## Cimoc隐私政策 Cimoc尊重并保护所有使用服务用户的个人隐私权。为了给您提供更准确、更有个性化的服务,Cimoc会按照本隐私权政策的规定使用和披露您的个人信息。但Cimoc将以高度的勤勉、审慎义务对待这些信息。除本隐私权政策另有规定外,在未征得您事先许可的情况下,Cimoc不会将这些信息对外披露或向第三方提供。Cimoc会不时更新本隐私权政策。您在同意Cimoc服务使用协议之时,即视为您已经同意本隐私权政策全部内容。本隐私权政策属于Cimoc服务使用协议不可分割的一部分。本APP属于工具类型,提供“漫画搜索/漫画阅读”服务,暂时不对中国地区提供任何内容服务。 一:适用范围 在您注册Cimoc帐号时,您根据Cimoc要求提供的个人注册信息; 在您使用Cimoc网络服务,或访问Cimoc平台网页时,Cimoc自动接收并记录的您的浏览器和计算机上的信息,包括但不限于您的IP地址、浏览器的类型、使用的语言、访问日期和时间、软硬件特征信息及您需求的网页记录等数据; Cimoc通过合法途径从商业伙伴处取得的用户个人数据。 您了解并同意,以下信息不适用本隐私权政策: 您在使用Cimoc平台提供的搜索服务时输入的关键字信息; Cimoc收集到的您在Cimoc发布的有关信息数据,包括但不限于参与活动、成交信息及评价详情; 违反法律规定或违反Cimoc规则行为及Cimoc已对您采取的措施。 二:信息使用 Cimoc不会向任何无关第三方提供、出售、出租、分享或交易您的个人信息,除非事先得到您的许可,或该第三方和Cimoc(含Cimoc关联公司)单独或共同为您提供服务,且在该服务结束后,其将被禁止访问包括其以前能够访问的所有这些资料。 Cimoc亦不允许任何第三方以任何手段收集、编辑、出售或者无偿传播您的个人信息。任何Cimoc平台用户如从事上述活动,一经发现,Cimoc有权立即终止与该用户的服务协议。 为服务用户的目的,Cimoc可能通过使用您的个人信息,向您提供您感兴趣的信息,包括但不限于向您发出产品和服务信息,或者与Cimoc合作伙伴共享信息以便他们向您发送有关其产品和服务的信息(后者需要您的事先同意)。 三:信息披露 在如下情况下,Cimoc将依据您的个人意愿或法律的规定全部或部分的披露您的个人信息: 经您事先同意,向第三方披露; 为提供您所要求的产品和服务,而必须和第三方分享您的个人信息; 根据法律的有关规定,或者行政或司法机构的要求,向第三方或者行政、司法机构披露; 如您出现违反中国有关法律、法规或者Cimoc服务协议或相关规则的情况,需要向第三方披露; 如您是适格的知识产权投诉人并已提起投诉,应被投诉人要求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处理可能的权利纠纷; 在Cimoc平台上创建的某一交易中,如交易任何一方履行或部分履行了交易义务并提出信息披露请求的,Cimoc有权决定向该用户提供其交易对方的联络方式等必要信息,以促成交易的完成或纠纷的解决。 其它Cimoc根据法律、法规或者网站政策认为合适的披露。 四:信息存储和交换 Cimoc收集的有关您的信息和资料将保存在Cimoc及(或)其关联公司的服务器上,这些信息和资料可能传送至您所在国家、地区或Cimoc收集信息和资料所在地的境外并在境外被访问、存储和展示。 五:Cookie的使用 在您未拒绝接受cookies的情况下,Cimoc会在您的计算机上设定或取用cookies,以便您能登录或使用依赖于cookies的Cimoc平台服务或功能。Cimoc使用cookies可为您提供更加周到的个性化服务,包括推广服务。 您有权选择接受或拒绝接受cookies。您可以通过修改浏览器设置的方式拒绝接受cookies。但如果您选择拒绝接受cookies,则您可能无法登录或使用依赖于cookies的Cimoc网络服务或功能。 通过Cimoc所设cookies所取得的有关信息,将适用本政策。 六:信息安全 Cimoc帐号均有安全保护功能,请妥善保管您的用户名及密码信息。Cimoc将通过对用户密码进行加密等安全措施确保您的信息不丢失,不被滥用和变造。尽管有前述安全措施,但同时也请您注意在信息网络上不存在“完善的安全措施”。 在使用Cimoc网络服务进行网上交易时,您不可避免的要向交易对方或潜在的交易对方披露自己的个人信息,如联络方式或者邮政地址。请您妥善保护自己的个人信息,仅在必要的情形下向他人提供。如您发现自己的个人信息泄密,尤其是Cimoc用户名及密码发生泄露,请您立即联络Cimoc客服,以便Cimoc采取相应措施。 七:第三方SDK信息公示 1.穿山甲广告SDK SDK服务提供方:湖北今日头条科技有限公司 信息获取:设备品牌、型号、软件系统版本、开发者应用名、应用包名、版本号、应用安装列表信息、运营商信息、设备时区、设备语言、无线网SSID名称、WiFi路由器MAC地址、设备的MAC地址、硬件序列号、IMEI、IMSI、Android_id、OAID、ICCID、GAID、MEID、IDFV、IDFA、IP地址、设备标识符、手机系统重启时间、磁盘总空间、系统总内存空间、CPU数目 使用目的:广告请求和视图渲染,保障产品、以及用户使用安全、高效运转,广告归因、反作弊 个人信息敏感权限:存储权限 2.优量汇广告SDK SDK服务提供方:腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司 信息获取:设备制造商、设备型号、操作系统版本、屏幕分辨率、屏幕方向、屏幕DPI、IP地址、IMEI、IMSI、MEID、Android_id、应用安装列表、IDFA、IDFV、标识符、宿主应用的包名、版本号、产品交互数据、广告数据、设备名称、系统启动时间、系统语言、磁盘空间基础信息 使用目的:广告请求和视图渲染,监测归因,反作弊,广告主统计投放结果,最大程度减少App崩溃、确保服务器正常运行、提升可扩展性和性能 个人信息敏感权限:存储权限 3.快手广告SDK SDK服务提供方:北京鸿典信息科技有限公司 信息获取:基础信息(设备品牌、设备型号、软件系统版本、存储信息、运营商信息、设备时区、设备语言、网络信息),设备标识(IMEI、MEID、OAID、AndroidId、IMSI、ICCID),位置信息(IP地址、MAC地址、GPS位置信息、基站信息、WIFI信息),应用信息(应用安装列表),权限信息和其他信息(传感器信息、sim卡激活信息) 使用目的:广告请求和视图渲染、广告归因、反作弊、安全、获取网络权限、读写存储权限 个人信息敏感权限:存储权限 4.友盟+SDK SDK服务提供方:友盟同欣(北京)科技有限公司 信息获取:Mac地址、硬件序列号、唯一设备识别码(IMEI/MAC/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID/SIM卡/IMSI/IP 信息) 使用目的:提供统计分析服务,并通过地理位置校准报表数据准确性,提供基础反作弊能力 个人信息敏感权限:无 5.