^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changelog for package ur5_moveit_config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1.2.7 (2019-11-23) ------------------ 1.2.6 (2019-11-19) ------------------ * Migrated all package.xml files to format=2 (`#439 `_) * Contributors: Felix Mauch, Qiang Qiu 1.2.5 (2019-04-05) ------------------ * Update maintainer listing: add Miguel (`#410 `_) * MoveGroupExecuteService is Deprecated by MoveIt! (`#391 `_) * Update maintainer and author information. * Add roslaunch tests (`#362 `_) * Contributors: gavanderhoorn, Nadia Hammoudeh García, 薯片半价 1.2.1 (2018-01-06) ------------------ * Reduce longest valid segment fraction to accomodate non-limited version of the UR5 (`#266 `_) * Contributors: Scott Paulin 1.2.0 (2017-08-04) ------------------ * Fix Deprecated warning in MoveIt: parameter moved into namespace 'trajectory_execution' * Contributors: Dave Coleman 1.1.9 (2017-01-02) ------------------ * use '--inorder' for jade+ xacro as well. * make RViz load MoveIt display by default. * Contributors: gavanderhoorn 1.1.8 (2016-12-30) ------------------ * all: update maintainers. * Contributors: gavanderhoorn 1.1.7 (2016-12-29) ------------------ * Don't depend on moveit_plugins metapackage * Fix xacro warnings in Jade * Contributors: Dave Coleman, Jon Binney 1.1.6 (2016-04-01) ------------------ * add missing dependency for moveit_simple_controller_manager * Merge branch 'indigo-devel' of github.com:ros-industrial/universal_robot into ur3_moveit_config * apply latest setup assistant changes to ur5 and ur10 * Adding comment explaining the choice of default planning algorithm * Use RRTConnect by default for UR5 Fixes bug `#193 `_ about slow planning on Indigo LBKPIECE1 (the previous default) looks to be the wrong planning algorithm for the robot See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/moveit-users/M71T-GaUNgg * crop ik solutions wrt joint_limits * set planning time to 0 * reduce planning attempts in moveit rviz plugin * Contributors: Marco Esposito, ipa-fxm 1.0.2 (2014-03-31) ------------------ 1.0.1 (2014-03-31) ------------------ * Merge branch 'hydro-devel' of github.com:ros-industrial/universal_robot into hydro * changes due to file renaming * update moveit_configs: include ee_link and handle limited robot * new moveit_configs for ur5 and ur10 * remove old ur5_moveit_config * Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-fxm * ur5_moveit_cfg: add missing run_depend ind_rob_simulator. Fix `#38 `_. * update moveit_configs to use moveit_simple_controller_manager * Added config files missed on last commit * Added launch/configuration files for using real robot. Updated joint limits to velocity limits of the driver (all of which can be configured to make the robot move faster) * Removed ur5_joint_limited_moveit_config. ur5_moveit_config now has limited joint ranges to plus/minus 180 degrees. * Added ur5 moveit library. The Kinematics used by the ur5 move it library is unreliable and should be replaced with the ur_kinematics * Contributors: Jeremy Zoss, Shaun Edwards, gavanderhoorn