/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Stephen Connolly, Tom Huybrechts * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.model; import hudson.BulkChange; import hudson.Util; import hudson.XmlFile; import hudson.model.Node.Mode; import hudson.triggers.SafeTimerTask; import hudson.triggers.Trigger; import hudson.util.OneShotEvent; import hudson.util.TimeUnit2; import hudson.util.XStream2; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.management.timer.Timer; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.acegisecurity.AccessDeniedException; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.ExportedBean; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.AbstractSingleValueConverter; /** * Build queue. * *

* This class implements the core scheduling logic. {@link Task} represents the executable * task that are placed in the queue. While in the queue, it's wrapped into {@link Item} * so that we can keep track of additional data used for deciding what to exeucte when. * *

* Items in queue goes through several stages, as depicted below: *

 * (enter) --> waitingList --+--> blockedProjects
 *                           |        ^
 *                           |        |
 *                           |        v
 *                           +--> buildables ---> (executed)
* *

* In addition, at any stage, an item can be removed from the queue (for example, when the user * cancels a job in the queue.) See the corresponding field for their exact meanings. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ @ExportedBean public class Queue extends ResourceController implements Saveable { /** * Items that are waiting for its quiet period to pass. * *

* This consists of {@link Item}s that cannot be run yet * because its time has not yet come. */ private final Set waitingList = new TreeSet(); /** * {@link Task}s that can be built immediately * but blocked because another build is in progress, * required {@link Resource}s are not available, or otherwise blocked * by {@link Task#isBuildBlocked()}. */ private final ItemList blockedProjects = new ItemList(); /** * {@link Task}s that can be built immediately * that are waiting for available {@link Executor}. */ private final ItemList buildables = new ItemList(); /** * Data structure created for each idle {@link Executor}. * This is a job offer from the queue to an executor. * *