华为广告SDK SDK服务提供方:华为软件技术有限公司 信息获取:设备名称、设备识别符、设备激活时间、硬件型号、操作系统版本、应用程序版本、软件识别码、设备及应用设置、公共陆地移动网络提供商 ID(PLMN)、IMEI、IMSI、MEID、Android_id、应用安装列表、地理位置、IP地址、位置信息,网络信息、运营商信息、华为帐号信息 使用目的:广告请求和视图渲染 个人信息敏感权限:无 6.小米广告SDK SDK服务提供方:深圳小米信息技术有限公司 信息获取:设备或SIM卡相关的信息( IMEI/OAID编号、MEID、Android_id、应用安装列表、GAID编号、IMSI编号、MAC地址、序列号、MIUI版本及类型、ROM版本、Android版本、SIM卡运营商);应用内唯一标识符(例如VAID号、OAID号、AAID号、Instance ID),应用基础信息(应用列表、应用ID信息、SDK版本、系统更新设置、应用设置(地区、语言、时区、字体),应用进入/退出前台的时间,以及应用状态记录(例如下载、安装、更新、删除)。);位置信息,日志信息(Cookie和其他标识符技术、互联网协议(IP)地址、网络请求信息、临时消息历史、标准系统日志、错误崩溃信息) 使用目的:广告请求和视图渲染,数据统计 个人信息敏感权限:无 6.优效SDK SDK服务提供方:重庆趣玩科技有限公司 信息获取:设备制造商、设备型号、操作系统版本、屏幕分辨率、屏幕方向、屏幕DPI、IP地址、IMEI、IMSI、MEID、Android_id、应用安装列表、IDFA、IDFV、标识符、宿主应用的包名、版本号、产品交互数据、广告数据、设备名称、系统启动时间、系统语言、磁盘空间基础信息 使用目的:广告请求和视图渲染,监测归因,反作弊,广告主统计投放结果,最大程度减少App崩溃、确保服务器正常运行、提升可扩展性和性能 个人信息敏感权限:无 7.艾狄墨搏SDK SDK服务提供方:杭州艾狄墨搏信息服务有限公司 信息获取:设备制造商、设备型号、操作系统版本、屏幕分辨率、屏幕方向、屏幕DPI、IP地址、IMEI、IMSI、MEID、Android_id、应用安装列表、IDFA、IDFV、标识符、宿主应用的包名、版本号、产品交互数据、广告数据、设备名称、系统启动时间、系统语言、磁盘空间基础信息 使用目的:广告请求和视图渲染,监测归因,反作弊,广告主统计投放结果,最大程度减少App崩溃、确保服务器正常运行、提升可扩展性和性能 个人信息敏感权限:无 8.mintegral广告SDK SDK服务提供方:广州汇世信息科技有限公司 信息获取:屏幕大小,屏幕方向,设备生产商,设备型号,操作系统及版本,设备类型,用户使用Mintegral服务时所用的手机应用的应用版本和特性,运营商信息,网络连接类型,IP地址,用户代理, 国家、时区和区域设置(国家和首选语言),移动广告标识符(如苹果IDFA或谷歌广告ID)。 使用目的:广告请求和视图渲染,监测归因,反作弊,广告主统计投放结果,最大程度减少App崩溃、确保服务器正常运行、提升可扩展性和性能 个人信息敏感权限:无 免责声明: Cimoc提醒您:在使用Cimoc漫画搜索引擎(以下简称Cimoc)前,请您务必仔细阅读并透彻理解本声明。您可以选择不使用Cimoc,但如果您使用Cimoc,您的使用行为将被视为对本声明全部内容的认可 1.鉴于Cimoc以非人工检索方式、根据您键入的关键字自动生成到第三方漫画的链接,除Cimoc注明之服务条款外,其他一切因使用Cimoc而可能遭致的意外、疏忽、侵权及其造成的损失(包括因下载被搜索链接到的第三方网站内容而感染电脑病毒),Cimoc对其概不负责,亦不承担任何法律责任 2.任何通过使用Cimoc而搜索链接到的第三方漫画均系他人制作或提供,您可能从该第三方漫画上获得资讯及享用服务,Cimoc对其合法性概不负责,亦不承担任何法律责任 3.Cimoc搜索结果根据您键入的关键字自动搜索获得并生成,不代表Cimoc赞成被搜索链接到的第三方漫画上的内容或立场。 4.您应该对使用搜索引擎的结果自行承担风险。Cimoc不做任何形式的保证:不保证搜索结果满足您的要求,不保证搜索服务不中断,不保证搜索结果的安全性、正确性、及时性、合法性。因网络状况、通讯线路、第三方网站等任何原因而导致您不能正常使用Cimoc,Cimoc不承担任何法律责任 5.任何网站如果不想被Cimoc收录(即不被搜索到),应该及时向Cimoc反映,或者在其网站页面中根据拒绝蜘蛛协议(Robots Exclusion Protocol)加注拒绝收录的标记,否则,Cimoc将依照惯例视其为可收录网站 6.任何单位或个人认为通过Cimoc搜索链接到的第三方漫画内容可能涉嫌侵犯其信息网络传播权,应该及时向Cimoc提出书面权利通知,并提供身份证明、权属证明及详细侵权情况证明。Cimoc在收到上述法律文件后,将会依法尽快断开相关链接内容。详情参见特定频道的著作权保护声明 7.Cimoc没有任何的破解功能,只是个漫画浏览器,对网页做转码处理,使每一个网页都以同样的界面显示,优化网页浏览的体验,只能观看网络上第三方网站提供的免费漫画。 8.Cimoc无法观看第三方网页收费漫画,只能对可以免费获取免费观看部分做转码,软件没有任何破解功能,也不会提供任何破解服务,收费漫画请支持正版。Cimoc后台服务器不存储任何漫画资源,漫画资源均由第三方网站提供。 9.浏览器之预置网站中所有链接均由用户推荐,以最大程度的满足用户需求且提供最佳的浏览模式。Ciomc与由用户推荐的网站链接和内容无关。任何网站如果不想被推荐网站收录,应该及时向Cimoc反应,否则,Cimoc将视其为可推荐网站。 10.请不要使用本软件浏览当地国家法律所禁止的内容,如用户在使用过程中发现第三方网站内容违法了当地国家法律,请立即联系作者,会第一时间删除并断开相关链接和相关漫画源。 11.有问题可与本软件开发作者联系修改,本开发作者遵循避风港原则。 12.您访问的有些网站或其上的广告如果存在您不喜欢的内容或有其他问题,您可自行离开那些网站,本浏览器及本作者与这些网站无关、也不负任何责任。 13.Cimoc只是一个上网的工具,您浏览的漫画网页由其域名所有者提供、制作,网页的内容及广告也是由域名所有者负责,与本浏览器无关,本作者不负任何责任。 14.Cimoc基于谷歌,雅虎,百度,360,必应,搜狗,Yandex,Qwant等搜索引擎进行漫画内容搜索,机器无法识别搜索漫画内容是否合规,如您发现任何低俗、色情、盗版的内容请通知我们联系我们进行搜索屏蔽。为此给您带来的不便,敬请谅解!Cimoc始终如一的支持维护著作版权,也愿意为优秀漫画的宣传推广做出应有的贡献!为广大漫迷和作者提供一个绿色健康的漫画搜索平台 Ciomc privacy policy Ciomc respects and protects the personal privacy of all service users. