* DeepFM: a factorization-machine based neural network for CTR prediction on Criteo dataset.
* DeepLabV3: significantly improves over our previous DeepLab versions without DenseCRF post-processing and attains comparable performance with other state-of-art models on the PASCAL VOC 2007 semantic image segmentation benchmark.
* Faster-RCNN: towards real-time object detection with region proposal networks on COCO 2017 dataset.
* SSD: a single stage object detection methods on COCO 2017 dataset.
* GoogLeNet: a deep convolutional neural network architecture codenamed Inception V1 for classification and detection on CIFAR-10 dataset.
* Wide&Deep: jointly trained wide linear models and deep neural networks for recommender systems on Criteo dataset.
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ To train the model, run `train.py`. If the `MINDRECORD_DIR` is empty, it will ge
- Distribute mode
sh run_distribute_train.sh 8 150 coco /data/hccl.json
sh run_distribute_train.sh 8 500 0.2 coco /data/hccl.json
The input parameters are device numbers, epoch size, dataset mode and [hccl json configuration file](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/en/master/advanced_use/distributed_training.html). **It is better to use absolute path.**
The input parameters are device numbers, epoch size, learning rate, dataset mode and [hccl json configuration file](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/en/master/advanced_use/distributed_training.html). **It is better to use absolute path.**
You will get the loss value of each step as following:
@@ -75,14 +75,15 @@ epoch: 3 step: 455, loss is 5.458992
epoch: 148 step: 455, loss is 1.8340507
epoch: 149 step: 455, loss is 2.0876894
epoch: 150 step: 455, loss is 2.239692
### Evaluation
for evaluation , run `eval.py` with `ckpt_path`. `ckpt_path` is the path of [checkpoint](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/en/master/use/saving_and_loading_model_parameters.html) file.
for evaluation , run `eval.py` with `checkpoint_path`. `checkpoint_path` is the path of [checkpoint](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/en/master/use/saving_and_loading_model_parameters.html) file.