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[FIXBUG][common]fix yarn applications status cause NPE(#3645) (#3648)

* fix #3645

fix get yarn applications status from yarn server,http code return 404, get yarn applications status cause NullPointerException

* Update HadoopUtils.java

* Update HadoopUtils.java
上级 7d49fbba
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ public class HadoopUtils implements Closeable {
String appUrl = "";
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(rmHaIds)){
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(rmHaIds)) {
//single resourcemanager enabled
appUrl = appAddress;
yarnEnabled = true;
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public class HadoopUtils implements Closeable {
logger.info("application url : {}", appUrl);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(appUrl)) {
throw new Exception("application url is blank");
return String.format(appUrl, applicationId);
......@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ public class HadoopUtils implements Closeable {
String applicationUrl = getApplicationUrl(applicationId);
logger.info("applicationUrl={}", applicationUrl);
String responseContent ;
String responseContent;
if (PropertyUtils.getBoolean(Constants.HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_STARTUP_STATE, false)) {
responseContent = KerberosHttpClient.get(applicationUrl);
} else {
......@@ -425,17 +425,25 @@ public class HadoopUtils implements Closeable {
if (responseContent != null) {
ObjectNode jsonObject = JSONUtils.parseObject(responseContent);
if (!jsonObject.has("app")) {
return ExecutionStatus.FAILURE;
result = jsonObject.path("app").path("finalStatus").asText();
} else {
//may be in job history
String jobHistoryUrl = getJobHistoryUrl(applicationId);
logger.info("jobHistoryUrl={}", jobHistoryUrl);
responseContent = HttpUtils.get(jobHistoryUrl);
if (null != responseContent) {
ObjectNode jsonObject = JSONUtils.parseObject(responseContent);
if (!jsonObject.has("job")){
if (!jsonObject.has("job")) {
return ExecutionStatus.FAILURE;
result = jsonObject.path("job").path("state").asText();
} else {
return ExecutionStatus.FAILURE;
switch (result) {
......@@ -679,7 +687,7 @@ public class HadoopUtils implements Closeable {
ObjectNode jsonObject = JSONUtils.parseObject(retStr);
//get ResourceManager state
if (!jsonObject.has("clusterInfo")){
if (!jsonObject.has("clusterInfo")) {
return null;
return jsonObject.get("clusterInfo").path("haState").asText();
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