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, Ciomc will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy. But Ciomc will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this privacy policy, Ciomc will not disclose this information or provide it to a third party without your prior permission. Ciomc will update this privacy policy from time to time. When you agree to read the HD service use agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of the Ciomc service usage agreement. One: scope of application When you register for Ciomc account, you provide personal registration information according to the requirements of Ciomc; When you use the Ciomc network service or access the Ciomc platform webpage, the information on your browser and computer that is automatically received and recorded by the Ciomc, including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, and language used , Access date and time, software and hardware characteristics information and web page records you need; Read the user's personal data obtained by HD from business partners through legal channels. You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this privacy policy: The keyword information you enter when you use the search service provided by the HD platform; Read the relevant information and data collected by HD that you are Ciomc, including but not limited to participating activities, transaction information and evaluation details; Violation of legal regulations or violations of the rules of Ciomc and the measures taken against you by Ciomc. Two: Information Use Ciomc will not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party, unless you have obtained your permission in advance, or that third party and Ciomc (including Ciomc affiliates) will provide you individually or jointly Service, and after the service ends, it will be prohibited from accessing all these materials that it was able to access before. Ciomc also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or disseminate your personal information by any means. If any user of the Ciomc platform engages in the above activities, once discovered, Ciomc has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user. For the purpose of serving users, Ciomc may use your personal information to provide you with information you are interested in, including but not limited to sending you product and service information, or sharing information with its partners so that they can send you Information about its products and services (the latter requires your prior consent). Three: Information disclosure Under the following circumstances, Ciomc will disclose your personal information in whole or in part in accordance with your personal wishes or legal requirements: With your prior consent, disclose to a third party; In order to provide the products and services you request, you must share your personal information with third parties; Disclosure to a