Changes by Version ================== Release Notes. 8.4.0 ------------------ #### Project * Incompatible with previous releases when use H2/MySQL/TiDB storage options, due to support multiple alarm rules triggered for one entity. * Chore: adapt `` to make it runnable on Linux. #### Java Agent * The operation name of quartz-scheduler plugin, has been changed as the `quartz-scheduler/${className}` format. * Fix jdk-http and okhttp-3.x plugin did not overwrite the old trace header. #### OAP-Backend * Make meter receiver support MAL. * Support influxDB connection response format option. Fix some error when use JSON as influxDB response format. * Support Kafka MirrorMaker 2.0 to replicate topics between Kafka clusters. * Add the rule name field to alarm record storage entity as a part of ID, to support multiple alarm rules triggered for one entity. The scope id has been removed from the ID. * Fix MAL concurrent execution issues #### UI * Fix un-removed tags in trace query. * Fix unexpected metrics name on single value component. * Don't allow negative value as the refresh period. * Fix style issue in trace table view. * Separation Log and Dashboard selector data to avoid conflicts. * Fix trace instance selector bug. #### Documentation * Update the documents of backend fetcher and self observability about the latest configurations. All issues and pull requests are [here]( ------------------ Find change logs of all versions [here](changes).