package jadx.core.dex.visitors.typeinference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import jadx.core.Consts; import jadx.core.clsp.ClspGraph; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AFlag; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AType; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.nodes.PhiListAttr; import; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.ArithNode; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.ArithOp; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.BaseInvokeNode; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.IndexInsnNode; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.InsnType; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.InvokeNode; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.InvokeType; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.PhiInsn; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.ArgType; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.InsnArg; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.LiteralArg; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.PrimitiveType; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.RegisterArg; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.SSAVar; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.mods.TernaryInsn; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.BlockNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.IMethodDetails; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.InsnNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.MethodNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.RootNode; import jadx.core.dex.trycatch.ExcHandlerAttr; import jadx.core.dex.visitors.AbstractVisitor; import jadx.core.dex.visitors.AttachMethodDetails; import jadx.core.dex.visitors.ConstInlineVisitor; import jadx.core.dex.visitors.InitCodeVariables; import jadx.core.dex.visitors.JadxVisitor; import jadx.core.dex.visitors.ModVisitor; import jadx.core.dex.visitors.blocksmaker.BlockSplitter; import jadx.core.dex.visitors.ssa.SSATransform; import jadx.core.utils.BlockUtils; import jadx.core.utils.InsnList; import jadx.core.utils.InsnUtils; import jadx.core.utils.Utils; import jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxOverflowException; @JadxVisitor( name = "Type Inference", desc = "Calculate best types for SSA variables", runAfter = { SSATransform.class, ConstInlineVisitor.class, AttachMethodDetails.class } ) public final class TypeInferenceVisitor extends AbstractVisitor { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TypeInferenceVisitor.class); private RootNode root; private TypeUpdate typeUpdate; private List> resolvers; @Override public void init(RootNode root) { this.root = root; this.typeUpdate = root.getTypeUpdate(); this.resolvers = Arrays.asList( this::initTypeBounds, this::runTypePropagation, this::tryInsertCasts, this::tryDeduceTypes, this::trySplitConstInsns, this::tryToFixIncompatiblePrimitives, this::tryInsertAdditionalMove, this::runMultiVariableSearch, this::tryRemoveGenerics); } @Override public void visit(MethodNode mth) { if (mth.isNoCode()) { return; } if (Consts.DEBUG_TYPE_INFERENCE) {"Start type inference in method: {}", mth); } assignImmutableTypes(mth); try { for (Function resolver : resolvers) { if (resolver.apply(mth) && checkTypes(mth)) { return; } } } catch (Exception e) { mth.addError("Type inference failed with exception", e); } } /** * Check if all types resolved */ private boolean checkTypes(MethodNode mth) { for (SSAVar var : mth.getSVars()) { ArgType type = var.getTypeInfo().getType(); if (!type.isTypeKnown()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Collect initial type bounds from assign and usages */ private boolean