// Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #pragma once #include "paddle/fluid/framework/generator.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/utils.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/dense_tensor.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/tensor_utils.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/empty_kernel.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/eigen/common.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/eigen/eigen_function.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/math_function.h" namespace phi { #define DEFINE_MODE_DETECTOR(MODE_NAME, MODE_STR) \ inline bool is_##MODE_NAME(const std::string& mode) { \ return mode == #MODE_STR; \ } DEFINE_MODE_DETECTOR(lstm, LSTM); DEFINE_MODE_DETECTOR(gru, GRU); DEFINE_MODE_DETECTOR(rnn_relu, RNN_RELU); DEFINE_MODE_DETECTOR(rnn_tanh, RNN_TANH); inline void SwapPoniter(DenseTensor** a, DenseTensor** b) { DenseTensor* c = *a; *a = *b; *b = c; } template void CreateMaskMatrix(const CPUContext& dev_ctx, const DenseTensor* sequence_length, DenseTensor* mask_matrix, const bool& is_reverse, int* min_seq_len) { const auto& seq_len_vec = paddle::operators::GetDataFromTensor(sequence_length); const int table_width = mask_matrix->dims()[0]; DenseTensor temp = Empty(dev_ctx, {mask_matrix->dims()[1], mask_matrix->dims()[0]}); T* data_temp = temp.data(); std::fill(data_temp, data_temp + mask_matrix->numel(), static_cast(1.0)); *min_seq_len = table_width; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < seq_len_vec.size(); i++) { // reset the mask matrix *min_seq_len = std::min(seq_len_vec[i], *min_seq_len); if (seq_len_vec[i] == table_width) { continue; } if (is_reverse) { std::fill(data_temp + i * table_width, data_temp + (i + 1) * table_width - seq_len_vec[i], static_cast(0)); } else { std::fill(data_temp + i * table_width + seq_len_vec[i], data_temp + (i + 1) * table_width, static_cast(0)); } } dev_ctx.Alloc(mask_matrix); std::vector trans_vec; trans_vec.emplace_back(1); trans_vec.emplace_back(0); funcs::TransCompute(2, dev_ctx, temp, mask_matrix, trans_vec); } template void ResetParameterVector(const std::vector& raw_params_vec, int num_layers, int gate_num, bool is_bidirec, std::vector>* params_vec) { // the parameter raw seuquence is [FWhi, FWhh, BWhi, BWhh] * num_layers // + [FBhi, FBhh, BBhi, BBhh] * num_layers, we will reset the parameter to // ([FWhi, FWhh, FBhi, FBhh] + [BWhi, BWhh, BBhi, BBhh]) * num_layers const int& direction_num = is_bidirec ? 2 : 1; const int& layer_weight_size = 4 * direction_num; const int& all_weight_size = num_layers * layer_weight_size; const int& bias_start_idx = all_weight_size / 2; for (int i = 0; i < num_layers; i++) { std::vector tensor_list; tensor_list.reserve(layer_weight_size); for (int j = 0; j < layer_weight_size; j++) { DenseTensor tensor_holder; tensor_list.emplace_back(tensor_holder); } for (int j = 0; j < layer_weight_size; j++) { int k = j % 4; const int& section = j / 4; int tensor_idx = i * 2 * direction_num + section * 2 + k % 2; if (k >= 2) { tensor_idx += bias_start_idx; } tensor_list[j].ShareDataWith(*raw_params_vec[tensor_idx]); } params_vec->emplace_back(tensor_list); } } template void DropoutHelper(const CPUContext& dev_ctx, DenseTensor* x, DenseTensor* y, const DenseTensor* mask, float dropout_prob) { auto& place = *dev_ctx.eigen_device(); auto dropout_mask = EigenVector::Flatten(*mask); auto in = EigenVector::Flatten(*x); auto out = EigenVector::Flatten(*y); if (dropout_prob == 1.0f) { out.device(place) = static_cast(0) * in; } else { out.device(place) = in * dropout_mask.cast() / static_cast(1.0f - dropout_prob); } } template void DropoutCpuFunctionInplace(const CPUContext& dev_ctx, DenseTensor* x, DenseTensor* y, DenseTensor* mask, const float& dropout_prob, const int& seed_number, bool is_test, bool* is_has_reset) { if (is_test) { return; } size_t size = phi::product(x->dims()); auto* mask_data = mask->data(); if (!