* An idle executor (that calls {@link Queue#pop()} creates * a new {@link JobOffer} and gets itself {@linkplain Queue#parked parked}, * and we'll eventually hand out an {@link #item} to build. */ public static class JobOffer { public final Executor executor; /** * Used to wake up an executor, when it has an offered * {@link Project} to build. */ private final OneShotEvent event = new OneShotEvent(); /** * The project that this {@link Executor} is going to build. * (Or null, in which case event is used to trigger a queue maintenance.) */ private BuildableItem item; private JobOffer(Executor executor) { this.executor = executor; } public void set(BuildableItem p) { assert this.item == null; this.item = p; event.signal(); } /** * Verifies that the {@link Executor} represented by this object is capable of executing the given task. */ public boolean canTake(Task task) { Label l = task.getAssignedLabel(); if(l!=null && !l.contains(getNode())) return false; // the task needs to be executed on label that this node doesn't have. if(l==null && getNode().getMode()== Mode.EXCLUSIVE) return false; // this node is reserved for tasks that are tied to it return isAvailable(); } /** * Is this executor ready to accept some tasks? */ public boolean isAvailable() { return item == null && !executor.getOwner().isOffline() && executor.getOwner().isAcceptingTasks(); } public Node getNode() { return executor.getOwner().getNode(); } public boolean isNotExclusive() { return getNode().getMode() == Mode.NORMAL; } } /** * The executors that are currently waiting for a job to run. */ private final Map parked = new HashMap(); private volatile transient LoadBalancer loadBalancer; public Queue(LoadBalancer loadBalancer) { this.loadBalancer = loadBalancer.sanitize(); // if all the executors are busy doing something, then the queue won't be maintained in // timely fashion, so use another thread to make sure it happens. new MaintainTask(this); } public LoadBalancer getLoadBalancer() { return loadBalancer; } public void setLoadBalancer(LoadBalancer loadBalancer) { if(loadBalancer==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.loadBalancer = loadBalancer; } /** * Loads the queue contents that was {@link #save() saved}. */ public synchronized void load() { try { // first try the old format File queueFile = getQueueFile(); if (queueFile.exists()) { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(queueFile))); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { AbstractProject j = Hudson.getInstance().getItemByFullName(line, AbstractProject.class); if (j != null) j.scheduleBuild(); } in.close(); // discard the queue file now that we are done queueFile.delete(); } else { queueFile = getXMLQueueFile(); if (queueFile.exists()) { List list = (List) new XmlFile(XSTREAM, queueFile).read(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { if (list.get(0) instanceof Queue.Task) { // backward compatiblity for (Task task : (List) list) { add(task, 0); } } else if (list.get(0) instanceof Item) { int maxId = 0; for (Item item: (List) list) { maxId = Math.max(maxId, item.id); if (item instanceof WaitingItem) { waitingList.add((WaitingItem) item); } else if (item instanceof BlockedItem) { blockedProjects.put(item.task, (BlockedItem) item); } else if (item instanceof BuildableItem) { buildables.add((BuildableItem) item); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown item type! " + item); } } WaitingItem.COUNTER.set(maxId); } } // I just had an incident where all the executors are dead at AbstractProject._getRuns() // because runs is null. Debugger revealed that this is caused by a MatrixConfiguration // object that doesn't appear to be de-serialized properly. // I don't know how this problem happened, but to diagnose this problem better // when it happens again, save the old queue file for introspection. File bk = new File(queueFile.getPath() + ".bak"); bk.delete(); queueFile.renameTo(bk); queueFile.delete(); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load the queue file " + getQueueFile(), e); } } /** * Persists the queue contents to the disk. */ public synchronized void save() { if(BulkChange.contains(this)) return; // write out the tasks on the queue ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); for (Item item: getItems()) { items.add(item); } try { new XmlFile(XSTREAM, getXMLQueueFile()).write(items); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to write out the queue file " + getQueueFile(), e); } } /** * Wipes out all the items currently in the queue, as if all of them are cancelled at once. */ public synchronized void clear() { waitingList.clear(); blockedProjects.clear(); buildables.clear(); scheduleMaintenance(); } private File getQueueFile() { return new File(Hudson.getInstance().getRootDir(), "queue.txt"); } /*package*/ File getXMLQueueFile() { return new File(Hudson.getInstance().getRootDir(), "queue.xml"); } /** * Schedule a new build for this project. * * @return true if the project is actually added to the queue. * false if the queue contained it and therefore the add() * was noop */ public boolean add(AbstractProject p) { return add(p, p.getQuietPeriod()); } /** * Schedules a new build with a custom quiet period. * *