initTypeBounds(MethodNode mth) { List ssaVars = mth.getSVars(); ssaVars.forEach(this::attachBounds); ssaVars.forEach(this::mergePhiBounds); if (Consts.DEBUG_TYPE_INFERENCE) { ssaVars.forEach(ssaVar -> LOG.debug("Type bounds for {}: {}", ssaVar.toShortString(), ssaVar.getTypeInfo().getBounds())); } return false; } /** * Guess type from usage and try to set it to current variable * and all connected instructions with {@link TypeUpdate#apply(MethodNode, SSAVar, ArgType)} */ private boolean runTypePropagation(MethodNode mth) { List ssaVars = mth.getSVars(); ssaVars.forEach(var -> setImmutableType(mth, var)); ssaVars.forEach(var -> setBestType(mth, var)); return true; } private boolean runMultiVariableSearch(MethodNode mth) { try { TypeSearch typeSearch = new TypeSearch(mth); if (! { mth.addWarnComment("Multi-variable type inference failed"); } for (SSAVar var : mth.getSVars()) { if (!var.getTypeInfo().getType().isTypeKnown()) { return false; } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { mth.addWarnComment("Multi-variable type inference failed. Error: " + Utils.getStackTrace(e)); return false; } } private void setImmutableType(MethodNode mth, SSAVar ssaVar) { try { ArgType immutableType = ssaVar.getImmutableType(); if (immutableType != null) { TypeUpdateResult result = typeUpdate.applyWithWiderIgnSame(mth, ssaVar, immutableType); if (Consts.DEBUG_TYPE_INFERENCE && result == TypeUpdateResult.REJECT) {"Reject initial immutable type {} for {}", immutableType, ssaVar); } } } catch (JadxOverflowException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to set immutable type for var: {}", ssaVar, e); } } private boolean setBestType(MethodNode mth, SSAVar ssaVar) { try { return calculateFromBounds(mth, ssaVar); } catch (JadxOverflowException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to calculate best type for var: {}", ssaVar, e); return false; } } private boolean calculateFromBounds(MethodNode mth, SSAVar ssaVar) { TypeInfo typeInfo = ssaVar.getTypeInfo(); Set bounds = typeInfo.getBounds(); Optional bestTypeOpt = selectBestTypeFromBounds(bounds); if (!bestTypeOpt.isPresent()) { if (Consts.DEBUG_TYPE_INFERENCE) { LOG.warn("Failed to select best type from bounds, count={} : ", bounds.size()); for (ITypeBound bound : bounds) { LOG.warn(" {}", bound); } } return false; } ArgType candidateType = bestTypeOpt.get(); TypeUpdateResult result = typeUpdate.apply(mth, ssaVar, candidateType); if (result == TypeUpdateResult.REJECT) { if (Consts.DEBUG_TYPE_INFERENCE) { if (ssaVar.getTypeInfo().getType().equals(candidateType)) {"Same type rejected: {} -> {}, bounds: {}", ssaVar, candidateType, bounds); } else if (candidateType.isTypeKnown()) { LOG.debug("Type set rejected: {} -> {}, bounds: {}", ssaVar, candidateType, bounds); } } return false; } return result == TypeUpdateResult.CHANGED; } private Optional selectBestTypeFromBounds(Set bounds) { return .map(ITypeBound::getType) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .max(typeUpdate.getTypeCompare().getComparator()); } private void attachBounds(SSAVar var) { TypeInfo typeInfo = var.getTypeInfo(); typeInfo.getBounds().clear(); RegisterArg assign = var.getAssign(); addAssignBound(typeInfo, assign); for (RegisterArg regArg : var.getUseList()) { addBound(typeInfo, makeUseBound(regArg)); } } private void mergePhiBounds(SSAVar ssaVar) { for (PhiInsn usedInPhi : ssaVar.getUsedInPhi()) { Set bounds = ssaVar.getTypeInfo().getBounds(); bounds.addAll(usedInPhi.getResult().getSVar().getTypeInfo().getBounds()); for (InsnArg arg : usedInPhi.getArguments()) { bounds.addAll(((RegisterArg) arg).getSVar().getTypeInfo().getBounds()); } } } private void addBound(TypeInfo typeInfo, ITypeBound bound) { if (bound == null) { return; } if (bound instanceof