(*is_has_reset)) { // Special case when dropout_prob is 1.0 if (dropout_prob == 1.0f) { std::fill(mask_data, mask_data + size, static_cast(0)); } else { auto engine = paddle::framework::GetCPURandomEngine(seed_number); std::uniform_real_distribution dist(0, 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (dist(*engine) < dropout_prob) { mask_data[i] = 0; } else { mask_data[i] = 1; } } } *is_has_reset = true; } DropoutHelper(dev_ctx, x, y, mask, dropout_prob); } template void SplitReserveData(const Context& dev_ctx, int direction_num, int time_step, int batch_size, int hidden_size, int gate_num, int num_layers, const std::string& mode, TensorType* reserve_data, DenseTensor* gate_data, DenseTensor* cell_data, DenseTensor* cell_act_data, DenseTensor* hidden_data) { int gate_data_idx = gate_num * num_layers; int cell_data_idx = (gate_num + 1) * num_layers; int cell_act_data_idx = (gate_num + 2) * num_layers; // simple rnn int hidden_data_start_idx = gate_data_idx; *gate_data = reserve_data->Slice(0, gate_data_idx); if (is_lstm(mode)) { *cell_data = reserve_data->Slice(gate_data_idx, cell_data_idx); *cell_act_data = reserve_data->Slice(cell_data_idx, cell_act_data_idx); hidden_data_start_idx = cell_act_data_idx; } else if (is_gru(mode)) { *cell_data = reserve_data->Slice(gate_data_idx, cell_data_idx); hidden_data_start_idx = cell_data_idx; } int hidden_data_idx = hidden_data_start_idx + (num_layers - 1); if (num_layers > 1) { *hidden_data = reserve_data->Slice(hidden_data_start_idx, hidden_data_idx); } } template void AllocateReserveData(const Context& dev_ctx, bool is_bidirec, int num_layers, int gate_num, int hidden_size, const std::string& mode, DenseTensor* reserve_data, DenseTensor* gate_data, DenseTensor* cell_data, DenseTensor* cell_act_data, DenseTensor* hidden_data, const DenseTensor* input) { int direction_num = is_bidirec ? 2 : 1; int time_step = input->dims()[0]; int batch_size = input->dims()[1]; int block_size = direction_num * time_step * batch_size * hidden_size; int hidden_data_idx = (num_layers - 1); if (is_lstm(mode)) { hidden_data_idx += (gate_num + 2) * num_layers; } else if (is_gru(mode)) { hidden_data_idx += (gate_num + 1) * num_layers; } else { hidden_data_idx += gate_num * num_layers; } reserve_data->Resize({hidden_data_idx, block_size}); dev_ctx.template Alloc(reserve_data); SplitReserveData(dev_ctx, direction_num, time_step, batch_size, hidden_size, gate_num, num_layers, mode, reserve_data, gate_data, cell_data, cell_act_data, hidden_data); } inline std::vector Unbind(const DenseTensor& in) { int64_t size = in.dims()[0]; std::vector tensors; tensors.reserve(size); for (int64_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { tensors.emplace_back(in.Slice(i, i + 1)); } return tensors; } template class LayerT, template class SingleLayerT, template class BidirLayerT, typename T, typename Context> void RnnFunc(const Context& dev_ctx, const DenseTensor* input, const std::vector& weight_list, const DenseTensor* init_h, const DenseTensor* init_c, const DenseTensor* sequence_length, DenseTensor* last_h, DenseTensor* last_c, DenseTensor* output, DenseTensor* dropout_mask, int num_layers, int gate_num, int input_size, int hidden_size, bool is_bidirec, const std::string& cell_type, float dropout_prob, bool is_test, int seed, DenseTensor* reserve_data) { int direction_num = is_bidirec ? 