// Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifdef __NVCC__ #include "cub/cub.cuh" #endif #ifdef __HIPCC__ #include namespace cub = hipcub; #endif #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/gpu/gpu_dnn.h" #include "paddle/phi/backends/gpu/gpu_context.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/kernel_registry.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/batch_norm_kernel.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/eigen/common.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/norm_utils.cu.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/norm_utils.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/data_layout.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/layout_utils.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/enforce.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/flags.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/gpu/batch_norm_utils.h" #ifdef __HIPCC__ #define LAUNCH_BOUNDS(BlockDim) __launch_bounds__(BlockDim) #else #define LAUNCH_BOUNDS(BlockDim) #endif DECLARE_bool(cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent); namespace phi { template using CudnnDataType = paddle::platform::CudnnDataType; template using BatchNormParamType = typename CudnnDataType::BatchNormParamType; template static __global__ void BNForwardInference(const T *x, const BatchNormParamType *mean, const BatchNormParamType *variance, const BatchNormParamType *scale, const BatchNormParamType *bias, const int C, const int N, const int HxW, const double epsilon, T *y) { int gid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x; int num = N * C * HxW; for (int i = gid; i < num; i += stride) { const int c = layout == phi::DataLayout::kNCHW ? i / HxW % C : i % C; BatchNormParamType x_sub_mean = static_cast>(x[i]) - mean[c]; BatchNormParamType inv_var = 1 / sqrt(variance[c] + epsilon); y[i] = static_cast(scale[c] * x_sub_mean * inv_var + bias[c]); } } template static __global__ LAUNCH_BOUNDS(BlockDim) void BNForwardTraining( const T *x, const BatchNormParamType *scale, const BatchNormParamType *bias, const int C, const int N, const int HxW, const double epsilon, double exponentialAverageFactor, T *y, BatchNormParamType *mean, BatchNormParamType *variance, BatchNormParamType *save_mean, BatchNormParamType *save_inv_variance) { int outer_size = C; int inner_size = N * HxW; typedef cub::BlockReduce, BlockDim> BlockReduce; __shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage mean_storage; __shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage variance_storeage; __shared__ BatchNormParamType mean_val; __shared__ BatchNormParamType variance_val; __shared__ BatchNormParamType inv_var_val; for (int i = blockIdx.x; i < outer_size; i += gridDim.x) { BatchNormParamType x_sum = static_cast>(0); BatchNormParamType x_square_sum = static_cast>(0); for (int j = threadIdx.x; j < inner_size; j += blockDim.x) { const int index = layout == phi::DataLayout::kNCHW ? (j / HxW * C + i) * HxW + j % HxW : j * outer_size + i; BatchNormParamType x_i = static_cast>(x[index]); x_sum += x_i; x_square_sum += x_i * x_i; } x_sum = BlockReduce(mean_storage).Reduce(x_sum, cub::Sum()); x_square_sum = BlockReduce(variance_storeage).Reduce(x_square_sum, cub::Sum()); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { mean_val = x_sum / inner_size; variance_val = x_square_sum / inner_size - mean_val * mean_val; inv_var_val = 1 / sqrt(variance_val + epsilon); if (save_mean && save_inv_variance) { save_mean[i] = mean_val; save_inv_variance[i] = inv_var_val; } mean[i] = (1 - exponentialAverageFactor) * mean_val + exponentialAverageFactor * mean[i]; variance[i] = (1 - exponentialAverageFactor) * variance_val + exponentialAverageFactor * variance[i]; } __syncthreads(); for (int j = threadIdx.x; j < inner_size; j += blockDim.x) { const int index = layout == phi::DataLayout::kNCHW ? (j / HxW * C + i) * HxW + j % HxW : j * outer_size + i; BatchNormParamType x_sub_mean = static_cast>(x[index]) - mean_val; y[index] = scale[i] * x_sub_mean * inv_var_val + bias[i]; } } } template void BatchNormKernel(const Context &ctx, const DenseTensor &x, const DenseTensor &scale, const DenseTensor &bias, const DenseTensor &mean, const DenseTensor &variance, float momentum, float epsilon_f, const std::string &data_layout_str, bool is_test, bool use_global_stats, bool trainable_statistics, bool fuse_with_relu, DenseTensor *y, DenseTensor *mean_out, DenseTensor *variance_out, DenseTensor *saved_mean, DenseTensor *saved_variance, DenseTensor *reserve_space) { double epsilon = epsilon_f; const bool trainable_stats = trainable_statistics; const DataLayout data_layout = paddle::framework::StringToDataLayout(data_layout_str); bool test_mode = is_test && (!trainable_stats); // Get the size for each dimension. // NCHW [batch_size, in_channels, in_height, in_width] const auto &x_dims = x.dims(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( x_dims.size() >= 2 && x_dims.size() <= 5, true, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "The size of input's dimensions should be between 2 and 5" "But received: the size of input's dimensions is [%d]", x_dims.size())); ctx.template Alloc(y); int