2k's avatar aaronchen2k2k

close task 7501

上级 738db9bf
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ version: 1.0
- field: test
range: 9-1:2{2}
range: 9-1:-2{2}
- field: field_use_instance # 引用default.xml里的嵌套字段
prefix: "[" # 复写前缀
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func CheckRangeType(startStr string, endStr string, stepStr string) (string, int
rand = true
if int1 > int2 && step.(int) > 0 {
if (int1 > int2 && step.(int) > 0) || (int1 < int2 && step.(int) < 0) {
step = -1 * step.(int)
return "int", step, 0, rand
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func CheckRangeType(startStr string, endStr string, stepStr string) (string, int
precision := getPrecision(float1, step)
if float1 > float2 && step.(int) > 0 {
if (float1 > float2 && step.(int) > 0) || (float1 < float2 && step.(int) < 0) {
step = -1 * step.(int)
return "float", step, precision, rand
......@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ func CheckRangeType(startStr string, endStr string, stepStr string) (string, int
rand = true
if strings.Compare(startStr,endStr) > 0 && step.(int) > 0 {
if (strings.Compare(startStr,endStr) > 0 && step.(int) > 0) ||
(strings.Compare(startStr,endStr) < 0 && step.(int) < 0) {
step = -1 * step.(int)
return "char", step, 0, rand
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