* Left for backward compatibility with <1.114. * * @since 1.105 */ public synchronized boolean add(AbstractProject p, int quietPeriod) { return add((Task) p, quietPeriod); } /** * Schedules an execution of a task. * * @param quietPeriod Number of seconds that the task will be placed in queue. * Useful when the same task is likely scheduled for multiple * times. * @return true if the project 'p' is actually added to the queue. * false if the queue contained it and therefore the add() * was noop, or just changed the due date of the task. * @since 1.114 */ private synchronized boolean add(Task p, int quietPeriod, List actions) { boolean taskConsumed=false; List items = getItems(p); Calendar due = new GregorianCalendar(); due.add(Calendar.SECOND, quietPeriod); List duplicatesInQueue = new ArrayList(); for(Item item : items) { boolean shouldScheduleItem = false; for (Action action: item.getActions()) { if (action instanceof QueueAction) shouldScheduleItem |= ((QueueAction) action).shouldSchedule(actions); } for (Action action: actions) { if (action instanceof QueueAction) { shouldScheduleItem |= ((QueueAction) action).shouldSchedule(item.getActions()); } } if(!shouldScheduleItem) { duplicatesInQueue.add(item); } } if (duplicatesInQueue.size() == 0) { LOGGER.fine(p.getFullDisplayName() + " added to queue"); // put the item in the queue waitingList.add(new WaitingItem(due,p,actions)); taskConsumed=true; } else { // the requested build is already queued, so will not be added List waitingDuplicates = new ArrayList(); for(Item item : duplicatesInQueue) { for(Action a : actions) { if(a instanceof FoldableAction) { ((FoldableAction)a).foldIntoExisting(item.task, item.getActions()); } } if ((item instanceof WaitingItem)) waitingDuplicates.add((WaitingItem)item); } if(duplicatesInQueue.size() == 0) { // all duplicates in the queue are already in the blocked or // buildable stage no need to requeue return false; } // TODO: avoid calling scheduleMaintenance() if none of the waiting items // actually change for(WaitingItem wi : waitingDuplicates) { if(quietPeriod<=0) { // the user really wants to build now, and they mean NOW. // so let's pull in the timestamp if we can. if (wi.timestamp.before(due)) continue; } else { // otherwise we do the normal quiet period implementation if (wi.timestamp.after(due)) continue; // quiet period timer reset. start the period over again } // waitingList is sorted, so when we change a timestamp we need to maintain order waitingList.remove(wi); wi.timestamp = due; waitingList.add(wi); } } scheduleMaintenance(); // let an executor know that a new item is in the queue. return taskConsumed; } public synchronized boolean add(Task p, int quietPeriod) { return add(p, quietPeriod, new Action[0]); } public synchronized boolean add(Task p, int quietPeriod, Action... actions) { return add(p, quietPeriod, Arrays.asList(actions)); } /** * Cancels the item in the queue. If the item is scheduled more than once, cancels the first occurrence. * * @return true if the project was indeed in the queue and was removed. * false if this was no-op. */ public synchronized boolean cancel(Task p) { LOGGER.fine("Cancelling " + p.getFullDisplayName()); for (Iterator itr = waitingList.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { Item item = itr.next(); if (item.task.equals(p)) { itr.remove(); return true; } } // use bitwise-OR to make sure that both branches get evaluated all the time return blockedProjects.remove(p)!=null | buildables.remove(p)!=null; } public synchronized boolean cancel(Item item) { LOGGER.fine("Cancelling " + item.task.getFullDisplayName() + " item#" + item.id); // use bitwise-OR to make sure that both branches get evaluated all the time return (item instanceof WaitingItem && waitingList.remove(item)) | blockedProjects.remove(item) | buildables.remove(item); } public synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return waitingList.isEmpty() && blockedProjects.isEmpty() && buildables.isEmpty(); } private synchronized WaitingItem peek() { return waitingList.iterator().next(); } /** * Gets a snapshot of items in the queue. */ @Exported(inline=true) public synchronized Item[] getItems() { Item[] r = new Item[waitingList.size() + blockedProjects.size() + buildables.size()]; waitingList.toArray(r); int idx = waitingList.size(); for (BlockedItem p : blockedProjects.values()) r[idx++] = p; for (BuildableItem p : buildables.values()) r[idx++] = p; return r; } public synchronized Item getItem(int id) { for (Item item: waitingList) if (item.id == id) return item; for (Item item: blockedProjects) if (item.id == id) return item; for (Item item: buildables) if (item.id == id) return item; return null; } /** * Gets all the {@link BuildableItem}s that are waiting for an executor in the given {@link Computer}. */ public synchronized List getBuildableItems(Computer c) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (BuildableItem p : buildables.values()) { Label l = p.task.getAssignedLabel(); if (l != null) { // if a project has assigned label, it can be only built on it if (!l.contains(c.getNode())) continue; } result.add(p); } return result; } /** * Gets the snapshot of {@link #buildables}. */ public synchronized List getBuildableItems() { return new ArrayList(buildables.values()); } /** * How many {@link BuildableItem}s are assigned for the given label? */ public synchronized int countBuildableItemsFor(Label l) { int r = 0; for (BuildableItem bi : buildables.values()) if(bi.task.getAssignedLabel()==l) r++; return r; } /** * Gets the information about the queue item for the given project. * * @return null if the project is not in the queue. */ public synchronized Item getItem(Task t) { BlockedItem bp = blockedProjects.get(t); if (bp!=null) return bp; BuildableItem bi = buildables.get(t); if(bi!=null) return bi; for (Item item : waitingList) { if (item.task == t) return item; } return null; } /** * Gets the information about the queue item for the given project. * * @return null if the project is not in the queue. */ public synchronized List getItems(Task t) { List result =new ArrayList(); result.addAll(blockedProjects.getAll(t)); result.addAll(buildables.getAll(t)); for (Item item : waitingList) { if (item.task == t) result.add(item); } return result; } /** * Left for backward compatibility. * * @see #getItem(Task) public synchronized Item getItem(AbstractProject p) { return getItem((Task) p); } */ /** * Returns true if this queue contains the said project. */ public synchronized boolean contains(Task t) { if (blockedProjects.containsKey(t) || buildables.containsKey(t)) return true; for (Item item : waitingList) { if (item.task == t) return true; } return false; } /** * Called by the executor to fetch something to build next. *

