Data Providers

Base DataProvider

class paddle::DataProvider

DataProvider supplies data for training It can supplies multiple streams of data. For typical supervised training, there are two streams: one is for input, one is for label.

Subclassed by paddle::DataProviderGroup< T >, paddle::DummyDataProvider, paddle::MultiDataProvider, paddle::ProtoDataProvider, paddle::PyDataProvider, paddle::PyDataProvider2, paddle::SimpleDataProviderBase

Public Functions

DataProvider(const DataConfig &config, bool useGpu)
virtual ~DataProvider()
const DataConfig &getConfig() const
void setSkipShuffle()
int64_t getNextBatch(int64_t size, DataBatch *batch)
virtual void shuffle() = 0

Shuffle the data set

virtual void reset()

reset() must be called before any calls to getNextBatch() reset all the value of index IMPORTANT: subclass reset() should always call the base class reset() at the end of the function

virtual int64_t getSize() = 0

return the number of training samples in the data set. return -1 to indicate unlimited number of samples.

virtual int64_t getNextBatchInternal(int64_t size, DataBatch *batch) = 0

Public Static Functions

DataProvider *create(const DataConfig &config, bool useGpu = FLAGS_use_gpu)

Public Static Attributes

ClassRegistrar<DataProvider, DataConfig, bool> registrar_

Protected Functions

int64_t getNextBatchFromBuffer(int64_t size, DataBatch *batch)
void initAsyncLoader()

Protected Attributes

DataConfig config_
bool skipShuffle_
float usageRatio_
bool useGpu_
std::unique_ptr<DoubleBuffer> doubleBuffer_
ThreadLocal<std::vector<MatrixPtr>> constantSlots_


template <class T>
class paddle::DataProviderGroup

Inherits from paddle::DataProvider

Public Functions

DataProviderGroup(const DataConfig &config, bool useGpu)
virtual void reset()

reset() must be called before any calls to getNextBatch() reset all the value of index IMPORTANT: subclass reset() should always call the base class reset() at the end of the function

virtual void shuffle()

Shuffle the data set

virtual int64_t getSize()

return the number of training samples in the data set. return -1 to indicate unlimited number of samples.

virtual int64_t getNextBatchInternal(int64_t size, DataBatch *batch)

Protected Types

typedef T ProviderType
typedef std::shared_ptr<ProviderType> ProviderPtrType

Protected Attributes

ProviderPtrType provider_
std::vector<std::string> fileList_
std::mutex lock_
std::unique_ptr<MultiThreadWorker<ProviderType>> loader_


class paddle::MultiDataProvider

Inherits from paddle::DataProvider

Public Functions

MultiDataProvider(const DataConfig &config, bool useGpu)
virtual void reset()

reset() must be called before any calls to getNextBatch() reset all the value of index IMPORTANT: subclass reset() should always call the base class reset() at the end of the function

virtual void shuffle()

Shuffle the data set

virtual int64_t getSize()

return the number of training samples in the data set. return -1 to indicate unlimited number of samples.

virtual int64_t getNextBatchInternal(int64_t size, DataBatch *batch)
bool isTestMode() const

Protected Attributes

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DataProvider>> subDataProviders_



class paddle::IFieldScanner

FieldScanner Interface.

It will read python object, and fill to argument’s each slot. There are two steps, prepare and fill. Scanner will alloc memory during prepare step, fill data into argument during fill step.

Subclassed by paddle::DenseScanner, paddle::IndexScanner, paddle::SequenceScanner, paddle::SparseNonValueScanner

Public Functions

IFieldScanner(SlotHeader *headerPtr)


  • headerPtr -

    slot header that scanner belong to.

virtual ~IFieldScanner()
virtual void startPrepare(Argument &argument)

Start prepare step.

virtual void prepare(Argument &argument, PyObject *obj)

Prepare step.

the obj could be a timestep of sample or whole sample. It depends what scanner it is.

virtual void finishPrepare(Argument &argument)

Finish Prepare step.

virtual void startFill(Argument &argument)

Start fill step.

virtual void fill(Argument &argument, PyObject *obj)

Fill step.

the obj could be a timestep of sample or whole sample. It depends what scanner it is.

virtual void finishFill(Argument &argument)

Finish fill step.

Public Static Functions

IFieldScanner *create(SlotHeader *header)

Factory method. Create a scanner by header. The final scanner may be combine many scanners.

Fatal if header is not support.

