提交 df556cd4 编写于 作者: Y Yu Yang 提交者: GitHub

Merge branch 'release/0.10.0' into release/0.10.0

......@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
- CIFAR, MNIST, IMDB, WMT14, CONLL05, movielens, imikolov.
* Add Priorbox layer for Single Shot Multibox Detection.
* Add smooth L1 cost.
* Add data reader creator and data reader decorator for v2 API.
* Add the cpu implementation of cmrnorm-projection.
## Improvements
......@@ -23,6 +25,19 @@
* Support predicting the samples from sys.stdin for sentiment demo.
* Provide multi-proccess interface for image preprocessing.
* Add benchmark document for v1 API.
* Add Relu in layer_math.py.
* Add packages for automatically downloading public datasets.
* Rename Argument::sumCost to Argument::sum since Argument does not have to have any relationship with cost.
* Add a new `TensorExpression` implementation for matrix-related expression evaluations.
* Add Lazy Assignment for optimize the calculation of multiple expressions.
* Add `Function` to reconstruct the computation function.
* PadFunc and PadGradFunc.
* ContextProjectionForwardFunc and ContextProjectionBackwardFunc.
* CosSimBackward and CosSimBackwardFunc.
* CrossMapNormalFunc and CrossMapNormalGradFunc.
* MulFunc.
* Add `AutoCompare` and `FunctionCompare`, which make it easier to write unittest for comparing gpu and cpu version of a function.
* Add `libpaddle_test_main.a` and remove the main function inside the test file.
## Bug Fixes
......@@ -34,6 +49,9 @@
* Fix bug for dataprovider converter in GPU mode.
* Fix bug in GatedRecurrentLayer which only occurs in predicting or `job=test` mode.
* Fix bug for BatchNorm when testing more than models in test mode.
* Fix unit test of paramRelu.
* Fix some warning about CpuSparseMatrix.
* Fix MultiGradientMachine error if trainer_count > batch_size.
# Release v0.9.0
......@@ -4,16 +4,26 @@ PaddlePaddle的Docker容器使用方式
PaddlePaddle目前唯一官方支持的运行的方式是Docker容器。因为Docker能在所有主要操作系统(包括Linux,Mac OS X和Windows)上运行。 请注意,您需要更改 `Dockers设置 <https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/627>`_ 才能充分利用Mac OS X和Windows上的硬件资源。
我们会在 `dockerhub.com <https://hub.docker.com/r/paddledev/paddle/>`_ 提供最新的docker镜像,可以在"tags"标签下找到最新的Paddle镜像版本。
`dockerhub.com <https://hub.docker.com/r/paddledev/paddle/>`_ 提供最新
1. 开发镜像::code:`paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>-dev`
- gcc/clang
- nvcc
- Python
......@@ -27,7 +37,7 @@ PaddlePaddle发布的docker镜像使用说明
.. code-block:: bash
docker run -it --rm paddledev/paddle:<version>-dev /bin/bash
docker run -it --rm paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>-dev /bin/bash
......@@ -43,7 +53,8 @@ PaddlePaddle发布的docker镜像使用说明
2. 运行镜像:根据CPU、GPU和非AVX区分了如下4个镜像:
2. 生产镜像:根据CPU、GPU和非AVX区分了如下4个镜像:
- GPU/AVX::code:`paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>-gpu`
- GPU/no-AVX::code:`paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>-gpu-noavx`
- CPU/AVX::code:`paddlepaddle/paddle:<version>`
......@@ -72,25 +83,33 @@ PaddlePaddle发布的docker镜像使用说明
export DEVICES=$(\ls /dev/nvidia* | xargs -I{} echo '--device {}:{}')
docker run ${CUDA_SO} ${DEVICES} -it paddledev/paddle:<version>-gpu
3. 使用运行镜像发布你的AI程序
3. 运行以及发布您的AI程序