2 : 1; const auto& init_h_dims = init_h->dims(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(init_h_dims[0], num_layers * direction_num, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "The num_layers of in RNN layer must be the same as " "first dim of init hidden, but received" " num_layers:%d, dim:%d", num_layers, init_h_dims[0])); if (is_lstm(cell_type)) { const auto& init_c_dims = init_c->dims(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(init_c_dims[0], num_layers * direction_num, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "The num_layers of in RNN layer must be the same as " "first dim of cell state hidden, but received" " num_layers:%d, dim:%d", num_layers, init_h_dims[0])); } CellType cell; std::vector> parameter_lists; parameter_lists.reserve(num_layers); ResetParameterVector( weight_list, num_layers, gate_num, is_bidirec, ¶meter_lists); DenseTensor gate_data, cell_data, cell_act_data, hidden_data; if (!is_test) { AllocateReserveData(dev_ctx, is_bidirec, num_layers, gate_num, hidden_size, cell_type, reserve_data, &gate_data, &cell_data, &cell_act_data, &hidden_data, input); gate_data.Resize({num_layers, gate_data.numel() / num_layers}); cell_data.Resize({num_layers, cell_data.numel() / num_layers}); cell_act_data.Resize({num_layers, cell_act_data.numel() / num_layers}); if (num_layers > 1) { hidden_data.Resize( {num_layers - 1, hidden_data.numel() / (num_layers - 1)}); } } DenseTensor* input_holder = nullptr; DenseTensor* output_holder = output; bool has_allocate_mem = false; auto init_h_unbind = Unbind(*init_h); auto last_h_unbind = Unbind(*last_h); std::vector init_c_unbind, last_c_unbind; if (is_lstm(cell_type)) { init_c_unbind = Unbind(*init_c); last_c_unbind = Unbind(*last_c); } DenseTensor curr_gate_data, curr_cell_data, curr_cell_act_data; DenseTensor curr_hidden_data, prev_hidden_data; DenseTensor temp; bool has_dropout_reset = false; for (int i = 0; i < num_layers; i++) { if (!is_test) { if (cell_data.numel() > 0) /** for lstm, gru **/ { curr_cell_data = cell_data.Slice(i, i + 1); } if (cell_act_data.numel() > 0) /*for lstm*/ { curr_cell_act_data = cell_act_data.Slice(i, i + 1); } curr_gate_data = gate_data.Slice(i, i + 1); output_holder = output; if (i < num_layers - 1 && num_layers > 1) { curr_hidden_data = hidden_data.Slice(i, i + 1); curr_hidden_data.Resize(output->dims()); output_holder = &curr_hidden_data; } } if (i > 0) { if (!has_allocate_mem) { temp.Resize(output->dims()); dev_ctx.template Alloc(&temp); input_holder = &temp; has_allocate_mem = true; } if (!is_test) { prev_hidden_data = hidden_data.Slice(i - 1, i); input_holder->Resize(output->dims()); if (dropout_prob != 0) { DropoutCpuFunctionInplace(dev_ctx, &prev_hidden_data, input_holder, dropout_mask, dropout_prob, seed, is_test, &has_dropout_reset); } else { input_holder = &prev_hidden_data; input_holder->Resize(output->dims()); } } else { SwapPoniter(&output_holder, &input_holder); } } const DenseTensor* input_temp_holder = input; if (i > 0) { input_temp_holder = input_holder; } LayerT* layer; SingleLayerT slayer(cell); BidirLayerT blayer(cell); if (is_bidirec) { layer = &blayer; } else { layer = &slayer; } (*layer)(dev_ctx, input_temp_holder, parameter_lists[i], init_h_unbind, init_c_unbind, sequence_length, last_h_unbind, last_c_unbind, output_holder, i, gate_num, &curr_gate_data, &curr_cell_data, &curr_cell_act_data, cell_type, is_test); } if (num_layers % 2 == 0) { Copy(dev_ctx, *output_holder, dev_ctx.GetPlace(), false, output); } } } // namespace phi