* This method blocks until a next project becomes buildable. */ public Queue.Item pop() throws InterruptedException { final Executor exec = Executor.currentExecutor(); try { while (true) { final JobOffer offer = new JobOffer(exec); long sleep = -1; synchronized (this) { // consider myself parked assert !parked.containsKey(exec); parked.put(exec, offer); // reuse executor thread to do a queue maintenance. // at the end of this we get all the buildable jobs // in the buildables field. maintain(); // allocate buildable jobs to executors Iterator itr = buildables.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { BuildableItem p = itr.next(); // one last check to make sure this build is not blocked. if (isBuildBlocked(p.task)) { itr.remove(); blockedProjects.put(p.task,new BlockedItem(p)); continue; } JobOffer runner = loadBalancer.choose(p.task, new ApplicableJobOfferList(p.task)); if (runner == null) // if we couldn't find the executor that fits, // just leave it in the buildables list and // check if we can execute other projects continue; assert runner.canTake(p.task); // found a matching executor. use it. runner.set(p); itr.remove(); } // we went over all the buildable projects and awaken // all the executors that got work to do. now, go to sleep // until this thread is awakened. If this executor assigned a job to // itself above, the block method will return immediately. if (!waitingList.isEmpty()) { // wait until the first item in the queue is due sleep = peek().timestamp.getTimeInMillis() - new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis(); if (sleep < 100) sleep = 100; // avoid wait(0) } } // this needs to be done outside synchronized block, // so that executors can maintain a queue while others are sleeping if (sleep == -1) offer.event.block(); else offer.event.block(sleep); synchronized (this) { // retract the offer object assert parked.get(exec) == offer; parked.remove(exec); // am I woken up because I have a project to build? if (offer.item != null) { LOGGER.fine("Pop returning " + offer.item + " for " + exec.getName()); // if so, just build it return offer.item; } // otherwise run a queue maintenance } } } finally { synchronized (this) { // remove myself from the parked list JobOffer offer = parked.remove(exec); if (offer != null && offer.item != null) { // we are already assigned a project, // ask for someone else to build it. // note that while this thread is waiting for CPU // someone else can schedule this build again, // so check the contains method first. if (!contains(offer.item.task)) buildables.put(offer.item.task,offer.item); } // since this executor might have been chosen for // maintenance, schedule another one. Worst case // we'll just run a pointless maintenance, and that's // fine. scheduleMaintenance(); } } } /** * Represents a list of {@linkplain JobOffer#canTake(Task) applicable} {@link JobOffer}s * and provides various typical */ public final class ApplicableJobOfferList implements Iterable { private final List list; // laziy filled private Map> nodes; private ApplicableJobOfferList(Task task) { list = new ArrayList(parked.size()); for (JobOffer j : parked.values()) if(j.canTake(task)) list.add(j); } /** * Returns all the {@linkplain JobOffer#isAvailable() available} {@link JobOffer}s. */ public List all() { return list; } public Iterator iterator() { return list.iterator(); } /** * List up all the {@link Node}s that have some available offers. */ public Set nodes() { return byNodes().keySet(); } /** * Gets a {@link JobOffer} for an executor of the given node, if any. * Otherwise null. */ public JobOffer _for(Node n) { List r = byNodes().get(n); if(r==null) return null; return r.get(0); } public Map> byNodes() { if(nodes==null) { nodes = new HashMap>(); for (JobOffer o : list) { List l = nodes.get(o.getNode()); if(l==null) nodes.put(o.getNode(),l=new ArrayList()); l.add(o); } } return nodes; } } /** * Checks the queue and runs anything that can be run. * *

