import torch import cv2 import numpy as np import random import torchvision import utils.func as func import config as cfg def get_color_params(brightness=0, contrast=0, saturation=0, hue=0): if brightness > 0: brightness_factor = random.uniform( max(0, 1 - brightness), 1 + brightness) else: brightness_factor = None if contrast > 0: contrast_factor = random.uniform(max(0, 1 - contrast), 1 + contrast) else: contrast_factor = None if saturation > 0: saturation_factor = random.uniform( max(0, 1 - saturation), 1 + saturation) else: saturation_factor = None if hue > 0: hue_factor = random.uniform(-hue, hue) else: hue_factor = None return brightness_factor, contrast_factor, saturation_factor, hue_factor def color_jitter(img, brightness=0, contrast=0, saturation=0, hue=0): brightness, contrast, saturation, hue = get_color_params( brightness=brightness, contrast=contrast, saturation=saturation, hue=hue) # Create img transform function sequence img_transforms = [] if brightness is not None: img_transforms.append(lambda img: torchvision.transforms.functional.adjust_brightness(img, brightness)) if saturation is not None: img_transforms.append(lambda img: torchvision.transforms.functional.adjust_saturation(img, saturation)) if hue is not None: img_transforms.append( lambda img: torchvision.transforms.functional.adjust_hue(img, hue)) if contrast is not None: img_transforms.append(lambda img: torchvision.transforms.functional.adjust_contrast(img, contrast)) random.shuffle(img_transforms) jittered_img = img for func in img_transforms: jittered_img = func(jittered_img) return jittered_img def batch_with_dep(clrs, deps): clrs = func.to_numpy(clrs) if clrs.dtype is not np.uint8: clrs = (clrs * 255).astype(np.uint8) assert len(deps.shape) == 4, "deps should have shape (B, 1, H, W)" deps = func.to_numpy(deps) deps = deps.swapaxes(1, 2).swapaxes(2, 3) deps = deps.repeat(3, axis=3) if deps.dtype is not np.uint8: deps = (deps * 255).astype(np.uint8) batch_size = clrs.shape[0] alpha = 0.6 beta = 0.9 gamma = 0 batch = [] for i in range(16): if i >= batch_size: batch.append(np.zeros((64, 64, 3)).astype(np.uint8)) continue clr = clrs[i] clr = cv2.resize(clr, (64, 64)) dep = deps[i] dep_img = cv2.addWeighted(clr, alpha, dep, beta, gamma) batch.append(dep_img) resu = [] for i in range(4): resu.append(np.concatenate(batch[i * 4: i * 4 + 4], axis=1)) resu = np.concatenate(resu) return resu def batch_with_joint(clrs, uvds): clrs = func.to_numpy(clrs) if clrs.dtype is not np.uint8: clrs = (clrs * 255).astype(np.uint8) uvds = func.to_numpy(uvds) batch_size = clrs.shape[0] batch = [] for i in range(16): if i >= batch_size: batch.append(np.zeros((256, 256, 3)).astype(np.uint8)) continue clr = clrs[i] uv = (np.array(uvds[i][:, :2]) * clr.shape[0]).astype(np.uint8) # (256) clr = draw_hand_skeloten(clr, uv, cfg.SNAP_BONES) batch.append(clr) resu = [] for i in range(4): resu.append(np.concatenate(batch[i * 4: i * 4 + 4], axis=1)) resu = np.concatenate(resu) return resu def draw_hand_skeloten(clr, uv, bone_links, colors=cfg.JOINT_COLORS): for i in range(len(bone_links)): bone = bone_links[i] for j in bone:, tuple(uv[j]), 4, colors[i], -1) for j, nj in zip(bone[:-1], bone[1:]): cv2.line(clr, tuple(uv[j]), tuple(uv[nj]), colors[i], 2) return clr def batch_with_heatmap( inputs, heatmaps, num_rows=2, parts_to_show=None, n_in_batch=1, ): # inputs = func.to_numpy(inputs * 255) # 0~1 -> 0 ~255 heatmaps = func.to_numpy(heatmaps) batch_img = [] for n in range(min(inputs.shape[0], n_in_batch)): inp = inputs[n] batch_img.append( sample_with_heatmap( inp, heatmaps[n], num_rows=num_rows, parts_to_show=parts_to_show ) ) resu = np.concatenate(batch_img) return resu def sample_with_heatmap(img, heatmap, num_rows=2, parts_to_show=None): if parts_to_show is None: parts_to_show = np.arange(heatmap.shape[0]) # 21 # Generate a single image to display input/output pair num_cols = int(np.ceil(float(len(parts_to_show)) / num_rows)) size = img.shape[0] // num_rows full_img = np.zeros((img.shape[0], size * (num_cols + num_rows), 3), np.uint8) full_img[:img.shape[0], :img.shape[1]] = img inp_small = cv2.resize(img, (size, size)) # Set up heatmap display for each part for i, part in enumerate(parts_to_show): part_idx = part out_resized = cv2.resize(heatmap[part_idx], (size, size)) out_resized = out_resized.astype(float) out_img = inp_small.copy() * .4 color_hm = color_heatmap(out_resized) out_img += color_hm * .6 col_offset = (i % num_cols + num_rows) * size row_offset = (i // num_cols) * size full_img[row_offset:row_offset + size, col_offset:col_offset + size] = out_img return full_img def color_heatmap(x): color = np.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1], 3)) color[:, :, 0] = gauss(x, .5, .6, .2) + gauss(x, 1, .8, .3) color[:, :, 1] = gauss(x, 1, .5, .3) color[:, :, 2] = gauss(x, 1, .2, .3) color[color > 1] = 1 color = (color * 255).astype(np.uint8) return color def gauss(x, a, b, c, d=0): return a * np.exp(-(x - b) ** 2 / (2 * c ** 2)) + d