third party or administrative or judicial institution in accordance with relevant provisions of the law or the requirements of administrative or judicial institutions; If you violate relevant Chinese laws, regulations, or read the HD service agreement or related rules, you need to disclose to a third party; If you are a qualified intellectual property complaint and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at the request of the respondent so that both parties can handle possible rights disputes; In a transaction created on the Ciomc platform, if any party to the transaction fulfills or partially fulfills its transaction obligations and makes an information disclosure request, Ciomc has the right to decide to provide the user with the necessary information such as the contact information of the counterparty to the transaction. Facilitate the completion of the transaction or the settlement of disputes. Other Ciomc according to laws, regulations or website policies deem appropriate disclosures. Four: Information storage and exchange The information and data about you collected by Ciomc will be stored on the servers of Ciomc and/or its affiliates. These information and data may be transmitted to your country or region or abroad where the information and data collected by Ciomc are located. Visited, stored and displayed outside the country. Five: Use of Cookies If you do not refuse to accept cookies, ReadHD will set or access cookies on your computer so that you can log in or use the ReadHD platform services or functions that rely on cookies. Ciomc using cookies can provide you with more thoughtful and personalized services, including promotional services. You have the right to choose to accept or refuse to accept cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by modifying your browser settings. But if you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to log in or use the Ciomc network services or functions that rely on cookies. This policy will apply to the relevant information obtained by reading the cookies set by HD. Six: Information Security Ciomc account has security protection function, please keep your user name and password information properly. Ciomc will ensure that your information is not lost, abused and altered by encrypting user passwords and other security measures. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please note that there is no "perfect security measure" on the information network. When using the Ciomc network service to conduct online transactions, you will inevitably disclose your personal information, such as contact information or postal address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please properly protect your personal information and only provide it to others when necessary. If you find that your personal information has been leaked, especially when Ciomc username and password are leaked, please contact the Ciomc customer service immediately so