* When conditions are changed, this method should be invoked. *

* This wakes up one {@link Executor} so that it will maintain a queue. */ public synchronized void scheduleMaintenance() { // this code assumes that after this method is called // no more executors will be offered job except by // the pop() code. for (Entry av : parked.entrySet()) { if (av.getValue().item == null) { av.getValue().event.signal(); return; } } } /** * Checks if the given task is blocked. */ private boolean isBuildBlocked(Task t) { return t.isBuildBlocked() || !canRun(t.getResourceList()); } /** * Queue maintenance. *

* Move projects between {@link #waitingList}, {@link #blockedProjects}, and {@link #buildables} * appropriately. */ public synchronized void maintain() { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) LOGGER.fine("Queue maintenance started " + this); Iterator itr = blockedProjects.values().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { BlockedItem p = itr.next(); if (!isBuildBlocked(p.task)) { // ready to be executed LOGGER.fine(p.task.getFullDisplayName() + " no longer blocked"); itr.remove(); buildables.put(p.task,new BuildableItem(p)); } } while (!waitingList.isEmpty()) { WaitingItem top = peek(); if (!top.timestamp.before(new GregorianCalendar())) return; // finished moving all ready items from queue Task p = top.task; if (!isBuildBlocked(p)) { // ready to be executed immediately waitingList.remove(top); LOGGER.fine(p.getFullDisplayName() + " ready to build"); buildables.put(p,new BuildableItem(top)); } else { // this can't be built now because another build is in progress // set this project aside. waitingList.remove(top); LOGGER.fine(p.getFullDisplayName() + " is blocked"); blockedProjects.put(p,new BlockedItem(top)); } } } public Api getApi() { return new Api(this); } /** * Task whose execution is controlled by the queue. * *

* {@link #equals(Object) Value equality} of {@link Task}s is used * to collapse two tasks into one. This is used to avoid infinite * queue backlog. * *

* Pending {@link Task}s are persisted when Hudson shuts down, so * it needs to be persistable. */ public interface Task extends ModelObject, ResourceActivity { /** * If this task needs to be run on a node with a particular label, * return that {@link Label}. Otherwise null, indicating * it can run on anywhere. */ Label getAssignedLabel(); /** * If the previous execution of this task run on a certain node * and this task prefers to run on the same node, return that. * Otherwise null. */ Node getLastBuiltOn(); /** * Returns true if the execution should be blocked * for temporary reasons. * *

* This can be used to define mutual exclusion that goes beyond * {@link #getResourceList()}. */ boolean isBuildBlocked(); /** * When {@link #isBuildBlocked()} is true, this method returns * human readable description of why the build is blocked. * Used for HTML rendering. */ String getWhyBlocked(); /** * Unique name of this task. * *

* This method is no longer used, left here for compatibility. Just return {@link #getDisplayName()}. */ String getName(); /** * @see hudson.model.Item#getFullDisplayName() */ String getFullDisplayName(); /** * Estimate of how long will it take to execute this task. * Measured in milliseconds. * * @return -1 if it's impossible to estimate. */ long getEstimatedDuration(); /** * Creates {@link Executable}, which performs the actual execution of the task. */ Executable createExecutable() throws IOException; /** * Checks the permission to see if the current user can abort this executable. * Returns normally from this method if it's OK. * * @throws AccessDeniedException if the permission is not granted. */ void checkAbortPermission(); /** * Works just like {@link #checkAbortPermission()} except it indicates the status by a return value, * instead of exception. */ boolean hasAbortPermission(); /** * Returns the URL of this task relative to the context root of the application. * *

