// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/ipu_compiler.h" #include #include #include #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/ipu_utils.h" namespace paddle { namespace platform { namespace ipu { popart::AdamMode AdamModeFromStr(const std::string& str) { if (str == "adam") { return popart::AdamMode::Adam; } else if (str == "adamax") { return popart::AdamMode::AdaMax; } else if (str == "lamb") { return popart::AdamMode::Lamb; } else { PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Uknown AdamMode: %s, AdamMode must be one of these values: adam, " "adamax or lamb", str)); } } popart::AdaptiveMode AdaptiveModeFromStr(const std::string& str) { if (str == "adadelta") { return popart::AdaptiveMode::AdaDelta; } else if (str == "adagrad") { return popart::AdaptiveMode::AdaGrad; } else if (str == "rmsprop") { return popart::AdaptiveMode::RMSProp; } else if (str == "centered_rmsprop") { return popart::AdaptiveMode::CenteredRMSProp; } else { PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Uknown AdaptiveMode: %s, AdaptiveMode must be one of these values: " "adadelta, adagrad, rmsprop or centered_rmsprop", str)); } } popart::WeightDecayMode WeightDecayModeFromStr(const std::string& str) { if (str == "decay") { return popart::WeightDecayMode::Decay; } else if (str == "l2_regularization") { return popart::WeightDecayMode::L2Regularization; } else { PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Uknown WeightDecayMode: %s, WeightDecayMode must be decay or " "l2_regularization", str)); } } template T GetAttrAllowNull(std::string attr, OpDesc* op_desc) { if (op_desc->HasAttr(attr)) { return BOOST_GET_CONST(T, op_desc->GetAttr(attr)); } else { return {}; } } template nonstd::optional GetOptAttrAllowNull(std::string attr, OpDesc* op_desc) { if (op_desc->HasAttr(attr)) { return BOOST_GET_CONST(T, op_desc->GetAttr(attr)); } else { return {}; } } template TO GetCastSigAttrAllowNull(std::string attr, OpDesc* op_desc) { if (op_desc->HasAttr(attr)) { auto x = BOOST_GET_CONST(TI, op_desc->GetAttr(attr)); return static_cast(x); } else { return {}; } } Compiler::Compiler() { RegisterOpFunc(); } Compiler::~Compiler() { builder_.reset(); resources_.reset(); } void Compiler::Prepare() { builder_ = popart::Builder::create(); resources_ = std::make_unique(); } void Compiler::RegisterOpFunc() { VLOG(10) << "enter Compiler::RegisterOpFunc"; #define INT_VEC std::vector #define INT32_VEC std::vector #define FLOAT_VEC std::vector #define FLOAT float #define INT std::int64_t #define INT32 std::int32_t #define BOOL bool #define STRING std::string #define STRING_VEC std::vector #define NONE #define ARG(Type, Name) , GetAttrAllowNull(#Name, op_desc) #define OPT_ARG(Type, Name) , GetOptAttrAllowNull(#Name, op_desc) #define SIG_ARG(TI, TO, Name) , GetCastSigAttrAllowNull(#Name, op_desc) #define POPART_CONST_ARG(Name) , const PopartConstant& Name #define HOST_SIDE_CONST_ARG(Name) , const HostSideConstant& Name #define POPART_ATTRIB_VEC_ARG(Name) #define BODY_ARG(Name) NONE name_function_ = { #define OP_DECL(FuncName, OnnxImpl, Args) \ {#FuncName, [&](OpDesc* op_desc) { \ auto op_type = op_desc->Type(); \ VLOG(10) << "build op:" << op_type << " args " << #Args; \ auto inputs = GetOpInputs(op_desc); \ auto output_names = GetOpOutputs(op_desc); \ auto debug_context = BuildDebugContext(op_desc); \ auto aiGraphcoreOpset = builder_->aiGraphcoreOpset1(); \ auto aiOnnxOpset = builder_->aiOnnxOpset11(); \ auto output_ids = OnnxImpl(inputs Args, debug_context); \ SetIpuIndexStage(output_ids, op_desc); \ SetAMPAttributes(output_ids, op_desc); \ SetSerializeAttributes(output_ids, op_desc); \ InsertTensors(output_names, output_ids); \ }}, // NOLINT #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/supported_ops_autogen.