N, C, H, W, D; paddle::operators::ExtractNCWHD(x_dims, data_layout, &N, &C, &H, &W, &D); auto dtype = paddle::platform::CudnnDataType::type; #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP auto compute_format = data_layout == DataLayout::kNHWC ? DataLayout::kNHWC : DataLayout::kNCHW; // TODO(wangran16): wait for MIOpen to improve the performance of BN // HIP do not support compute format of NHWC // auto compute_format = DataLayout::kNCHW; #else const bool fast_nhwc_batch_norm = test_mode || (dtype == CUDNN_DATA_HALF && FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent); auto compute_format = fast_nhwc_batch_norm && data_layout == DataLayout::kNHWC ? DataLayout::kNHWC : DataLayout::kNCHW; #endif DenseTensor transformed_x(x.type()); DenseTensor transformed_y(y->type()); if (data_layout == DataLayout::kNHWC && compute_format == DataLayout::kNCHW && x_dims.size() > 2) { VLOG(3) << "Transform input tensor from NHWC to NCHW."; ResizeToChannelFirst(ctx, &x, &transformed_x); TransToChannelFirst(ctx, &x, &transformed_x); ResizeToChannelFirst(ctx, y, &transformed_y); } else { transformed_x.ShareDataWith(x); transformed_y.ShareDataWith(*y); } // ------------------- cudnn descriptors --------------------- #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP // TODO(wangran16): wait for MIOpen to improve the performance of BN // miopenTensorDescriptor_t data_desc_; // miopenTensorDescriptor_t bn_param_desc_; // miopenBatchNormMode_t mode_; // PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( // platform::dynload::miopenCreateTensorDescriptor(&data_desc_)); // PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( // platform::dynload::miopenCreateTensorDescriptor(&bn_param_desc_)); #else cudnnTensorDescriptor_t data_desc_; cudnnTensorDescriptor_t bn_param_desc_; cudnnBatchNormMode_t mode_; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload::cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&data_desc_)); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload::cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&bn_param_desc_)); #endif if (epsilon <= CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON - FLT_EPSILON) { LOG(ERROR) << "Provided epsilon is smaller than " << "CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON. Setting it to " << "CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON instead."; } epsilon = std::max(epsilon, CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP // TODO(wangran16): wait for MIOpen to improve the performance of BN // mode_ = miopenBNSpatial; #elif CUDNN_VERSION_MIN(7, 0, 1) if (FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent) { mode_ = CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL_PERSISTENT; } else if (H == 1 && W == 1) { mode_ = CUDNN_BATCHNORM_PER_ACTIVATION; } else { mode_ = CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL; } #else if (H == 1 && W == 1) { mode_ = CUDNN_BATCHNORM_PER_ACTIVATION; } else { mode_ = CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL; } #endif // CUDNN_VERSION_MIN(7, 0, 1) VLOG(3) << "Setting descriptors."; std::vector dims; std::vector strides; if (compute_format == DataLayout::kNCHW) { dims = {N, C, H, W, D}; strides = {C * H * W * D, H * W * D, W * D, D, 1}; } else { dims = {N, C, H, W, D}; strides = {H * W * D * C, 1, W * D * C, D * C, C}; } #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP // TODO(wangran16): wait for MIOpen to improve the performance of BN // PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(platform::dynload::miopenSetTensorDescriptor( // data_desc_, CudnnDataType::type, // x_dims.size() > 3 ? x_dims.size() : 4, const_cast(dims.data()), // const_cast(strides.data()))); // Note: PERSISTENT not implemented for inference // PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( // platform::dynload::miopenDeriveBNTensorDescriptor( // bn_param_desc_, data_desc_, test_mode ? miopenBNSpatial : mode_)); #else PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload::cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor( data_desc_, CudnnDataType::type, x_dims.size() > 3 ? x_dims.size() : 4, dims.data(), strides.data())); // Note: PERSISTENT not implemented for inference PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload::cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor( bn_param_desc_, data_desc_, test_mode ? CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL : mode_)); #endif auto handle = ctx.cudnn_handle(); // Now, depending on whether we are running test or not, we have two paths. // It is training mode when it's not reference AND not using pre-trained // model. bool training = !test_mode && !use_global_stats; if (!training) { // only when test we use input to do computation. const auto *est_mean = &mean; const auto *est_var = &variance; // Run inference mode. PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( est_mean->dims().size(), 1UL, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "The size of mean's dimensions must equal to 1." "But received: the size of mean's dimensions mean is [%d]," "the dimensions of mean is [%s].", est_mean->dims().size(), est_mean->dims())); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( est_var->dims().size(), 