package hudson; import hudson.util.IOException2; import; import; import; import; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Represents a Hudson plug-in and associated control information * for Hudson to control {@link Plugin}. * *

* A plug-in is packaged into a jar file whose extension is ".hpi", * A plugin needs to have a special manifest entry to identify what it is. * *

* At the runtime, a plugin has two distinct state axis. *

  1. Enabled/Disabled. If enabled, Hudson is going to use it * next time Hudson runs. Otherwise the next run will ignore it. *
  2. Activated/Deactivated. If activated, that means Hudson is using * the plugin in this session. Otherwise it's not. *

* For example, an activated but disabled plugin is still running but the next * time it won't. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public final class PluginWrapper { /** * Plugin manifest. * Contains description of the plugin. */ private final Manifest manifest; /** * Loaded plugin instance. * Null if disabled. */ public final Plugin plugin; /** * {@link ClassLoader} for loading classes from this plugin. * Null if disabled. */ public final ClassLoader classLoader; /** * Base URL for loading static resources from this plugin. * Null if disabled. The static resources are mapped under * hudson/plugin/SHORTNAME/. */ public final URL baseResourceURL; /** * Used to control enable/disable setting of the plugin. * If this file exists, plugin will be disabled. */ private final File disableFile; /** * Short name of the plugin. The "abc" portion of "abc.hpl". */ private final String shortName; /** * @param archive * A .hpi archive file jar file, or a .hpl linked plugin. * * @throws IOException * if an installation of this plugin failed. The caller should * proceed to work with other plugins. */ public PluginWrapper(PluginManager owner, File archive) throws IOException {"Loading plugin: "+archive); this.shortName = getShortName(archive); boolean isLinked = archive.getName().endsWith(".hpl"); File expandDir = null; // if .hpi, this is the directory where war is expanded if(isLinked) { // resolve the .hpl file to the location of the manifest file String firstLine = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(archive)).readLine(); if(firstLine.startsWith("Manifest-Version:")) { // this is the manifest already } else { // in direction archive = resolve(archive, firstLine); } // then parse manifest FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(archive); try { manifest = new Manifest(in); } catch(IOException e) { throw new IOException2("Failed to load "+archive,e); } finally { in.close(); } } else { expandDir = new File(archive.getParentFile(), shortName); explode(archive,expandDir); File manifestFile = new File(expandDir,"META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); if(!manifestFile.exists()) { throw new IOException("Plugin installation failed. No manifest at "+manifestFile); } FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(manifestFile); try { manifest = new Manifest(fin); } finally { fin.close(); } } // TODO: define a mechanism to hide classes // String export = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Export"); List paths = new ArrayList(); if(isLinked) { parseClassPath(archive, paths, "Libraries", ","); parseClassPath(archive, paths, "Class-Path", " +"); // backward compatibility this.baseResourceURL = resolve(archive, manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Resource-Path")).toURL(); } else { File classes = new File(expandDir,"WEB-INF/classes"); if(classes.exists()) paths.add(classes.toURL()); File lib = new File(expandDir,"WEB-INF/lib"); File[] libs = lib.listFiles(JAR_FILTER); if(libs!=null) { for (File jar : libs) paths.add(jar.toURL()); } this.baseResourceURL = expandDir.toURL(); } this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(paths.toArray(new URL[0]), getClass().getClassLoader()); disableFile = new File(archive.getPath()+".disabled"); if(disableFile.exists()) {"Plugin is disabled"); this.plugin = null; return; } String className = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Plugin-Class"); if(className ==null) { throw new IOException("Plugin installation failed. No 'Plugin-Class' entry in the manifest of "+archive); } // override the context classloader so that XStream activity in plugin.start() // will be able to resolve classes in this plugin ClassLoader old = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoader); try { try { Class clazz = classLoader.loadClass(className); Object plugin = clazz.newInstance(); if(!