# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. cases: # service list - query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql service ls expected: expected/service.yml # service instance list - query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql instance list --service-name=e2e-service-provider expected: expected/service-instance.yml # service instance metrics linear - query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=meter_jvm_memory_max --instance-name=provider1 --service-name=e2e-service-provider |yq e 'to_entries' - expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml - query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=meter_jvm_threads_live --instance-name=provider1 --service-name=e2e-service-provider |yq e 'to_entries' - expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml - query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=meter_process_files_max --instance-name=provider1 --service-name=e2e-service-provider |yq e 'to_entries' - expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml - query: | curl -s -XPOST http://${sender_host}:${sender_9093}/sendBatchMetrics > /dev/null; sleep 10; swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=batch_test --instance-name=test-instance --service-name=test-service |yq e 'to_entries' - expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml # virtual cache - query: | swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=cache_read_resp_time --service-id=R3VhdmFDYWNoZS1sb2NhbA==.0 | yq e 'to_entries' - expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml - query: | swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=cache_write_sla --service-id=R3VhdmFDYWNoZS1sb2NhbA==.0 | yq e 'to_entries' - expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml - query: | swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=cache_access_cpm --service-id=R3VhdmFDYWNoZS1sb2NhbA==.0 | yq e 'to_entries' - expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml - query: | swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql records list --name=top_n_cache_write_command --service-id=R3VhdmFDYWNoZS1sb2NhbA==.0 | yq e 'to_entries | with(.[] ; .value=(.value | to_entries))' - expected: expected/record-has-value.yml # virtual database - query: | swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql metrics linear --name=database_access_resp_time --service-id=bG9jYWxob3N0Oi0x.0 | yq e 'to_entries' - expected: expected/metrics-has-value.yml