1UL, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "The size of variance's dimensions must equal to 1." "But received: the size of variance's dimensions is [%d]," "the dimensions of variance is [%s].", est_var->dims().size(), est_var->dims())); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( est_mean->dims()[0], C, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "The first dimension of mean must equal to the number of " "Channels, which is [%d]. But received: the first dimension" "of mean is [%d], the dimensions of mean is [%s].", C, est_mean->dims()[0], est_mean->dims())); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( est_var->dims()[0], C, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "The first dimension of variance must equal to the number" "of Channels, which is [%d]. But received: the first dimension of" "variance is [%d], the dimensions of variance is [%s].", C, est_var->dims()[0], est_var->dims())); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP const int block_size = 256; const int grid_size = (N * C * H * W * D + block_size - 1) / block_size; if (compute_format == DataLayout::kNCHW) { BNForwardInference< T, DataLayout::kNCHW><<>>( transformed_x.template data(), est_mean->template data>(), est_var->template data>(), scale.template data>(), bias.template data>(), C, N, H * W * D, epsilon, transformed_y.template data()); } else { BNForwardInference< T, DataLayout::kNHWC><<>>( transformed_x.template data(), est_mean->template data>(), est_var->template data>(), scale.template data>(), bias.template data>(), C, N, H * W * D, epsilon, transformed_y.template data()); } // TODO(wangran16): wait for MIOpen to improve the performance of BN // PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( // platform::dynload::miopenBatchNormalizationForwardInference( // handle, miopenBNSpatial, // const_cast( // static_cast(CudnnDataType::kOne())), // const_cast( // static_cast(CudnnDataType::kZero())), // data_desc_, // static_cast(transformed_x.template data()), // data_desc_, // static_cast( // transformed_y.template mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())), // bn_param_desc_, // const_cast(static_cast( // scale->template data>())), // const_cast(static_cast( // bias->template data>())), // const_cast(static_cast( // est_mean->template data>())), // const_cast(static_cast( // est_var->template data>())), // epsilon)); #else PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload::cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference( handle, // Note: PERSISTENT not implemented for inference CUDNN_BATCHNORM_SPATIAL, CudnnDataType::kOne(), CudnnDataType::kZero(), data_desc_, transformed_x.template data(), data_desc_, ctx.template Alloc(&transformed_y), bn_param_desc_, scale.template data>(), bias.template data>(), est_mean->template data>(), est_var->template data>(), epsilon)); #endif } else { // if MomentumTensor is set, use MomentumTensor value, momentum // is only used in this training branch // need to solve here // if (ctx.HasInput("MomentumTensor")) { // const auto *mom_tensor = MomentumTensor; // DenseTensor mom_cpu; // paddle::framework::TensorCopySync(*mom_tensor, platform::CPUPlace(), // &mom_cpu); // momentum = mom_cpu.data()[0]; // } // Run training mode. // obtain running mean and running inv var, and there is no need // to initialize them. ctx.template Alloc>(mean_out); ctx.template Alloc>(variance_out); ctx.template Alloc>(saved_mean); ctx.template Alloc>(saved_variance); if ((N * H * W * D) == 1) { // Only 1 element in normalization dimension, // skip the batch norm calculation, let y = x. paddle::framework::TensorCopy(x, ctx.GetPlace(), y); } else { double this_factor = 1. - momentum; bool called = false; #if CUDNN_VERSION_MIN(7, 4, 1) called = true; size_t workspace_size = 0; size_t reserve_space_size = 0; void *reserve_space_ptr = nullptr; void *workspace_ptr = nullptr; DenseTensor workspace_tensor; DenseTensor reserve_space_tensor; // Create reserve space and workspace for batch norm. // Create tensor for each batchnorm op, it will be used in the // backward. Thus this tensor shouldn't be temp. // auto *reserve_space = ctx.Output("ReserveSpace"); if (reserve_space == nullptr) { reserve_space = &reserve_space_tensor; } PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL( reserve_space, phi::errors::NotFound( "The argument ReserveSpace of batch_norm op is not found.")); // --------------- cudnn batchnorm workspace --------------- PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload:: cudnnGetBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingExWorkspaceSize( /*handle=*/handle, /*mode=*/mode_, /*bnIps=*/CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN, /*xDesc=*/data_desc_, /*zDesc=*/nullptr, /*yDesc=*/data_desc_, /*bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc=*/bn_param_desc_, /*activationDesc=*/nullptr, /*sizeInBytes=*/&workspace_size)); // -------------- cudnn batchnorm reserve space -------------- PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload:: cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize( /*handle=*/handle, /*mode=*/mode_, /*bnOps=*/CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN, /*activationDesc=*/nullptr, /*xDesc=*/data_desc_, /*sizeInBytes=*/&reserve_space_size)); reserve_space->Resize({static_cast(reserve_space_size)}); reserve_space_ptr = static_cast(ctx.template Alloc(reserve_space)); workspace_tensor.Resize({static_cast(workspace_size)}); workspace_ptr = static_cast(ctx.template Alloc(&workspace_tensor)); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload::cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx( handle, mode_, CUDNN_BATCHNORM_OPS_BN, CudnnDataType::kOne(), CudnnDataType::kZero(), data_desc_, transformed_x.template data(), nullptr, nullptr, data_desc_, transformed_y.template data(), bn_param_desc_, scale.template data>(), bias.template data>(), this_factor, ctx.template Alloc>(mean_out), ctx.template Alloc>(variance_out), epsilon, ctx.template Alloc>(saved_mean), ctx.template Alloc>(saved_variance), nullptr, workspace_ptr, workspace_size, reserve_space_ptr, reserve_space_size)); #endif // CUDNN_VERSION_MIN(7, 4, 1) if (!called) { #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP const int num = transformed_x.numel(); const int block = 256; const int max_threads = ctx.GetMaxPhysicalThreadCount(); const int max_blocks = std::max(max_threads / block, 1); const int grid = std::min(C, max_blocks); if (compute_format == DataLayout::kNCHW) { BNForwardTraining< T, block, DataLayout::kNCHW><<>>( transformed_x.template data(), scale.template data>(), bias.template data>(), C, N, H * W * D, epsilon, this_factor, transformed_y.template data(), mean_out->template data>(), variance_out->template data>(), saved_mean->template data>(), saved_variance->template data>()); } else { BNForwardTraining< T, block, DataLayout::kNHWC><<>>( transformed_x.template data(), scale.template data>(), bias.template data>(), C, N, H * W * D, epsilon, this_factor, transformed_y.template data(), mean_out->template data>(), variance_out->template data>(), saved_mean->template data>(), saved_variance->template data>()); } // TODO(wangran16): wait for MIOpen to improve the performance of BN // PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( // platform::dynload::miopenBatchNormalizationForwardTraining( // handle, mode_, const_cast(static_cast( // CudnnDataType::kOne())), // const_cast( // static_cast(CudnnDataType::kZero())), // data_desc_, // static_cast(transformed_x.template data()), // data_desc_, // static_cast( // transformed_y.template mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())), // bn_param_desc_, // const_cast(static_cast( // scale->template data>())), // const_cast(static_cast( // bias->template data>())), // this_factor, // static_cast( // mean_out->template mutable_data>( // ctx.GetPlace())), // static_cast(variance_out->template mutable_data< // BatchNormParamType>(ctx.GetPlace())), // epsilon, // static_cast( // saved_mean->template mutable_data>( // ctx.GetPlace())), // static_cast(saved_variance->template mutable_data< // BatchNormParamType>(ctx.GetPlace())))); #else PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload::cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining( handle, mode_, CudnnDataType::kOne(), CudnnDataType::kZero(), data_desc_, transformed_x.template data(), data_desc_, ctx.template Alloc(&transformed_y), bn_param_desc_, scale.template data>(), bias.template data>(), this_factor, ctx.template Alloc>(mean_out), ctx.template Alloc>(variance_out), epsilon, ctx.template Alloc>(saved_mean), ctx.template Alloc>(saved_variance))); #endif } } } if (data_layout == DataLayout::kNHWC && compute_format == DataLayout::kNCHW && x_dims.size() > 2) { VLOG(3) << "Transform batchnorm output from NCHW to NHWC"; TransToChannelLast(ctx, &transformed_y, y); } #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP // TODO(wangran16): wait for MIOpen to improve the performance of BN // clean when exit. // PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( // platform::dynload::miopenDestroyTensorDescriptor(data_desc_)); // PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( // platform::dynload::miopenDestroyTensorDescriptor(bn_param_desc_)); #else // clean when exit. PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload::cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(data_desc_)); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( paddle::platform::dynload::cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(bn_param_desc_)); #endif } } // namespace phi #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_HIP PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(batch_norm, GPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::BatchNormKernel, float, phi::dtype::float16) {} #else PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(batch_norm, GPU, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::BatchNormKernel, float, double, phi::dtype::float16) { if (kernel_key.dtype() == phi::DataType::FLOAT16) { kernel->OutputAt(1).SetDataType(phi::DataType::FLOAT32); kernel->OutputAt(2).SetDataType(phi::DataType::FLOAT32); kernel->OutputAt(3).SetDataType(phi::DataType::FLOAT32); kernel->OutputAt(4).SetDataType(phi::DataType::FLOAT32); } } #endif