Protected Attributes

SlotHeader *headerPtr_


class paddle::DenseScanner

Scanner for dense slot.

Inherits from paddle::IFieldScanner

Public Functions

DenseScanner(SlotHeader *ptr)
virtual void prepare(Argument &argument, PyObject *obj)


  • argument -

    target argument

  • obj -

    each timestep of a sample.

virtual void finishPrepare(Argument &argument)

Finish Prepare step.

virtual void fill(Argument &argument, PyObject *obj)

Fill argument from obj.

  • argument -

  • obj -


class paddle::IndexScanner

Scanner for index slot

Inherits from paddle::IFieldScanner

Public Functions

IndexScanner(SlotHeader *ptr)
virtual void prepare(Argument &argument, PyObject *obj)

Prepare memory space.

obj is a single timestep of sample

virtual void finishPrepare(Argument &argument)

Finish Prepare step.

virtual void fill(Argument &argument, PyObject *obj)

Fill one index to argument.


class paddle::SparseNonValueScanner

Inherits from paddle::IFieldScanner

Subclassed by paddle::SparseValueScanner

Public Functions

SparseNonValueScanner(SlotHeader *ptr)
virtual void prepare(Argument &argument, PyObject *obj)

Prepare memory space

obj is a timestep of one sample.

virtual void finishPrepare(Argument &argument)

Finish Prepare step.

virtual void startFill(Argument &argument)

Start fill step.

virtual void fill(Argument &argument, PyObject *obj)

Fill one sparse vector to argument.

obj is a timestep of one sample.

Protected Functions

virtual void setData(int *col, real *dat, PyObject *obj)

Set a single sparse index and value.

  • col -

    sparse index

  • dat -

    sparse value

  • obj -

    Python Object. For sparse_non_value is a PyInt or PyLong. For sparse_value is a Tuple (int, float).

Protected Attributes

size_t nnz_
size_t height_


class paddle::SparseValueScanner

Inherits from paddle::SparseNonValueScanner

Public Functions

SparseValueScanner(SlotHeader *ptr)
virtual void finishPrepare(Argument &argument)

Finish Prepare step.

Protected Functions

virtual void setData(int *col, real *dat, PyObject *obj)

Set a single sparse index and value.

  • col -

    sparse index

  • dat -

    sparse value

  • obj -

    Python Object. For sparse_non_value is a PyInt or PyLong. For sparse_value is a Tuple (int, float).


class paddle::SparseValueScanner

Inherits from paddle::SparseNonValueScanner

Public Functions

SparseValueScanner(SlotHeader *ptr)
virtual void finishPrepare(Argument &argument)

Finish Prepare step.

Protected Functions

virtual void setData(int *col, real *dat, PyObject *obj)

Set a single sparse index and value.

  • col -

    sparse index

  • dat -

    sparse value

  • obj -

    Python Object. For sparse_non_value is a PyInt or PyLong. For sparse_value is a Tuple (int, float).


class paddle::IPyDataProviderCache

Py Data Provider Cache Interface.

Subclassed by paddle::CacheOnePassInMemory, paddle::NoCacheStrategy

Public Functions

virtual ~IPyDataProviderCache()
virtual bool reset() = 0

invoke when DataProvider::reset()

true if read data from python.

virtual void drop(std::deque<PyObjectPtr> *data) = 0

invoke when these data are used by DataProvider, and need to clear.

The implemented class must clear these data array. Or if you want to delete the PyObjectPtr later, you should make sure the paddle process only have one active thread calling python code (use PyGuard otherwise).
  • data -

    used data.

virtual std::deque<PyObjectPtr> *load() = 0

Return whole data in cache.

Public Static Functions

IPyDataProviderCache *create(CacheType ct)

Factory method. Convert CacheType to IPyDataProviderCache*


class paddle::NoCacheStrategy

No Cache Strategy. Will destruct old data immediately and load data from python every pass.

Inherits from paddle::IPyDataProviderCache

Public Functions

virtual bool reset()

invoke when DataProvider::reset()

true if read data from python.

virtual void drop(std::deque<PyObjectPtr> *data)

invoke when these data are used by DataProvider, and need to clear.

The implemented class must clear these data array. Or if you want to delete the PyObjectPtr later, you should make sure the paddle process only have one active thread calling python code (use PyGuard otherwise).
  • data -

    used data.

virtual std::deque<PyObjectPtr> *load()

Return whole data in cache.


class paddle::CacheOnePassInMemory

Cache One Pass In Memory strategy.

