<textarea> tag on steroids. The textarea will be rendered to fit the content. It also gets the resize handle. Used for databinding. TBD. This becomes @name of the <textarea> tag. If @field is specified, this value is inferred from it. The initial value of the field. This becomes the value of the <textarea> tag. If @field is specified, the current property from the "instance" object will be set as the initial value automatically, which is the recommended approach. The default value of the text box, in case both @value is and 'instance[field]' is null. If specified, the value entered in this input field will be checked (via AJAX) against this URL, and errors will be rendered under the text field. If @field is specified, this will be inferred automatically, which is the recommended approach. Turns this text area into CodeMirror-assisted code editing text area. This attribute specifies the mode of CodeMirror, such as "text/x-java". See http://codemirror.net/ for more details. Specifies additional key/value pairs in the JSON format (except the start and end bracket) to be passed as CodeMirror option object. If specified, this text area has preview feature. The previewEndpoint is used to obtain formatted html.