* When the user clicks an item in the queue, this is the page where the user is taken to. * Hudson expects the current instance to be bound to the URL returned by this method. * * @return * URL that ends with '/'. */ String getUrl(); } public interface Executable extends Runnable { /** * Task from which this executable was created. * Never null. */ Task getParent(); /** * Called by {@link Executor} to perform the task */ void run(); } /** * Item in a queue. */ @ExportedBean(defaultVisibility = 999) public static abstract class Item extends Actionable { public final int id; /** * Project to be built. */ @Exported public final Task task; /** * Build is blocked because another build is in progress, * required {@link Resource}s are not available, or otherwise blocked * by {@link Task#isBuildBlocked()}. */ @Exported public boolean isBlocked() { return this instanceof BlockedItem; } /** * Build is waiting the executor to become available. * This flag is only used in {@link Queue#getItems()} for * 'pseudo' items that are actually not really in the queue. */ @Exported public boolean isBuildable() { return this instanceof BuildableItem; } /** * True if the item is starving for an executor for too long. */ @Exported public boolean isStuck() { return false; } protected Item(Task task, List actions, int id) { this.task = task; this.id = id; for (Action action: actions) addAction(action); } protected Item(Item item) { this(item.task, item.getActions(), item.id); } /** * Gets a human-readable status message describing why it's in the queue. */ @Exported public abstract String getWhy(); public boolean hasCancelPermission() { return task.hasAbortPermission(); } public String getDisplayName() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public String getSearchUrl() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /** * Called from queue.jelly. */ public void doCancelQueue( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp ) throws IOException, ServletException { Hudson.getInstance().getQueue().cancel(this); rsp.forwardToPreviousPage(req); } } /** * An optional interface for actions on Queue.Item. * Lets the action cooperate in queue management. */ public interface QueueAction extends Action { /** * Returns whether the new item should be scheduled. * An action should return true if the associated task is 'different enough' to warrant a separate execution. */ public boolean shouldSchedule(List actions); } /** * {@link Item} in the {@link Queue#waitingList} stage. */ public static final class WaitingItem extends Item implements Comparable { private static final AtomicInteger COUNTER = new AtomicInteger(0); /** * This item can be run after this time. */ @Exported public Calendar timestamp; WaitingItem(Calendar timestamp, Task project, List actions) { super(project, actions, COUNTER.incrementAndGet()); this.timestamp = timestamp; } public int compareTo(WaitingItem that) { int r = this.timestamp.getTime().compareTo(that.timestamp.getTime()); if (r != 0) return r; return this.id - that.id; } @Override public String getWhy() { long diff = timestamp.getTimeInMillis() - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (diff > 0) return Messages.Queue_InQuietPeriod(Util.getTimeSpanString(diff)); else return Messages.Queue_Unknown(); } } /** * Common part between {@link BlockedItem} and {@link BuildableItem}. */ public static abstract class NotWaitingItem extends Item { /** * When did this job exit the {@link Queue#waitingList} phase? */ @Exported public final long buildableStartMilliseconds; protected NotWaitingItem(WaitingItem wi) { super(wi); buildableStartMilliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis(); } protected NotWaitingItem(NotWaitingItem ni) { super(ni); buildableStartMilliseconds = ni.buildableStartMilliseconds; } } /** * {@link Item} in the {@link Queue#blockedProjects} stage. */ public final class BlockedItem extends NotWaitingItem { public BlockedItem(WaitingItem wi) { super(wi); } public BlockedItem(NotWaitingItem ni) { super(ni); } @Override public String getWhy() { ResourceActivity r = getBlockingActivity(task); if (r != null) { if (r == task) // blocked by itself, meaning another build is in progress return Messages.Queue_InProgress(); return Messages.Queue_BlockedBy(r.getDisplayName()); } return