/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "taosmsg.h" #include "tlog.h" #include "tlog.h" #include "tsocket.h" #include "ttcpclient.h" #include "tutil.h" #ifndef EPOLLWAKEUP #define EPOLLWAKEUP (1u << 29) #endif typedef struct _tcp_fd { int fd; // TCP socket FD void * thandle; uint32_t ip; char ipstr[20]; short port; struct _tcp_client *pTcp; struct _tcp_fd * prev, *next; } STcpFd; typedef struct _tcp_client { pthread_t thread; STcpFd * pHead; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t fdReady; int pollFd; int numOfFds; char label[12]; char ipstr[20]; void * shandle; // handle passed by upper layer during server initialization void *(*processData)(char *data, int dataLen, unsigned int ip, short port, void *shandle, void *thandle, void *chandle); // char buffer[128000]; } STcpClient; #define maxTcpEvents 100 static void taosCleanUpTcpFdObj(STcpFd *pFdObj) { STcpClient *pTcp; if (pFdObj == NULL) return; pTcp = pFdObj->pTcp; if (pTcp == NULL) { tError("double free TcpFdObj!!!!"); return; } epoll_ctl(pTcp->pollFd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, pFdObj->fd, NULL); close(pFdObj->fd); pthread_mutex_lock(&pTcp->mutex); pTcp->numOfFds--; if (pTcp->numOfFds < 0) tError("%s number of TCP FDs shall never be negative", pTcp->label); // remove from the FdObject list if (pFdObj->prev) { (pFdObj->prev)->next = pFdObj->next; } else { pTcp->pHead = pFdObj->next; } if (pFdObj->next) { (pFdObj->next)->prev = pFdObj->prev; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pTcp->mutex); // notify the upper layer to clean the associated context if (pFdObj->thandle) (*(pTcp->processData))(NULL, 0, 0, 0, pTcp->shandle, pFdObj->thandle, NULL); tTrace("%s TCP FD is cleaned up, numOfFds:%d", pTcp->label, pTcp->numOfFds); memset(pFdObj, 0, sizeof(STcpFd)); tfree(pFdObj); } void taosCleanUpTcpClient(void *chandle) { STcpClient *pTcp = (STcpClient *)chandle; if (pTcp == NULL) return; while (pTcp->pHead) { taosCleanUpTcpFdObj(pTcp->pHead); pTcp->pHead = pTcp->pHead->next; } close(pTcp->pollFd); pthread_cancel(pTcp->thread); pthread_join(pTcp->thread, NULL); // tTrace (":%s, all connections are cleaned up", pTcp->label); tfree(pTcp); } static void *taosReadTcpData(void *param) { STcpClient * pTcp = (STcpClient *)param; int i, fdNum; STcpFd * pFdObj; struct epoll_event events[maxTcpEvents]; while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&pTcp->mutex); if (pTcp->numOfFds < 1) pthread_cond_wait(&pTcp->fdReady, &pTcp->mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pTcp->mutex); fdNum = epoll_wait(pTcp->pollFd, events, maxTcpEvents, -1); if (fdNum < 0) continue; for (i = 0; i < fdNum; ++i) { pFdObj = events[i].data.ptr; if (events[i].events & EPOLLERR) { tTrace("%s TCP error happened on FD\n", pTcp->label); taosCleanUpTcpFdObj(pFdObj); continue; } if (events[i].events & EPOLLHUP) { tTrace("%s TCP FD hang up\n", pTcp->label); taosCleanUpTcpFdObj(pFdObj); continue; } void *buffer = malloc(1024); int headLen = taosReadMsg(pFdObj->fd, buffer, sizeof(STaosHeader)); if (headLen != sizeof(STaosHeader)) { tError("%s read error, headLen:%d", pTcp->label, headLen); taosCleanUpTcpFdObj(pFdObj); continue; } int dataLen = (int32_t)htonl((uint32_t)((STaosHeader *)buffer)->msgLen); if (dataLen > 1024) buffer = realloc(buffer, (size_t)dataLen); int leftLen = dataLen - headLen; int retLen = taosReadMsg(pFdObj->fd, buffer + headLen, leftLen); //tTrace("%s TCP data is received, ip:%s port:%u