that Ciomc can take corresponding measures. **Privacy Policy** Haleydu built the Cimoc app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by Haleydu at no cost and is intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service. If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which is accessible at Cimoc unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy. **Information Collection and Use** For a better experience, while using our Service, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to Haleydu. The information that I request will be retained on your device and is not collected by me in any way. The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you. Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app * [Google Play Services](https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/) * [AdMob](https://support.google.com/admob/answer/6128543?hl=en) * [Google Analytics for Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/policies/analytics) * [Firebase Crashlytics](https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/) **Log Data** I want to inform you that whenever you use my Service, in a case of an error in the app I collect data and information (through third party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing my Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics. **Cookies** Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device's internal memory. This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service. **Service Providers** I may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons: * To facilitate our Service; * To provide the Service on our behalf; * To perform Service-related services; or * To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used. I want to inform users of this Service that these third parties have access to your Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose. **Security** I value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and I cannot guarantee its absolute security. **Links to Other Sites** This Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. I have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services. **Children’s Privacy** These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13 years of age. In the case I discover that a child under 13 has provided me with personal information, I immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact me so that I will be able to do necessary actions. **Changes to This Privacy Policy** I may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. This policy is effective as of 2021-08-27 **Contact Us** If you have any questions or suggestions about my Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact me at a924323178@163.com. This privacy policy page was created at [privacypolicytemplate.net](https://privacypolicytemplate.net) and modified/generated by [App Privacy Policy Generator](https://app-privacy-policy-generator.nisrulz.com/)