假设您已经完成了一个AI训练的python程序 :code:`a.py`,这个程序是您在开发机上使用开发镜像完成开发。此时您可以运行这个命令在开发机上进行测试运行:
.. code-block:: bash
docker run -it -v $PWD:/work paddle /work/a.py
.. code-block:: bash
nvidia-docker run -it -v $PWD:/work paddle /work/a.py
这里`a.py`包含的所有依赖假设都可以在Paddle的运行容器中。如果需要包含更多的依赖、或者需要发布您的应用的镜像,可以编写`Dockerfile`使用`FROM paddledev/paddle:<version>`
运行PaddlePaddle Book
Jupyter Notebook是一个开源的web程序,大家可以通过它制作和分享带有代码、公式、图表、文字的交互式文档。用户可以通过网页浏览文档。
PaddlePaddle书籍是为用户和开发者制作的一个交互式的Jupyter Nodebook。
如果您想要更深入了解deep learning,PaddlePaddle书籍一定是您最好的选择。
PaddlePaddle Book是为用户和开发者制作的一个交互式的Jupyter Nodebook。
如果您想要更深入了解deep learning,PaddlePaddle Book一定是您最好的选择。
我们提供可以直接运行PaddlePaddle Book的Docker镜像,直接运行:
.. code-block:: bash
......@@ -109,53 +128,44 @@ PaddlePaddle书籍是为用户和开发者制作的一个交互式的Jupyter Nod
开发人员可以在Docker开发镜像中开发PaddlePaddle。这样开发人员可以以一致的方式在不同的平台上工作 - Linux,Mac OS X和Windows。
1. 构建开发镜像
1. 制作PaddlePaddle开发镜像
生成Docker镜像的方式有两个,一个是直接把一个容器转换成镜像,另一个是创建Dockerfile并运行docker build指令按照Dockerfile生成镜像。第一个方法的好处是简单快捷,适合自己实验,可以快速迭代。第二个方法的好处是Dockerfile可以把整个生成流程描述很清楚,其他人很容易看懂镜像生成过程,持续集成系统也可以简单地复现这个过程。我们采用第二个方法。Dockerfile位于PaddlePaddle repo的根目录。生成生产镜像只需要运行:
.. code-block:: bash
git clone --recursive https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle.git
cd Paddle
docker build -t paddle:dev .
docker build这个命令的-t指定了生成的镜像的名字,这里我们用paddle:dev。到此,PaddlePaddle开发镜像就被构建完毕了。
请注意,默认情况下,:code:`docker build` 不会将源码导入到镜像中并编译它。如果我们想这样做,需要构建完开发镜像,然后执行:
2. 制作PaddlePaddle生产镜像
.. code-block:: bash
docker run -v $PWD:/paddle -e "WITH_GPU=OFF" -e "WITH_AVX=ON" -e "TEST=OFF" paddle:dev
2. 运行开发环境
当我们编译好了 :code:`paddle:dev`, 我们可以在docker容器里做开发,源代码可以通过挂载本地文件来被载入Docker的开发环境里面:
.. code-block:: bash
docker run -d -p 2202:22 -v $PWD:/paddle paddle:dev sshd
docker run -v $(pwd):/paddle -e "WITH_GPU=OFF" -e "WITH_AVX=OFF" -e "WITH_TEST=ON" paddle:dev
以上代码会启动一个带有PaddlePaddle开发环境的docker容器,源代码会被挂载到 :code:`/paddle`
以上的 :code:`docker run` 命令其实会启动一个在2202端口监听的SSHD服务器。这样,我们就能SSH进入我们的开发容器了
.. code-block:: bash
ssh root@localhost -p 2202
docker build -t paddle:prod -f build/Dockerfile ./build
3. 在Docker开发环境中编译与安装PaddlPaddle代码
当在容器里面的时候,可以用脚本 :code:`paddle/scripts/docker/build.sh` 来编译、安装与测试PaddlePaddle:
3. 运行单元测试
.. code-block:: bash
以上指令会在 :code:`/paddle/build` 中编译PaddlePaddle。通过以下指令可以运行单元测试:
.. code-block:: bash
cd /paddle/build
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/paddle paddle:dev bash -c "cd /paddle/build && ctest"
......@@ -53,12 +53,20 @@ Docker is simple as long as we understand a few basic concepts:
Usage of CPU-only and GPU Images
For each version of PaddlePaddle, we release two types of Docker images:
development image and production image. Production image includes
CPU-only version and a CUDA GPU version and their no-AVX versions. We
put the docker images on `dockerhub.com
We package PaddlePaddle's compile environment into a Docker image,
called the develop image, it contains all compiling tools that
PaddlePaddle needs. We package compiled PaddlePaddle program into a
Docker image as well, called the production image, it contains all
runtime environment that running PaddlePaddle needs. For each version
of PaddlePaddle, we release both of them. Production image includes
CPU-only version and a CUDA GPU version and their no-AVX versions.
