select.js 4.3 KB
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// send async request to the given URL (which will send back serialized ListBoxModel object),
// then use the result to fill the list box.
function updateListBox(listBox,url,config) {
    config = config || {};
    config = object(config);
    var originalOnSuccess = config.onSuccess;
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    var l = $(listBox);
    var status = findFollowingTR(listBox, "validation-error-area").firstChild.nextSibling;
    if (status.firstChild && status.firstChild.getAttribute('data-select-ajax-error')) {
        status.innerHTML = "";
    config.onSuccess = function (rsp) {
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        var currentSelection = l.value;

        // clear the contents
        while(l.length>0)   l.options[0] = null;

        var selectionSet = false; // is the selection forced by the server?
        var possibleIndex = null; // if there's a new option that matches the current value, remember its index
        var opts = eval('('+rsp.responseText+')').values;
        for( var i=0; i<opts.length; i++ ) {
            l.options[i] = new Option(opts[i].name,opts[i].value);
            if(opts[i].selected) {
                l.selectedIndex = i;
                selectionSet = true;
            if (opts[i].value==currentSelection)
                possibleIndex = i;

        // if no value is explicitly selected by the server, try to select the same value
        if (!selectionSet && possibleIndex!=null)
            l.selectedIndex = possibleIndex;

        if (originalOnSuccess!=undefined)
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    config.onFailure = function (rsp) {
        status.innerHTML = rsp.responseText;
        if (status.firstChild) {
            status.firstChild.setAttribute('data-select-ajax-error', 'true')
        // deleting values can result in the data loss, so let's not do that unless instructed
        var header = rsp.getResponseHeader('X-Jenkins-Select-Error');
        if (header && "clear" === header.toLowerCase()) {
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            // clear the contents
            while (l.length > 0)   l.options[0] = null;


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    new Ajax.Request(url, config);

Behaviour.specify("", 'select', 1000, function(e) {
60 61

        function hasChanged(selectEl, originalValue) {
gusreiber 已提交
            // seems like a race condition allows this to fire before the 'selectEl' is defined. If that happens, exit..
tfennelly 已提交
            if(!selectEl || !selectEl.options || !selectEl.options.length > 0)
gusreiber 已提交
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              return false;
            var firstValue = selectEl.options[0].value;
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            var selectedValue = selectEl.value;
            if (originalValue == "" && selectedValue == firstValue) {
                // There was no value pre-selected but after the call to updateListBox the first value is selected by
                // default. This must not be considered a change.
                return false;
            } else {
                return originalValue != selectedValue;

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        // controls that this SELECT box depends on
        refillOnChange(e,function(params) {
            var value = e.value;
                parameters: params,
                onSuccess: function() {
                    if (value=="") {
                        // reflect the initial value. if the control depends on several other,
                        // it may take several updates before we get the right items, which is why all these precautions.
                        var v = e.getAttribute("value");
                        if (v) {
                            e.value = v;
                            if (e.value==v) e.removeAttribute("value"); // we were able to apply our initial value

Kohsuke Kawaguchi 已提交
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                    fireEvent(e,"filled"); // let other interested parties know that the items have changed

                    // if the update changed the current selection, others listening to this control needs to be notified.
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                    if (hasChanged(e, value)) {
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