len:%d", pTcp->label, pFdObj->ipstr, pFdObj->port, dataLen); if (leftLen != retLen) { tError("%s read error, leftLen:%d retLen:%d", pTcp->label, leftLen, retLen); taosCleanUpTcpFdObj(pFdObj); continue; } pFdObj->thandle = (*(pTcp->processData))(buffer, dataLen, pFdObj->ip, pFdObj->port, pTcp->shandle, pFdObj->thandle, pFdObj); if (pFdObj->thandle == NULL) taosCleanUpTcpFdObj(pFdObj); } } return NULL; } void *taosInitTcpClient(char *ip, short port, char *label, int num, void *fp, void *shandle) { STcpClient * pTcp; pthread_attr_t thattr; pTcp = (STcpClient *)malloc(sizeof(STcpClient)); memset(pTcp, 0, sizeof(STcpClient)); strcpy(pTcp->label, label); strcpy(pTcp->ipstr, ip); pTcp->shandle = shandle; if (pthread_mutex_init(&(pTcp->mutex), NULL) < 0) { tError("%s failed to init TCP mutex, reason:%s", label, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (pthread_cond_init(&(pTcp->fdReady), NULL) != 0) { tError("%s init TCP condition variable failed, reason:%s\n", label, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } pTcp->pollFd = epoll_create(10); // size does not matter if (pTcp->pollFd < 0) { tError("%s failed to create TCP epoll", label); return NULL; } pTcp->processData = fp; pthread_attr_init(&thattr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); if (pthread_create(&(pTcp->thread), &thattr, taosReadTcpData, (void *)(pTcp)) != 0) { tError("%s failed to create TCP read data thread, reason:%s", label, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } tTrace("%s TCP client is initialized, ip:%s port:%u", label, ip, port); return pTcp; } void taosCloseTcpClientConnection(void *chandle) { STcpFd *pFdObj = (STcpFd *)chandle; if (pFdObj == NULL) return; taosCleanUpTcpFdObj(pFdObj); } void *taosOpenTcpClientConnection(void *shandle, void *thandle, char *ip, short port) { STcpClient * pTcp = (STcpClient *)shandle; STcpFd * pFdObj; struct epoll_event event; struct in_addr destIp; int fd; /* if ( (strcmp(ip, "") == 0 ) || (strcmp(ip, "localhost") == 0 ) ) { fd = taosOpenUDClientSocket(ip, port); } else { fd = taosOpenTcpClientSocket(ip, port, pTcp->ipstr); } */ fd = taosOpenTcpClientSocket(ip, port, pTcp->ipstr); if (fd <= 0) return NULL; pFdObj = (STcpFd *)malloc(sizeof(STcpFd)); if (pFdObj == NULL) { tError("%s no enough resource to allocate TCP FD IDs", pTcp->label); tclose(fd); return NULL; } memset(pFdObj, 0, sizeof(STcpFd)); pFdObj->fd = fd; strcpy(pFdObj->ipstr, ip); inet_aton(ip, &destIp); pFdObj->ip = destIp.s_addr; pFdObj->port = port; pFdObj->pTcp = pTcp; pFdObj->thandle = thandle; event.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLPRI | EPOLLWAKEUP; event.data.ptr = pFdObj; if (epoll_ctl(pTcp->pollFd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &event) < 0) { tError("%s failed to add TCP FD for epoll, error:%s", pTcp->label, strerror(errno)); tfree(pFdObj); tclose(fd); return NULL; } // notify the data process, add into the FdObj list pthread_mutex_lock(&(pTcp->mutex)); pFdObj->next = pTcp->pHead; if (pTcp->pHead) (pTcp->pHead)->prev = pFdObj; pTcp->pHead = pFdObj; pTcp->numOfFds++; pthread_cond_signal(&pTcp->fdReady); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pTcp->mutex)); tTrace("%s TCP connection to ip:%s port:%u is created, numOfFds:%d", pTcp->label, ip, port, pTcp->numOfFds); return pFdObj; } int taosSendTcpClientData(uint32_t ip, short port, char *data, int len, void *chandle) { STcpFd *pFdObj = (STcpFd *)chandle; if (chandle == NULL) return -1; return (int)send(pFdObj->fd, data, (size_t)len, 0); }