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/supported_ops_custom.h" }; #undef OP_DECL #undef BODY_ARG #undef POPART_ATTRIB_VEC_ARG #undef HOST_SIDE_CONST_ARG #undef POPART_CONST_ARG #undef SIG_ARG #undef OPT_ARG #undef ARG #undef NONE #undef STRING_VEC #undef STRING #undef BOOL #undef INT32 #undef INT #undef FLOAT #undef FLOAT_VEC #undef INT32_VEC #undef INT_VEC } void Compiler::LowerBody(const Graph* graph) { VLOG(10) << "enter Compiler::LowerBody"; auto nodes = framework::ir::TopologySortOperations(*graph); for (auto* node : nodes) { auto* op_desc = node->Op(); auto op_type = op_desc->Type(); VLOG(10) << "lowering op: " << op_type; if (op_type == "popart_constant") { // pass } else if (op_type == "popart_optimizer") { // pass } else if (op_type == "popart_checkpointoutput") { auto inputs = GetOpInputs(op_desc); auto outputs = GetOpOutputs(op_desc); auto output_ids = builder_->checkpointOutput(inputs); InsertTensors(outputs, output_ids); } else if (op_type == "popart_custom_op") { auto inputs = GetOpInputs(op_desc); auto outputs = GetOpOutputs(op_desc); auto debug_context = BuildDebugContext(op_desc); auto attributes = std::map{}; for (auto& attr : op_desc->GetAttrMap()) { CustomOpAttrVisitor visitor(&attributes, attr.first); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, attr.second); } auto __op_type = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("__op_type")); VLOG(10) << "Build graph from custom op: " << __op_type; auto it = custom_ops_.find(__op_type); auto output_ids = builder_->customOp(it->second.popart_op, it->second.popart_op.version, inputs, outputs.size(), attributes, debug_context); SetIpuIndexStage(output_ids, op_desc); InsertTensors(outputs, output_ids); } else if (op_type == "popart_printtensor") { auto inputs = GetOpInputs(op_desc); auto outputs = GetOpOutputs(op_desc); auto debug_context = BuildDebugContext(op_desc); auto print_gradient = BOOST_GET_CONST(int64_t, op_desc->GetAttr("print_gradient")); auto title = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("title")); auto output_ids = builder_->aiGraphcoreOpset1().printtensor( inputs, print_gradient, debug_context, title); SetIpuIndexStage(output_ids, op_desc); InsertTensors(outputs, output_ids); } else { auto itr = name_function_.find(op_type); if (itr != name_function_.end()) { itr->second(node->Op()); } else { PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::NotFound( "%s is not registered, please check for unsupported operators for " "running on IPU", op_type)); } } } VLOG(10) << "leave Compiler::LowerBody"; } void Compiler::InitInputs(Graph* graph, const std::vector& feed_list) { for (const auto& feed_name : feed_list) { feed_list_.push_back(feed_name); for (const Node* n : graph->Nodes()) { if (n->IsVar()) { auto* var_desc = n->Var(); if (feed_name == var_desc->Name()) { VLOG(10) << "feed_name= " << var_desc->Name(); auto data_type = VarType2PopartType(var_desc->GetDataType()); popart::TensorInfo input_info{data_type, var_desc->GetShape()}; VLOG(10) << "popart input_info = " << input_info; popart::TensorId tensor_id = builder_->addInputTensor(input_info, feed_name); VLOG(10) << "popart input tensor id = " << tensor_id; resources_->inputs.push_back(tensor_id); resources_->tensors.emplace(var_desc->Name(), tensor_id); } } } } } void Compiler::InitOutputs(const std::vector& fetch_list) { for (const auto& fetch_name : fetch_list) { fetch_list_.push_back(fetch_name); auto tensor = resources_->tensors.find(fetch_name); PADDLE_ENFORCE_NE( tensor, resources_->tensors.end(), platform::errors::NotFound( "Output tensor %s is not found, please check the model.", fetch_name)); VLOG(10) << "fetch_name= " << fetch_name; VLOG(10) << "popart output tensor id = " << tensor->second; builder_->addOutputTensor(tensor->second); resources_->outputs.push_back(tensor->second); } } void Compiler::LowerConstants(const Graph* graph, const Scope* scope) { auto& kid_scope = scope->NewScope(); VLOG(10) << "enter Compiler::LowerConstants"; for (auto* node : graph->Nodes()) { if (!node->IsOp()) { continue; } auto* op_desc = node->Op(); auto op_type = op_desc->Type(); if (op_type == "popart_constant") { auto shape = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, op_desc->GetAttr("dims")); auto dtype_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op_desc->GetAttr("dtype")); auto dtype = PopartType2VarType(OnnxDtype2PopartType(dtype_)); auto tensor_name = op_desc->Output("__outputs__")[0]; auto* var = kid_scope.Var(tensor_name); VLOG(10) << "lowering constant: " << tensor_name; auto* tensor = var->GetMutable(); ConstantOpAttrVisitor visitor(tensor, dtype); auto value = op_desc->GetAttr("value"); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, value); auto ddim = pten::make_ddim(shape); tensor->Resize(ddim); auto const_data = std::unique_ptr(); popart::TensorInfo tensor_info(PdDataType2PopartType(tensor->dtype()), shape); const_data.reset(new popart::ConstVoidData(tensor->data(), tensor_info)); popart::TensorId result = builder_->aiOnnxOpset11().constant(*const_data); SetIpuIndexStage(result, op_desc); resources_->tensors.emplace(tensor_name, result); } } VLOG(10) << "leave Compiler::LowerConstants"; } void Compiler::LowerWeights(const Graph* graph, const Scope* scope) { VLOG(10) << "enter Compiler::LowerWeights"; PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(scope, platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "You should call set_scope before LowerWeights")); // at this step, the graph doesn't contains optimizer related states for (const auto* node : graph->Nodes()) { if (node->IsVar() && !node->IsCtrlVar() && node->Var()) { if (node->Var()->Persistable() && node->inputs.empty()) { auto var_name = node->Var()->Name(); if (resources_->tensors.count(var_name) != 0) { continue; } VLOG(10) << "lowering weight: " << var_name; auto var = scope->FindVar(var_name); if (var) { auto tensor = var->Get(); auto dtype = PdDataType2PopartType(tensor.dtype()); auto shape = std::vector(); for (size_t i = 0; i < tensor.dims().size(); ++i) { shape.push_back(tensor.dims().at(i)); } popart::TensorInfo tensor_info(dtype, shape); popart::ConstVoidData const_data{tensor.data(), tensor_info}; popart::TensorId result = builder_->addInitializedInputTensor(const_data, var_name); resources_->tensors.emplace(var_name, result); resources_->weights.push_back(result); } } } } VLOG(10) << "leave Compiler::LowerWeights"; } void Compiler::LowerOptimier(const Graph* graph, const Scope* scope) { for (auto* node : graph->Nodes()) { if (!node->IsOp()) { continue; } auto* op_desc = node->Op(); auto op_type = op_desc->Type(); if (op_type == "popart_optimizer") { auto raw_type = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("raw_type")); resources_->optimizer_type = raw_type; auto loss_var = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("loss_var")); resources_->loss_var = resources_->tensors[loss_var]; resources_->with_lr_sched = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, op_desc->GetAttr("with_lr_sched")); if (op_desc->HasAttr("lr_var")) { auto lr_var = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("lr_var")); resources_->lr_var = lr_var; resources_->lr = GetSingleVarFromScope(scope, lr_var); } else { // adadelta has no lr resources_->lr = 0.01f; resources_->with_lr_sched = false; } VLOG(10) << "Set initial lr: " << resources_->lr; auto loss_scaling = ipu_strategy_->loss_scaling; auto type = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("type")); if (type == "sgd") { auto weight_decay = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("weight_decay")); auto momentum = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("momentum")); resources_->optimizer_fn = [=](float lr) { return std::make_unique( popart::OptimizerValue(lr, false), popart::OptimizerValue(weight_decay, true), popart::OptimizerValue(momentum, true), popart::SGD::getUnsetDampening(), popart::SGD::getUnsetVelocityScaling(), popart::OptimizerValue(loss_scaling, true)); }; } else