提交 2899f59e 编写于 作者: aaronchen2k2k's avatar aaronchen2k2k

new features for 1.1

上级 f28b92d7
......@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ fields:
from: system.ip.v1.yaml # Refer to data/system/ip/v1.yaml.
use: privateB,privateC # Use the two instances of privateC and privateB defined in this file.
- field: field_use_excel # Read the data from the data source of excel.
from: system.address.v1.china # Read the book named china in data/system/address/v1.xlsx.
select: city # Query the field city.
where: zipCode>250000 AND zipCode<274001 # Query condition.
- field: field_use_excel # Read the data from the data source of excel.
from: system.address.v1.china # Read the book named china in data/system/address/v1.xlsx.
select: city # Query the field city.
where: cityCode = 852 # Query condition.
- field: field_with_children # Embeded field.
- field: field_with_children # Embeded field.
- field: child1
range: a-z
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