package; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import; /** * Sax read sharedStringsTable.xml * * @author Jiaju Zhuang */ public class SharedStringsTableHandler extends DefaultHandler { private static final String T_TAG = "t"; private static final String SI_TAG = "si"; /** * Mac 2016 2017 will have this extra field to ignore */ private static final String RPH_TAG = "rPh"; /** * The final piece of data */ private StringBuilder currentData; /** * Current element data */ private StringBuilder currentElementData; private ReadCache readCache; /** * Some fields in the T tag need to be ignored */ private boolean ignoreTagt = false; /** * The only time you need to read the characters in the T tag is when it is used */ private boolean isTagt = false; public SharedStringsTableHandler(ReadCache readCache) { this.readCache = readCache; } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String name, Attributes attributes) { if (T_TAG.equals(name)) { currentElementData = null; isTagt = true; } else if (SI_TAG.equals(name)) { currentData = null; } else if (RPH_TAG.equals(name)) { ignoreTagt = true; } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String name) { if (T_TAG.equals(name)) { if (currentElementData != null) { if (currentData == null) { currentData = new StringBuilder(); } currentData.append(currentElementData); } isTagt = false; } else if (SI_TAG.equals(name)) { if (currentData == null) { readCache.put(null); } else { readCache.put(currentData.toString()); } } else if (RPH_TAG.equals(name)) { ignoreTagt = false; } } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { if (!isTagt || ignoreTagt) { return; } if (currentElementData == null) { currentElementData = new StringBuilder(); } currentElementData.append(ch, start, length); } }