task.getWhyBlocked(); } } /** * {@link Item} in the {@link Queue#buildables} stage. */ public final static class BuildableItem extends NotWaitingItem { public BuildableItem(WaitingItem wi) { super(wi); } public BuildableItem(NotWaitingItem ni) { super(ni); } @Override public String getWhy() { Hudson hudson = Hudson.getInstance(); if(hudson.isQuietingDown()) return Messages.Queue_HudsonIsAboutToShutDown(); Label label = task.getAssignedLabel(); if (hudson.getNodes().isEmpty()) label = null; // no master/slave. pointless to talk about nodes String name = null; if (label != null) { name = label.getName(); if (label.isOffline()) { if (label.getNodes().size() > 1) return Messages.Queue_AllNodesOffline(name); else return Messages.Queue_NodeOffline(name); } } if(name==null) return Messages.Queue_WaitingForNextAvailableExecutor(); else return Messages.Queue_WaitingForNextAvailableExecutorOn(name); } @Override public boolean isStuck() { Label label = task.getAssignedLabel(); if(label!=null && label.isOffline()) // no executor online to process this job. definitely stuck. return true; long d = task.getEstimatedDuration(); long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis()-buildableStartMilliseconds; if(d>=0) { // if we were running elsewhere, we would have done this build ten times. return elapsed > Math.max(d,60000L)*10; } else { // more than a day in the queue return TimeUnit2.MILLISECONDS.toHours(elapsed)>24; } } } /** * Unique number generator */ private int iota = 0; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Queue.class.getName()); /** * This {@link XStream} instance is used to persist {@link Task}s. */ public static final XStream XSTREAM = new XStream2(); static { XSTREAM.registerConverter(new AbstractSingleValueConverter() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean canConvert(Class klazz) { return hudson.model.Item.class.isAssignableFrom(klazz); } @Override public Object fromString(String string) { Object item = Hudson.getInstance().getItemByFullName(string); if(item==null) throw new NoSuchElementException("No such job exists: "+string); return item; } @Override public String toString(Object item) { return ((hudson.model.Item) item).getFullName(); } }); XSTREAM.registerConverter(new AbstractSingleValueConverter() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public boolean canConvert(Class klazz) { return Run.class.isAssignableFrom(klazz); } @Override public Object fromString(String string) { String[] split = string.split("#"); String projectName = split[0]; int buildNumber = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); Job job = (Job) Hudson.getInstance().getItemByFullName(projectName); if(job==null) throw new NoSuchElementException("No such job exists: "+projectName); Run run = job.getBuildByNumber(buildNumber); if(run==null) throw new NoSuchElementException("No such build: "+string); return run; } @Override public String toString(Object object) { Run run = (Run) object; return run.getParent().getFullName() + "#" + run.getNumber(); } }); } /** * Regularly invokes {@link Queue#maintain()} and clean itself up when * {@link Queue} gets GC-ed. */ private static class MaintainTask extends SafeTimerTask { private final WeakReference queue; MaintainTask(Queue queue) { this.queue = new WeakReference(queue); long interval = 5 * Timer.ONE_SECOND; Trigger.timer.schedule(this, interval, interval); } protected void doRun() { Queue q = queue.get(); if (q != null) q.maintain(); else cancel(); } } /** * A MultiMap - LinkedMap crossover as a drop-in replacement for the previously used LinkedHashMap * And no, I don't care about performance ;) */ private static class ItemList extends ArrayList { public T get(Task task) { for (T item: this) { if (item.task == task) { return item; } } return null; } public List getAll(Task task) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (T item: this) { if (item.task == task) { result.add(item); } } return result; } public boolean containsKey(Task task) { return get(task) != null; } public T remove(Task task) { Iterator it = iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { T t = it.next(); if (t.task == task) { it.remove(); return t; } } return null; } public void put(Task task, T item) { assert item.task == task; add(item); } public ItemList values() { return this; } } }