if (type == "adam") { auto weight_decay = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("weight_decay")); auto beta1 = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("beta1")); auto beta2 = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("beta2")); auto eps = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("eps")); auto mwn = ipu_strategy_->max_weight_norm; VLOG(10) << "set max_weight_norm: " << mwn; auto adam_mode_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("adam_mode")); auto adam_mode = AdamModeFromStr(adam_mode_); auto weight_decay_mode_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("weight_decay_mode")); auto weight_decay_mode = WeightDecayModeFromStr(weight_decay_mode_); resources_->optimizer_fn = [=](float lr) { return std::make_unique( popart::OptimizerValue(lr, false), popart::OptimizerValue(weight_decay, true), popart::OptimizerValue(beta1, true), popart::OptimizerValue(beta2, true), popart::OptimizerValue(eps, true), popart::OptimizerValue(loss_scaling, true), popart::OptimizerValue(mwn, true), adam_mode, weight_decay_mode, popart::DataType::UNDEFINED, popart::DataType::FLOAT, popart::DataType::FLOAT); }; } else if (type == "adaptive") { auto alpha = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("alpha")); auto momentum = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("momentum")); auto eps = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("eps")); auto weight_decay = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op_desc->GetAttr("weight_decay")); auto adaptive_mode_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("adaptive_mode")); auto adaptive_mode = AdaptiveModeFromStr(adaptive_mode_); auto weight_decay_mode_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr("weight_decay_mode")); auto weight_decay_mode = WeightDecayModeFromStr(weight_decay_mode_); resources_->optimizer_fn = [=](float lr) { return std::make_unique( popart::OptimizerValue(lr, false), popart::OptimizerValue(weight_decay, true), popart::OptimizerValue(alpha, true), popart::OptimizerValue(momentum, true), popart::OptimizerValue(eps, true), popart::OptimizerValue(loss_scaling, true), adaptive_mode, weight_decay_mode, popart::DataType::UNDEFINED, popart::DataType::FLOAT, popart::DataType::FLOAT, popart::DataType::FLOAT); }; } else { PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::Unimplemented( "optimizer %s is not implemented", type)); } } } } void Compiler::InsertTensors(const std::vector& output_names, const std::vector& tensor_ids) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(output_names.size(), tensor_ids.size(), platform::errors::Fatal("InsertTensors size mismatch")); for (int i = 0; i < tensor_ids.size(); i++) { std::string tensor_id = tensor_ids[i]; resources_->tensors.emplace(output_names[i], tensor_ids[i]); } } void Compiler::InsertTensors(const std::vector& output_names, const std::string& tensor_id) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(output_names.size(), 1, platform::errors::Fatal("InsertTensors size mismatch")); resources_->tensors.emplace(output_names[0], tensor_id); } void Compiler::SetIpuIndexStage(const std::vector& tensor_ids, const OpDesc* op_desc) { VLOG(10) << "enter Compiler::SetIpuIndexStage"; auto tensor_ids_set = std::set(tensor_ids.begin(), tensor_ids.end()); if (op_desc->HasAttr(sIpuIndexAttr)) { auto ipu_index = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op_desc->GetAttr(sIpuIndexAttr)); builder_->virtualGraph(tensor_ids_set, ipu_index); VLOG(10) << "set " << sIpuIndexAttr << " = " << ipu_index << " for op: " << op_desc->Type(); if (op_desc->HasAttr(sIpuStageAttr)) { auto ipu_stage = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op_desc->GetAttr(sIpuStageAttr)); builder_->pipelineStage(tensor_ids_set, ipu_stage); VLOG(10) << "set " << sIpuStageAttr << "= " << ipu_stage << " for op: " << op_desc->Type(); } } VLOG(10) << "leave Compiler::SetIpuIndexStage"; } void Compiler::SetIpuIndexStage(const std::string& tensor_id, const OpDesc* op_desc) { VLOG(10) << "enter Compiler::SetIpuIndexStage"; if (op_desc->HasAttr(sIpuIndexAttr)) { auto ipu_index = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op_desc->GetAttr(sIpuIndexAttr)); builder_->virtualGraph(tensor_id, ipu_index); VLOG(10) << "set " << sIpuIndexAttr << " = " << ipu_index << " for op: " << op_desc->Type(); if (op_desc->HasAttr(sIpuStageAttr)) { auto ipu_stage = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op_desc->GetAttr(sIpuStageAttr)); builder_->pipelineStage(tensor_id, ipu_stage); VLOG(10) << "set " << sIpuStageAttr << "= " << ipu_stage << " for op: " << op_desc->Type(); } } VLOG(10) << "leave Compiler::SetIpuIndexStage"; } void Compiler::SetAMPAttributes(const std::vector& tensor_ids, const OpDesc* op_desc) { if (op_desc->Type() == "popart_matmul") { for (const auto& tensor_id : tensor_ids) { SetAMPAttributes(tensor_id, op_desc); } } } void Compiler::SetAMPAttributes(const std::string& tensor_id, const OpDesc* op_desc) { VLOG(10) << "enter Compiler::SetAMPAttributes"; if (op_desc->Type() == "popart_matmul") { auto amp = ipu_strategy_->available_memory_proportion; if (amp > 0.0f && amp <= 1.0) { builder_->setAvailableMemoryProportion(tensor_id, amp); } } VLOG(10) << "leave Compiler::SetAMPAttributes"; } void Compiler::SetSerializeAttributes( const std::vector& tensor_ids, const OpDesc* op_desc) { VLOG(10) << "enter Compiler::SetSerializeAttributes"; auto tensor_ids_set = std::set(tensor_ids.begin(), tensor_ids.end()); if (op_desc->Type() == "popart_matmul") { if (op_desc->HasAttr(sMatmulSerializeFactor)) { auto factor = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op_desc->GetAttr(sMatmulSerializeFactor)); std::string mode = "output_channels"; if (op_desc->HasAttr(sMatmulSerializeMode)) { mode = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op_desc->GetAttr(sMatmulSerializeMode)); } builder_->setSerializeMatMul(tensor_ids_set, mode, (int64_t)factor, true); } } VLOG(10) << "leave Compiler::SetSerializeAttributes"; } void Compiler::SetSerializeAttributes(const std::string& tensor_id, const OpDesc* op_desc) { std::vector tensor_ids = {tensor_id}; SetSerializeAttributes(tensor_ids, op_desc); } void Compiler::SetCustomOps( const std::vector& custom_ops) { for (auto x : custom_ops) { custom_ops_.emplace(x.paddle_op, x); } } std::string Compiler::GetFP16ModelProto() { popart::GraphTransformer graph_transformer(builder_->getModelProto()); graph_transformer.convertFloatsToHalfs(); return graph_transformer.getModelProto(); } std::string Compiler::GetModelProto() { if (ipu_strategy_->enable_fp16) { return GetFP16ModelProto(); } else { return builder_->getModelProto(); } } void Compiler::SaveModelProto(const std::string& path) { builder_->saveModelProto(path); } void Compiler::SaveModelProtoNoCheck(const std::string& path) { auto proto = GetModelProto(); std::ofstream onnxfile(path, std::ios_base::binary); onnxfile.write(proto.data(), proto.size()); onnxfile.close(); } std::vector Compiler::GetOpInputs(const OpDesc* op) { auto ins = op->Input("__inputs__"); std::vector inputs; for (const auto& in : ins) { if (resources_->tensors.find(in) != resources_->tensors.end()) { inputs.push_back(resources_->tensors[in]); } else { inputs.push_back(in); } } return inputs; } const std::vector& Compiler::GetOpOutputs(const OpDesc* op) { return op->Output("__outputs__"); } popart::DebugContext Compiler::BuildDebugContext(const OpDesc* op) { auto op_identify_id = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op->GetAttr(sOpIdentifyIdAttr)); VLOG(10) << "op_identify_id of op: " << op->Type() << " is " << op_identify_id; return popart::DebugContext(op_identify_id); } } // namespace ipu } // namespace platform } // namespace paddle