We put the docker images on `dockerhub.com
<https://hub.docker.com/r/paddledev/paddle/>`_. You can find the
latest versions under "tags" tab at dockerhub.com
latest versions under "tags" tab at dockerhub.com. If you are in
China, you can use our Docker image registry mirror to speed up the
download process. To use it, please replace all paddlepaddle/paddle in
the commands to docker.paddlepaddle.org/paddle.
1. Production images, this image might have multiple variants:
......@@ -179,59 +187,40 @@ Develop PaddlePaddle or Train Model Using C++ API
We will be using PaddlePaddle development image since it contains all
compiling tools and dependencies.
Let's clone PaddlePaddle repo first:
1. Build PaddlePaddle develop image
.. code-block:: bash
Use following command to build PaddlePaddle develop image:
.. code-block:: bash
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle.git && cd Paddle
docker build -t paddle:dev .
Mount both workspace folder and paddle code folder into docker
container, so we can access them inside docker container. There are
two ways of using PaddlePaddle development docker image:
2. Build PaddlePaddle production image
- run interactive bash directly
There are two steps for building production image, the first step is to run:
.. code-block:: bash
# use nvidia-docker instead of docker if you need to use GPU
docker run -it -v ~/workspace:/workspace -v $(pwd):/paddle paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2-dev /bin/bash
# now we are inside docker container
- or, we can run it as a daemon container
.. code-block:: bash
docker run -v $(pwd):/paddle -e "WITH_GPU=OFF" -e "WITH_AVX=OFF" -e "WITH_TEST=ON" paddle:dev
# use nvidia-docker instead of docker if you need to use GPU
docker run -d -p 2202:22 -p 8888:8888 -v ~/workspace:/workspace -v $(pwd):/paddle paddlepaddle/paddle:0.10.0rc2-dev /usr/sbin/sshd -D
The above command will compile PaddlePaddle and create a Dockerfile for building production image. All the generated files are in the build directory. "WITH_GPU" controls if the generated production image supports GPU. "WITH_AVX" controls if the generated production image supports AVX. "WITH_TEST" controls if the unit test will be generated.
and SSH to this container using password :code:`root`:
The second step is to run:
.. code-block:: bash
ssh -p 2202 root@localhost
docker build -t paddle:prod -f build/Dockerfile ./build
An advantage is that we can run the PaddlePaddle container on a
remote server and SSH to it from a laptop.
The above command will generate the production image by copying the compiled PaddlePaddle program into the image.
When developing PaddlePaddle, you can edit PaddlePaddle source code
from outside of docker container using your favoriate editor. To
compile PaddlePaddle, run inside container:
3. Run unit test
.. code-block:: bash
WITH_GPU=OFF WITH_AVX=ON WITH_TEST=ON bash /paddle/paddle/scripts/docker/build.sh
This builds everything about Paddle in :code:`/paddle/build`. And we
can run unit tests there:
Following command will run unit test:
.. code-block:: bash
cd /paddle/build
.. code-block:: bash
When training model using C++ API, we can edit paddle program in
~/workspace outside of docker. And build from /workspace inside of
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/paddle paddle:dev bash -c "cd /paddle/build && ctest"
PaddlePaddle Book
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Users can specify the following Docker build arguments with either "ON" or "OFF"
The following command builds the production image:
docker build -t paddle -f build/Dockerfile .
docker build -t paddle -f build/Dockerfile ./build
This production image is minimal -- it includes binary `paddle`, the shared library `libpaddle.so`, and Python runtime.
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ fi
cat >> /paddle/build/Dockerfile <<EOF
# Use different deb file when building different type of images
ADD build/*.deb /
ADD *.deb /
# run paddle version to install python packages first
RUN apt-get update &&\
apt-get install -y python-pip && pip install -U pip && \
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