ITypeBoundDynamic || bound.getType() != ArgType.UNKNOWN) { typeInfo.getBounds().add(bound); } } private void addAssignBound(TypeInfo typeInfo, RegisterArg assign) { ArgType immutableType = assign.getImmutableType(); if (immutableType != null) { addBound(typeInfo, new TypeBoundConst(BoundEnum.ASSIGN, immutableType)); return; } InsnNode insn = assign.getParentInsn(); if (insn == null || insn.getResult() == null) { addBound(typeInfo, new TypeBoundConst(BoundEnum.ASSIGN, assign.getInitType())); return; } switch (insn.getType()) { case NEW_INSTANCE: ArgType clsType = (ArgType) ((IndexInsnNode) insn).getIndex(); addBound(typeInfo, new TypeBoundConst(BoundEnum.ASSIGN, clsType)); break; case CONST: LiteralArg constLit = (LiteralArg) insn.getArg(0); addBound(typeInfo, new TypeBoundConst(BoundEnum.ASSIGN, constLit.getType())); break; case MOVE_EXCEPTION: ExcHandlerAttr excHandlerAttr = insn.get(AType.EXC_HANDLER); if (excHandlerAttr != null) { for (ClassInfo catchType : excHandlerAttr.getHandler().getCatchTypes()) { addBound(typeInfo, new TypeBoundConst(BoundEnum.ASSIGN, catchType.getType())); } } else { addBound(typeInfo, new TypeBoundConst(BoundEnum.ASSIGN, insn.getResult().getInitType())); } break; case INVOKE: addBound(typeInfo, makeAssignInvokeBound((InvokeNode) insn)); break; case CHECK_CAST: addBound(typeInfo, new TypeBoundCheckCastAssign(root, (IndexInsnNode) insn)); break; default: ArgType type = insn.getResult().getInitType(); addBound(typeInfo, new TypeBoundConst(BoundEnum.ASSIGN, type)); break; } } private ITypeBound makeAssignInvokeBound(InvokeNode invokeNode) { ArgType boundType = invokeNode.getCallMth().getReturnType(); ArgType genericReturnType = root.getMethodUtils().getMethodGenericReturnType(invokeNode); if (genericReturnType != null) { if (genericReturnType.containsTypeVariable()) { InvokeType invokeType = invokeNode.getInvokeType(); if (invokeNode.getArgsCount() != 0 && invokeType != InvokeType.STATIC && invokeType != InvokeType.SUPER) { return new TypeBoundInvokeAssign(root, invokeNode, genericReturnType); } } else { boundType = genericReturnType; } } return new TypeBoundConst(BoundEnum.ASSIGN, boundType); } @Nullable private ITypeBound makeUseBound(RegisterArg regArg) { InsnNode insn = regArg.getParentInsn(); if (insn == null) { return null; } if (insn instanceof BaseInvokeNode) { TypeBoundInvokeUse invokeUseBound = makeInvokeUseBound(regArg, (BaseInvokeNode) insn); if (invokeUseBound != null) { return invokeUseBound; } } if (insn.getType() == InsnType.CHECK_CAST && insn.contains(AFlag.SOFT_CAST)) { // ignore return null; } return new TypeBoundConst(BoundEnum.USE, regArg.getInitType(), regArg); } private TypeBoundInvokeUse makeInvokeUseBound(RegisterArg regArg, BaseInvokeNode invoke) { InsnArg instanceArg = invoke.getInstanceArg(); if (instanceArg == null || instanceArg == regArg) { return null; } IMethodDetails methodDetails = root.getMethodUtils().getMethodDetails(invoke); if (methodDetails == null) { return null; } int argIndex = invoke.getArgIndex(regArg) - invoke.getFirstArgOffset(); ArgType argType = methodDetails.getArgTypes().get(argIndex); if (!argType.containsTypeVariable()) { return null; } return new TypeBoundInvokeUse(root, invoke, regArg, argType); } private boolean tryPossibleTypes(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var, ArgType type) { List types = makePossibleTypesList(type, var); if (types.