In first pass, will load data from python and store them in memory. The rest passes, will load data from memory.

Inherits from paddle::IPyDataProviderCache

Public Functions

virtual bool reset()

invoke when DataProvider::reset()

true if read data from python.

virtual void drop(std::deque<PyObjectPtr> *data)

invoke when these data are used by DataProvider, and need to clear.

The implemented class must clear these data array. Or if you want to delete the PyObjectPtr later, you should make sure the paddle process only have one active thread calling python code (use PyGuard otherwise).
  • data -

    used data.

virtual std::deque<PyObjectPtr> *load()

Return whole data in cache.


class paddle::PyDataProvider2


For usage, please refer python module ‘paddle.trainer.PyDataProvider2’

Here, we start a thread to read data. It is totally asynchronous for reading data. And it support cache strategies.

Inherits from paddle::DataProvider

Public Functions

PyDataProvider2(const DataConfig &config, bool useGpu)


virtual ~PyDataProvider2()


will stop loading thread when destructing

virtual void reset()

Resetting the PyDataProvider. May start reading thread here.

virtual void shuffle()

Shuffle. Do nothing because PyDataProvider do shuffle implicitly by random select data from datapool.

virtual int64_t getSize()

Not limited size.

virtual int64_t getNextBatchInternal(int64_t size_, DataBatch *batch)

Loading a batch of data.

Proto Data Provider


class paddle::ProtoDataProvider

Data file with each sample specified by proto message DataSample defined in DataFormat.proto.

The file format is






: In the data file, each message is prefixed with its length. The read/write of the protbuf are implemented in ProtoReader.h

Inherits from paddle::DataProvider

Subclassed by paddle::ProtoSequenceDataProvider

Public Functions

ProtoDataProvider(const DataConfig &config, bool useGpu, bool loadDataAll = true)
virtual void reset()

reset() must be called before any calls to getNextBatch() reset all the value of index IMPORTANT: subclass reset() should always call the base class reset() at the end of the function

virtual int64_t getSize()

this size includes the sequences which are skipped because they are longer than the batch size.

virtual void shuffle()

Shuffle the data set

void loadData(const std::vector<std::string> &fileList)
virtual int64_t getNextBatchInternal(int64_t size, DataBatch *batch)

Protected Functions

void loadData(const std::string &fileName)
void loadDataFile(const std::string &fileName)
void checkDataHeader(const DataHeader &header)
void fillSlots(const DataSample &sample)
bool iidData() const

return true if each sample is one sequence, i.e., independent of other samples.

void checkSample(const DataSample &sample)

check that sample is consistent with header_

template <class Op>
int64_t sequenceLoop(Op op, int64_t size)
template <class Op>
int64_t sampleLoop(Op op, int64_t size)
template <class Op>
int64_t subSampleLoop(Op op, int64_t size, int slot)
void showDataStats()

Protected Attributes

DataHeader header_
int numVecSlots_
std::vector<ProtoSlot> slots_
size_t sampleNums_
std::vector<size_t> sequenceStartPositions_

The starting position of each sequence in samples. The last element should be num of samples. If empty, each sample is one sequence.

int64_t currentSequenceIndex_
std::vector<size_t> shuffledSequenceIds_

The size should be the number of sequences.

ThreadLocalD<DataBatch> cpuBatch_
ThreadLocalD<DataBatch> gpuBatch_
RWLock lock_
std::vector<StatPtr> nnzStats_
struct ProtoSlot

Public Members

SlotDef::SlotType type
int dim
std::vector<int> indexData
std::vector<real> denseData
std::vector<sparse_non_value_t> sparseNonValueData
std::vector<sparse_float_value_t> sparseFloatValueData
std::vector<int64_t> indices
std::vector<int64_t> subIndices
std::vector<ProtoVarSlot> varDenseData
std::vector<std::vector<int>> varIndices
std::vector<std::string> strData
struct ProtoVarSlot

Public Members

std::vector<real> data
std::vector<int> dims


class paddle::ProtoSequenceDataProvider

Special use for Proto data: instances should contain sparse-non-value slots and label. ProtoSequenceDataProvider treats each SPARSE SLOT as a SEQUENCE

Inherits from paddle::ProtoDataProvider

Public Functions

ProtoSequenceDataProvider(const DataConfig &config, bool useGpu, bool loadDataAll = true)
virtual int64_t getNextBatchInternal(int64_t size, DataBatch *batch)