import Vue from 'vue' import Router from 'vue-router' Vue.use(Router) /* Layout */ import Layout from '@/layout' /* Router Modules */ import componentsRouter from './modules/components' import chartsRouter from './modules/charts' import tableRouter from './modules/table' import nestedRouter from './modules/nested' /** * Note: sub-menu only appear when route children.length >= 1 * Detail see: * * hidden: true if set true, item will not show in the sidebar(default is false) * alwaysShow: true if set true, will always show the root menu * if not set alwaysShow, when item has more than one children route, * it will becomes nested mode, otherwise not show the root menu * redirect: noRedirect if set noRedirect will no redirect in the breadcrumb * name:'router-name' the name is used by (must set!!!) * meta : { roles: ['admin','editor'] control the page roles (you can set multiple roles) title: 'title' the name show in sidebar and breadcrumb (recommend set) icon: 'svg-name'/'el-icon-x' the icon show in the sidebar noCache: true if set true, the page will no be cached(default is false) affix: true if set true, the tag will affix in the tags-view breadcrumb: false if set false, the item will hidden in breadcrumb(default is true) activeMenu: '/example/list' if set path, the sidebar will highlight the path you set } */ /** * constantRoutes * a base page that does not have permission requirements * all roles can be accessed */ export const constantRoutes = [ { path: '/redirect', component: Layout, hidden: true, children: [ { path: '/redirect/:path(.*)', component: () => import('@/views/redirect/index') } ] }, { path: '/login', component: () => import('@/views/login/index'), hidden: true }, { path: '/auth-redirect', component: () => import('@/views/login/auth-redirect'), hidden: true }, { path: '/404', component: () => import('@/views/error-page/404'), hidden: true }, { path: '/401', component: () => import('@/views/error-page/401'), hidden: true }, { path: '/', component: Layout, redirect: '/dashboard', children: [ { path: 'dashboard', component: () => import('@/views/dashboard/index'), name: 'Dashboard', meta: { title: 'dashboard', icon: 'dashboard', affix: true } } ] }, { path: '/documentation', component: Layout, children: [ { path: 'index', component: () => import('@/views/documentation/index'), name: 'Documentation', meta: { title: 'documentation', icon: 'documentation', affix: true } } ] }, { path: '/guide', component: Layout, redirect: '/guide/index', children: [ { path: 'index', component: () => import('@/views/guide/index'), name: 'Guide', meta: { title: 'guide', icon: 'guide', noCache: true } } ] }, { path: '/profile', component: Layout, redirect: '/profile/index', hidden: true, children: [ { path: 'index', component: () => import('@/views/profile/index'), name: 'Profile', meta: { title: 'profile', icon: 'user', noCache: true } } ] } ] /** * asyncRoutes * the routes that need to be dynamically loaded based on user roles */ export const asyncRoutes = [ { path: '/permission', component: Layout, redirect: '/permission/page', alwaysShow: true, // will always show the root menu name: 'Permission', meta: { title: 'permission', icon: 'lock', roles: ['admin', 'editor'] // you can set roles in root nav }, children: [ { path: 'page', component: () => import('@/views/permission/page'), name: 'PagePermission', meta: { title: 'pagePermission', roles: ['admin'] // or you can only set roles in sub nav } }, { path: 'directive', component: () => import('@/views/permission/directive'), name: 'DirectivePermission', meta: { title: 'directivePermission' // if do not set roles, means: this page does not require permission } }, { path: 'role', component: () => import('@/views/permission/role'), name: 'RolePermission', meta: { title: 'rolePermission', roles: ['admin'] } } ] }, { path: '/icon', component: Layout, children: [ { path: 'index', component: () => import('@/views/icons/index'), name: 