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (ArgType candidateType : types) { TypeUpdateResult result = typeUpdate.apply(mth, var, candidateType); if (result == TypeUpdateResult.CHANGED) { return true; } } return false; } private List makePossibleTypesList(ArgType type, @Nullable SSAVar var) { if (type.isArray()) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); for (ArgType arrElemType : makePossibleTypesList(type.getArrayElement(), null)) { list.add(ArgType.array(arrElemType)); } return list; } if (var != null) { for (ITypeBound b : var.getTypeInfo().getBounds()) { ArgType boundType = b.getType(); if (boundType.isObject() || boundType.isArray()) { // don't add primitive types return Collections.emptyList(); } } } List list = new ArrayList<>(); for (PrimitiveType possibleType : type.getPossibleTypes()) { if (possibleType == PrimitiveType.VOID) { continue; } list.add(ArgType.convertFromPrimitiveType(possibleType)); } return list; } private boolean tryDeduceTypes(MethodNode mth) { boolean fixed = false; for (SSAVar ssaVar : mth.getSVars()) { if (deduceType(mth, ssaVar)) { fixed = true; } } return fixed; } private boolean deduceType(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var) { if (var.isTypeImmutable()) { return false; } ArgType type = var.getTypeInfo().getType(); if (type.isTypeKnown()) { return false; } // try best type from bounds again if (setBestType(mth, var)) { return true; } // try all possible types (useful for primitives) if (tryPossibleTypes(mth, var, type)) { return true; } // for objects try super types if (tryWiderObjects(mth, var)) { return true; } return false; } private boolean tryRemoveGenerics(MethodNode mth) { boolean resolved = true; for (SSAVar var : mth.getSVars()) { ArgType type = var.getTypeInfo().getType(); if (!type.isTypeKnown() && !var.isTypeImmutable() && !tryRawType(mth, var)) { resolved = false; } } return resolved; } private boolean tryRawType(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var) { Set objTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (ITypeBound bound : var.getTypeInfo().getBounds()) { ArgType boundType = bound.getType(); if (boundType.isTypeKnown() && boundType.isObject()) { objTypes.add(boundType); } } if (objTypes.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (ArgType objType : objTypes) { if (checkRawType(mth, var, objType)) { mth.addDebugComment("Type inference failed for " + var.toShortString() + "." + " Raw type applied. Possible types: " + Utils.listToString(objTypes)); return true; } } return false; } private boolean checkRawType(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var, ArgType objType) { if (objType.isObject() && objType.containsGeneric()) { ArgType rawType = objType.isGenericType() ? ArgType.OBJECT : ArgType.object(objType.getObject()); TypeUpdateResult result = typeUpdate.applyWithWiderAllow(mth, var, rawType); return result == TypeUpdateResult.CHANGED; } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("ForLoopReplaceableByWhile") private boolean tryInsertCasts(MethodNode mth) { int added = 0; List mthSVars = mth.getSVars(); int varsCount = mthSVars.size(); for (int i = 0; i < varsCount; i++) { SSAVar var = mthSVars.get(i); ArgType type = var.getTypeInfo().getType(); if (!type.isTypeKnown() && !var.isTypeImmutable()) { added += tryInsertVarCast(mth, var); } } if (added != 0) { if (Consts.DEBUG_TYPE_INFERENCE) { mth.addDebugComment("Additional " + added + " cast instructions added to help type inference"); } InitCodeVariables.rerun(mth); initTypeBounds(mth); return runTypePropagation(mth); } return false; } private int tryInsertVarCast(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var) { for (ITypeBound bound : var.getTypeInfo().getBounds()) { ArgType boundType = bound.getType(); if (boundType.isTypeKnown() && boundType.containsTypeVariable()) { if (insertAssignCast(mth, var, boundType)) { return 1; } return insertUseCasts(mth, var); } } return 0; } private int insertUseCasts(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var) { List useList = var.getUseList(); if (useList.isEmpty()) { return 