(plugin instanceof Plugin)) { throw new IOException(className+" doesn't extend from hudson.Plugin"); } this.plugin = (Plugin)plugin; this.plugin.wrapper = this; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { IOException ioe = new IOException("Unable to load " + className + " from " + archive); ioe.initCause(e); throw ioe; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { IOException ioe = new IOException("Unable to create instance of " + className + " from " + archive); ioe.initCause(e); throw ioe; } catch (InstantiationException e) { IOException ioe = new IOException("Unable to create instance of " + className + " from " + archive); ioe.initCause(e); throw ioe; } // initialize plugin try { plugin.setServletContext(owner.context); plugin.start(); } catch(Throwable t) { // gracefully handle any error in plugin. IOException ioe = new IOException("Failed to initialize"); ioe.initCause(t); throw ioe; } } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(old); } } private void parseClassPath(File archive, List paths, String attributeName, String separator) throws IOException { String classPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(attributeName); if(classPath==null) return; // attribute not found for (String s : classPath.split(separator)) { File file = resolve(archive, s); if(file.getName().contains("*")) { // handle wildcard FileSet fs = new FileSet(); File dir = file.getParentFile(); fs.setDir(dir); fs.setIncludes(file.getName()); for( String included : fs.getDirectoryScanner(new Project()).getIncludedFiles() ) { paths.add(new File(dir,included).toURL()); } } else { if(!file.exists()) throw new IOException("No such file: "+file); paths.add(file.toURL()); } } } private static File resolve(File base, String relative) { File rel = new File(relative); if(rel.isAbsolute()) return rel; else return new File(base.getParentFile(),relative); } /** * Returns the URL of the index page jelly script. */ public URL getIndexPage() { return classLoader.getResource("index.jelly"); } /** * Returns the short name suitable for URL. */ public String getShortName() { return shortName; } @Override public String toString() { return "Plugin:" + getShortName(); } /** * Returns a one-line descriptive name of this plugin. */ public String getLongName() { String name = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Long-PluginName"); if(name!=null) return name; return shortName; } /** * Gets the "abc" portion from "abc.ext". */ private static String getShortName(File archive) { String n = archive.getName(); int idx = n.lastIndexOf('.'); if(idx>=0) n = n.substring(0,idx); return n; } /** * Terminates the plugin. */ void stop() {"Stopping "+shortName); try { plugin.stop(); } catch(Throwable t) { System.err.println("Failed to shut down "+shortName); System.err.println(t); } } /** * Enables this plugin next time Hudson runs. */ public void enable() throws IOException { if(!disableFile.delete()) throw new IOException("Failed to delete "+disableFile); } /** * Disables this plugin next time Hudson runs. */ public void disable() throws IOException { // creates an empty file OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(disableFile); os.close(); } /** * Returns true if this plugin is enabled for this session. */ public boolean isActive() { return plugin!=null; } /** * If true, the plugin is going to be activated next time * Hudson runs. */ public boolean isEnabled() { return !disableFile.exists(); } /** * Explodes the plugin into a directory, if necessary. */ private void explode(File archive, File destDir) throws IOException { if(!destDir.exists()) destDir.mkdirs(); // timestamp check File explodeTime = new File(destDir,".timestamp"); if(explodeTime.exists() && explodeTime.lastModified()>archive.lastModified()) return; // no need to expand"Extracting "+archive); // delete the contents so that old files won't interfere with new files Util.deleteContentsRecursive(destDir); try { Expand e = new Expand(); e.setProject(new Project()); e.setTaskType("unzip"); e.setSrc(archive); e.setDest(destDir); e.execute(); } catch (BuildException x) { IOException ioe = new IOException("Failed to expand " + archive); ioe.initCause(x); throw ioe; } Util.touch(explodeTime); } // // // Action methods // // public void doMakeEnabled(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException { enable(); rsp.setStatus(200); } public void doMakeDisabled(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException { disable(); rsp.setStatus(200); } private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(PluginWrapper.class.getName()); /** * Filter for jar files. */ private static final FilenameFilter JAR_FILTER = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir,String name) { return name.endsWith(".jar"); } }; }