'Icons', meta: { title: 'icons', icon: 'icon', noCache: true } } ] }, /** when your routing map is too long, you can split it into small modules **/ componentsRouter, chartsRouter, nestedRouter, tableRouter, { path: '/example', component: Layout, redirect: '/example/list', name: 'Example', meta: { title: 'example', icon: 'el-icon-s-help' }, children: [ { path: 'create', component: () => import('@/views/example/create'), name: 'CreateArticle', meta: { title: 'createArticle', icon: 'edit' } }, { path: 'edit/:id(\\d+)', component: () => import('@/views/example/edit'), name: 'EditArticle', meta: { title: 'editArticle', noCache: true, activeMenu: '/example/list' }, hidden: true }, { path: 'list', component: () => import('@/views/example/list'), name: 'ArticleList', meta: { title: 'articleList', icon: 'list' } } ] }, { path: '/tab', component: Layout, children: [ { path: 'index', component: () => import('@/views/tab/index'), name: 'Tab', meta: { title: 'tab', icon: 'tab' } } ] }, { path: '/error', component: Layout, redirect: 'noRedirect', name: 'ErrorPages', meta: { title: 'errorPages', icon: '404' }, children: [ { path: '401', component: () => import('@/views/error-page/401'), name: 'Page401', meta: { title: 'page401', noCache: true } }, { path: '404', component: () => import('@/views/error-page/404'), name: 'Page404', meta: { title: 'page404', noCache: true } } ] }, { path: '/error-log', component: Layout, children: [ { path: 'log', component: () => import('@/views/error-log/index'), name: 'ErrorLog', meta: { title: 'errorLog', icon: 'bug' } } ] }, { path: '/excel', component: Layout, redirect: '/excel/export-excel', name: 'Excel', meta: { title: 'excel', icon: 'excel' }, children: [ { path: 'export-excel', component: () => import('@/views/excel/export-excel'), name: 'ExportExcel', meta: { title: 'exportExcel' } }, { path: 'export-selected-excel', component: () => import('@/views/excel/select-excel'), name: 'SelectExcel', meta: { title: 'selectExcel' } }, { path: 'export-merge-header', component: () => import('@/views/excel/merge-header'), name: 'MergeHeader', meta: { title: 'mergeHeader' } }, { path: 'upload-excel', component: () => import('@/views/excel/upload-excel'), name: 'UploadExcel', meta: { title: 'uploadExcel' } } ] }, { path: '/zip', component: Layout, redirect: '/zip/download', alwaysShow: true, name: 'Zip', meta: { title: 'zip', icon: 'zip' }, children: [ { path: 'download', component: () => import('@/views/zip/index'), name: 'ExportZip', meta: { title: 'exportZip' } } ] }, { path: '/pdf', component: Layout, redirect: '/pdf/index', children: [ { path: 'index', component: () => import('@/views/pdf/index'), name: 'PDF', meta: { title: 'pdf', icon: 'pdf' } } ] }, { path: '/pdf/download', component: () => import('@/views/pdf/download'), hidden: true }, { path: '/theme', component: Layout, children: [ { path: 'index', component: () => import('@/views/theme/index'), name: 'Theme', meta: { title: 'theme', icon: 'theme' } } ] }, { path: '/clipboard', component: Layout, children: [ { path: 'index', component: () => import('@/views/clipboard/index'), name: 'ClipboardDemo', meta: { title: 'clipboardDemo', icon: 'clipboard' } } ] }, { path: '/i18n', component: Layout, children: [ { path: 'index', component: () => import('@/views/i18n-demo/index'), name: 'I18n', meta: { title: 'i18n', icon: 'international' } } ] }, { path: 'external-link', component: Layout, children: [ { path: '', meta: { title: 'externalLink', icon: 'link' } } ] }, // 404 page must be placed at the end !!! { path: '*', redirect: '/404', hidden: true } ] const createRouter = () => new Router({ // mode: 'history', // require service support scrollBehavior: () => ({ y: 0 }), routes: constantRoutes }) const router = createRouter() // Detail see: export function resetRouter() { const newRouter = createRouter() router.matcher = newRouter.matcher // reset router } export default router