0; } int useCasts = 0; for (RegisterArg useReg : new ArrayList<>(useList)) { if (insertSoftUseCast(mth, useReg)) { useCasts++; } } return useCasts; } private boolean insertAssignCast(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var, ArgType castType) { RegisterArg assignArg = var.getAssign(); InsnNode assignInsn = assignArg.getParentInsn(); if (assignInsn == null || assignInsn.getType() == InsnType.PHI) { return false; } BlockNode assignBlock = BlockUtils.getBlockByInsn(mth, assignInsn); if (assignBlock == null) { return false; } RegisterArg newAssignArg = assignArg.duplicateWithNewSSAVar(mth); assignInsn.setResult(newAssignArg); IndexInsnNode castInsn = makeSoftCastInsn(assignArg, newAssignArg, castType); return BlockUtils.insertAfterInsn(assignBlock, assignInsn, castInsn); } private boolean insertSoftUseCast(MethodNode mth, RegisterArg useArg) { InsnNode useInsn = useArg.getParentInsn(); if (useInsn == null || useInsn.getType() == InsnType.PHI) { return false; } if (useInsn.getType() == InsnType.IF && useInsn.getArg(1).isZeroLiteral()) { // cast not needed if compare with null return false; } BlockNode useBlock = BlockUtils.getBlockByInsn(mth, useInsn); if (useBlock == null) { return false; } RegisterArg newUseArg = useArg.duplicateWithNewSSAVar(mth); useInsn.replaceArg(useArg, newUseArg); IndexInsnNode castInsn = makeSoftCastInsn(newUseArg, useArg, useArg.getInitType()); return BlockUtils.insertBeforeInsn(useBlock, useInsn, castInsn); } @NotNull private IndexInsnNode makeSoftCastInsn(RegisterArg result, RegisterArg arg, ArgType castType) { IndexInsnNode castInsn = new IndexInsnNode(InsnType.CHECK_CAST, castType, 1); castInsn.setResult(result.duplicate()); castInsn.addArg(arg.duplicate()); castInsn.add(AFlag.SOFT_CAST); castInsn.add(AFlag.SYNTHETIC); return castInsn; } private boolean trySplitConstInsns(MethodNode mth) { boolean constSplitted = false; for (SSAVar var : new ArrayList<>(mth.getSVars())) { if (checkAndSplitConstInsn(mth, var)) { constSplitted = true; } } if (!constSplitted) { return false; } InitCodeVariables.rerun(mth); initTypeBounds(mth); return runTypePropagation(mth); } private boolean checkAndSplitConstInsn(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var) { if (var.getUsedInPhi().size() < 2) { return false; } InsnNode assignInsn = var.getAssign().getAssignInsn(); InsnNode constInsn = InsnUtils.checkInsnType(assignInsn, InsnType.CONST); if (constInsn == null) { return false; } BlockNode blockNode = BlockUtils.getBlockByInsn(mth, constInsn); if (blockNode == null) { return false; } // for every PHI make separate CONST insn boolean first = true; for (PhiInsn phiInsn : var.getUsedInPhi()) { if (first) { first = false; continue; } InsnNode copyInsn = constInsn.copyWithNewSsaVar(mth); copyInsn.add(AFlag.SYNTHETIC); BlockUtils.insertAfterInsn(blockNode, constInsn, copyInsn); RegisterArg phiArg = phiInsn.getArgBySsaVar(var); phiInsn.replaceArg(phiArg, copyInsn.getResult().duplicate()); } return true; } private boolean tryInsertAdditionalMove(MethodNode mth) { int insnsAdded = 0; for (BlockNode block : mth.getBasicBlocks()) { PhiListAttr phiListAttr = block.get(AType.PHI_LIST); if (phiListAttr != null) { for (PhiInsn phiInsn : phiListAttr.getList()) { insnsAdded += tryInsertAdditionalInsn(mth, phiInsn); } } } if (insnsAdded == 0) { return false; } if (Consts.DEBUG_TYPE_INFERENCE) { mth.addDebugComment("Additional " + insnsAdded + " move instructions added to help type inference"); } InitCodeVariables.rerun(mth); initTypeBounds(mth); if (runTypePropagation(mth) && checkTypes(mth)) { return true; } return tryDeduceTypes(mth); } /** * Add MOVE instruction before PHI in bound blocks to make 'soft' type link. * This allows to use different types in blocks merged by PHI. */ private int tryInsertAdditionalInsn(MethodNode mth, PhiInsn phiInsn) { ArgType phiType = getCommonTypeForPhiArgs(phiInsn); if (phiType != null && phiType.isTypeKnown()) { // all args have same known type => nothing to do here return 0; } // check if instructions can be inserted if (insertMovesForPhi(mth, phiInsn, false) == 0) { return 0; } // check passed => apply return insertMovesForPhi(mth, phiInsn, true); } @Nullable private ArgType getCommonTypeForPhiArgs(PhiInsn phiInsn) { ArgType phiArgType = null; for (InsnArg arg : phiInsn.getArguments()) { ArgType type = arg.getType(); if (phiArgType == null) { phiArgType = type; } else if (!phiArgType.equals(type)) { return null; } } return phiArgType; } private int insertMovesForPhi(MethodNode mth, PhiInsn phiInsn, boolean apply) { int argsCount = phiInsn.getArgsCount(); int count = 0; for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < argsCount; argIndex++) { RegisterArg reg = phiInsn.getArg(argIndex); BlockNode startBlock = phiInsn.getBlockByArgIndex(argIndex); BlockNode blockNode = checkBlockForInsnInsert(startBlock); if (blockNode == null) { mth.addDebugComment("Failed to insert an additional move for type inference into block " + startBlock); return 0; } boolean add = true; SSAVar var = reg.getSVar(); InsnNode assignInsn = var.getAssign().getAssignInsn(); if (assignInsn != null) { InsnType assignType = assignInsn.getType(); if (assignType == InsnType.CONST || (assignType == InsnType.MOVE && var.getUseCount() == 1)) { add = false; } } if (add) { count++; if (apply) { insertMove(mth, blockNode, phiInsn, reg); } } } return count; } private void insertMove(MethodNode mth, BlockNode blockNode, PhiInsn phiInsn, RegisterArg reg) { SSAVar var = reg.getSVar(); int regNum = reg.getRegNum(); RegisterArg resultArg = reg.duplicate(regNum, null); SSAVar newSsaVar = mth.makeNewSVar(resultArg); RegisterArg arg = reg.duplicate(regNum, var); InsnNode moveInsn = new InsnNode(InsnType.MOVE, 1); moveInsn.setResult(resultArg); moveInsn.addArg(arg); moveInsn.add(AFlag.SYNTHETIC); blockNode.getInstructions().add(moveInsn); phiInsn.replaceArg(reg, reg.duplicate(regNum, newSsaVar)); } @Nullable private BlockNode checkBlockForInsnInsert(BlockNode blockNode) { if (blockNode.isSynthetic()) { return null; } InsnNode lastInsn = BlockUtils.getLastInsn(blockNode); if (lastInsn != null && BlockSplitter.isSeparate(lastInsn.getType())) { // can't insert move in a block with 'separate' instruction => try previous block by simple path List preds = blockNode.getPredecessors(); if (preds.size() == 1) { return checkBlockForInsnInsert(preds.get(0)); } return null; } return blockNode; } private boolean tryWiderObjects(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var) { Set objTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (ITypeBound bound : var.getTypeInfo().getBounds()) { ArgType boundType = bound.getType(); if (boundType.isTypeKnown() && boundType.isObject()) { objTypes.add(boundType); } } if (objTypes.isEmpty()) { return false; } ClspGraph clsp = mth.root().getClsp(); for (ArgType objType : objTypes) { for (String ancestor : clsp.getSuperTypes(objType.getObject())) { ArgType ancestorType = ArgType.object(ancestor); TypeUpdateResult result = typeUpdate.applyWithWiderAllow(mth, var, ancestorType); if (result == TypeUpdateResult.CHANGED) { return true; } } } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("ForLoopReplaceableByForEach") private boolean tryToFixIncompatiblePrimitives(MethodNode mth) { boolean fixed = false; List ssaVars = mth.getSVars(); int ssaVarsCount = ssaVars.size(); // new vars will be added at list end if fix is applied (can't use for-each loop) for (int i = 0; i < ssaVarsCount; i++) { if (processIncompatiblePrimitives(mth, ssaVars.get(i))) { fixed = true; } } if (!fixed) { return false; } InitCodeVariables.rerun(mth); initTypeBounds(mth); return runTypePropagation(mth); } private boolean processIncompatiblePrimitives(MethodNode mth, SSAVar var) { TypeInfo typeInfo = var.getTypeInfo(); if (typeInfo.getType().isTypeKnown()) { return false; } for (ITypeBound bound : typeInfo.getBounds()) { ArgType boundType = bound.getType(); switch (bound.getBound()) { case ASSIGN: if (!boundType.contains(PrimitiveType.BOOLEAN)) { return false; } break; case USE: if (!boundType.canBeAnyNumber()) { return false; } break; } } boolean fixed = false; for (ITypeBound bound : typeInfo.getBounds()) { if (bound.getBound() == BoundEnum.USE && fixBooleanUsage(mth, bound)) { fixed = true; } } return fixed; } private boolean fixBooleanUsage(MethodNode mth, ITypeBound bound) { ArgType boundType = bound.getType(); if (boundType == ArgType.BOOLEAN || (boundType.isTypeKnown() && !boundType.isPrimitive())) { return false; } RegisterArg boundArg = bound.getArg(); if (boundArg == null) { return false; } InsnNode insn = boundArg.getParentInsn(); if (insn == null || insn.getType() == InsnType.IF) { return false; } BlockNode blockNode = BlockUtils.getBlockByInsn(mth, insn); if (blockNode == null) { return false; } List insnList = blockNode.getInstructions(); int insnIndex = InsnList.getIndex(insnList, insn); if (insnIndex == -1) { return false; } InsnType insnType = insn.getType(); if (insnType == InsnType.CAST) { // replace cast ArgType type = (ArgType) ((IndexInsnNode) insn).getIndex(); TernaryInsn convertInsn = prepareBooleanConvertInsn(insn.getResult(), boundArg, type); BlockUtils.replaceInsn(mth, blockNode, insnIndex, convertInsn); return true; } if (insnType == InsnType.ARITH) { ArithNode arithInsn = (ArithNode) insn; if (arithInsn.getOp() == ArithOp.XOR && arithInsn.getArgsCount() == 2) { // replace (boolean ^ 1) with (!boolean) InsnArg secondArg = arithInsn.getArg(1); if (secondArg.isLiteral() && ((LiteralArg) secondArg).getLiteral() == 1) { InsnNode convertInsn = notBooleanToInt(arithInsn, boundArg); BlockUtils.replaceInsn(mth, blockNode, insnIndex, convertInsn); return true; } } } // insert before insn RegisterArg resultArg = boundArg.duplicateWithNewSSAVar(mth); TernaryInsn convertInsn = prepareBooleanConvertInsn(resultArg, boundArg, boundType); insnList.add(insnIndex, convertInsn); insn.replaceArg(boundArg, convertInsn.getResult().duplicate()); return true; } private InsnNode notBooleanToInt(ArithNode insn, RegisterArg boundArg) { InsnNode notInsn = new InsnNode(InsnType.NOT, 1); notInsn.addArg(boundArg.duplicate()); notInsn.add(AFlag.SYNTHETIC); InsnArg notArg = InsnArg.wrapArg(notInsn); notArg.setType(ArgType.BOOLEAN); TernaryInsn convertInsn = ModVisitor.makeBooleanConvertInsn(insn.getResult(), notArg, ArgType.INT); convertInsn.add(AFlag.SYNTHETIC); return convertInsn; } private TernaryInsn prepareBooleanConvertInsn(RegisterArg resultArg, RegisterArg boundArg, ArgType useType) { RegisterArg useArg = boundArg.getSVar().getAssign().duplicate(); TernaryInsn convertInsn = ModVisitor.makeBooleanConvertInsn(resultArg, useArg, useType); convertInsn.add(AFlag.SYNTHETIC); return convertInsn; } private static void assignImmutableTypes(MethodNode mth) { for (SSAVar ssaVar : mth.getSVars()) { ArgType immutableType = getSsaImmutableType(ssaVar); if (immutableType != null) { ssaVar.markAsImmutable(immutableType); } } } @Nullable private static ArgType getSsaImmutableType(SSAVar ssaVar) { if (ssaVar.getAssign().contains(AFlag.IMMUTABLE_TYPE)) { return ssaVar.getAssign().getInitType(); } for (RegisterArg reg : ssaVar.getUseList()) { if (reg.contains(AFlag.IMMUTABLE_TYPE)) { return reg.getInitType(); } } return null; } }